fashion nova thigh high boots

Jumat, 02 Desember 2016

fashion nova thigh high boots


hey everyone! welcome to the craft in a giffypodcast. i'm your host liza and you can find me on ravelry as craftinagiffy. shownotescan be found on my blog at there is a ravelry group if you wanted tojoin called craft in a giffy podcast. otherwise you can go ahead and comment and subscribeon youtube. so welcome to another episode. today is thursday february 11th. i have decidedto, or i'm going to try filming on thursdays and then uploading on fridays just so thatit doesn't take me all day to film and edit and upload. so yeah today is thursday andyou'll be seeing this tomorrow. anyway, this is mostly a knitting podcast and i have acouple things to show you this week. and a finished object. and i'm gonna also talk aboutmy trip to the mexican yarn store. so let

me go ahead and get started. the first thingthat i have continued to work on is my tulip tee by purl soho. i have finished the frontnow and i'm onto the back. and i did go ahead and buy another skein of yarn to go aheadand finish my top. the yarn that i'm using is called omega cryl. it's 100% acrylic yarn,uh let's see if that will focus here. there we go. so omega cryl? and it's 40 grams actuallywhich i didn't realize when i bought the yarn but that's fine. i am on my 5th ball now andi'm almost finished. so i have the top, or the front portion all done. so here's that.and i lengthened the straps a little bit just so that there would be more room. i felt likethe top was too close to my neck so i wanted to lengthen the straps so that it wouldn'tbe like up here on me. so yeah i think that

will fall nicely. and then i actually justjoined the next skein of yarn. so this is the back and it's just an inch of progressi would say. so yeah that's coming along pretty nicely. and i hope to be finished with thisin the next couple weeks here so that i can start wearing it. it's been really hot herein california and i don't know if it's like that everywhere else, but it's been in the80s this week. it is definitely hot enough to wear that top. so yeah that should be donesoon. and then the second thing that i've been working on is actually a new cast i did some yarn shopping at the tijuana yarn shop and i picked up a few skeins ofsock yarn. so i went ahead and cast on pretty much immediately when i got home. well, ilooked through some patterns first. oh the

other top is being knit on a us size 4 anyway, this second project i am really excited about this project and i haven't beenable to put it down since i cast on. so this is definitely where most of my knitting hasgone to this week has been concentrating on my second project. and so i knew that i wantedto cast on a sock and i knew that i wanted to try a cookie a pattern just because i'vecontinued to hear a lot about her patterns and she makes a lot of great sock patternsand they're a little bit more complicated than doing stockinette. so i looked throughall of her patterns and the one that i actually chose is one of her free patterns. it waspublished by knitty and it's called the baudelaire. b-a-u-d-e-l-a-i-r-e. i think it's french,but i'm not even going to attempt to say that

word again because i don't know how. so yeahit's one of her patterns. it's a lace pattern with a small cable going up the sides andi decided to modify the pattern to make it into thigh high socks. so this is my firstpair of really long socks and i'm super excited about it. so let me go ahead and show you.right now i am at this top portion and this is what the pattern looks like here so youcan kind of see it there. and then there's that small cable going up the side. so it'sa really pretty pattern and i have, so i'm right here and i'm about an inch or two awayfrom my knee cap so it's coming along pretty nicely. and i have all of this done this week.if this was a regular pair of socks i definitely would've finished both socks but since i amknitting thigh highs, it's going to take me

a while to finish both the socks. but i'mreally excited about it because i've been obsessing over like thigh high looks lately.i don't know why and i don't know if it'll be practical because i live in southern california,but thinking about having a handmade wardrobe and wanting most of that to be knit garments,knitted garments, i was on pinterest one day and looking at random clothing images andthere was this girl with this oversized sweater and thigh high socks. and everything was i was like, omg, that's what i want to look like. so yeah i think that is what i'mgoing to try to strive for at this point in time, but i don't know if i'll actually likeit once i start wearing that type of stuff. but anyway, that's going to be a long timecoming. or it's going to take a long time

