spring 2017 fashion shoes

Minggu, 11 Desember 2016

spring 2017 fashion shoes


welcome to the coast to coast am alternative broadcasting from nashville tennessee this is mysterious matters. for those who dare to think. ladies and gentlemen joining us this evening is john matthews and john will be discussing the mystery of spring-heeled jack from victorian legend to steampunk hero and today we will be exploring the vast urban legends surrounding this mysterious figure this

entity whatever he may be and after listening to this program you are interested in reading the mystery of spring-heeled jack by john matthews you can go to mysterious matters.com / jack mysterious matters.com / jack john, when i went looking for spring heeled jack i had actually heard of this guy or whatever he is once or twice before i

actually played a video game assassin's creed i forget which one it was he appeared in it because we were in london england and he came across as a demonic entity but if you go searching for images of this spring heeled jack character you'll get a different amount of images about the guys sometimes he'll he'll horns bat-like wings other times

he's levitating above the ground you know he looks like either he's an alien decrypted a demonic entity or just a man but what can you tell us about this legend someone be walking home usually a woman on her own and suddenly that this figure would leap over a fence or wall or a hedge and attack her but this is one of the cool things about him

he never killed anybody he never raped anyone he never really harms anyone he frightens them because of his appearance always dressed in black it tight-fitting clothes sometimes with a mask or sometimes it's said to be his face which glowing blue eyes and fire or blue fire coming from his mouth and most important of all hands with

very long sharp metal claws which he sometimes uses to scratch people and so when you take away all the layers of legend this mysterious car to had above all the ability to jump and that of course is where he got his name i'm spring-heeled jack but unlike you know he's later namesake jack the ripper he doesn't kill he doesn't mean he

simply attacks and frightens people but somehow that story stayed in people's imagination and kept coming back it's looking like today i might add by the way the last sighting was in 2011 when someone was driving home from work and with it with his children and they saw something beside the road and they slow down and whatever it was left to

cross the whole of the road very high and disappeared into the distance and the immediate for that i don't think they even hesitated for a moment they immediately said our spring heeled jack because the memory still there spring-heeled jack kind of the well i'm not gonna say like a santa claus top of character but it is he just something

that parents have used over generations you think to scare children in more recent times possibly i mean i think there was certainly a time when you know when a mother would risk would whisper to her know she child better behavior spring-heeled jack will get you so he fits into that spectrum of frightening bugaboos like it jump out of the shadows

at you but i think at the time people were genuinely frightened that this would escalate into something else i mean you know no less figure than the duke of wellington himself and long in retirement and old came out of retirement to lead a police manhunt in search of this being they didn't find him in fact although various people were

arrested at various times nobody was actually proved to be spring-heeled jack so the mystery just spread em is there any evidence out there that you know what they actually supports the existence of somebody or something that would like for spring heeled jack well i mean the the only email claiming

that anyone's ever come up with was a very strange irish character markets who was known to have a very high-pitched screeching laughs which is something else that's also attributed to the spring heeled jack himself and also to have bulging blue is so people took this as a possibility and you know basically tried to say that this chap was possibly

the original but really the evidence doesn't hold up he just happened to be around at the right time and you had a bad reputation he was a bit of a scoundrel and so people thought oh i must be him it must be him but in fact no one's ever really come up with anything that clearly suggested that that was the actual

origin of him or indeed any person was he seems to appeared and been around for a few months and then disappeared but this is where it gets interesting because i think myself that during 1838 and maybe 18 3940 the sightings really were a real person and he was almost certainly a man perhaps a disturbed man dressed in this bizarre fashion with a

cloak and hat and a hood and a cape and the the mask and the sharp that the gloves with the talons on them but after that he becomes legendary i mean we know that jack the ripper existed but we don't know who he was and so he's achieved a kind of mysterious and strange status of his own so my own belief is that yes there was

