Fashion 2017

Senin, 05 Desember 2016

Fashion 2017


no, can't move this lots of work. breakfast is ready. i'll see ma first. life's strange, no? we had nothing, yet we hadeverything. because i had you. now i got everything.. ..and all i have is nothing.. because you're no more. guess why i'm telling you all this?

you left me when i was six. 20 years after.. look just the same. and look ma, how i've changed. remember my birthday? say.. ..what gift willyou give me this year. every year, you sent me from god. and this year?

will you? won't you? headlines. the new foreign policy and a.. ..breakthrough incomputer technology. no news? the new cricket team. london-based rajesh purushottammittal is businessman of the year. indians and people of indian originall over the world take pride.. the fact that an indian has baggedengland's most prestigious award.

rajesh mittal will be presented theaward on the 20th of this month. ma.. you see? papa is alive. and you thought he never came backbecause of whatever befell him. he was only too busy doing.. ..whatever and it hasreaped a reward for him. and i kept wondering why i'm alive? what for? and nice of god, no?

he denied me my mother'slove and now he gives me a father. you were no widow, i was no orphanso i'm going to london, right away. and you got to come along. else, how will he recognise me? he doesn't even knowthat he has a son. shekhar.. you're on the firstflight to london why are you staring? are you seeing mefor the first time?

me? cut the crap. why not even a phone, afax for so long? not done, friend. lady..- are we getting formal? all of a sudden, after all thejokes we shared, am i a stranger? my bag. if you're suffering from amnesia,why not see a good doctor? come on. how could i forget you,my first love?

are first loves forgettable? had you not turned up, i'd beso upset that i'd return to bombay. oh am i glad to see you! i can't tell you in as many words. so let my lips speak. "ma told me all about you,she showed me your photo" "so i know who you are, my loveand don't we go back a long time?" "no fax,no xerox, no telex, no floppies" "i'm just my papa's carbon copy"

is this any time to turn up?- what? show me your invitation. by the way, who are you? maybe you got amnesia. why not see a doctor? you fancy gate-crashing? you fancy someonelugging your luggage? so.. quits? what kind of a name is sony?- no, i'm sonia.

i'm elated. but the credit goes tomy father purushottam mittal i followed the pathhe showed me and here i am this award is the outcomeof his principles.. ..the upbringing he gave me. daddy, come up on stage daddy.. grandfather? fortunate is a man who sees.. ..his son overtake himup the ladders of success.

a fortunate father, i am.. and i'm proud of my son rajesh. more than my son.. i'm proud that an indianwho has won this award. a woman is behind my success. at my every stepwhat inspired me.. ..was her love,her companionship.. ..none other thanmy wife smita mittal i'm very fortunateto have smita for my wife.

i too am most fortunateto have him for my husband. last but not the least,the apples of my eyes.. my daughter rinke and my son,bunty. join me, my children, come here my child's. god save us from the evil eye. you loved him tillyour last breath? but he forgot you long ago. now he loves someone else. to you, he was no husband..

to me, he was no father. he's someone else's father.he's someone else's husband. thanks, brother. why thank a brother? come, let's have coffee. you're his son. he will be glad to see you.he's your father. he can't be a bad man. how can you be sure?

you don't even know him. but one thing i know. your father is an indian. an indian never betrays his family. we might not be so wealthy,but at heart, we're rich. come on, i'll tell you a story. come, come, come. listen to me. "a lone star.."

"shines.." .."shows the way." "the shining star is my hindustan." "from east to west.." .."travels the light." "india holds herown even in london" "from east to westtravels the light." "from afar,we travelled to this alien land.." "carrying a messagefrom our homelands"

"here riches galore" "but be true to love" "that's the message whichhas stirred this alien land" "we're from the landwhere love lives in hearts" "ties of love are never broken,relationships are never broken" "then why did i thinkthis is an alien land?" "your words give me courage" "what made you thinkthis is an alien land?" "but i'm happy ifi've given you courage"

"life is tied to relationships" "my land has touched my life" "yours will become a legend" "travels the light" do i look british? talk to a hindustani in hindustani. hindustani. i'll use punjabi. where to? what's up there?

