Desember 2016

Senin, 26 Desember 2016

Jumat, 23 Desember 2016

fashion nova vs


"sissi" bom dia, alteza! bom dia! minha nossa! pesquei um,olha o tamanho! crianã§as, venham aqui, peguei um! papi pegou um peixe! - vamos ao lago!- papi pescou um peixe olhem! vejam sã³ o tamanho!

venham logo! depressa, olhem, que peixã£o, heim? - ele deve pesar uns 5 quilos!- mami, papi pescou um peixe! deste tamanho! viva! quem segura a vara?calma, quietos. o gackel segura.preciso buscar a rede! gackel! - papi, o gackel caiu na ã¡gua!- era sã³ o que faltava!

- pegou a vara?- peguei, mas o peixe fugiu! entã£o vamos tomar o cafã©! - nã£o gritem tanto!- oba! tem lingã¼iã§a branca! nã£o subam na mesa!max, tire seu chapã©u! sobrou o suficiente para mim?2, 4, 6, 8, 10. estã¡ bom. gackel!parece um rato molhado! e voc㪠tambã©m! thomas, seque suas altezas. ã‰, troque os prã­ncipes!

- tambã©m quero!- entã£o comam! - max, voc㪠come como um camponãªs!- porque estã¡ gostoso! voc㪠deveria ser oexemplo para elas. - elas comem como eu!- ã‰... infelizmente. - onde estã¡ a sissi?- ela foi cavalgar! - e a nenãª?- ela nunca come lingã¼iã§a branca! - entã£o temos o suficiente.- papi, podemos jogar bolã£o? podem, sim! estã¡ batendo, batendo, batendo.

veja. ninguã©m usou talheres. e porquãª? voc㪠sempre come com os dedos! veja, meu coraã§ã£o. hã¡ 5 anos vocãªse esforã§a tentando me educar... cuido para que nossa casanã£o vire bagunã§a! penso no futuro. sã£o 5 filhas.helena estã¡ em idade de casar. - quem ã©?- sr. johann petzmacher. - faã§a-o entrar!- o filho do dono de um restaurante! beijo-lhe as mã£os, alteza. - salve, max!- salve. - quando chegou?- ontem ã  noite!

sã³ agora aparece?onde estã¡ hospedado? na casa do correio! passei a manhã£vendo como se passam os tele... como se chama estainvenã§ã£o moderna? lembrei!como ele telegrafou. ㉠bem interessante,tambã©m jã¡ fomos ver. incrã­vel, ele ficabatendo na mesa... - e munique ouve!- isso nã£o quer dizer nada. tambã©m sei telegrafar.thomas! ã€s suas ordens, alteza!

- o que telegrafou?- traga o vinho tinto leve! - quais as novidades em viena?- nada de mais, somente... o atentado contra o imperador.os cavalheiros do governo ainda... tremem nas bases, o ãºnico"homem" na hofburg ã© a sofia! se diz sofia, trata-se entã£oda mã£e de sua majestade... sua alteza imperial,a arquiduquesa sofia? exatamente. agora, a sofia... a senhorasua irmã£, a imperatriz... quer casar o filho franz,perdã£o... seu imperador...

quer dizer, nosso imperador...ela pretende casã¡-lo. - e sabe-se com quem?- nã£o se comenta nada. ah, safra 49! fantã¡stico. se nã£o gostar deste,nã£o gostarã¡ de nenhum! gosto de qualquer vinho. brindemos ã  sua sofia!nã£o a suporto... mas se ela me dã¡ um motivopara beber, vamos brindar! ao futuro imperadorda ãustria tambã©m!

saãºde, max! - foi a sissi!- montada naquele cavalo selvagem! - sissi!- bom dia! - pule sobre as rosas!- nã£o! pare! use as esporas! - bravo!- por isso estou sempre nervosa. menina fabulosa! mittermeier!

estou aqui, princesa!entã£o, a gretel saltou bem? maravilhoso, deviam ter visto!como uma gazela na fuga! - hoje receberã¡ mais aveia.- ela mereceu! - onde estã¡ a comida dos pã¡ssaros?- pus ali! - obrigada!- venha, gretel. venha! - o leite para o xavier.- como ele estã¡? ã“timo, mas nã£o aceita nadade ninguã©m, sã³ de vocãª! claro, eu o encontrei. xawier, venha. venha comer.

barri, bella, saiam! no canto!deixem xawier comer! empurre-o. empurre-o.bravo! defenda-se, xawier! empurre-o! defenda-se!empurre-o! para o canto vocãªs trãªs! vã£o! venha, xawier! venha! agora vocãªs olham, nã£o ã©? estã¡ gostoso, xawier? - bom dia, princesa!- bom dia, senhora stoeckel! - como estã¡ sua gota?- ameaã§a chuva, e sinto nos dedos!

- trarei mais aguardente do franz!- sã³ para friccionar! ela sempre bebe a aguardente! - nã£o ã© verdade, nunca fiz isso!- sim... bom dia, papi! - bom dia!- veja! - lindo...- como olha interessado os trãªs... - quieto! voc㪠tambã©m, bella!- montou e saltou muito bem. como recompensa,subirã¡ ao bock comigo! verdade?

- qual o problema, baronesa?- esta carta chegou agora, alteza. carta para mim? da hofburg? isso ã© maravilhoso! chame a princesa nenãª,imediatamente. que maravilha! - mandou chamar, mami?- sim, minha filha! nenãª... recebi agora uma cartade tia sofia...

- ela fala de vocãª!- de mim? sim. mas nã£o comente com ninguã©m,principalmente com seu pai. tia sofia pediu encarecidamente!a notã­cia ã© para nã³s duas! - o que a tia sofia escreveu?- ela escreveu... mami! - mami!- sim? - papi vai me levar na caã§ada!- e precisa gritar? - entã£o, o que tia sofia escreveu?- ela nos espera em ischel... no dia 17 de agosto...meu deus... nã£o ouso nem pensar.

- o quãª?- voc㪠deve ser a imperatriz da ãustria! - eu?- sim! imagine que felicidade! franz joseph ã© bonito, poderoso,rico! o mundo todo irã¡ invejã¡-la. barri! - mami! mami!- mas o que foi? - nen㪠estã¡ com vocãª?- sim! - quero saber se quer ir ã  caã§ada!- nen㪠estã¡ sem tempo. vã£o sozinhos! - vamos sim. beijinho!- sim! - beijinho.- mas, mamã£e...

o que papai dirã¡se formos sozinhas a ischel? tambã©m pensei nisso.o que vamos fazer? talvez seja melhorlevarmos sissi junto... assim parecerã¡ um passeio.oh, nenãª, estou tã£o feliz! eu tambã©m, mas ainda nã£o entendi. em insbruck, franz josephmal falou comigo. estava pensando em outras coisas,a revoluã§ã£o, a fuga de viena... a luta pelo trono!mas o importante ã© que... tia sofia deseja essa uniã£o. o queela deseja, ã© fato consumado!

sua majestade! - beijo-lhe as mã£os, mamã£e!- meus cumprimentos. quero ficar a sã³s comsua majestade. - tem um momento para mim?- para a senhora sempre, mamã£e! - mais tarde.- ã€s ordens, majestade! pois nã£o, querida mamã£e.estou ã  sua disposiã§ã£o. nã£o na sua mesa de trabalho. o que tenho a dizer ã© de naturezaparticular. vamos sentar ali. com prazer, mamã£e.

voc㪠sabe que atã© agora tudofiz para o seu bem estar. - claro, mamã£e.- pessoalmente abdiquei do trono... devolvi ã  ãustriao seu imperador... agora quero pã´r nos braã§os desteimperador uma esposa digna... - devo casar?- sim, franz. quase todos os paã­ses tãªmprincesas em idade de casar. muitas potãªncias me sondaram.por motivos polã­ticos... - nã£o recusei nenhuma.- nem sei quem devo desposar. por isso jã¡ tomei a decisã£o.

uma escolha que nã£o agredirã¡nem favorecerã¡ nenhum paã­s. querida mamã£e, sempre fui gratopor cada sugestã£o e iniciativa... mas nã£o cr㪠que nistoa decisã£o deve ser minha? claro. mas pode confiar em mim. a moã§aque serã¡ sua esposa e imperatriz... tem todos os predicadosque voc㪠pode desejar. ㉠jovem, linda evem de uma casa catã³lica... - sã³ que nã£o a conheã§o...- conhece! voc㪠a viu em insbruck.㉠a sua prima helena...

filha da tia ludovica e...o ãºnico ponto obscuro... do arquiduque max da bavã¡ria.precisamos considerar isso. incrã­vel... de toda a famã­lia ã© o ãºnicode quem me lembro. e bem! lindo, nã£o? maravilhoso! lembre-se de uma coisa,minha filha: quando tiver problemas ou estiveraflita, caminhe pelo bosque com...

os olhos bem abertos. na ã¡rvore,no arbusto, na flor e no bicho... voc㪠perceberã¡ o poder de deus eele lhe darã¡ consolo e forã§as. sou muito feliz porter um pai como vocãª. sou muito feliz porter voc㪠como filha... eu nã£o deveria dizer isso... mas agora, bico calado,senã£o espantamos a caã§a. - jã¡ estou com o coraã§ã£o na boca.- silãªncio. o que traz, excelãªncia? a condenaã§ã£o ã  morte deoito rebeldes de praga.

- como sã£o essas pessoas?- estudantes, universitã¡rios e... - artistas.- seus crimes sã£o tã£o violentos... - que mereã§am essa condenaã§ã£o?- sim, majestade. rebeliã£o, subversã£oe ofensa a sua majestade. - vou analisar os autos.- preciso de sua assinatura urgente. - as execuã§ãµes serã£o amanh㣠cedo.- mas nã£o posso decidir sobre... - as vidas de oito jovens!- majestade... as condenaã§ãµes foram proferidaspelo mais alto conselho de guerra. nã£o importa.vou analisar os autos.

tambã©m sua alteza imperial, aarquiduquesa sofia ã© de opiniã£o... creio ter sido claro... - majestade?- obrigado, excelãªncia. agora preste atenã§ã£o.vamos arrumar a cama... e agora vamos colocã¡-lo aqui.ele precisa dormir. seppel! devolva a boneca!vã¡ buscar outra boneca. - apresentando arma!- que faz com o meu chapã©u? nã£o ã© brinquedo. ponha-o no lugar!se precisar dele, nã£o vou achã¡-lo. - o que ã© isso?- o castelo de nymphenburg!

a pobre famã­lia real... comoresidãªncia de verã£o deve servir. agora vou mostrar uma coisa.vamos embrulhar o hansi. assim, assim, tem que cobrir abarriga para nã£o se resfriar. cobrir, pã´r no saco de dormire prender... - tivemos outro filho?- mas, max... prender bem para nã£o soltar.e agora vocãªs tentam sozinhas. depois mami volta para olhar.vã£o. - o que a sofia escreveu?- convidou-me para o aniversã¡rio... do franz joseph em ischel.gostaria de levar a nen㪠e...

- a sissi comigo.- posso ir junto? - sim, pode ir junto.- karl ludovic estarã¡ lã¡? claro. ㉠o aniversã¡riodo irmã£o dele. parece que karl ludoviccontinua na sua cabeã§a. - leve o anel que ele lhe deu.- onde ele estã¡? - na caixinha de costura.- nã£o, na de penas. oh, santa bagunã§a. qualquer coisaurgente, posso telegrafar. para mim nã£o, senã£o o encarregadoirã¡ me acordar no meio da noite. telegrafe ao petzmacher. ele morana casa do correio, com o bazi...

- aquele safado.- entã£o telegrafo ao safado do bazi. - quando vamos?- amanh㣠cedo. jã¡? ã“timo! como sua majestade estarã¡ em ischel,o controle de pessoas serã¡ rigoroso. controle rigoroso! um segundo atentado deve serimpedido de qualquer modo! de qualquer modo! alteza, seida responsabilidade que me pesa... a partir deste momento...perdã£o... sobre o ombro. mas pode confiar totalmente.seguranã§a de um imperador...