once perhaps a real person dressing up as spring-heeled jack but after that it becomes the stuff of legends and miss em do you think that there might have been more than one person or entity that people decided was spring heeled jack as in maybe it started with this man but somehow other people might have started up as well dressed up like different

things but because you have different account of what the guy looks like exact yes i do i do think that i mean you as you say occasionally the you know they do the appearance changes a little bit although it never goes too far away from the basic character there are some who described him as wearing a strange thing

like helmet on top of his head and so that led some people more recently to think that he might be an alien john keel the famous ufologist wrote an article about it in which he said oh yes he must be an alien because this would be why he was able to leap very high because he came from a planet where the gravity was different so we're touching

on superman here a little bit and of course there are plenty of people have drawn attention to the fact that some of the pictures of spring you're jack disappeared in the victorian penny dreadfuls these little little short books that were sold for a penny on street corners and full of strange and extraordinary things that you know he

looks a little bit like batman knows i don't know if bob kane ever read one of the stories all came across it is quite possibly did but there's certainly some parallels there you know as am i factor in some individual drawing sometimes you can even see that maybe he could be mistaken for a gargoyle couldn't you

oh well yes he has this energy just how this rather greening evil face and that means he was also associated with the devil because he had horns one of the things that i came up with when i was researching the book and i don't think anyone's pointed to it before was the idea of these toys that children had in the late victorian through the edwardian

period quarter jack-in-the-box mhm you still see them around occasionally today but in many cases apart from the fact that they were called jack-in-the-box they were also very frightening and they were mounted on springs so that when you open the lid out popped the jack and you know frightened all the children we sue so

this is an interesting parallel there i think and they were created not long after the stories began to be first input about so it's possible that you know there was something in that that's interesting i never thought about that i hadn't come across it before either like i came across a a little pamphlet in a museum in austria

where they kept a lot of these characters and you know when i look through it and read when i read the account of some of their the look of these things i thought well but that is spring of jak2 intensive purposes so you know who knows who can which came first no have you ever heard of a topper topper yes indeed there's something to

be said for that too because what really happens you know after the first couple of years of appearances he keeps coming back and he keeps looking much the same but the things seem to be very disconnected and the places where he appears over a much wider area i mean in the beginning he's really pretty much centralized in london and

particularly london's east end around the areas of stephanie limehouse rather high shadwell all these places along the river which of course was famous for you know being rather murky and strange places but afterwards he then begins to come up in the more unusual places like liverpool hour or you know part in cornwall even in various different

places he makes an appearance and that makes me think perhaps there was something of this element of something created from the imaginations of people because they believed in the original one they kept feeding into their energy into it may be manifested and she's pretty much what albury's do you actually

believe that is possible i think well as i said i keep an open mind on all things i've never seen one myself but i have spoken to people who believe they have and it certainly isn't impossible i mean energy is energy and if you put enough energy into it then a thing takes on a dimensionality of its own yes out here in the states tennessee

area it just got here i guess a month or two ago we have a manifestation of clowns the strange-looking clowns hiding in the wilderness tempting children i don't know what their warning with children but a lot of the places a lot of the counties that they put out warnings about these strange clowns they have you

see them call 911 and for halloween do not dress up as a clown because you could be shot indeed while we we've had them here too they've been seen around london and here and in fact someone was actually stabbed to death by one well in the centre of london a few weeks ago so yes it's very interesting i mean

you know the other example of this of course that you would be familiar with from the states is is this the thin man i'm you know who is this character who was actually supposedly invented for a computer game but it's become so real to some people that a number of girls teenage girls describe themselves his followers and captured and tortured one

of their own you know because they said the thin man who told him to so again although this is a different kind of figure there's still something very similar in this faceless dark cloud character who appears from nowhere the same could be said for the mothman you know you may remember the stories about

the mothman a few years back where you know where these cabinets to his character appeared i forget which part of the state's it was in now but he was located i think it was in maryland i'm not sure but anyway it became for a while i whole story that people kept on seeing this figure with his tattered month wings flying about and i think