to get to that point. but anyway, this ismy first step. so i'm really excited. and for the increases i actually went ahead andsplit the cable down here. and that way it was like two strands of the cable coming upon the sides. and then this here is just increases for the knit and purls. and i wanted to havea little bit of ribbing there because i am knitting this out of 100% cotton yarn, soi don't know how well they will stand the test of time, but we'll see. so this is theyarn here. it is omega hilaza mercerizada. yeah sorry for my accent, it's 100% cottonand it says it's for knitting no. 6. so i think that might be the needle size, but i'mnot really sure what that refers to. but it's this really lovely bright red, not brightbright red but kind of a deeper red. reminds

me of the holidays and christmas time becauseit is just that really deep red. and they all come with this thing at the top. i don'tknow what the point of that is, but i have it here. so i don't know, i think it's moreinformation about the yarn. but i like the design of this so i kept it. but yeah it'scoming along really nicely. and actually all of that was done with one skein of yarn. soi just have this little itty bitty thing left and it'll probably take me to the knee capbut i am really surprised that that came from one skein. especially because each of theseballs are 70 grams. but the yarn is much much thinner than i think regular sock weight yarnthat i have been using. since i've been knitting with paton's kroy. and i think paton's kroyis actually a bit thicker than normal sock

yarn anyway. uh, that doesn't want to, let me try to get another skein here and do a comparison test. i have, the brownwill be paton's kroy. the bright yellow will be knit picks stroll fingering. and then thered will be the cotton that i'm knitting out of. so you can see here. hmm, it is not wantingto focus. let's see, here we go. yeah so this is the cotton. this is the knit picks strollfingering. this is paton's kroy. so this is definitely the thickest out of the three.i would say this is standard fingering weight. and this is a little bit thinner than i did cast on a few more stitches for my sock because i noticed that it was quite abit thinner. so i think the foot of the socks are 72 stitches instead of my normal 64. andi am knitting these out of my only sock weight

needles which are us 1. otherwise i probablywould've gone down a needle size. but yeah i think it's turning out well and it's fittingmy foot really nicely, or my legs really nicely. i've been trying it on as i go and adjustingwhen needed. so yeah really excited about these socks. i am hoping to get this firstone done at the end of next week and then get started on my second pair. so yeah thatis coming along really nicely. and then the only finished object i have this week is actuallythe alien that i was working on last week. so i went ahead and embroidered its littleface on there. so it has two eyes which are a little bit lopsided, but that's okay. andthen two little nostrils and a mouth. so i need to find a picture frame or go out andget one to pin it and then i'll go ahead and

send it out. so i don't know if you'll beseeing this guy again but the crochet part is all done. so i went to the mexican knittingstore in tijuana, the only one that i know of. i don't know if there are multiple yarnshops but this one is the one i have been going to if i go ahead and buy yarn from mexico.and so i bought 7 skeins of this yarn which i already showed you. and then i bought somemore cotton yarn. their selection for yarns is pretty much only acrylics or cottons. soand i don't really like knitting with acrylic yarn just because of the squeaky factor andactually my top i haven't worked on a lot this past week because i started noticingthat it was squeaking so that kind of put a damper on my tank top. that's mostly whatthey offer. they don't offer any animal fiber

yarn which i think is a little bit weird buti guess that's the people that shop there and their market is not catered towards anytype of wool. so it's a little bit disappointing because i would love to buy cheaper wool yarnin mexico, but that's okay. i can get all the cotton i want there or acrylics. so yeahi went ahead and bought some more cotton yarn for a project. i am going to go ahead anddo another crochet project for a gift. and this project i was actually supposed to doa long time ago. like years ago for a friend. he wanted a crocheted or a handmade red pandastuffie. and i kept telling him, yeah yeah if you go ahead and buy the yarn then i'llgo ahead and make it. well we went to a yarn shop together. i think we actually went towebs and we picked out all the yarn but the