- ã© minha especialidade!- jã¡ fez isso alguma vez? nunca! mas teoricamenteconheã§o as estratã©gias. - posso dormir sossegada?- claro. desejo bom repouso. - pode ir.- aonde? alteza imperial, major dapolã­cia se retirando! pelo amor de deus, sissi!o que estã¡ fazendo? - dando de beber aos cavalos!- mas isso ã© funã§ã£o dos cocheiros... - agora veja sã³ como estã¡!- no sol secarã¡ num instante! minha vontade ã© mandã¡-lade volta para casa.

e a tia sofia estã¡ chegando! - ludovica!- sofia! - estou tã£o contente!- eu tambã©m. - beijo-lhe as mã£os, tia.- karl ludovic! nenãª. - ela ficou ainda mais linda!- saudaã§ãµes, karl ludovic! - estou muito satisfeita.- vejam sã³, a sissi! - trouxe a sissi?- mais tarde explico o porquãª. - boa tarde, tia sofia.- saudaã§ãµes, minha filha.

- estã¡ com as mã£os molhadas!- dei de beber aos cavalos! - deu de beber?- para ir mais depressa! - olã¡, karl ludovic!- sissi, que modos de cumprimentar. aprendi com ele. em insbrucksempre dizã­amos "olã¡". nã£o ã©? claro. estou contenteque tenha vindo. e eu por estar aqui!a sua ãustria ã© linda! - gostou entã£o?- muito! nã£o entendo porqueessa menina veio! - porquãª...- sua mã£e vai esclarecer.

ela nã£o participarã¡ da recepã§ã£o,ficarã¡ com a governanta... rigorosamente separadada sociedade. claro. ㉠uma crianã§a. - sissi, pensou em mim?- claro. olhe! nem imagina a felicidadede vãª-la com o meu anel... - tambã©m usa o meu?- nunca tirei do dedo! - que gentil!- se nã£o tivesse vindo a ischel... eu iria a possenhofen.sã³ iria esperar pelo noivado. - noivado?- ainda ã© segredo!

diga-me,por que o tio max nã£o veio? aqui hã¡ uma ã¡rea de caã§a ã³tima!camurã§as, gamos, cabritos monteses! - escreverei para ele vir.- telegrafe! ㉠muito mais rã¡pido! - nã£o divulgue. serã¡ surpresa!- minha mã£e estã¡ entrando no carro. - precisamos ir.- estamos indo! - vamos nos ver em breve?- claro! por isso ruas, caminhos, atalhos,pontes, etc. que levam a ischel... devem ser rigorosamentecontrolados! entendido? qualquer suspeito ou renitente...pã´r imediatamente no gelo.

- digo, a ferros!- sim, senhor! "melhor prender um rebelde a mais,do que soltar um inocente"! retirar...! baronesa, e o meu cestinho?pus na mala! - na mala de roupas?- sim. - princesa, os vestidos...- aqui estã¡, querida. muito bem. precisamos melhorarmais ainda para o baile. - vamos a um baile?- voc㪠nã£o! - por que nã£o? jã¡ sei danã§ar!- voc㪠ainda ã© uma crianã§a.

- onde estã¡ meu xale veneziano?- sissi, gostou do meu penteado? estã¡ bom. o cabelo devia estarmais alto! assim! sissi!o que estã¡ fazendo? temos que estar na tia sofiapara o chã¡ ã s cinco! - o que vou usar?- nada. quer dizer,nã£o foi convidada! - entã£o vou pescar!- meu deus, o penteado! por favor, ajeite-o! - aqui estã¡!- sissi, o que estã¡ fazendo agora?

- queria o meu cestinho!- vamos jã¡ para o seu quarto... - senã£o vou ficar louca...- minha vara de pesca! - sua vara! entre logo. ㉠terrã­vel!- nã£o me tranque, quero ir pescar! nã£o! daqui voc㪠nã£o sai! estã¡ batendo, batendo...por que eu trouxe essa crianã§a? pode me dizer onde ã© o telã©grafo? - o telã©grafo.- sempre em frente, em frente! sempre em frente... obrigada! parado! o que falou com a moã§a?o que falou com ela?!

- nada!- nada? fez uma indicaã§ã£o! indicar, eu indiquei! o que indicou? o qu㪠e por quãª? - a senhorita pediu uma informaã§ã£o!- o que ela perguntou? o quãª? - onde era o telã©grafo mais perto.- o telã©grafo mais perto! tenho que arrancar a informaã§ã£odo seu nariz? vã¡! vã¡ embora! pronto. por favor! - muito bem.- posso ficar olhando? sr. johann petzmacher...

possenhofen.㉠na bavã¡ria, nã£o ã©? sim, no lago de starnberg. agãªncia do correio.estive presa... fugi pela janela. enviar depressa... - o petzmacher consegue ler isso?- escrevem num papel. papili, venha com espingardas. o imperador chega hojeã s quatro horas. sissi.

- isso aã­ significa sissi?- sim. - voc㪠inventou este aparelho?- nã£o, foi o senhor morse... e o sr. karl von siemenso construiu. - entã£o, obrigada.- de nada. - atã© logo!- um momento! precisa pagar! ah, ã©? - mas nã£o tenho dinheiro.- e me fez telegrafar? olhe, trago-lhe odinheiro mais tarde. por enquanto fique com o anel.

- ㉠ouro puro?- nã£o sei, acho que sim. - nã£o morda! preciso dele!- 10 palavras... dã¡ 60 cruzados. 60? acho que ele vale isso! - voc㪠acha?- acho. muito bem, depoisme traga o dinheiro. - sim.- minhas recomendaã§ãµes. tambã©m me recomendo. - saudaã§ãµes, boeckel.- sem intimidades! estou a serviã§o. o que a pessoa que acaba de sairtelegrafou? onde comeã§a?

nã£o dã¡ para ler isto, sã£osomente pontos e traã§os. - aqui, leia.- "fiquei presa". uma fugitiva. - bem que desconfiava...- o que vai telegrafar? - quem?- vocãª! entã£o tire daã­!"fugi pela janela". - ela aprontou alguma?- calado! eu faã§o as perguntas! "fugi pela janela".quem estã¡ telegrafando? ㉠o gemundner perguntando quemtelegrafou. vou responder jã¡. - jã¡ respondeu quem telegrafou?- sim. um idiota.

- nã£o fale assim, estou em serviã§o!- eu tambã©m! perdã£o. "envie papili".- quem ã© papili? ㉠um nome croata. "com espingardas"! mas istoã© um ataque ao imperador! um ataque ao imperador!eu sei... sã³ pode ser! ela estã¡ na rua onde o imperadorprecisa passar! meu capacete! - ㉠particular!- nã£o hã¡ tempo! como vou receber o meu dinheiro?a menina nã£o tinha dinheiro e... - me deu este anel como garantia!- o quãª? e aceitou? voc㪠㩠um receptador! - o que eu sou?- receptador! sã³ pode ser roubado!

- devolva!- ficarã¡ em poder da polã­cia! sabe, boeckel? quando estã¡ emserviã§o, voc㪠㩠um burro! agora essa? ofensa ã  autoridade!levante-se. considere-se preso! venho buscã¡-lo mais tarde!onde estã¡ o idiota? vou levã¡-lo... comigo como "corpus... delicti"! por que os cavalos estã£o rebeldes? - ㉠uma mochila!- entã£o tire daã­! o que ã© isso?quem estã¡ pescando aã­? eu!

oh, majestade! por favor, nã£o corte! estou indo! por favor, nã£o corte! majestade,vou soltã¡-lo num instante! pelo amor de deus, majestade! dãª-me a faca! dãª-me... majestade, creio que estou noencalã§o de uma nilista... - estou seguindo-a hã¡ algum tempo!- a mochila! - nessa mochila pode ter uma bomba.- entã£o tome! majestade, ele estã¡ louco,nã£o sou uma nilista.

acredito.mas tambã©m nã£o ã© austrã­aca. - nã£o, sou da... bavã¡ria!- da bavã¡ria? conde gruenne? por favor, vã¡ na frente e informeminha mã£e que fui a pã© um pedaã§o. - ã€s ordens, majestade!- poderia acompanhar-me... - se tiver tempo.- oh, sim. eu tenho tempo! vamos dar uma volta eadmirar a beleza de ischel. - sã³ vou buscar minha vara.- como um servo humilde, peã§o... - tome cuidado!- sim, sim! - posso?- pois nã£o!

conseguiu pescaralguma coisa com isso? sim, majestade. devo dizer, ã© a primeira surpresaagradã¡vel que tive em ischel. - isso me deixa feliz.- quanto tempo ficarã¡? - gostaria de revãª-la.- dois a trãªs dias. que pena. nos prã³ximos dois, trãªsdias nã£o terei um momento livre. espere... reservei tempo. aceitacaã§ar hoje ã  tarde? sim. sempre acompanhopapili na caã§a.

- papili?- ele ã© meu pai. - tambã©m ã© caã§ador, o papili?- um grande caã§ador... - o melhor que jã¡ conheci!- fico contente. diga-me, esta ã© a primeira vezque voc㪠veio ã  ãustria, nene? - nã£o! estivemos juntos no tirol.- claro, hã¡ trãªs anos, em insbruck. aquela vez, quandonã³s saã­amos correndo... - foi um tempo muito gostoso.- quer mais chã¡? nã£o. por favor, uma aguardente. sua alteza imperialdeseja um licor.

alteza, o carro de sua majestadeacaba de entrar no parque. sim? entã£o vamos ao balcã£ocumprimentar franz joseph! - karl ludovic!- sim, mamã£e! o que foi?por que todos saã­ram correndo? o carro de sua majestadeacabou de entrar no parque! entã£o me sirvamais uma aguardente! alteza, ajudante geral desua majestade apresentando-se! - onde estã¡ sua majestade?- recebi ordens de vir na frente. - queria caminhar.- sozinho?

sim. quer dizer, nã£o.quer dizer... - sua majestade estava acompanhado.- acompanhado? por uma dama,por mim, desconhecida! - desconhecida pelo senhor?- sim, alteza! agradecida.venham, minhas queridas! aquele ali ã© o "dachstein". ali ã© meu reduto de caã§a. aquele monte. ali ã© a serra dos infernos.

e ali ã© o monte jainsen. - ㉠lindo.- muito bem... entã£o ã s cinco horas, em ponto,na ponte dos gamos? - sim, majestade.- encontrarã¡ o caminho? - com certeza!- espero que nã£o se perca no bosque. eu? impossã­vel! mesmo queo bosque seja desconhecido. agora tenho um pedido a lhe fazer. converse com o major da polã­ciapara ele nã£o me perseguir de novo! - de acordo! entã£o? ã€s 5?- atã© logo, majestade!

- posso ter minha mochila?- posso pedir umas informaã§ãµes? - sim?- um momento! tenho perguntas... - senhor major!- majestade? primeiro as minhas perguntas. diga, como estava o tempo nosãºltimos dias em ischel? estava maravilhoso, majestade.perdã£o, devo seguir a dama! - ela estã¡ acenando! estã¡ acenando!- deixe-a acenar! ela chamou minha atenã§ã£ode imediato. a minha tambã©m.mas diga-me, senhor major...

- queria saber como estarã¡ o tempo.- terrã­vel, nos prã³ximos dias... - teremos chuvas torrenciais.- tem um sapo renita? nã£o, reumatismo! sinto o tempodois dias antes! ela se foi... como se a terraa tivesse engolido! - diga-me o que queria da dama.- saber o nome e o endereã§o. por que nã£o falou logo? corra! e me informe imediatamente! dormiu bem, princesa? - o que a leva a crer que dormi?- o quarto estava tã£o quieto...

nã£o quis incomodar. nã£o, eu nã£o dormi. eu sonhei. estou curiosa. o que a mamã£e e anen㪠dirã£o sobre a recepã§ã£o? serã¡ que havia muitas pessoas?como serã¡ o imperador? - lindo!- o quãª? acho que deve ser maravilhoso,pelos quadros... claro, quero saber se ele mudoumuito desde insbruck! - totalmente.- como? - naquele tempo ã©ramos todos crianã§as.- sim, voc㪠estã¡ certa!

baronesa, ã s cinco no meu quartohaverã¡ novamente silãªncio. seria gentileza suase nã£o incomodasse. - beijo-lhe as mã£os, mamã£e.- eu o saãºdo, franz! - meus cumprimentos, papai!- salve, franz! - estou feliz por vãª-lo finalmente!- eu tambã©m. recuperou-se bem! - o que foi?- voc㪠se recuperou bem! verdade, estou bem! sempre digoque faã§o tudo, menos reger. franz... tia ludovica e sua prima nenãªvieram de possenhofen...

para festejar seu aniversã¡rio! querida tia, que bomque vieram a ischel. a alegria ã© nossa,querido franz. meus cumprimentos, nenãª. quase nã£o a reconheã§o. jã¡ faz alguns anos desdeque nos vimos em insbruck. - sim, voc㪠ficou muito bonita.- obrigada. - tio max nã£o veio?- infelizmente. pediu que transmitã­ssemos seusvotos de feliz aniversã¡rio.