that probably added partly to the idea of this mysterious sleeping figure you had another one in cake card character who just became known as the phantom and again people people made the association's they saw well this could be spring-heeled jack because he was seen leaping over whole building in one instance or across the street so the

patterns there all the time keeps coming back mmm i probably should know this thinking back but i don't remember it is there any truth to the phantom of the opera was there a legendary phantom like opera singer that you know of i believe there are some ghosts that have been sighted in the paris opera

over the years but the the actual phantom of the opera was definitely invented bye-bye and writer guess on the duke i think i'm not sure of course now it's the famous musical but i think you know where we may be looking here at you know people who had reported ghosts ghostly sightings and so far i doubt if it was

actually the same ok ok do you have any idea of where spring-heeled jack might have called home such as did he run from place to place to do you think he might if he was a human being do you think you might have just been a bomb do you think he was a rich individual where did he go too well and it's very difficult to say exactly i mean the most

likely place is somewhere on the outskirts of london because that seems to have been where most of the time sightings took place i mean there are a lot of sightings in kensington for instance which nowadays is a very smart very up market area of london but at the time was just a village on the outskirts it may be that

he was wealthy because obviously had to do you know pay for this elaborate costume and who knows how he managed to you know create the illusion if it was one of being able to leap so high into the air and niece's these things that still puzzled us there's a very famous magical trick which was done with mirrors yes you've heard it before it's

all done with mirrors but there really was a magic stage trick that was done with a mirror which enable people to apparently appear from nowhere and apparently to great heights so it's been suggested that that particular trick was used to enable spring-heeled jack to leave around in this way oh i don't know in the answer to your

question is i don't know because he appears in mostly around london and then he disappears for a long time and then he begins to pop up all over the place and i think at that point we've moved out of any real character into a kind of fantasy of what you know what he might have been and who might that be yes as far as you know has there been

any other reports of spring-heeled jack type creatures or beings around the world in and if so what can you tell us about those besides for the slender man and the mouth mount the other that i dunno about actually took place in prague between 1942 1945 so round about the time the pier you know part of the period the second world war and just

after and this character was called the spring man and it wasn't spring as in the season but spring again because he left and could vanish very quickly in jalandhar high places and he was a kind of almost resistance fighter you know he was there his role seem to be that of giving the you know the beleaguered people of krog something to believe in

that wasn't just the germans or was it just that the the soviet so whoever it was who was attacking them at the time and so there's something of that in it certainly but it's interesting that these things are still happening i mean after i'd written the book i was talking to some friends of mine who lived not far from here in thame i live in oxford

and they live in time which is about 20 minutes from here and they told me that they'd been driving home one evening and that they had seen a light hanging over the road and they stopped because they were one they wondered if it was some you know warning and what happened was they then so a shadowy figure leap right away across the road and go across the

country and bounds so you know this was just a few months ago so this is again exactly the kind of imagery that we get respect organic unit goes back to what we had mentioned before the beginning of the mystical presidents or whatever deals in england around that area but but there's certainly something going on in england more in england scotland

ireland more than the other places to do you agree and i suspect that if you went to anyone most ever in the world and really investigated more deeply you'd find that there were a lot of mysteries but i suppose it's the way you look at the place really if you know the place well you know there are a lot of very interesting stories told a lot of very

interesting books written about them and you know ed the stories grow all the time it depends on where you are and on your point of view you know i would go to somewhere like to know the ridgeway for instance which is a very famous old trackway that runs across britain not far from here and it has a very

mysterious feel to it i might go to the white horse hill where there's a prehistoric horse cut out of the choke on them on the side of the hill and it's a very strange mysterious and visionary kind of place they're all over so i guess we do have a good share of mysteries before we started the show