mr mittal's residence. so i must be going to see him. as if you own that mansion? you could say so. indeed? you got an appointment?- no. step aside. who's that? some relative!you don't know who mr mittal is?

hey, where to?- bye. sir, i'm from india. i've come to see you. like this?who are you? sir, i'm raju and i'm from india. so? i'm meghna saxena's son. meghna saxena?- yes sir. so you're meghna's son?- yes.

what name did you say?- raju. been ages since i saw meghna. glad to meet you. when i was in india.. ..meghna and i were good friends. just friends, sir?- yes. 25 years ago. afterwards.. i never got a chance to see her. never got a chance?

or never wanted? circumstances were such.. ..anyway, how's meghna? she's no more. how is your daddy? fine. what is he doing? whatever you're doing. businessman?- yes.

what business?- same as yours. really? what's his name? same as yours. r.p. mittal?- yes. what a coincidence!- worth a handshake? what nonsense!- not at all. you are my father. nice way to make money.

i'm not interested in your money. all i'm interested in, is you. how clever! you want an inheritance. what proof of being my son? what proof. look. what a scoundrel! you've been plotting.

are you using a photo?why of course, i knew meghna. please, look closely. i resemble my ma. yes, you look like your mother! yes, you look like your mother!but not like me. come on.. come on.. that's my son and he resemblesme but you don't resemble me. you can put me to a dna test.- no. and don't come looking for me.

you may leave now. look.. i understand your problem. you got a family. for once.. ..just tell me that i'myour son and i'll go away. and never againwill i show my face. not for me. ..please, for my mother's sake..

you are talking like a fool! why should i accept you as my son? well.. ..if you're adamant.. ..then it's your genes i carry. and one day.. will recogniseme as your son. what will you do? what can you do? want to see?

if you won't acceptme as your son.. i will shake the veryfoundations of your family. robin! are you laughing at me?i got a serious problem. how naive, rajesh. he must be a fraudlooking for money. what evidence of your parentage? he asked for a dna test. and there's no deny thati had a relationship with meghna. then why didn't you marry her?

i was scared of daddy. before migrating, i promised meghnai'd speak to daddy about marriage. little did i know that daddy hadalready finalised a match for me. and no one refutes purushottammittal and i know all that. at his age if he still rages.. ..i can guess what hemight've been 25 years ago. so i kept my silence. and after 25 years the silencereturns to my life in a pandemonium. what am i to do?

if your family gets wind of this,you're finished. smita will abandon you. so will your kids. and your father isgoing to throw you out. you will have no standing left. your stock prices are doomed. after businessman of the year, youwill be called fraud of the year. you're ruined! are you scaring me?

take it as you will.. ..but find him,coax him into returning to india. i hope he doesn'tturn up at your doorstep. all i can give you is counsel. rest, upto you. what poise. you? why have you come here? where will son go if not to daddy?

who? not to be unnerved. i'll bring about a family reunion. don't you dare call me dad. dad.. daddy.. father dear.. such endearment is killing. and don't think i'm goingto accept you. what proof have you?

looking for proof? i'll provide proof,in front of everyone. is grandpa at home? maybe.. why? grandfather.. grandpa.. stepmother.. rinke, don't go by what he says!he's a fraud. but this photographcan't be a fake. no rinke..

bunty.. i'm not what you think. that's the sad part, dad. you aren't what we thought you are. smita, whatever you hearddon't believe what he said. ..i worshipped like a god. son of a gun! whom can i trust now? stepmother.. me. he isn't worthy of your trust. he has deceived you.. ..because of him my mother died. fraud. home-wrecker. don't you dare call me daddy. i have no son. you are a criminal! a murderer!

you killed his mother. and you have broken my trust.. ..and your wife's trust. you have betrayed your children. purushottam mittalnever forgives.. ..certainly not a criminal,no matter even if he's my son. from this day.. ..we will have nothingto do with you. throw him out.