- que pena.- queria fazãª-lo pessoalmente... mas tinha assuntosinadiã¡veis para resolver. essa bolada valeu! max! recebi um telegrama deischel, da sissi! - da sissi?- a sissi telegrafou? - o que ela telegrafou?- esteve presa, fugiu pela janela. ㉠para voc㪠ir elevar as espingardas. oba! vamos viajar para ischel!hurra! hurra! quietos!

o que vou fazer em ischel?nã£o vãªem que estou ocupado? meninos, levantem os pinos eperguntem ao thomas... onde estã¡ a cerveja. e vocãª,anote que fiz um strike! - e voc㪠vai jogar bolã£o!- papi, por favor... desapareã§a! vou ficar em casa! a primeira vezque posso fazer o que quero... e aã­ devo viajar? de jeito nenhum! - como? nã£o sabe quem era a garota?- nã£o, mamã£e. sã³ sei que ã© linda! uma desconhecida fez o imperador daãustria deixar sua carruagem e...

caminhar como qualquerestudante pelas ruas! e no dia em que suafutura noiva o espera. sinto por ter se irritado tantopor causa desse acontecimento. nada me preocupa maisdo que deixã¡-la aborrecida. - por favor, perdoe-me.- tudo bem. esqueã§amos este caso desagradã¡vel!nã£o se fala mais no assunto! o que achou de nenãª? - acho-a muito... muito bonita.- bonita? acho-a linda! - e vocãª, filha, gostou dele?- ele ã© simpã¡tico!

simpã¡tico? acho-o encantador! - sã³ acho a nen㪠um pouco fria.- meu deus, ela ã© um pouco tã­mida. - ela sabe o que a espera!- ela sabe que devemos noivar? claro. mas isso nã£o deveinfluenciar sua decisã£o. conversei com nenãª. ㉠inteligente,devota, bem educada, culta... e pelo seu visual, predestinadaa ser a esposa de um imperador. - sim, certo. mas...- nã£o diga nada ainda. precisa conhecãª-la melhor e aã­terã¡ a mesma opiniã£o que eu. - venha conversar com ela.- agora nã£o. vou ã  caã§a.

- voc㪠irã¡ caã§ar ainda hoje?- ㉠uma oportunidade ãºnica! - ficarei sã³ dois dias!- dedique uma hora aos hã³spedes. nã£o dã¡. sã£o quase 5 horas. tenhoencontro marcado com os caã§adores. e sabe que gosto de ser pontual.mas mais tarde, no jantar... e no baile, terei oportunidade deconhecer helena melhor. como quiser. - a partir daqui irei sozinho.- o armador deveria acompanhã¡-lo. - ninguã©m, o cã£o tambã©m fica!- boa caã§ada, majestade! - boa caã§ada.- boa caã§ada!

saudaã§ãµes, majestade!oh, perdã£o. - fui pontual?- que bom que veio! - ㉠bom andar no bosque outra vez.- o caminho ã© ã­ngreme! - nã£o faz mal.- entã£o vamos! sua majestade foi caã§ar?mas isso nã£o estava previsto! - nã£o fale tã£o alto!- perdã£o. e como posso... efetuar as medidas de seguranã§a? precisa se contar tambã©mcom fatos nã£o planejados. a mulher que sua majestadeencontrou ao chegar...

- nã£o foi inspecionada tambã©m!- sobre ela eu quero falar! - ele a conhece?- com certeza, ele caminhou... - bastante com ela.- conhece-a?! eu? sim, senhora. quer dizer, nã£oa conheã§o, mas sei que ã© ladra. - uma ladra?- sim. agora sã³ me resta saber... se se trata de uma ladra comum. criminosos polã­ticos costumamcometer infraã§ãµes simples... - para confundir as autoridades.- nã£o quero aula de criminalã­stica. - quero saber se foi indiciada!- infelizmente ainda nã£o.

- e por que ainda nã£o?- porque ela fugiu de mim. - e por quãª?- pergunta esquisita! perdã£o, alteza imperial, escapou. ela escapou pois sua majestadenã£o me deixou escapar... digo, sua majestade meenvolveu em uma conversa. e me disse quepodia dormir sossegada! - quem, por favor?- o senhor! eu de novo?! que bom que ama o bosquetanto quanto eu.

mas raramente passeiopelo bosque. normalmente... estou sentado atrã¡sda mesa de trabalho... - ou passando revista.- entã£o ã© digno de pena! quando tiver problemas ou estiveraflito, caminhe pelo bosque com... os olhos bem abertos. na ã¡rvore, em qualquer arbusto... na flor, nos bichos, voc㪠sentirã¡o poder de deus e... ele lhe darã¡ consolo e forã§as. - leu isso em algum livro?- nã£o, ã© sugestã£o do meu papili.

ah, o papili! deve ser um homem maravilhoso,o papili! e como! mas agora temos queficar de bico calado. devemos ficar bem quietos...senã£o espantamos a caã§a! eis a caã§adora "por excelãªncia"! - portanto, silãªncio!- sim. - majestade?- sim? - pretende mesmo matar o gamo?- claro. para qu㪠a espingarda?

- papili nã£o atira?- sim. mas gosto de olhar... - os animais vivos.- eu tambã©m. mas hoje quero um gamo. - olha um aã­!- onde? ali! - fugiu!- perdã£o, majestade! como aconteceu issocom uma caã§adora? tambã©m nã£o sei. por favor,nã£o fique bravo comigo. - nã£o, eu ainda o pego.- mas nã£o hoje, nã£o ã©? nã£o, hoje nã£o.mas jã¡ podemos falar alto.

podemos atã© cantar alto! nã£o acredito!trouxe uma cã­tara ã  caã§a? sim, o papi tambã©m a levou aoegito, na pirã¢mide de queã³ps! o papili jã¡ esteve no egito? de repente dã¡ desejo de viajare ele vai... e eu, acredito queserei como ele, um dia! pena que ficarei dois a trãªs dias,gostaria de prolongar as fã©rias. por minha causa?isso ã© muito gentil! - conte alguma coisa de vocãª.- de mim? nã£o hã¡ muito o que contar!

-atividade favorita: cavalgar!-a minha tambã©m! - flores favoritas: rosas vermelhas.- as minhas tambã©m. - sobremesa favorita: apfelstrudel!- nã£o acredito! a minha tambã©m! ã‰? - e o nome?- em casa, liesel von possenhofen. possenhofen? ㉠no lago de starnberg! onde morao arquiduque max da bavã¡ria! entã£o conhece minhas primashelena, elisabeth, matilde! maria, sofia! e tambã©m os meninos,digo, os prã­ncipes...

gackel, karl teodor. pelo quesei, a arquiduquesa ludovica... veio com as princesas helena esissi para ischel, nã£o ã©? vieram me cumprimentarpelo aniversã¡rio! - mas a princesa sissi nã£o veio!- ela veio sim! - nã£o a conhece?- superficialmente. - e que tal, gostou dela?- insignificante, mas liesel... me agrada! nunca pensei quepudesse invejar alguã©m. - sim? quem?- o homem que a tomarã¡ por esposa! - mas por qu㪠voc㪠pensa assim agora?- ㉠um pensamento racional.

- estã¡ pensando em casar?- infelizmente eu preciso. - quer dizer que ã© noivo?- ainda nã£o. - somente apaixonado?- tambã©m nã£o. devo ficar noivo esta noite. mas como se pode ficar noivode alguã©m que nã£o se ama? em nossos meios isso ã© comum... devido a interesses de estado... por motivos de dinastia, por... assim ela deveria ser...

esses olhos... essa boca... esse cabelo... - assim ela deveria ser.- sua noiva nã£o ã© bonita? claro, muito bonita...mas... mas nã£o tanto! - creio que roubou meu coraã§ã£o!- quem ã©? uma princesa, ã© claro. - talvez a conheã§a.- claro que conhece. - sim?- princesa helena da bavã¡ria. nenãª?

nã£o falemos mais de mim... estou feliz por tãª-la conhecido. creio que poderã¡ ser muito amada. quer dizer, precisa-se gostar. - liesel!- por favor, nã£o. o que foi?de repente se transformou? - liesel, o que hã¡?- nada! liesel! por favor, pare! liesel!

- sabe o que tia sofia disse?- o quãª? voc㪠educou nen㪠paraser imperatriz. olã¡, onde estã¡ vindo? fui passear no bosque. mamã£e, podemos contar a sissiagora porqu㪠estamos aqui? claro que sim. sissi, uma grande novidade! hojeficarei noiva de franz joseph. nem acredita como estou feliz.㉠lindo, diferente dos quadros. ㉠encantador e gentil!

estou contente pelasua felicidade, nenãª. sissi! sissi, o que hã¡ com vocãª? estã¡ tã£o diferente,nã£o estã¡ se sentindo bem? - o que voc㪠tem?- nada. estã¡ triste pois nã£o foi convidada?tenho uma notã­cia maravilhosa. o prã­ncipe khevenhueller veio semavisar e falta uma dama ã  mesa. entã£o tia sofia a convidou. bom? nã£o, mamã£e, nã£o quero ir.quero ficar em casa.

mas nã£o ã© possã­vel. tia sofiaficarã¡ ofendida, se nã£o aceitar. - sim!- nã£o importa! nã£o vou. por favor, nã£o me aborreã§a.nã£o seja geniosa. qualquer outra princesa ficariafeliz em participar desse jantar. mas vou ficar em casa! - o que ela tem?- nã£o faã§o idã©ia. mas ela irã¡. era o que faltava,contrariar tia sofia. e nesta noite, que pode significaro destino de nossa casa. boa noite, excelãªncia!

sua alteza, o marechal de campo,prã­ncipe radetzky. estou feliz, pois apesar do longocaminho, tenha vindo me visitar. ㉠uma grande honra edeferãªncia para mim... participar dos festejos deaniversã¡rio de vossa majestade. sua majestade,a rainha da prãºssia! bem-vinda, querida tia! - estou muito feliz com sua visita.- tambã©m estou por poder... transmitir, pessoalmente,meus votos de feliz aniversã¡rio. sua majestade,a rainha da saxã´nia.

sua alteza, arquiduquesaludovica da bavã¡ria. princesa helena da bavã¡ria. princesa elisabeth da bavã¡ria. bem-vinda, querida tia. bem-vinda, nenãª! bem-vinda... elisabeth! - vocãªs jã¡ se conhecem!- como? - de lnsbruck.- sim! estou feliz em revãª-la...liesel von possenhofen.

saudaã§ãµes. vamos, minha filha! saãºdo-a, minha filha. franz? - acompanhe nenãª ã  mesa.- sim, mamã£e. nã£o acredito.nã£o teria reconhecido sissi. em lnsbruck, ela erauma crianã§a insignificante. e agora ã© a moã§a maisencantadora que jamais vi! - perdã£o, nenãª, nã£o fique zangada.- por que deveria ficar?

nã£o ã© galante devanear sobre outramulher com sua parceira de mesa. sissi ã© minha irmã£!tambã©m a acho encantadora. - mais linda a cada dia!- ㉠encantadora! pena max nã£o ter vindo.gosto muito dele. - direi a ele.- o quãª? - direi a ele!- problema de rim? oh, nã£o! - o que hã¡?- max estã¡ com problema de rim. tambã©m sofro com isso. - o quãª?- tambã©m tenho.

ademais ele estã¡ bem?ã“timo, bravo! posso me registrar no seu feulleton? - com prazer.- quantas danã§as me concede? quantas quiser. - tambã©m o cotillon?- sim. - quais sã£o suas flores favoritas?- flores favoritas? - o quãª?- a flor predileta para bouquet. ah, bom! - rosas vermelhas- rosas vermelhas...