well i had discussed the krampus denies you want your opinion was on that and whether or not spring-heeled jack and the crappers could be one in the same and you tell me that you were not sure that they could be but what is the krampus but how could you describe that for us well the compass is localized to austria

originally i mean nowadays most people probably note from the movie that came out a couple of years ago and there we wanted two books about him as well but basically is one of these figures who sometimes the company's father christmas and who is a darker figure he is there to punish the bad children just as santa is there to reward the good children and

you'll find him in quite a bit throughout europe characters like black peter you also used to be seen going around without his father christmas the krampus looks pretty much like a bear with horns as various long matted hair or possibly a big cloak or something made of hair and horns and a very terrifying mad face but so i mean i can

see that superficially if you like there are certain similarities in the appearance perhaps they're the twisted face with the horns could certainly be seen as an echo spring-heeled jack but i think that the krampus himself i comes out of that hole what i would call the process that ethic in in in germany and austria and parts of europe

whereby you couldn't just have good children you had to have bad children and they had to be punished in some way so he's figures of punishment machine where spring-heeled jack is much more i think in common with the tricksters he doesn't really ever do any serious damage the worst year ever does i think was to rip the clothing of young ladies

and occasionally scratch their bosoms that was about the worst thing you ever did are we sure that wasn't related to he wasn't related to donald trump well who knows as if you look top start jumping through the air then we'll know what we were all baffled over here is to how anybody can possibly be taken in by him but you know takes all sorts it

takes all sorts of people that it certainly does getting off of the have you ever seen i think it was on beep the bbc jonathan strange & mr norrell absolutely it's my absolute favorite book of all time and i watched it with great delight it wasn't a bad shot at dramatizing suzanne clark's amazing book but it

wasn't quite good enough for me i enjoyed it how accurate would you say would be that england at one time or another maybe even now embraces the belief in magic in magical beings and that certain individuals can possess the elements of our world that they can manipulate things around us oh that's a very big question well i

mean yes it existed and it does exist still not quite in the way that the book presents its and not quite in the way that the series presents its i mean it is a fantasy but yes there are people who have extraordinary powers and gifts and strengths i think that who have learned how to work with the elements of nature and 222 maybe in a way manipulate

some of those things i mean the old the old idea of the magician the occultist there are still many of them around i i know quite a few myself and you know they they certainly have an ability to merge with reality in a way that most of us don't mm and i think that gives us another producer of abilities that would that

not everybody has yes do you think there's an out of truth to the legends of king arthur and merlin that merlin was the wizard king arthur was the guy that merlin wanted to be the kings cetera and so he appointed author to pull the sword from the stone this magical sword yes and no i mean the thing is that

there are historical basis for there is an historical basis for both arthur and merlin they may well have lived in the sixth century the great myths of arthur which is really on national miss really comes along mostly in the middle ages and ties in with the beliefs and shimmery and ideals of that kind of the idea of the great hero there are very

many of those throughout the world of course every country has its own national hero or heroes and heroines and i think arthur was one of those and i think that you again you're looking perhaps at more than one person it's the parallel with spring-heeled jack really is very interesting because although they are of course hugely different

characters the way that they kept going through time is very similar because every age had its own version every every age reinvented king asked that they reinvented merlin they reinvented now you find more than characters in the lord of the rings in the form of ground out for that's where you know that the same in them in harry potter and so

forth so you get characters that are based on these very ancient myths but miss itself is something that's like a language it's like a forgotten language that we used long ago to try and explain the world to us we didn't always understand how things worked and it seemed very easy to have miss so you didn't know what costs under but if you

imagine to god that was sewing thunderbolts then of course it made more sense so in the same way these things are paralleled now i was reading a piece from your book about the green man and i believe you had said that individuals like king arthur robin hood is cetera that they represented the

green man what did you mean by that well the green man is one of the oldest images that we have in any any mythology and it's a worldwide one it's not by any means just here he really represents the essence of nature itself and there are green women as well so it is a is across the genders in that respect but the elements of the green man later split