no! not so heartlessly. my golf bag! it's expensive! what are you doing? forgive me. those dresses are expensive. what are you doing?what's going on? my shoes..- you're lucky.. you deserve.. ..getting beaten up with a boot! buta singh, you too?"

as long as you belongedto the family you were my boss. now you're a stranger. i recognise only your father. if i see you around ever again.. ..remember my stick. you too? don't worry dad.. ..we'll put up a sale ofyour belongings on the sidewalk. no!

no sparing you! scoundrel! no sparing? whom? what's up? that devil is after me!- daddy.. why did you turn up? he's surely disturbed,obviously he's afraid. what are you saying, khanna?what could he be afraid of? something on his mind, thathe can't bring himself to speak. but he has neverhidden anything from us.

no, no. work is important.but health is more important. don't worry,i'll write a prescription. he'll be fine tomorrow morning. as of now, he needs rest. bunty, switch off the lights. you took ill last night?the doctor saw you? not to worry.. i'll be there'll love to see your big boy".

how did you get my bedroom number? where did he transpire from? what's that crowd? managers being interviewed. what are you doing here? you're hiring a stranger? instead of your son? this not job of peon and clerk. it's a job for ahighly qualified man.

what have you got to show? something no one else got to show. what do you mean? your name. you're boss because you'repurushottam mittal's son. and i'm his grandson. so i'm taking over. my word.. thank you sir.

my dead ma's soul will bless you. what is it that you want? take me home to my family. as if that's so easy? do i tell them thati picked a puppy on my walks? okay, i'll tell them myself. oh no.. sit. i need some time. how much time?

20 years, 25 maybe. long enough to be dead and gone? 7 days was what you promised my ma. i'll give you 7 days. day eight i'm coming home to you. all right. put me up in a fancy hotel. and give me a thousand pounds. you brought him here? what do youtake my house for? an orphanage?

you don't get this!he's threatening! if i don't put him up somewherehe'll come home to me. put him up in a hotel. impossible!my credit card will be charged. if daddy gets windhe's going to throw me out. you're his son and you're afraid? i'm his legal advisor. he'llthrow me out of london. sorry. i won't entertain your follies. i came hoping..'d help meout of my predicament. well robin,you're still my only friend. so what if you aren'ta friend in need? look, no emotional blackmail. okay, but no more than a week. thanks robin. okay. mention not and send him over. i brought him along.

where? in my car. in your car? are you crazy? that's what he's doing to me. raju.. where's he gone? must've gone home. if that turns out to be true..

good riddance, i say. i'm not letting go so soon. no daddying me. this is your uncle robin singh.and he's the one.. raju. you're living with him.i'm getting late. don't be late coming back to me. on day eight,i'm coming home to you. pick your bags.- who me? call a bell boy.- are you raving?

is this a self service hotel? mister, this is my house. and mind your language.i'm not your daddy's servant. i'm his legal advisor. my illegal father's legal advisor? can i ask something? what? is the law business slack? what makes you say that?

you've turned a perfectlylovely house into a hotel? this is no hotel, this is my house. and i'm putting you up for a week. because your daddy begged me. one more question? go on. how did you lose all that hair? sonia, my child.. allow me..

you know each other?- intimately. we've met.- yes. once at the airport andonce at the award function. and now here in this hotel. what are you, housekeeping? one minute.. this is no hotel.this is my home and i own it. she's my daughter and raj isputting up for no more than a week. come on raj,let me show you to your room.

may i have two glassesof milk? quick. two glasses.. milk? here's your room. but tell me, how come you're here? i'm consulting your daddy. the verdict should be in a week. first, my verdict. this is his room.and you aren't seeing each other. in that case, let's go out.