yarn wasn't right for a crocheted stuffie.i think it was really, and the yarn weights weren't even all the same. so i was tryingto hold it double for some things and then when i was crocheting in the round it spiralsif you don't end the round and start a new round, the yarn just continues to spiral.and so the stripes for the tail weren't coming out correctly and i just got frustrated andstopped working on it. and i never made it for him! and i feel terrible about it. heprobably doesn't remember, or if he does then maybe he's blocked it out of his memory, idon't know. but i decided this would be the year for me to go ahead and finally give himthat gift. so i bought four skeins of yarn. and it is out of these colors here. so thisis going to be the main body and it's a really

nice reddish orange, which is pretty similarto the color of red pandas. which i got really excited about. and then this white color andthen this gray color. they didn't have any darker yarn in this that i saw. yeah thisis filati deluxe fine yarn. there we go. and on the back it just says that this is 100%cotton and that it is 184 meters and 80 grams for this. that's the other thing about buyingfrom the yarn shop in mexico, is that they don't have standard 100 gram skeins. theyhave weird weights like 40 grams and 70 grams and 80 grams. so it has instructions hereon the back that go into more detail about how to take care of the yarn and such. ohits really blurry. oh there we go. so yeah i'm thinking that with a cotton yarn it'llbe a little bit stiffer and so that the plushie

will be able to hold its shape and not reallywarp or anything. but yeah i have enough yarn to go ahead and start on this project. i probablywon't start on it until i get one of the other two projects finished. but yeah and i boughttwo skeins of this reddish color just to make sure that i had enough. i don't know how bigi'm going to make the guy, but i have plenty of yarn so we'll see how that goes. and thenthe only other thing is the footage of the yarn shop that i visited. so i'll go aheadand insert those at the end, the little clips at the end. and also link to their facebookpage or their website. i don't know if you can buy their yarn online but you can definitelygo there for more information. their information is probably in spanish. i haven't actuallychecked. so you might want to google translate

if you don't speak spanish. or if you don'tread spanish anyway. anyway, that's everything for this week. yeah and the knitwear fashionsegment is the thigh high sock thing that i've been seeing on pinterest all over the place. so i'm goingto also insert some pictures here while i'm talking about it. but yeah i don't know whyi'm so obsessed with this idea, but i think it's really just the idea of having a handmadewardrobe that i have hand knit or machine knit. which i don't know if that counts ashand knitting, i think it kind of technically does, but i'm not sure about that. but yeaha wardrobe full of hand made things i should say. so yeah wearing a sweater dress or anoversized sweater with some thigh high socks i think would be killer and amazing. probablynot work appropriate though so i might just

need to knit some regular sweaters and shawlsif i start working in an office, but otherwise for my everyday and weekend casual wear that'ssomething that i think i would be able to pull off. so yeah i think i'm obsessed withthe idea because it is an entire outfit that has been knitted. because otherwise, you'regoing to be wearing what? a knit sweater with jeans. or a skirt. i guess you could weara knitted dress or something like that or a knit top with a knit skirt but i don't know.i don't think i'm a huge fan of wearing skirts and dresses because my thighs are a littlebit big and they do rub together a lot. so i think the term is called chub rub. so it'sjust a little bit uncomfortable if i'm wearing it all day. so i tend to wear pants or shortsa lot more than i do skirts or dresses. and

i think my thinking with the thigh high socksis that if i knit them a little bit longer then i can knit the all the way up to wheremy thighs tend to rub together and then i can wear them, almost as a pair of socks.i mean a pair of pants. but they're not technically pants. so i don't know, i've just been toyingwith the idea and kind of romanticizing it in my head. i don't know how practical itwill be to wear it in california or on my body type or any of this kind of thing butyeah. i'm going to try so there's that. otherwise i think that's everything for this week. iwill go ahead and edit and upload this tomorrow on friday so that you guys can all see it.but i hope that you guys all have a great rest of your week and yeah i think that'severything. so i'll see you next friday. bye

guys. i forgot to mention that for the yarnshop i actually have their card. so here is their information. and i will also link theirinformation in the shownotes. but mtx textile solutions is what it translates to. solucionestextiles and their website is here. it's so yeah if you're ever in tijuana and wantsome yarn, this is the place that i would recommend that you go. okay. bye.

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