off in different directions and one of the things were particularly that we know about was that the trickster figure who of course you get vary widely in the native american tradition in america but also in other parts of the world where you have someone who is mysterious and there was no doubt that there was a mysterious quality to spring heeled jack

robin hood particularly of course has that quality of the green man who lives in the woods he dresses in green he is also a trickster figure in many ways the one common denominator in many of these things is the name jack we've got green jack who appears in our ancient mumming plays that we still see today where again you have this at these

ancient stories retold we have of course jack in the green who is another type of the green man that you have their peers around about mayday and is part of the agricultural year and the symbolism of the agricultural year so we're looking at a lot of overlapping figures here we're looking at ferry characters like puck for instance from the most familiar

to us now from shakespeare has been someone i stream and puck is much older than that he is an old fairy figure and a really strange mysterious one whistle in a way his actions and not unlike some of those as bring your jacket for instance he's often given to leaping out at people laughing very loudly and then running off which again is part of the

description of spring-heeled jack there's a wonderful story that happened i think it was as recently as 1986 a traveling salesman here in england was driving driving through an area called south herefordshire and he saw a character in a tight fitting suit with big shoes running past him as he drove at 60 miles an hour down the road

so this is a man running at more than 60 miles an hour who passed him and left him in the dust and what was his first thought spring-heeled jack and that was what the report said the next day the newspapers now with robin hood of sherwood how there ever been any artifacts that you've no no found within sherwoodforest that proves that

there was robin hood or a community of people that might be living there not really physical evidence in that way i mean most of what we know about robin hood iii just published a book on this by coincidence most of what we know about this comes from the ballads these popular songs that was sign around the country and

they all talk about you know that the the outlaw in the greenwoods you know stealing money from the rich to give to the poor this did happen there were bands of outlaws not just in sherwood forest which in many of the other forests in britain and many of them assumed you know almost mythical status because they couldn't be caught because

they could escape so easily and mysteriously and so you've got this again echoes of a much more ancient figure i believe very strongly in the power of myth and the way in which mr. recurs and repeat itself again and again through time and these characters who come up and who stay in our consciousness you

know that might have been five or six people called robin who were hiding out in the woods but somehow that story remains in our consciousness and you get all these new films and tv shows i i know i know for a fact that there are three films and for tv shows in making the moment all about robin hood there's a new phila backing arthur coming out

there in new is a new artyrian series so i mean you know these things keep going again and again you have to imagine that with as many books as many stories as many movies and shows that have come over the years of robin hood and king arthur that there's good to be maybe it's an ounce maybe it's a pound of facts behind everything that we really

won't ever know about the will we why it's unlikely i mean as i say i think it's it's you know that there is a there is a site called robin hood's grave which is actually not very narrow sherwood forest at all and it was excavated a few years ago but they found nothing it was empty so is it the empty tomb is it the mystery deepening even

further with the arthurian legend i think we're very close to being able to identify the original arthur who as i said earlier was the king he was a roman centurion who we do know actually lived and was here in britain you know at an interesting time and left behind perhaps stories that later became embroidered into the myths and legends of king

arthur and the knights of the round table so you know you're probably right that we could never prove it absolutely i don't know we never be able to say you know this was our so all this was robin hood or this one spring-heeled jack all this was any of the other great minutes because they aren't in there almost not intended to be fine despite

the grail alright here's there's another of the great mysteries the grail which i've also written about a great deal there are there certainly are claimants for this and this new evidence recently has come to light that may indeed suggest that there was an actual object at one time but the really important thing is

the quest it's going in search of it and you know i wrote in the book years ago that one of the worst things i could imagine was opening a newspaper or turning on the television and seeing a headline that said holy grail discovered because if it really was then there'd be nothing left to search for em if the holy grail were to be found