"bewitching eyes" "bewitching words" "most bewitching, your heart.." "throbbing inside my heart." "throbbing inside my heart" "now's our time,now is the season.." "of our passions" "whatever happens, let it happen" "this is our time"

"i'm pining" "i'm eager" "the flame of our love.." "is burning inside my heart" "is burning.." "an irrepressible stormrages under my breath" "don't hold yourself back,my love i could even die for you" "i can't live without you" "in you i seek refuge"

"like a monsoon deluge.." "your love is raining on me" "raining on me" "throbbing inside my heart" how many times have i warned you? no more credit untilyou settle dues. but you keep coming back,romancing at my expense. i'll pay you back with interest. no, i want it today.

why won't you trust him, junior? if he says he'll repay, he will. no big brother, he thinks we'refools to let him drink and gamble.. ..have fun with girls,at our expense. on blow is enough to kill him.. stop. why? if i'm dead you can't recover. give me one more chance.

yes, we can alwayskill him some other day. give that to me. my game isn't over. when vicky takes over,your game's over. get lost. you're indian? courtesy is always offeringsomeone else the first go. and you insist on going first? culture lectures for india. shove. one more courtesy.- what?

first, you try to reasonlike a gentleman, use words. if he still doesn't get it,use hands. all nine. vicky isn't here yet. should be coming. here i come, daddy. here he is. hi vicky! welcome. what's he upto?

bless you. greetings. careful dad. he's going to trip you. long time, no see? i was a bit busy at work. busy philandering. your father and rajeshwere very close friends. he is no more.

but we would like the friendshipto continue as a relationship. the two of you are in love. as a member of the family.. will ably assistin our businesses. no sir, people willthink i married for money. i want to do something on my own. i want to become someone like him. dear daddy, my obeisances. may i come overto the family reunion?

where are you speaking from? out of my mouth. turn your head. let's talk over there. nowhere! what are you doing here? pursuing you. it's my sister's wedding. you want me to end up divorced? you'll do that in two days, no? five days. over.

still two days. i still have two days. we're discussing a wedding.please.. not right now. daddy.. i must tell you something. i made a mistake. my son made a mistake? daddy, it happened long ago.. ..when i was in india. pammi's daughter.

what happened to her? what happened, my child? uncle.. daddy.. but he was fine yesterday. nothing happened to him. only his 20 year old affair is out. but he wasn't like that! must be a misunderstanding. no, he confessed to his wife aboutan affair with his secretary..

..they married,they have kids too. your mummy must be devastated. she was hospitalised. overdose of sleeping tablets. why do our women punish themselvesfor the wrongs of their husbands? he's should've been poisoned. papa, men like him oughtto be whipped on trafalgar square. such double crossers ought tobe put on show in wembley stadium. what rot!

i mean.. daddy shouldn'tthe children mind their words? principle-wise, he's right. that's how men likehim ought to be punished. in his place, you would'vesuffered a similar fate. day seven ends. i'm going to have breakfastwith your family. tomorrow. back again? where are you headed? no stopping me today. this morning, the first facei saw in the mirror was mine..

..and i knew instinctivelythat a mishap is brewing. you may go right in. but no use. no one's at home. where's everybody? big boss is away in america.his son is holidaying. en famille. how would i know? why wouldn't you know? who's the boss? he or i? when will they be back?

not again! i don't know. first you deserted my mother. you're deserting your son. was he raving? what gives, son? is my house cozierthan daddy's home? you're back? he has disappeared. en famille. so what will you do now?

i'm returning to india. you can have your laugh. your daddy married your ma,gave you his name. will the man who disownedmy mother ever accept me? i'm sorry; but wonderful decision. i wish i coulddo something for you. had i been your daddy,i would've accepted you. want me to pack a meal for you?a big mac or a pizza? will you manage on your own?if you want, i can drop you.

i'll manage on my own. quick, or you'll miss the flight. robin here. must be bad news. has he splashed it allover the papers, or is it the tv? none. your trouble has flown to india. yes. it wasn't easy though.

i reasoned, i lecturedhim and finally, he got it. thanks won't do.this warrants something special. come right over. with sonia. i'lltreat you to the best of wines. anybody home? robin uncle! i'm not listening to your song. please..- no way. my baby! how are you? how are you.- no, bunty, not your songs! please.

how are you?- fantastic. robin uncle! i've scored 40 songs!won't you listen? spare me, son.- robin uncle is here to relax. where's sonia? she's fetching the luggage. bunty, some other time.. i'm treating you to a fine wine. raju.. you.. hey raju, get up.