- mas eu a descrevi detalhadamente.- nã£o a achamos, major! caminhos, atalhos, ruas e pontesforam fiscalizados. as casas foram vistoriadas.onde ela estã¡? talvez apareã§ano desfile de archotes. com tanta iluminaã§ã£o,ela correrã¡ para vocãªs. - amanh㣠na missa?- terrorista nã£o vai ã  missa. ela aparecerã¡ no prã³ximo atentado,e isso vai me custar meu pescoã§o! e ele ri! ele ri... retirem-se! retirem-se!

que atrevimento!inacreditã¡vel! cotillon! - com licenã§a, franz.- pois nã£o. - por favor, arquiduquesa.- obrigada, excelãªncia. isso significa que nene vai sera futura imperatriz da ãustria? - por que pensa isso?- com duas rainhas presentes... franz joseph leva uma princesa ã mesa, isso tem algum significado. acho estranho que mantenha segredoperante suas irmã£s. - nen㪠㩠encantadora.- mas nã£o ã© para vocãª.

e por que nã£o? - nã£o cace no santuã¡rio imperial.- ㉠isso? alteza imperial,seu chã¡ de camomila. - colocou uma dose de conhaque?- sim, alteza imperial! obrigado. por que cheira o seu chã¡? para saber senã£o estã¡ muito forte. para que fique a par, franzjoseph fica noivo de nen㪠hoje. - fale mais alto!- nã£o posso gritar!

- franz ficarã¡ noivo da nenãª.- bravo! os dois estã£o apaixonados? - nã£o, mas isso virã¡ mais tarde.- bravo! e por que jã¡ noivam hoje? nã³s tambã©m noivamossem estarmos apaixonados. foi decidido pelo congresso. - sim! hoje, decido eu.- bravo! pare de dizer bravo!nã£o estã¡ num circo! - o que aconteceu?- nada, estã¡ tudo bem. bravo! - nã£o se aborreã§a, mas vou parar.- por quãª?

- nã£o me sinto bem.- vamos atã© o jardim... - ar fresco farã¡ bem.- nã£o. deixe-me sozinha. - nã£o devo ir junto?- por favor, nã£o! o que houve, sissi? - por que saiu correndo esta tarde?- preciso explicar? creio que o destino resolveu agirdiferente do decidido pelas mã£es. nã£o pode ser mero acaso... termos nos encontrado hoje,longe da pressã£o da corte. - acho atã© que estã¡ tudo em ordem.- o que estã¡ em ordem?

minha mã£e queria que ficasse noivode uma das filhas de tia ludovica. este desejo de minha mã£enunca deixarei de atender. sissi... eu a amo. quer ser minha esposa? - nã£o, nunca!- e por que nã£o? nã£o vou atrapalhar a felicidade denenãª! nã£o tirarei o homem dela! seja razoã¡vel! nã£o estã¡ tirando ohomem da nenãª. nã£o sou dela. nã£o estã¡ no caminho da felicidadedela, pois nã£o creio que...

ela seja feliz casando-se sou o imperador da ãustria... senhor de um paã­s poderoso, mashã¡ perigo por toda parte. os rebeldes em milã£o,a revolta na hungria. e assumo meus deverescom muita seriedade, sissi. nã£o terei muito tempopara a minha mulher! mesmo assim, seria muito feliztendo uma mulher a meu lado... como vocãª. nã£o se lembra do que lhe dissehoje... sem saber quem voc㪠era? assim ela deveria ser...ter esses olhos...

- essa boca...- por favor, pare de falar... senã£o esqueã§o a etiquetae saio correndo! nã£o acha que franz nã£o dã¡atenã§ã£o suficiente ã  nenãª? franz sempre abre o certeza o abrirã¡ com ela. nã£o se preocupe, tudo estã¡correndo como eu desejo! confio em vocãª! quer me ajudar a carregareste fardo tã£o pesado? - e se nã£o houvesse nenãª?- mas ela estã¡ aã­ e eu amo nenãª. e nã£o conseguiria, de modo algum,magoã¡-la. ela o ama, ela me disse!

- sim, mamã£e?- gostaria de conversar com vocãª! claro, mamã£e. com licenã§a, sissi! - estava maravilhosa!- ã‰? todos a observaram.jã¡ devem estar desconfiados. - percebi.- tia sofia disse... - o quãª?- que franz joseph danã§arã¡... - o cotillon com vocãª.- foi o que imaginei. e junto, o noivado serã¡ anunciado!estou tã£o feliz!

muito bem, franz, estã¡ na horade oficializar seu noivado... gostaria entã£ode saber a sua decisã£o. - sim, mamã£e. estou decidido.- que bom! posso entã£o oficializar? afinal, todos estã£o desconfiadosque ficarã¡ noivo de nenãª! mamã£e, minha decisã£onã£o recaiu sobre nenãª... mas pela sissi! pela sissi? - sabe o que estã¡ dizendo?- claro, mamã£e! mas, franz!

nã£o pode casar com uma menina de16 anos, mal educada... sissi serã¡ uma imperatriz...como o mundo nunca viu. - no mal sentido!- no melhor sentido! ela ã© o prã³prio encantamento.seu charme ã© de uma delicadeza... como nunca conheci.sissi ã© um tesouro... e nã£o vou permitir queme tirem este tesouro. minha decisã£o estã¡ tomada:caso com sissi ou com nenhuma! peã§a, em meu nome, mamã£e,a mã£o de sissi ã  tia ludovica. ao tio max, pedirei pessoalmente.

estã¡ me pondo peranteum fato consumado? infelizmente sissi estarã¡na mesma situaã§ã£o. sinto, mamã£e. ㉠a primeira vez quenã£o concordamos um com o outro! messieurs, escolham as flores desuas damas do cotillon! o que voc㪠tem, sissi? jã¡ ã  tarde, estava tã£o tristonha.nã£o estou gostando nada. - diga-me, o que hã¡ com vocãª?- nada, mamã£e. - entã£o vã¡ danã§ar. voc㪠㩠jovem!- nã£o tenho vontade de danã§ar! entã£o mostre-se alegre.a quem prometeu o cotillon?

- ao karl ludovic.- entã£o dance com ele, estã¡ bem? - rosas vermelhas para mim.- nã£o temos mais rosas vermelhas. sua majestade reservou todas. - para quem sã£o as rosas vermelhas?- para sissi. ela nã£o ã© um encanto? - mas nã£o para vocãª!- e por que nã£o? - caminho de imperador nã£o se cruza.- que quer dizer? meus olhos enxergam maisdo que os seus! perdã£o, procuro karl ludovic.prometi danã§ar o cotillon com ele. isso agora nã£o importa.venha cã¡.

- deixe-me olhar para vocãª!- sim, titia! ã‰... - voc㪠nã£o ã© muito alta!- infelizmente nã£o. mas isso ã© da famã­lia.mamã£e nã£o ã© alta... e voc㪠tambã©m nã£o! nã£o quero, de forma alguma,que me trate por vocãª. mas voc㪠㩠minha tia! franz joseph ã© meu filhoe me trata por senhora! pois nã£o.

se vocãª... perdã£o,se a senhora assim o deseja... tia, isso ã© tã£o incomum,tã£o bobo! terã¡ que se adaptara muitas coisas. na corte austrã­aca predominaum cerimonial rigoroso... o cerimonial espanhol que deve serobedecido, em qualquer situaã§ã£o. este ã© o meu desejo...e tambã©m o desejo do imperador. que idiomas falaalã©m do alemã£o? - inglãªs e francãªs.- deveria saber hãºngaro, croata... - e o idioma da boãªmia.- para quãª?

porque franz joseph me disseque a ama e... - que a quer como sua esposa.- mas eu disse... por favor, nã£o me interrompa,quando eu estiver falando. responda: voc㪠tambã©m o ama? - por favor, nã£o me pergunte!- exijo resposta ã  minha pergunta. sim, eu o o amo muito. mas pedi... soube que cavalgamuitas horas por dia. nada tenho contra cavalgadas,pois ajuda a silhueta. agora deverã¡ pensar na sua saãºde.

seus dentes estã£o amarelos,precisa escovar melhor! eu escovo!meus dentes sã£o brancos! seu modo estouvado precisa mudar! seu modo deve mudar se vocãªfor a imperatriz da ãustria. - nã£o quero ser imperatriz!- deve considerar-se feliz se for! sempre fui feliz na minha casa.talvez mais do que todos aqui. de modo algum mudarei de vida!quero ser livre e sem pressã£o! - que linguajar ã© este?- a linguagem que meu pai ensinou! para quem a liberdadee a verdade estã£o acima de tudo!

creio que por enquantonada mais temos a dizer. - aonde vai?- para casa! agora? no inã­cio do cotillone que estou esperando tanto? - perdã£o, mas nã£o vou danã§ar.- nã£o penso em deixã¡-la ir. - exijo minha danã§a!- nem eu pedindo...? majestade, as rosas! obrigado! sofia, nosso sonhose tornarã¡ realidade! - irmã£, estã¡ enganada!- nã£o v㪠que estã¡ indo atã© a nenãª?

querida sissi, permita-me ofereceras suas flores prediletas. estã¡ dando flores ã  sissi?o que quer dizer isso? isso quer dizer...que nã£o ficarã¡ noivo de nenãª. querida nenãª, tinha lhe pedido ocotillon. peã§o, permita-me que... o dance com sissi...a minha noiva. - ele quer casar com a sissi?- sim. viva a futuraimperatriz da ãustria. salve, salve, salve! permita, majestade, que em nome detodos os convidados presentes...

e como o convidado mais velho, eutransmita os votos de felicidade... pelo noivado de sua majestade coma princesa elisabeth da bavã¡ria. - estã¡ transmitido.- agradeã§o, meu marechal de campo. majestade... a populaã§ã£o organizou umaqueima de fogos em sua homenagem. ㉠muito gentil.sissi? minha filha,estou com tanta pena de vocãª. oh, mamã£e,por que viemos a ischel? que humilhaã§ã£o!

peã§o, nenãª, seja fortee mantenha sua postura. - e acredite, sissi nã£o tem culpa.- eu sei. nã£o fique zangada com ela. nenãª, por favor, nã£o deixe quepercebam o que estã¡ sentindo... que a peã§o, por favor. isso nã£o posso fazer, mamã£e!nã£o posso! por que fez isso? por que me pã´s numa situaã§ã£ode fato consumado? eu sabia quenunca teria dito sim!

ludovica, brinde com suas irmã£s.tambã©m trouxe um imperador ã  famã­lia. - por que estã¡ chorando?- nã£o tem motivo para chorar! quem merece piedade aqui sou eu. tenho a tarefa de fazerde uma camponesa uma imperatriz! nã£o tem necessidade.sissi serã¡ uma imperatriz. pelos meus ensinamentos. em umano nã£o a reconhecerã£o mais. em um ano quem nã£o a reconhecerã¡mais, serã¡ vocãª! - entã£o bravo!- agora foi vocãª! mas esta ã©... esta ã©...

a noiva de sua majestade. - sr. prefeito, onde hã¡ um buraco?- para quãª? para desaparecer nele! de quem ã© a vez? fã­gado nã£o ã© de peixeele ã© de um gato saboreiem o bom vinhodo futuro sogro! fã­gado nã£o ã© do porcoele ã© de um touro hoje nã£o quero mais vinhoagora eu quero ã© cerveja! mas sissi, o que voc㪠tem?

sentada aqui sozinha e triste?nã£o dã¡ impressã£o de noiva feliz. - tem notã­cias de nenãª?- claro. ela continua com tia elisabeth empotsdam. e estã¡ muito bem. ela conheceu o prã­ncipe thurn untacsis e gostou muito dele... ele estã¡ lhe fazendo a corte... mas ela nã£o volta... pois ainda nã£o me perdoou porter destruã­do a sua vida! sissi, por favor... agora me escute! voc㪠nã£odestruiu a vida dela...

tudo acontece comotem que acontecer. tia sofia tentou brincar dedestino e isso nã£o ã© possã­vel. franz joseph gostou mais de vocãªdo que da nenãª! considere-se feliz! ele a ama detodo coraã§ã£o. e voc㪠a ele, nã£o ã©? e isso ã© o que importa! nã£o serei feliz enquanto nenãªestiver magoada e nã£o vier para casa - o quãª? no meio da noite?- o que hã¡? - um mensageiro real!- o que deseja? nã£o faã§o idã©ia. nã£o se incomodem.jã¡ volto. bebam ã  minha saãºde!

viva o nosso duquenosso querido duque max! - conde arco, mas que surpresa!- desculpe perturbar tã£o tarde... - nã£o foi possã­vel chegar antes.- saudaã§ãµes. pegou o temporal? vim por solicitaã§ã£o de suamajestade, o rei maximiliano... da bavã¡ria, para transmitir aosenhor e sua famã­lia... - votos de felicidade.- ㉠muito gentil da... ...sua majestade enviar felicitaã§ãµespor mensageiro especial. boa noite. - hã¡ mais uma mensagem especial.- hã¡?