what do you respect it would be like it do you think it would have power do you think it would be golden well what exactly are you thinking it would be like well there are so many stories about this that it's very hard to pick i'm been doing research recently for a book that i have to write eventually into some of the origins and

the most interesting thing that i discovered is the stories of the grail go back a long way further than the middle ages for a start because youyou first really hear about this quest for the grail and its association with artur from the 12th century onwards with natural fact if you look into the sources that those writers those early

writers were using it goes back much further it certainly goes back to the time of christ and very possibly even earlier than that and what is it what effect would have it say it's an object of power it's an object to be sought for i mean i'm sure you know the stories of the er how i'm hitler sent people in search of

the grail and the spear the last of longinus during the war because he and untimely believe that if they had it they would win the war because it was a token token of power well they did find the spear but they never found the grail fortunately and they didn't win the war but that says something about the way in which is

always been perceived i mean i i personally feel it may not be physical in the way that we understand it and i'm certainly not looking for a garden cup i think it's much more likely to be teachings mysteries hidden secrets of the earliest levels of christianity yes dan brown wrote a book about the holy grail of jesus and it turned out to be

the bloodline of jesus do you think we're looking for a bloodline or a physical object no i don't think we're looking for bloodline i mean dan brown drew upon an earlier book called the holy blood and the holy grail which is a big bestseller back in the eighties i think and their theory was very carefully argued but

when it was closely examined and i did look at it very carefully most of it fell apart because they're evidence just wasn't there you know it would be they would say you know we were told this piece of information or given this book are shown in this photo by some person who then mysteriously fell out of a train the next

so in a way you couldn't trace any of their sources to a reliable place and of course it started a huge following people you know believe that jesus is married which i do think he was and that you know they went in search of the places like rennes-le-chã¢teau the template church in london was a site of pilgrimage for people because of this

but you know i don't personally agree with that theory but what does interest me is the way that other people didn't believe in it to the extent that they were willing to cross the world to come and visit someplace that they thought was associated with this yes and that's the power of myth and legend you see i think that's where

that's where the power of it really is i'm not looking well i don't know what i'm looking for a physical object or not but i'm looking for an idea for a theme for a tradition something that goes on echoing through time and that's two less extent sure spring-heeled jack as it is a robin hood is it is a king office so they're all mr. mysteries kind of things

i guess that your show do see all the mmm your book is the mystery of to steampunk hero what do you mean by stinkpot hero oh well i mean are you familiar with the steam punk movement i am a little bit one of my cousin's loves it why is this is basically a kind of mixture it's a mash-up as they say of

them victorian victorian ideas with modern technology so the idea is that instead of discovering electricity people went on using steam so everything is steam driven right into the present time and that's the basis of it but the followers of the of the steam punk movement which are legion basically love to dress up in

victorian costumes mixed up with modern bits of button equipment so you'll see a man a top hat with a reagan this kind of thing and for obvious reasons i suppose the character spring-heeled jack lends itself to that because he's mysterious he has this power to leak which suggests perhaps rocket-powered boots i've seen people dressed in springhill

blackjack at the steampunk gatherings the time all over the world so it's very possible that you know he's part of that movement as well and i think of him as a hero mm okay could you share with us one legend that you know of about halloween in england is there a particular one that you really love about ghosts or

anything else i love the halloween period i like the fact that people see it as a time when the the veil between the worlds is said i do think that's true it is a time to go see if you believe in ghosts and i think that their stories you know i mean the krampus of course is a christmas one but i like the idea of these mysterious people the

halloween ghosts if you like is there a particular entity or or legend that supposedly comes out during the halloween season finland oh well there are there are lots i mean i suppose one of the most famous would be heard the hunter who leads a pack of phantom hands across the landscape supposedly picking up the souls of the damned and taking

them downstairs he really goes back of course to celtic myth when he was the lord of the underworld of the lord of the beasts but there have been sightings over the years particularly round wins a great park and if you ever saw any of your your listener so the series called robin of sherwood from a few years back which is one of the best robin hood