you scared me. scared? i'll wipe out that scare. friend indeed! you removed the thorn in my side. give me a hug. what happened? hello daddy! wonderful, am i not?

what have i done? hotshot lawyer? your license ought to be revoked.a kid got you fooled. you've put me ina fix i want to evade! this boy isn't a simpleton. his father must've beena scoundrel of the first order. are you getting at me?look, i'm so apprehensive. smita, rinke, bunty! they're here! if he exposes me, i'm ruined.

you should'veconsidered that before. yes, it was a mistake.. okay, listen to me.. "if you're king, i'm ace" "you still got time, recant" "i respect this relationshipbut don't think i'm afraid" "now we're going to court" "don't you try to buy me out" "daddy dear,try to understand what i mean"

"else, i'm going toleave you dumbfounded" "carbon copy" what's going on? raju is our host. we're playing.. who wants to be a millionaire. robin, sit with us. so let's play who wantsto be a millionaire. rinke, name the movie in whichamitabh bachchan ruins his daddy. a. deewar b. trishul.

c. kaalia d. natwarlal. trishul. we lock that away? computer-ji, lock b. trishul. absolutely correct. ms rinke i'm so happy you've won. raju, next question for me. no, let him quiz me. no, it's me.

our next contestant is ms smita. me?- yes. ms smita,have you seen wife number one? in karishma kapoor's place..what would you have done? a. divorce. b. poison yourhusband's lentil soup. c. forgive him. d. out of house. if you have any confusion,you can use your life-line.

fifty-fifty. phone-a-friend.or audience poll. i'd like to use phone-a-friend. who would you like to phone? my husband. raj. okay. call up mr r.p. mittal. mr mittal, i'm amitabh bachchanfrom who wants to be a millionaire. i haven't time for this nonsense. mr mittal, everyone knowsyou're a very busy man. but you must sparetime for your wife.

next, you will hear yourwife and you have just 30 seconds. your time starts now. raj, in the heroine's place.. ..should i have divorced,or walked out.. ..or poisoned myhusband or forgiven him? forgive what else? forgive him. tell me,would you go by your husband? or will it be anindependent decision? you still have two lifelines left.fifty-fifty. and audience poll.

try fifty-fifty. you're saved. if you went along with your husband,you would've lost, forgiven him. divorcing would also be wrong. now you're left with two options. walking out? or poisoning him? think. because in thisgame time is no factor. audience poll. audience poll.- yes.

let's hear what the audience says. should smita walkout on her husband? or, should she poisonhis lentil soup? - poison him. shut up! time out. serve dinner. why end the discussion? shut up and eat.- some lentil soup? no.

why aren't you taking lentil soup?it's your favourite. no, i prefer pasta. i hope the lentilsoup isn't poisoned. son, buttered bread for you?your plate is absolutely empty. you remind me of my mother. even she never fed me so lovingly. where is your mother? and your papa?- very close to me. very close?

he means, very close to his heart. what does your papa do? jockey, cabbie, salesman, whatever. how are you concerned?- why are you getting worked up? what an ill-timed conversation!- let's eat. there's a time for everything. let's eat, then we go to bed. you've piled up your plate.. even you are talking too much.

eat. you have to leave. but where will raju go? wherever! how are we concerned? dad, raju came with us. let him stay on. no strangers allowed in the family. at times even small thingsare a matter of embarrassment. ms smita.. you i see my ma,in him, a father.

and in them,a brother and a sister. i felt as if i'mhere with my family. aunt! stop raju! dad, raju lived withus when we were in london, no? you see..his father and i are great friends. so i had to accommodate him. so what's the problem now? mummy.. yes aunt, tell them. raju isn't going anywhere.he's staying right here.

now, why did we stop the quiz? how do i know? eat. sonia isn't in her room!raju isn't in his room. have they eloped? sonia! what haveyou done to yourself? i'm bunty. uncle how about a song? "come slowly, stir me restless" "stir me restless,make my heart throb" "my heart's empty,i want to have fun"