infelizmente nã£o ã© agradã¡vel. sua majestade solicitou-me lembrarã  sua alteza real... que nã£o ã© maisuma pessoa particular... mas que... enfim...tornou-se uma pessoa pãºblica... - em outras palavras?- sua majestade deseja que... sua alteza real,a partir de agora... como dizer? leve uma vidaum pouco mais moderada. transmita que eu desejo quemeu marido continue como ele ã©! - mas alteza real!- atã© agora fomos felizes e...

contentes! ninguã©m se preocupava...nem o rei. entã£o deixe-nos em paz! oh, vicka!voc㪠㩠uma tremenda mulher! segure, conde. seja nã£o fosse casado com vocãª,acredite, casaria agora. desculpe! conde arco, informe sua majestadesobre este idã­lio familiar... enviamos lembranã§as etudo permanece como sempre! e, se nã£o gostar, que comunique,nos tornaremos austrã­acos... mas, por favor, altezas...

isso o franz farã¡com o maior prazer. venha, xawier. vamos ao bosque! venha. cuidado para quenada lhe aconteã§a. e quando for grande,saia do caminho do papi! - quem deve sair do meu caminho?- o xawier. mas sissi... o que estã¡ fazendo?

vou libertar meus animais, jã¡ quedevo renunciar ã  minha liberdade. que negã³cio ã© esse? qualquer princesa seria feliz seestivesse no seu lugar... e voc㪠faz uma cara...!ouã§a, recebi uma notã­cia. o casamento foi marcado parao dia 4 de abril. no dia 1o voc㪠descerã¡o danãºbio, com o navio. nenãª! nã£o acredito, que surpresa boa! o prã­ncipe thurn un tacsis metrouxe. queria cumprimentã¡-la.

estou feliz em recebãª-lo! - o prazer ã© meu, sra. duquesa!- obrigada. o que estã¡ acontecendo? age comose fosse outra pessoa! - serã¡ que nã£o gosta do franz?- sim, eu gosto, atã© demais! mas tenho medo da tia sofia e detodo aquele cerimonial da corte... isso eu entendo! sempre tive pavordisso! sabe de uma coisa? quando a amolarem demais em viena,com todas aquelas bobagens... voc㪠vem aqui e vamos passearno bosque. nã£o! agora o franzdeve acompanhã¡-la.

- sissi levarã¡ um susto!- onde ela estã¡? com os animais! sissi!a nen㪠estã¡ aqui! venha! a nen㪠chegou! - nenãª!- sissi! sã³ queria dizer que seremossempre as mesmas... quero que seja tã£o felizcomo eu o sou! que bom que estã¡dizendo isso, nenãª! estou tã£o feliz! eu nunca poderia ter sido feliz.

sua nova pã¡tria ã©um lindo paã­s, sissi! tenho a impressã£ode estar sonhando! o navio!ela estã¡ chegando! - sissi!- franz! pode dizer o que procura aqui? bom dia, tia! estou seguindo-a porvã¡rios ambientes. vai de uma janela ã  outra! faltaalguma coisa? nã£o consegue dormir? - nã£o, estou procurando os animais.- que animais?

franz joseph me disse, que elepossui um grande parque. e por isso anda por aã­de camisola e peignoir? - cabelos soltos e descalã§a?- mas ninguã©m me viu! - franz joseph...- ainda estã¡ dormindo. engano seu, a essa hora oimperador jã¡ estã¡ trabalhando! desculpe, eu nã£o sabia! pare. irã¡ se perder neste palã¡cio. - a princesa auersperg!- sim, alteza imperial!

- por que chamou a princesa?- para levã¡-la aos seus aposentos. - nã£o ã© preciso!- eu decido. chegando aos aposentos,prepare-se para a confissã£o. desnecessã¡rio me lembrar,jã¡ me preparei! tambã©m jã¡ falo os idiomas que achaimportantes: hãºngaro, croata... - meus dentes estã£o brancos!- o tom de voz que usa comigo... - continua o mesmo!- o que hã¡? pronto! precisava se mostrarao seu noivo nestes trajes? - bom dia, franz!- bom dia, sissi.

- aconteceu alguma coisa?- nã£o. - sã³ queria ver os animais.- nã£o dã¡ para vãª-los daqui! mais tarde lhe dia, mamã£e! - nã£o hã¡ razã£o para se enervar!- obrigada por me informar! sinto, no dia do casamento, terdiscutido com sua noiva, mas... mandei chamar a princesa! bom dia, princesa.nã£o, por favor. mais essa agora.obrigada, estã¡ dispensada. por que ofendeu uma damaretirando a mã£o?

sinto-me mal se uma senhora maisidosa me beijar as mã£os! - vou lhe explicar...- perdã£o, mamã£e. posso? este beijo na mã£o nada tema ver com idade. hoje, apã³s a cerimã´niado nosso casamento... voc㪠serã¡ a primeira damano meu reino. em outras palavras... voc㪠assume a posiã§ã£oque atã© hoje minha mã£e ocupava! daqui para frente, serã¡ aprimeira dama do paã­s... e com este beijo nas mã£os...

as outras damas mostram que, comoimperatriz, estã¡ acima de todos. uma ãºnica pessoa pode lhe beijara testa ao invã©s das mã£os. minha mã£e. minha mã£e? nã£o era issoque queria dizer? sim, franz! vamos, minha filha. vouacompanhã¡-la a seus aposentos! sim. ah, franz... tudo seria tã£olindo se voc㪠nã£o fosse imperador! cumprimentamos nossa noiva amada,a princesa elisabeth da bavã¡ria...

mais uma vez em solo austrã­aco... e transmitimos as nossasboas vindas ã  sua nova casa! que a ãustria... se torne seu segundo lare uma nova pã¡tria... e que vocãª, querida elisabeth... em sua nova pã¡triasã³ tenha horas felizes. farei tudo queestiver ao meu alcance. o que exceder, estã¡ nas mã£osdo todo poderoso! viva os noivos!

viva, viva! viva, minha elisabeth, viva!

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already wall karne copyrighted programscreated by the rio grande e auto company fundamentally going all cardinal bernardattention a lot on the county jail because i don't get one hundred there'dbe no regarding a merger body found him and banging basemutilated with a shotgun mezzo golden girl ass visit huh here is the group that believes anemerging because i think where every owner randy michaels let me know whatwalter brown

recently published pictures show thebody of nineteen thirty five born one hundred million gallons of riogrande de klerk governing where you would involve the monte carlo environment police more wide openemerges because operated by the dade county's anothergovernmental units to protect your lives in your property all these division in your governmenthad collected real rounding black government because it gives the most jobs standingemergency for long

they do rio grande extracting referenceto any other random kathleen available in the martin because they're accurate records proveconclusively what'd operate card more efficiently andmore economically several hundred thousand mourners mustagree with their government in the collection of an ideal governing and more the failed real brenda crackinghis one hundred and ought to prevent ahead of last year making real grounded by part of profitgrowing oil company in the west

annulled la great pleasure to presentone small share of teens are spending on the final accounting characters to lose good evening brands you hear a great deal from time to timeof sentimental objections to capital punishment people of more milk of human kindnessand they're sold in hard factual experience in the background

maintain that man is not the legal rightto take your life in the name of society at the criminal should be corrected notexecuted i ask you to listen carefully tonightdramatization and ask yourself whether the kremlinabout whom you are here should have been dealt with differently personally i believe is the only way to deal withaverage of cold-blooded killers is to make an example m it is sad but true

strongest crime to turn to the fear ofconsequences has been my experience that so manypeople are not good so often because of theright thing to do as they are a good because they're afraid they will bepunished if they are better if they delete plotters wise he would change his mind or i can assurehim he will not get away with it anymore than johnvictoria did i was one or two men are gone and theydidn't have one one nine twelve nineteen dream gave him a double murder won't beon wanted them to do when you number and

during the war memorandum of overwhelming demand thereturn of the problem that would be a good morning however we don't know delay while driving a car payment ofviolence regarding gave me a board meeting and they want toknow and then lightning never have enough to you might want more than the intended to ademocrat

maybe normandy we will invokecondemnation of all revenue delay level are we going on everything weight he's believed in blogger and i abook maybe i could get a job there unleashed by police and younger perry labeling goes mybrother-in-law leading lebanon lebanon which is a bit of louisville lesliebuild me a little in the middle of the lord don't let alone a lot of them and let meknow that i'm a big room within one amount won

lori morgan literally them anyway not only one in mangled land route one really in mybedroom and let me know in my own life in the game on lovelovelove reji provided in the bestdrama of greed and violence roll all night long reaction has already begun animal leaguecanyon in the foothills of the monument annulled the gardens bottom apparentlyeven beyond the captain william bright

lead of the homicide one we're going toprobably have a bomb well-developed over third reading omaha ho opm air steward no bald gamepad or if you're to return all although homewith the hollywood bollywood happen go ahead you point out that i get a governmentemployee right away while story deputy sheriff roaster and economicanniversary investigation of the king of

the crime happened right nominate one of his more relevantalthough mob big example on the bali on the reaganlol matured meet them on their own land restored what is it integration with at this week that the duties of the government thank you

news apparently to preventidentification the reputed more controlled in trenton three from the show one gentleman than the second was fired while a victimof laying on the ground required clothes as you can come up other brand on theclothing and into the second shot which obliterated the features

fared as you read only reconstruction president of the term limits again any marks on the grows and identification unison thursday infront of it for the murder of rabin wanted to makerecognition impossible people were pleased with the paper inwhich people in the big news reporters lol my name is really a bronco

seventeenth what do you know street goesi was in case of x and the more seriousillness notified on victoria six hundred and to spell out of their lives clinton hill from you're interested infront of it and remove the body intramural you that for the rest of it by now and sensitivity else on him i'm not satisfied with thisidentification german abundant even know if you canbring on it

so far nobody mentioned below here her memories you're on the money yes you're right i was all poznan mystep right on the body she like to scare the daylights out on the corner of this this mornin idol of water bodies right away and he called you call it

looks like he's been busy twenty fourhours here in the shop yesterday come to think about believe i did i was on the interest rate column iheard a couple of shots but diameters eleven o'clock at the moment i think you know attention to the shockbecause i think it somebody else without having reviews anyone around here form all this but about fifteen minutes later i waswalking along a pack rolled on the way

back to the ranch unplanned accounted polytechnic are going west that'd be tour goes i was the federal government connected to them is you know that the license number no i didn't

what color was it insuperable only cut if they didn't at ablack top is more paper that i found on the money capital rear-ended her pocket tanks c well according to the papers this man iswas a giggle relief from the arizona statepenitentiary of firms on may twelve today the twenty fourth fluently buddy is the eight billiondollar disclose days of freedom

senate recruitment group from leader position or will they beable to roll paper listings if the answer to that landed onthe story i want you to go to six hundred andtuesday eleven oh in bringing down the correct but then you get in there but he'll bein the morgue taking their printed edification thenbring into my office capital with the other i want you to follow through onfingerprinting that body send the presentation of the arizona penitentiaryapproach projected as the principal

they'd be able and one of the vote was with that one corpse with to a dedicated i don't like mister clinton thatmysterious after all of a fingerprint the court don't pickup dung the poet and a lot of them rubble more inventory identified thebodies of brother in law emily mindell and already the online goldman how longit will be

the mexican landlady friedman of thedoor landed coming to our age annual employment law and lobby like oldpeople might back or and and and and i was ritalin has been murdered letters managementshare photos they want to go there was room wendell was always going to pay it back grand out your in your guitar in a land ofnorman lawless

you know whether bangalore and i've done i'm gone condo he didn't have no plans sydenham automobile came up and we'll get it where we get the money by not only ofmoney on the freemen grandfather things done is wrong policy it's not too fast he did not that much

i'd like to take a look and let is isjust down the hall here yesterday and when you wonder where thatis going to get a job and i'm going to go allowing comes back and let them andthat's what he told me to little predominately wrote here as usual looked pretty bare hopeful he didn't have no clothes ontwenty one for more money to the end got some factors in the broad nationallevel are looking for

a letter from the zulu leader of thepoker globe arizona you know that they're looking for theright thing in a sister and will perhaps by it along we're gonna snob and water look at the must ask you some questions prayer for your name two hundred thirty

orders six of those dilemma you know really double man memberlist t_v_ buddy you saw it the more that areally blanco thanks a lot of time to do when did you see them go left removed situational

still noodles and leads us to look forwork we've been looking for is one of my list this is an insaneasylum patents is ready to come out for most of the timetable to get around i asked the police to look for is reallymissing persons report out there and all about that already hampshire we're pretty colorless overs no m democratic uh...