series in my opinion ever has this character in its called her and the hunter who is a mysterious shaymin lives deep in the woods where's answers on his head and in fact is the sort of guide and and master of robin of sherwood that's the kind of culture that i like and i like how you do see that kind of

culture around and people dressing is that very nice very nice i would love to visit england like i said who it just seems like such a great mystical place from the ghost the legends the history it just seems like you'd be able to breathe air and you can smell the history oh you absolutely can't well it's an old

land as i said i mean no i mean your land is old too but your contemporary history is much younger mmm i think that's one of the things i hear very often from my american friends when they come here is exactly what you're saying which is how much they love the you know the very ancient nature of things you know we can go to a

castle at styles of years old we can take you to an ancient stone circle that's even more thousands of years old and most people here is well of course love these things because they put them in touch with the very ancient time and you know to a different time and a different place when things could happen that maybe don't have many more m1

please i want to go visit and scotland's our toilet castle which is now i think a hotel it was awarded to my one of my great-grandfather's by king james i don't know which one and before then there was also edinboro castle i think it was something like that and scotland yes oh and reckless is remarkable also part

of my family i go back to the clay mckay's and before then malcolm the third i traced the history all the way back so i've got some scottish blood in me well you know you'll just have to go you know go ahead of us definitely and go to rosslyn chapel which is not far from there which is a great great mystery

place dan brown's right about that part anyway put into his book and this certainly is a very mysterious place and of course the the even heels which are not very far from there is the place where the ferry people live live to and possibly still live and you'll get many extraordinary stories from people if you

just talk to them no one but you would oh yes i've got one last question for you john and that is if time trouble were real here in today where would you go to and what would you do i would go straight back to the 6th century and look for our fair and i hope to find him you know because that'sthat's the asset that i think most

of us would find most acceptable because he was a real person i believe so yes i'm sure i would find it quite difficult living in that time but that's where i go that's how it look for that's interesting this interesting a bit if you could go several different places you would probably also go to the time of jack the ripper and spring-heeled

jack with you unless certainly would if i had a choice i'd go to show at forest and see if there really was a robin hood you know i i i'd go up in scotland of course is the place to look for merlin because there are places up their associated with him yeah i think i but they're they're always wonderful and extraordinary

things in almost any time and history has always fascinated me more than anything else so any period that wasn't this one would be interesting to me yes will thank you so much for a great conversation is there anything you would like to share with the audience before you head out such as your website any upcoming work that you have i'm sure

well i mean obviously i hope that people will go and look for the mystery of spring-heeled jack which is published by destiny books out now and available as they say in all good bookshops i also have a new book on robin hood which is called robin hood green lord of the wildwood and that's published by ambili press at the moment only in britain but

i understand it's going to be distributed in the states as well and i have a case artero coming out also published here by watkins and also distributed in the states so a few things coming and i hope many more on the way and do you have a website available the people could go to oh yes absolutely thank you yes please go to

hello quest that's some h a double l 0 w uu e st dot org or rg dr. uk and there you'll find a list of all my books and my wife's books with up and upcoming courses that were doing in different parts of the world might even see you over there at some point and brings you up-to-date with all our activities and new books and many other things so how

our quest dot org dot uk' please gone crazy busy week just a site updated 6 looking brand new and shiny at the moment brand new and shiny you've got to love anything that looks brand new and shiny absolutely yes john matthews thank you so much for appearing on the program has been a true delightful conversation

thank you tube of it's been a pleasure and that ladies and gentlemen was john matthews and again if you're interested in reading the mystery of spring-heeled jack you can go to mysterious matters.com / jack that is mysterious matters.com / jack well ladies and gentlemen until the next time we do come back together again

i bid you all kind farewell this has been a coast to coast am alternative paranormal radio program. paranormal podcast.

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