" heart's crazy about you" "oh that killer figure,those killer eyes.." "bewitching me slowly,but now i'm gone too far" "it's a treacherous time,so why be shy?" "you cast a spell onme and i gave in to you.." "and now everyone's talking about uslook they've lost their hearts" "i swear, this is so breathtaking" i'm doomed! your son has ruined me!

why, what happened? he's romancing my daughterand what-not! my only daughter. what are you talking, pal. are you accusing bunty?he's just a kid! not bunty.. raju! robin, i'm hassled no less. he keeps threatening! he'll exposeme! what am i going to do? idea! let's destroy the evidence!

how? come with me. hurry up before someone comes in! found it. his visa expired 8 days ago. the immigration officialsare going to extradite him. but what are we supposed to do? not a thing. the policewill do whatever is to be done! doesn't he seem familiar?

the same guy who claims to be your son. wasn't he romancing my daughter?- so he is the one! all these days, you'vehad your laughs at my expense. now it's my turn. akbar, the emperor. he walked barefoot,praying for a son. and look at me! what a father! not to be too elated. why? what will you do?

the holiday is workingwonders for me. i'm washed of all my sins!i've been baptised. days of sorrow are no more. whom do you want to see? buta singh, have you forgotten me? it's a boy, sir. he has been trying to get in andmaybe he's masquerading as you? no one's coming anymore. daddy, look who's here!- coming.

why are you screaming?well, who's here? you? how come you're here?- i brought him. you?- i met him at the airport. they were deporting him to india. grandpa.. what's up?- grandpa, i'm raju. raju, who? you're mr purushottam, aren't you?mr rajesh mittal's father? i'm like a son to him.that makes you my grandfather.

and his wife lovesme like her own son. rinke and bunty adore me too,like an elder sibling. uncle robin and sonia love me too. no son of the mittalswill be hurt.. long as purushottammittal lives. so much influencei wield in the u.k. i called the embassyand i got his visa extended. you did? in u.k. no injusticewill be done to an indian..

besides, he is related to you. he told you everything? i never had to. grandpa made me out. i see.. that was a great thing to do. where are you staying? do drop inor maybe a call once in a while? drop in where?he's staying right here. he's here because hewants to make it like you did.

to do that he mustlive with you, no? you said i'd never get a visa?i got a visa right into your home. and who validated my visa? grandpa. you told me to shoutfrom rooftops? i'll scream it from your rooftop.. ..and i'll plaster yourwalls with posters. until such time that.. own up and say that my motherwas your wife and i am your son. aren't you stopping me?

no stopping one who's already in. will you tell me who you are? my daddy's son. so who's daddy? i haven't yet told grandpa that. how can i tell you? was he trying to make a point? but he surely isn'twho he seems to be. here you are, grandpa.duets of saigal and suraiya.

where did you find them? perchance. son, i haven't hada chance to talk with you. let's talk now? where's your daddy? there. no one's there. you can't see him. only i can. it's said that aftermy ma died he left me.

but i still see him.just like i see him. but no one's.. daddy is right here and onlyi can see him.. as he sees me. no one else can see him. you love him so much? i only pray every fatherhas a son like you. how old were you whenyour daddy left you? i wasn't even born then. god rest his soul.

daddy! don't fall at my feet!- shut up. you just made my daddy prayfor the soul of his son! and i'm still alive. my watch! why are you wearing mine? now it's mine. as if it belongs to your dad! yes, my stepmother gave it to me. what spell have you cast upon her? but remember..

..the expensive watch doesn'tmean that you've hit good times. at least it marks the changing timesin your case, bad; mine are good. but it's only a watch. watch how i take thingsfrom you one at a time. time-pass. i'm your son, after all. do i see a famoussinger exercising? dad hates my music. only when you sing it in english.

i'll write a hindi song for you. sing it and he'llgive you a big hug! go right ahead and write it up. breakfast is ready. where's bunty? dad, i want to sing a song. how many times have i told you?i don't want to hear your songs. come on, give him an audience.- is it worth hearing? just listen. what's come over you?go on son, sing. great.