seven after considerable political passions thirteen twenty seven what colors it independent dark blue i was a paint job stated that lucifer split as i have it repainted those are your own children knows it you know what they did not

throughout the month of animals where did you ever see thisidentification card before only when the opposition with the newpermanent never start before her now as your name on it license on board trader notify you incase of accident it'll move didn't get along with the rest of thefamily again silently on one of those friendly withhim

where were you yesterday home all day certainly do my kid the school but you know anybody would want a martyrblanco the enemies says we may want to question you again mostof the story will be found it'll be run other errands eleven your time thank you very much for coming in hasbecome a design numerals

story seems fair enough because we haven't touched upon in theworld kaplan look at the reply panel on the planshows on him i'll victim is jose diego fingerprintson the body check identically with the start of the prism lewiston is everything though is that the pilot bungle anotherlead on that but almost literally loom

from us that the other than globearizona time they are leading the right away pan act can throughout all of our birnbaum arizona we are attempting to locate louis blancor mexican whose name was called the number of themexican we have identified as jose diego we believe bongo has a sister will bethat the probability involved it is imperative to the investigation ofthis murder that we find bronco would

appreciate your making confidentialinvestigation discovered a bronco is now in gold filibuster lose their local time withouta ok reviewed oblivious to lose both english california clearly bangalore idea of loving thatpeople can count things historic carroll hubbard cherub globe arizona okcharacter although arbonne globe arizona please put in bangalore and search fortwelve-gauge shotgun and global mobile with blacktop possible dictum brought from therebykarke it'll be a biscuit inshallah

proclaim akattak ok picture of me wdistillers loving look unable to check for find eitherautomobile a shotgun holding blanco in custody refuses to waive extraditionawaiting instructions charles arbor cherub globe arizona okcharacter although arbonne will never go out definition of so-called morella rivaledtomorrow tue question mark litke many thanks for your cooperation companieswill show up for going to conquer cook along the lower that they have worry really well

why don't they have asked me or nothingserious felongco without when i ask you some questions was all right reserved on monday time of the credibility of portal labfive of the lord they be able hosted the aerial well no i don't know him never knew about it on the name ofalready a go out or make use to play with him on a one bor when i was a kid

contrive a grocery store getting blownoff as many relevant by the name of all theyhave a market-driven what did you get a global white-trumpet right from the violence though he had a report of april in awitness and my doorbell doesn't barrier with my father wonder what day a coupleof weeks ago i don't remember the day where you hadon global may twenty third of may you should trail even though i want to know wherethe time i went to sleep better your you

allowed on the story shoe leave my brother-in-law when the decision last does before i left california with adrive an automobile have you ever written a book can youdescribe it sure is and i think uh... what color the glory on the shotgun but i don't know have you ever been any trouble

croatia like the movie hollywood diarrhea and john wellblankets was wet we found the body of a mexican on thekenyan and you all he'd been shot twice in on it but it wasnot going to vacation cause with your name on it saying that we should reportthat there are listed on the front they'd make really when they money here so that he let me get to me that they caught in ashort of poetry you think he got to get a good job withthe wind chill his company of the first

then open for review ike told to heal and on the money legacy of paper i think a lot ofpolitics vannatter because mother i can drop it time when i was begin to look a littleclipper morale ya'll with a girl name and beneficial revivalmy wife she's apart from she was the guy two thousand dollarsdivided for at least diablo brother-in-lawlambeth given me

then he got laid reassurance that looks a little m when you go where you can find her storyremember mexican who looks like you and he killed in the collector interrupted hidden over that one crop could be pulling the insurance if imade up my life we'll have to find out about that of other blanco we waive extraditioncome back with us that we're a prescription drug we've

triangle but we'll claimed and not me let me know sent buddy that's what you're always going todo it to me trying to practical hume i'd peak titled language ability although some ofthe way bungle next day one of the intended victim wait outside captainwright once more back to normal who work for an insurance company i don't think i need to advise you totell the truth we're going to get to the bottom of thething that will all come out ma'am is

around telling the truth alright thenanswer the question truthfully did you ever take that life insurancefollow their lead vocal than ever did his identification card we found on thebody of the few lol did you read it grocer version i read it liberal eroded this looks like it and reading and that by the use of the more you aresatisfied that is your brother-in-law

who have uncle cooler sentiment when ican go through a plug in and the plug is pulledthrough then you'd say it was him bring in your member of you know this photo local hillary industry here budget was dead i am not dead

the plane was pretty scary the risk in a book somebody tried to get me to make a bitlonger to put my name in the forecast for their and that's what the other than they aretrying to find out about did you write this identification cardbungle mall plane eventually they called killerwho do you think wrote it knowing you were destroyed thermal well by the nazis

therapy job family nobody knows you might run a littlejustin don't think that's right is the story ever talk to you about aninsurance policy she called me one day last minute breakour politics so he called the original insurancecompanies he said he'd pay for it so i don't wantgave your political conventional the did you ever get the palestinian all the with the benefit gary mywire so much for the vote before

the city thousand dollars enso legislative void language or anyonehundred-percent what do you say the lead biblenon-medical to conduct an all-american girl or find out when it went up through you'll know you might be kinda unsureabout the cato angrily doesn't look all right your political scene up there with allthe bali have my or as a man who saw the car drive down the road is a bit aboutit

then divided by the color then the speaker you've got on thewindshield mind elsewhere and democrat who do it because of that minimal anything about their lots ofblue ethics is and this identification cards well you know about that numbers on theballoon is part of the game of the house here's a piece of paper in front of thestory now write down what i do know women really bungle

mhm seventeen twenty eight st walls yahoo assignments john recording six hundred and goosto avenue little alright seventeen twenty years with acouple times you know

hoover did you go in school the correct six grade member of this program with the new mentried to land on it look at it again uh... characterized you know that this morning papers hit with a spell it there's no i a m for miami

from that uh... of argue st used the greater or some other correct but it's looking for uh... produce very able recorded minded cd l_l_

literally frank i'm going to place you under arrestrecord on suspicion of murder nine billion pentagon maybe not but thisis an indication card away from the bodies buried here was a way you do itso i think said look we're not interested in themurder of his farewell hazardous draws on at the book you do as amaterial witness floor went to the northern part we'reconcerned with the woman is officially until

the american sentiment there were a fewdays poor retrograde copper and by thendouble pressdisplay anyway well you up to much rent or buy my blisspeople like that thoroughfares are that's it solar and for your information was very he's very able y_a_ alley i want to check for the insurancecompanies are follows a revival

and then there are probably will be arepeat of this case has a for several days morrell devoted time ofthe main begging dot gov checking the file the language insurance company catalog number the company withhold thebubble gum michael life pandemonium contacted involved in thecaptain brightman met you will mister unfairly with orders yes ma'am you know mcdonalds or a budget of the meeting where i come backto him first on the content

let the record we got a prospect name onthe phone book and approaching with no one believed invested in the presidency and to do so much of the story in termsof michael normal not on that calment he was when i went to an agreement that time he made an application for apolicy defender why ill health and with that lasted so that rail norway i gave me two or three application blankand suggested some other members of his family his friends might want to join

so few days later he came back with hisapplication the roof blanco i'd totally be sure the name was clearlyprinted and flag or not only in printed name at thetop of the application but also the signature still to come to rejected it and i gave it back to victoria i'm going tohave assigned few days later he returned applications on and who was abeneficiary another picture of himself dormitory flung facilities maybe one of thebeneficiary yes but i remember of it or

explained he changed his mind becauseyou didn't think you'd like to collect the insurance tensions in the hospital apatent i ask you to bring along with paperspertaining to this policy scalia petitioners him a briefcase and here it is designed there was blood relatives of those records are done byfour different noah right now there are some

and is this a mood article if you don't have to be an expert at thewrist and reading is not the same one that application on black gold recordright here drunken and the date on that application is taperule fifteen linda douglass a recruiter little labelcamp we've got a good place to many globalozone on the twelfth instead of signature on the applicationis mighty coast of the story handwriting when you're looking at it

come into this policy for interest toyou a little tricky and i was a bit so that the president of murder three thousand dollars with water and i think you've given usthe evidence we needed to complete our case against john mccoy remind glad tobe of assistance we're going to be good to uncover the sort of malpractice isyour work there's one more thing with that as it only took on another policy whichmade himself beneficiary heeded funnel justin and i have it here

answers i'm mike rupal aged fourteen his magicall microsoft folks logo stepson his wife's buoyed by a former americandinner move through the list of the jury plandelay to allow the dough on his family however i doubt that we can use that asevidence against him would be hard to establish intent eventhough the story and his nephew in line for the next hearing and abuse short david david dot on thestory of the people but you didn't have

the bill would be on the districtattorney in your own bed america right that magnetically prepared menendez number nineteen thirty threevictoria brought the violin department point is that the superior court theboard of directors the prosecution based in the documentbut the glory murdered holding the anal or three thousand dollars worth ofinsurance a bomb brief circumstance black hubbard's victoria's magazine iwitnessed paragraph the second the pelican doesn't limit spell the wordgail in the manner in which it was

billed identification godbole melodicapparently dot i've ordered applications with three thousand dollars worth ofenjoyment of on the libel good bungled landed on the television the jury find the defendant guilty ofmurder in the bird agreement doug waggoner done that before anyway andlemonade went to bed with me seventy million dollars bandwagon at dawn on december six nineteen forty-five more boys and girls listen to callingall cars into any other program heard

over the state and the rio grande e locally applied tocooperate with local police authorities in crime prevention by impressing theyouthful mine but crime does not pay and further in this boys and girls onthe side of law-and-order real ground the offer to complete yourdetective outfit absolutely free of charge to its youngest a police bad handcuffs pistol belt andpollster fingerprint office in many other free gift stops any independent dealers buildingrio grande decrypt gasoline for a free

copy of the calling all cars muse which contains the story and pictures ofthe crimes occurred tonight and tell us how you may get yourcomplete junior police office without charge feel brandy is proud to take theleadership in the future of police crime prevention moved renumber rio grande a crackdown comingtoday powers more police cars fire engines an emergency equipment anthony other brand

for water literally fallen on hard times andalthough it has a lot and johnny said go ahead cancellation broadcast one on the bigdeal going on margarine many genuine suspect in this case now investing gold goldman ass

paramilitary meritocratic employees saying good night part a copyrighted programs created but we don't have the are profit locally there one hundred nine please everyone and are in the long runlittle writing

every month the long run volumes of other doubling up even whenthey're only going to call real around-the-clock cleanup about the mold powerful governing thecombined and conquered the grave they found thearticle you you talked about me too because it helped prevent activity sometimes when you're not going to behere when you get question pending youinstinctively probable probable

if your car has brought government would minorities an emergencycard use and respond to the federal governmentand wait that long without being so that he will not be luggage contractgoverning you are more likely blow your enginewith a third of slow burning fuels public-private expert warns that you canfind out industry you're probably won't be under control and it's not due out of dangerousemerging given out by the government do you thinkbrian thank you

real sunday dapat now it is our pleasure to introducekeith james b_ davis oval title of police department good evening friends murders will happen although your law enforcement agency and the police department of los angeles are continually striving by theiralertness in apprehending murders

my persistently proving that homicidedoes not pay and in the los angeles police departmentin particular making those who might conceiving commitmurder conscious of the fact that in back ofevery police thirty eight stands a man in uniform whose deadly payment accuracy is adangerous thing for a murder nevertheless we continue an occasional outburst of murder

i am proud to report to the citizens ofthe southwest but during the past two and a half years our murder rate in los angeles has beenconsiderably reduced more than that but feel crimes of this nature haveremained unsolved none of them is a close look every police officer is on twentyfour-hour duty tracing and checking in attempt to solve those two homicides which are still on the police blotter asunsolved

tonight story is one of fashion it is a story of a murder but no one person and no army of persons could havestopped or maybe impossible it is the type of homicide studieseasiest assault yet the kind of human tragedy whichstrikes as suddenly as lightning tonight story has to do with humancontact if reaches a settlement manifesting the necessity of all bidders

delivery clean and good luck and not to get mixed up who made through the east rain jealousyimpassioned lead them into tragedy l'oreal another little time in thecredible pele although the vagina at in dot and i will represent them onthe new york bike how does it grew older dept and bradley huckabee'll groundbreaking

behind hahaha uh... surprised about ten years ago wewon the war freeman domineering and internet one that will work by the local language allowed women level murphy harini delicate

pipes under the name of this peoplepower killing we'll see here you were your little governor hotmail all pool dialing

he'll feel it is clearly but i don't like hiding from people about it using a puppy we're pretty soon it'll be missus benkelly would you rather be known as listedbelow i don't care ecologically but know that i thought he is especially that ithink the processes unprofor out there for you speedierroute he hasn't hit me

with all my love cokie like that goes with it dot dot add more hair than i'd like to get back now and and u_s_ hinckley f to use crying for the past doesn't bringthat title money thing to think that none of them and lots of love

so i'd never loved anyone like i loveyou opportunities which all the others i had never known you've been global policeman another anyone else you're the matters for both of them you'll fall for anyone would catherine i hadn't

another take my i dot fifty-seven awayfrom them think about it he worked with him for my gpa you will change your mind go back to him businessman i don't care i want you i never wanted lactose so many times that marty becausei felt sorry for you

i think it's not andy info you know we need once andy green valley credit for us maybe anti-nepotism menu key left with the biggest day of my life it getting believable effect i meant that my eyes on your lifeand all weekend five not been badly at this

i loved his beloved how he was doing the right thing andfalling on what happened from the california will not vote for missus helmsleyfestival leg final moment that out here lenny callis for a long time catholicyes i have always been a friend cd he'll best

the whole you know you're my best and that's the reason i hate to see youlater felipe itself you know what time full kelly i don't see how he can send you checking account main conjul thinking something lilac i don't think i think that my face and you are my friend i love yourfeelings

fight with you but i will if you say another bloodbath his mind nothing more to say anything unlike the better i think that i think is going to do it by the way officercorners here was fierce assault what's the matter kittens business leaders and set anything upagainst c has out on the hill it isn't

yet he held a hearing does enforce them she was just yet what did she do to upset choices she was trying to talk about you she was what she said yes trying to straighten the light at gmailgirl espagnols i wouldn't let me but i think you couldfind well i'll tell her

and she'll say so credit loans from referred to the match a sort of thing or two please succulentaside fix something up for that it again of an abandoned out when she comes home stuntman fashion camps you know me fight says dr find detail below

how well you know stealthy mathematicalbrothers is often only at all that you really doit's time now feel like if i can hard-bitten statistics he says they grewup here as well as a message knows a lot of other people's business why i think you're crazy shooting off your face a libertarianupsetness so might as well get this straight for the entire gets married just as soonas there's of course is fine

suspend nothing new or old man functionsfor your husband so anybody else can do about himself can accept right it's just going to be too fast for youwhen everybody tells concern good night since mister simpson does not give uphope of this waiting room with itself something they don't have a mountain grandfather think nothing nothing

main exchanges talked about having half an hour emphatically yes settled here but it's supposed to dowith your life is always a little bit citing dioceses approval settlement costyou have time acknowledge a guide to the defensesignals and systems city officials through started before i hate to see through legal claudiolooks good for nothing like it is

spiritually as well in addition i think i'm not going to show my money only after fleet for this you know the reputation of east andsouth processes flow like soulless heaven knows how do you all actually isoff to your money that you'll probably have a lot of allcan use that you're playing with it

brownsville salt so i don't know filing which sold off felon who saw itwas to make a stigma states yes uh... really specified and course seriouslyforever stranglehold you schizophrenic standards by the u_s_ afraid she'll onlyby the u_s_ friends he suggested that i think it's new clintonites side

penalty stallion scum cuban itself waiting longer notice first susan thank you both toward as well landscape

trailer fog dot sort of hot i don't know where to begin fifteen-day what it is you and i a terrible or did you see withheld

fifteen she had walked out on the liza polls that show don't think it's been a deformitypainful i started all over the past often ups and downs that iliac i can get mcguire what's the matter one of my god overnight talking about it anymore

i'm afraid to go or not cultural love me anymore i don't love me i don't have much more important thanoffice you don't know not again craig and i did not go i weighed on eating together like thatthough album

frightened recover cuban talking to him now simpson praful face and forty-nine fears into your and smelled like dracula i think you've gotquite well right here she's been milind not permit not heightened let me up

not talking anymore and i want to go now has no strength demand pretty kit from when you're going to do with their ownborn away though know yet krenwinkle primate worry

if your conscience was clear of prior like that's within botheryou midnight there are a country programmatic over the years put to work the rest ofmiddle outlet one not don't they put you up to this and you know it now are you going to win a realisticwith me and marry me electric time with many you're not going for you frightened

you can see i think you know convictions all right pretty crazy delivery or kitten but make them pay for the holidays the ability complete had something to do

hoover armpit who picture comfortable he would miss it for the group we won't play hook them up commitment who you provided to fit computerapproval

don't know about the karen exploring the league of women andwonderful restaurant went nowhere around midnight here and what went wrong withit and killing what do you know i'm around the worldlit where going to come in time in my life because i will shut that door

i think that's something i leave thebuilding shut that door there well marked the calendar match money as i think that yet they are would dealing with the men annuity one information to filter though i'm okay warranted mind-boggling intercontinentaland i'm a little bit of a few

a stranger had undertaken rather youheard me she will be down that recovery on my way dialogue programs about amounts to character inthe candy has and i want you to the diplomatic commitments on those tomister and take off your shoes and trousers i'm taking no chances are you workingout uma thurman phone thompson and tell them to get down here rightaway

you some excuse any excuse but don't tell him i'm here mister kellydot org meanwhile at the apartment on the mirorder cleaning up the rules the holy man user of than kardashian and moved from from from with israel needed help who louis

cc who live there would be billed alongwith the reasonable closure detectives still sleeping isimde andrew ish men will be right out dead body original mary bidwell were into it is all about the etc

interviewed but about about it odette we're corn created is you come up with him uh... if you wouldbe it when in their own bills you will lamb on forestry you didn't touch thebody moving in the development of me of

internally the there's no good kalpana and it would be payment going quarters as being an intimate fingerprintsanalysts are quick to equipment account of money picture some folks is here to my political kitwith all my love ball wanted

that bu clearly used to be a box if you remember him will kill it action breakthrough what was later the other day let him goonto something something that just that most of them on here the white man go it comes to interest onover and second st witnessed one man

baghdad this is howard uh... but a dime she's missus thompson now when you go reporters don't have another cold war carterlovable kelly i think you'll be able to accomplishquite a lot of education d it worked out but will really that anamerican it out

one of the united lena horne correct returned for girlhood and whether it would be real-life meanwhile as he awaits the arrival ofmister thompson of the restaurant deli had held everyone who comes in and forcethem and they got their fans in june you got my herding cattle itself those uh... animal

olympic kelly they could workfive-dollar them next time i'll throw bases it'll be a poet not take off theimpending five delivery to the people of the program one of the instrument of blessing fromthe time of year compounds that was the same i might as well get all of the completeget it don't really know looking at your entire life may repair idon't know what this is all about me leaders program requires bigs

we don't want any bad publicity man you don't look like a bad guy to me replaced most of the people around here i can't match up until i finish up withyou i will have to do you were on the other side of the roombeside your wife it'll be straight and i'm a special you are here anyminute companies would like to think of well he he can't come to the phone rightnow

intended he hadn't been in the kitchen yet he had been here at a later another customer had a gun mister why is that all that what you're like atelegram plan alternate money forgetful you're reading it i will not kilowatt the big idea just the samples out give me your moneyand

take off your travel budget some are take them off let's have the dough that's more like it maseri man more than a hundred and twenty cinemax signs say buddy

was if you said you didn't have a needto know twelve years of uh... here's a from my friends and fences what's the matter with us they looked in the turnaround in fetusesgardening tools i think that can only go ahead and follow top ten of them after i fixed on simpsonappeared can i put my child is on my lap now for the lady over there and help it

super tuesday right here after you gotto be a different way thought to be here any minute good and in the district court little if youlook at all that was i think i think you've listened to it until you know i thought that the other two anyway your name mentioned player twenty-one but with that where you are

arrested for trying to interfere in myprivate affairs barbara mantel john three people downthe street where so it does not want to know what the issue of uh... electoral plot here public talk a little bit thompson killed herself as police investigators will be on theshuttle about such kelly killed her fortunately person struck down by kellybullets were not seriously wounded

he was sent to san quentin for a maximumsentence of twenty years file charges of manslaughter fan assaultwith a deadly weapon scientist davis ladies and gentlemen whenever you hearthe screen with a siren whenever you see a police car fireengine or motorcycles or buying that it remind you that real friendlycracked japanese followers more these emergency carson does any other brands teen buyers for city and othergovernmental units carefully analyzed and festivalkathleen's on the market during the year nineteen thirty fivedays purchased four million five hundred

thousand gallons of the old on the factgasoline c called indirect third opinion it gave greater speed far moreeconomical for fall you could have the same performance inyour own car that's no extra cost if you will drive into independently ofrun the service station near you and creek took off from rio grande afact also up for a free copy of the callingall cause new and we tell you we got a complete juniordetective outfit free of charge for the boys and girls annual fast

leslie calling all colors and all of ourcancellation broadcast one hundred forty motel is now in custody and at all would you like to see the radio customcalling all cars at your local theater in person ball players on this broadcast are notdoing that the other dramatizing the lord willing to talkabout what god like you want on are still local yet amana governmentcustoms calling all cars will make a personal appearance on his statement

fredrick manfred getting a good night for the real from the oil companies calling all part of the problem i couldprogrammable created by the rio grande deal oil company ultimately spoiled by the dungeonoff-guard don't get one of the digging in the on the lookout for david griffith the grand american age twenty threeheight five-feet ten and one half inches weight one hundred forty-eight brown

misjudgment hair brown eyes this man is more of a robbery doublenibbling goldenberg rural rural ho camera when we don't know whether on well radio to a patrol car doubled in volume cooperative including woolley leaked governmental action

real badly cracked governing this ratingto read them won the gold medal fine the crack burnedinstantly creating aberration and power and thencomplete kar roaring to the revenue levine deliberate they know what thegoverning the above the coverage manpower and we'll go round the clock about why all those line of the bigmyron kandel radial r_ adamantly motive bible that he was nothing but we'll round theclock governing board read but does it here

the band that exploded cracking processgabriel byrne maybe by the battle over all other governing police another student have overwhelmedthe rio grande required more powerful than others the little workmen and another public company of obama in all the way real round the clock governing power andmore weight than emerge into carbon and a lot of grammar

the and now we pray that you can get you thedavid of all time love police department they've been friends i wish to thank the sponsors of thisproblem for their foresight and civic-mindednews in preparing and presenting a programarrange for your entertainment tonight it serves a dual purpose unisys for los angeles police departmentin presenting

to amana colonies of listeners they vivid picture i'll pop themigratory criminal problem really means to police agencies at the same time it should serve to make americancitizens anxious to preserve their peace andsecurity more conscious of their duty toward thepolice in cooperating with the and andsupporting them in their unceasing effort

to protect the lives and property of ourpeople the killer whose career of crime will be unfoldedbefore you hear this was a typical migratory criminal to entered the state in the parlance ofthe whole bowl my writing the runs and hitchhiking he carried with him a gun which he had used in seattle to murder apoliceman

although he was the twenty three yearsof age he came into california without money without any visible means of support and obviously with no intention ofworking are giving to this date any servicewhatsoever in return for what it might give him but on the contrary as our police records show he sought to forage in green pastureseven if he had to bob penfield to do so

he was a pivotal leisure scramble who called himself young villager and committed burglaries and robbersover the length and breadth of oregon and california tonight's story is a true story up onemigratory indigent whose criminal career under a properfingerprint and border patrol problem mike have been made in the butt the apple washington linked on maple evening at nineteenthirty four

it your belief part in the entertainmentworld live t_v_ please killer heart chiropractor program recieved your meeting that was uh... you know i don't know what i'mgoing to go but i remember being a part of all of your gold on another of my family support and whowere removed from the start her brother talking here's an active

we will never get a primary of angola california don't i think nineteen thirtyfour and a conference call with the late nobody particularly of the night here kebab jenna and that happen one comprehend i get back in the corner i want to thankyour get rid of it

i'm doing much better going to be a part of that and you're lucky i don't want your okay audio hahaha hold drew nobody around one one eight one hit conducted one are gritted their lieutenant demonstratinghello antiquated

homerun someone down for the referred in themidwest setup wouldn't stop quite hot he fired back running across the street all the timewe got to a car was parked it jumping and drove off to get the legendnumber of the current actually it was to w one five one six one do you look like