"there was a king and his queenand what a great life they had" "but in his youth, theking had made a great mistake.." "and he paid for itdearly in his ageing years" stop singing these rotten songs! what have you done? dad, why did you break my guitar? next time you sing a rotten song..i'll break your arms and legs. is this how you behave with kids? poor thing,all he did was sing a song.

and what's come over you of late? why are you getting irkedover every little thing? take him to a doctor. he badly needs treatment. how went the song. forget it. this was the first timei sang and he broke my guitar. next time he'll break my bones. now i get this feeling..

..that it's a conspiracyto nip your talent in the bud. what conspiracy? if you become a singer.. ..who will work forthe mittals for free? now i know! but what am i to do? put up a fight. no, i'd hate hitting dad. no, it's a fight for your rights.look at that house. you own it too, don't you?pick your share and walk.

score an album with the money. but whom do i ask for my share? go to court. what if it makes dad angry? forget daddy. rajesh mittal, the man you'refighting is your adversary. go and say,rajesh mittal, give me my share. rajesh mittal,please give me my share. are you asking for lollipop?

no.. then say it with conviction. rajesh mittal, give me my share. now take the mittal out of it. rajesh! give me my share! cut out the regard for your father. pep it up. you want your share? bloody fool.- no dad! i don't want my share. i thrashed bunty,all because of raju!

it's only bunty who has rebelled. if you don't prevent this soon enough.. ..your entire family will revolt. before that,i'll kill that scoundrel. spoken like a man! that's the only way out. hey, that just slipped out. can i ever do that? in that case, i'll do it.

you mean? a few of my clients.. ..will do anything for money. this too.- what are you saying, robin? whether or not i accept him,he's still my son. i can't kill him. who's talking about killing him?let's just break some bones. he'll get scaredand he will run away. no, i don't like all this.

he's wrecking homes,yours and mine. how come? he's seducing my only daughterif i don't stop him soon enough.. i'll lose my daughterand you'll lose your family. give me his photo. you fancied belonging to my family,didn't you? now watch.. i cut you off from my family. look, how beautiful myfamily looks.. without you.

deliver this photo to uncle robin. raju, isn't it? yes, but don't you tell anyone!this is a secret. family secret. where to? to uncle robin. what for? can't tell you. it's a secret. i'm no stranger. tell me,it'll still remain a secret.

if i told you that dad asked me todeliver your photo to uncle robin.. dad will thrash me again! my photograph? show me.- yes. what a moron you are. such a great secret! how can you carry it openly?wait, i'll put it in an envelope. raju, my brother! you're swell!you just saved me a scalping. thank me.- thank you. bash him up! make him leave london.

he's the one? you don't know. he's a scoundrel. he's romancing my daughter!- this one? yes! he takes her inhis arms and he sings songs. this one? yes, my daughterwants to marry him. is your daughter blind?- blinded in love. please! save my daughter!here's your fee. 5000 pounds. dad, i want to become a singer,not athlete.

moron! look at you, so heavy!you don't even fit your clothes. stop it, dad. he's beating dad! oh no i'll get bashed up. daddy wants to see his son dead. and here's a son who can't bearto watch daddy taking a beating. now watch thisscoundrel son of yours. come on, man. what soap do you use?

daddy, he packs a mean punch. let go of him. no grandpa. i'm not sparing him!he assaulted your son. he made a mistake. i mean,he wasn't trying to kill me. whom was he trying to kill? he wasn't trying to kill anyone. no one.actually, he was mugging me. the way he bashed you up..

one minute.. let him confess it. forget it daddy!- shut up. talk! who sent you?- daddy, for nothing.. clam up. your dearest friend? my lawyer? what are you doing?- ingrate. you paid him to kill my son?- no.

grandpa, he's just a pawn. the prime mover is someone else. don't you butt in. stay out. grandpa, you must ask him.. ..who's behind all this? who is he? i'll flay you alive! talk.- i sent him to hit raju. what have you got against me? i know! i know everything.