he was a young fellow about twenty-threex-ray and short of cash at colored hair involved if i have provided with a very accuratedescription of the robber detective lieutenant definable comment at the lifeand work together we called him one of the above your own early next morning at the moment one ofthem one-on-one why are you reading about what he

their grandmother with him by people who don't really want i wantthe country go together radiators and warm but they'll the sisters live here can't let it go on the driveway we want to talk to her round think again you are you anywhere in bali reporters finally got into trouble here in thedistant mt wonderfully i'll have to wait a month

arnold that you're not bite my neck he's taken off just got em anum well meand said little while ago the economic pairs don quixote big time and i'm gettingpretty tired of it uruguay tomorrow we'll have to very well but you better be careful needour booming antonio ramen i think we can handle my form he's met that demand

man i've been here here come on you wake up now i think a lot of okay come on wakeup resolute november determine randomamerica okay all right now i don't like that guy of pro or get up get your clothes on morrow re-arming sleep get up here on earth paris baker is very good order ground whereare your rates

harmony older women lightens the load it doesn't hold up thecoverage of one that was great last night career where were you last night downers ceres alice have that with with with the description of injury and we're getting them enough to fill manacled

agn food black women and let you go downthere with the following our structure of racial whereabouts but then the group that was used as a getaway carlast night in the hold up monthly say that they're in trouble ring again boziak leaning forward cargo air strikes saving energy

everywhere are older for our family havebeen found within story going along there are so right parent portal four dollars last night the kind you can walk cars para young up and fence were taken during the week and checkyour story learning to take and i had more thanwith their names are to the marble all the man he trained and won't be card finally pointing the finger and kennedy

plummeting three dollars in effect doyou have been indian company on the water and charging robert involved witha deadly weapon not bring from that angle when white man people women i didn't have nothing to do when i cameto a bar infant car last night in detail but i don't wanna hold off a car with you with regard to enroll ofone seven three you will borrow the car now we're smart enough to put twohundred rather informal holdup program

and that uh... or the other two cover friend of mine but i i don't know enough model their names frank sale of any frighten anyone another late-night colonial and frankand that they went for a ride concerns but i a last minute the athletic go

referral route up to some of them withmy didn't do it reminder think appetite you know they might have if it does notapprove dash doctor bob bennett perfume at for thatone of them and he got out in the course might lead to drive government playwright government

sounded like you katie come running crosby jump into thecar gilded rab rakha devils olefinsnewsradio it something that sounded like chuck and uh... fact that you get out theplacard porter fired a weapon or involve me better waysto get your firecracker but that is last minute when he recognizes pictures on admitted before our very monks karaoke

all right back even if it is not afraid to look likehim about these boys he anticipates all of the lord four-hours the two detectives forced the suspect to scrutinizecarefully the pictures of criminals and the huge robbery swap but then does not recognize any of themhis says his friend of the night before

finally act through the last page israeli picture here then looks like they have no records about it then have you ever been in trouble revolt i don't know i think carefully now it seems like he did have a barbiepoppin fresh frozen fresco let somebody else

them at the end of the some of thosewith a dumpster king trying to repair the twenty one getone hundred coming to a deaf ear but let it take to everything half a billion dollars yank their about here there's plenty of pages losses and homicides yeah capping antoinette

that come of it is jack newfield failures any griffith that the guy annie griffith they hadpicked up by going to be a kid problem probably in that particular sixty yearsago and from the thermal four four oh five one zero with that money returned picked up in the air boat was onlyeleven years old were staying out late sent the president and founder of therespect that when it was extremely priority on their way through it on

they don't spend really bummed runningaround with debt limit fearing for the consequences of afriendship with the young children with the long record that leaves the office into an apartmenton top of endorsing get statement finding anything but when they arrive the apartment alongthat line detectives on the landlord disfigurement awarded her living room boiler apartment

you know anything about them delayed or denied of the president-electincubators longed to be hearing from northern ireland clearly what he wrotelicensure they left yesterday afternoon the couple miles five billion dollar debt and crap therefrom bristol and its content from the the throat scrap of paper says president clinton's last month

crandall at marksman fitter there on the back of the map of thepedal of a showing the position of the parts of it for the next andrew larchmont theater with rob detailaddress or even our friend that is that those probably got the job you know anything about that one memphiswe'll take it is one of the managers theater say they are temporary workersbut then again today lor the voodoo were has learned that theother hand pump difficult for the whom

you are interested into both the month for those with lessons please check forthe number listed as well development out of an idea overloaded at all do it certainly for one through eight north repellent them b four one two eight that with the way that might make youcould forward over depicting job at the

end of the present your ratio return we review it wouldn't be the end of the have liberal who through the government to deliver yourgold curtains are you going to go for a week and registered in nineteen thirtyfour is not what you call if you remember your legs and number twocertainly uh... you shouldn't be doing the learning peak plant eleven players on the good work

we're golden that man and i've got an arms when we pick up atben bradlee propane but wasn't numbers that when the freemana breakdown of we'll have a great but better get them back that voters don't i'm going over the last month ahead ofthe fact that god job against every picture p the manager of the lord will be otherthan the moderator on on demonstrate poll identify any griffith victor atthat of a man who held the mob

birkenau working against the fugitivethe on the broadcast of a woman remaining in return return to everybodystage in the united great will probably to california both thegovernment of electronic filing picking up when we were delivered worldwide contentioned broadcastfourteen the on the lookout for chrysler fromtrading license number seven v three nine eight six our apartment told the notified games isa victory for police

go tigers working for the real middle fromdifferent angles the case the detective uncovered informationwould result in other method a day later jeep mody wallman opened california calling attention to our old pointbroadcast come before the end information just obtained indicateproductive enterprise recoup a referred to remove your critic we're looking for one minute here it

american age twenty three five foot and a half inches one hundredforty eight pounds chestnut hair dramas katrina rainbowovercoat give accompanied by fellow banality karate and another man don't go out onthis front we hold one for robbery and assault witha deadly weapon against it appreciated and protect them throughoutthe day with republican alan alda came to david people to leave

and ten days later quality group ofthree to spell for not going to live electric career in the law apply to theend of the often heralding the coming long before youreach the far-flung for the limit regarding your old point broadcastnumber fourteen in teletype number twenty four any group is bank robber stella banalityengrossing and obtain story of this afternoon probably shot by for a provider but thegovernment repeated dendrite recovery for more thanthat

rolling barber who attended a robbery ina v_w_ be able to people believe oaklandcalifornia all that great better if they don't tell john and it will probably limo believing in the judicial will be turning around to get the modeof right for all along that might coming up inthe next being neglected on on the bond they don't know who won room and board evening

farrakhan philadelphia curator surepermit them that he would love to have fun book and it didn't appear bombeck dividing that they're puttingout white leather or colour carton will be met with i don't know if that none ofthe school of government the nellie will they give a little right now i think ithink they're gonna question you know the level of rhetoric can fly i wouldnot have to get rough with the little girl i get into that uh...

bob buying billable nellie violet we condone the of that by common give me a bit ready as being at one a_m_ the following morning i'veheard about the column coral walked into the ground up by thelaw what have you talked with him and hewill not be able to bring about grouting the neighborhood with therepublican barrel may come up on the board for coping with the billing plateloeb and and met today they reported at the rear ofthe cabinet

but we did get some good friends and ididn't work out fine now but about the girl had none of that word milkmanreverent but they're not knowing anything about the large month ahead ofthem strydom brevard mild camp i figure direct removes brookdale onthem to relate to their leaders that is whati could meet those root or do you mean that the regret this michael foale aboard welllet's try it anyway okay given anyway i've got anotherreality note that i've just received the fifth

the strike breaking and sent they dealwith roister per print one or more that the president eleven guys we want lead by exampleathlete i've been chairman don king down thereto pick them up or all of them in the mobile unelected poverty i don't recall marketthe killing of revenue where we are getting a lot of where we don't worktwelve hours we were all along and every one of those into their homes on billyou know i reviewed revenue reformer about fred

rugged and i am looking for a couple ofstrike breakers that a pretty good that break in baguio and all of the most lookat these pictures probably using phony name you know iknow you don't know what you don't know what can i come along with the islandunloading appropriate liliana only no meeting went well fibroid and like a lot cable running of the game going everhappens often etc technocratic maybe a couple people are getting kind of like aguideline hello arabella

what might work for a quick every othergroup but i think that what one warning to the lol movie and monologue about real people inthat building all over them if you gave the wrong with what the problem on thebottom of the other members by dropping creole opened up a grammy banned from the bandpattern many remained a blog le monde badly

live long and i don't know where whenthe many remember but route wires for the weight of the underwearlately a lot of there being alone remain away from the trip finally problem even bring them in onemore but wassup vague idea might have been here one thing wepromptly away with claim last everything quickly but privately baltic i wouldn'tbe surprised if you want what the political wet the bed people put them back to back with our

hillsborough back like that come out forquite a lamb chop amount that it was a big ideas they wanted a grip as well go get 'emyou're going out with on beltway nato air bed ridden the bullet within or nearhow come know what kind of perfect when you willget back to leon dot when they can probably reasonably certainly doablebefore we have a problem electorally and with me you go to that bob

cigarette waiting for you know maybe before we're through with a coupleof down here record like maybe that might do withyour you know i'm a predictable killer who were in the wrong way i hear you are just at the age whenyou'll be having a good time wearing pretty closely you may ring upwith tom nice guy and raising a family and look at it threatened a reflex traveling around thecountry with a couple of stick up either however it would make sharp it wouldn'tbe the best

back up what they want momentum other core rollins too bad i wonder what he's thinking up there heknows what o_j_ miriam i don't know about you spell it video month-old what you're up to no well how would you like to have anormal you know i would like to have a right toa letter can get a woman prisoner

perhaps a bit and i don't want to know feeling kind of job down here in l_a_ unveiled will lead to the right thing i'm sureyou'll do blood we tell you a radiant we know that i feel now will do everything we can void completely swayed by the trooppsychology of the two opportunities gerald lead them to read it right awayon board retreat

but again the opposite arrived too late already have a great that mike another hold up occurred inrickety is described by the victim spend two days later have been readingthe letter of the adults defense for common divine about living here with us too in the seattle department they say any gerber's reported doing a bullet inhis known darker green card to boot

juvenile the last part of it when he was that thepresident from san francisco however investigation of recent hold ups and the murder of police sergeantdonovan in april point to the subject of the suspect several victims have identified at thispicture as men who held them up and the single witnesses salamanderleaving sergeant dharma bums house after he was murdered feels reasonably sure that that this isthe man

please inform us if you have placed himin custody that we may begin extradition proceedings and bring him back in forquestioning well boys were delayed a bit collective theaters regarding the partsof the bombs one of her murder him over now will never stop until we get a we'regetting a little had a little over a third of either overturned a revenge or cotton swab at the figure skating

okay thanks well boys may be lifted her last day onthe case relieving things are happening fast i wasn't at the goose is leaving town tomeet up out of the contents of the now robert one apartment at the open arms atthe moment not problem by them at the capitol avaya we're going to pick up i think that wasthe corner of some of them overawed at one o'clock

a level of talia can only hold up but iwould just like reportedly killing of a billion dollars and travel at a rate what you are a good look at thesemonthly faithful to recognize here's the plan after the murder of yoga pop will bepart of a car on seventh street heading west protocol as you can get underlying problem alvarado paying off

chambers on several cities for a pair of overall right around thenorth west point about a block are you doing either one of the thought of the lobbiescarl reiner use your card would you won't cause anysuspicion facility asean i was going on formollified i don't want to use the costs on this freemen better light upbringingat again seventeen men and women are pickedup hard-line position of the course of anumber although

looking at the ball like volleyball andpossible tropics streams caught but at the corner hundreds of people in the new knowledgein twelve thirty one oblivious kemp's group hopefully or even if any part in big making automobiles fiddler on the fact that any momentineffective become another battlefield in the war against crime finally promoter but number two

defines sympathize last report was written with a lot ofdid and i like the content of that they could have movie will really morale and not hammered economicallycharacter robbery and whatever other government that period that had been awarded by theliberal or a military road but in a marriage

plant dogpatch well mine and i a m mellman permitdeltona renee certainly take you out of the executivedirector one young kids ad holding it went with this cop killer that a group of was returned to seattle farris was triedand convicted and is now confined in

prison for life in checking the records of exams straight and residents vectors andpanhandlers we find that sixty percent have criminalrecords the sheriff's of various californiacounties and peace officers of other states have cooperated with us in our programto expose unstable the movements are floating criminals because already griffith's ten thousandobviously llc

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