he's behind all this!he's in love with robin's daughter. but he doesn't approve of raju.i know! he's behind all this. you want to kill this innocentboy over such a small thing? get this straight.raju is like my grandson. if raju and sonia arein love with each other.. power on earthcan set them apart. not you, not even your daddy.- grandpa! grandpa,they're hiding sonia somewhere. it's been a week.will you ask him where.

where is she? if you won't talk, i'll slap you. ceasar's. the shopping mall. sonia, who are you talking to?- none of your concern. let go of that arm. not even a call!and now you come romancing me? look, i'm here or a purpose. look me up after the purpose. what's the matter with you? i hope you aren't hurt..

oh no, not at all. just a small internal injury.that touch healed it all. you're rather handsome. not even my mother said that to me. shera. what is this. one minute. excuse me get overwith your shopping. come along.

shera.. you're in town?- yes. and you? i'm in town too. how come we never met before? strange, no? one minute, shera. tell me whatever, tomorrow.just now i'm busy. who's he? he's disturbing us.

never mind him. let me have your telephone number. why number? you can have my card. it's my private me whenever you want. see you. sure. i'll talk to you on phone. she's sonia and we'rein love and she's angry.. ..because i haven'ttelephoned her for sometime. she gave you her number..

..because she wantsme to get jealous. goodness! how sinful! why didn't you tell me before? if only you gave me the chance. go on, get lost. hey, are you really in love,or are you trying to outdo me? i swear by my mother. "magic" "my love.."

"your bewitching eyeshave robbed my heart of peace" "now say yes, my love" "did i know i'd fall in love?" "did i ever knowhow i'd pine for you?" "your bewitchingeyes like daggers.." "and your beauty,i've lost my heart to" "darling, i forgive you" "you've cast such a spellon me my heart is enthralled" "i'm so enthralled.."

"i'll wake sleepless nightsenraptured in memories of you" "come to me, my love" "your bewitching eyeshave robbed my heart of peace" magic.. "this is the magic" what are you upto? reading my face?or breaking my face? i'll tell you 3points about yourself. first, your moneyis what you earned.

you thought i stole it? no, i mean, you didn't made it by dint of your efforts. everyone knows that.say something new raju, read his face. this is preposterous! give me a chance. out of the geography ofyour face i'll decipher your past. and present and a second. everyone knows about my past.

i'm confident about the present.i'll face tomorrow when it comes. grandpa, he's afraid. what is he hiding? nothing at all. at heart, my son is clean.- sure? give me once chance. daddy! what would he know? grandpa! you sired a rare son. he's unique!

the business will scale heights,riches will lie at his feet. and he is destinedto have 3 children. one daughter and two sons. i wish i had another grandsonto manage the business. your son is hopeless. grandpa, there's somethingi'd like to tell him in private. in private? why? such is the matter. i'm his wife! we have no secrets.

and i'm his secrets tell us everything a secretive man will evenkeep things from himself, no? i told you, out with it.- if you insist, i'll tell you. have courage. in his lifetime... ...he has had the love of two women. what's this i hear?- nonsense! you trust him? next, he will say thathe is my son! will you trust him?

i warned you!- he took it otherwise. i only said whatwas written on his face. i'm sorry,but the face never lies. you believe whateverthat moron says? didn't mrs walia trust her husband? and what happened to her? be true to me are youin love with another woman? do i tear my heart out to show you? just swear it on your childrenand rid me of this suspicion.

look smita,i can ever swear falsely. what did you say? swear falsely? stop... wait... i was just citingan example. one who is deceitful... ...might even swear falsely. he'd swear fearlessly too. were it not for your father and thekids, i would've left this house. but as of now,i'm leaving this room. oh no... smita... separate rooms... separate houses to movingout of town, out of this country. so what if your wife is gone?your big son stands beside you. do you know any lullabies? you are the devil!you are wrecking my home hey! did i kill you? i loved that one.will you sing that one for me? why are you after my life? a job, sir. are you raving?

i'm your personal assistant. are you drunk?- no. i won't hire you foran errand boy! - i know. you'd never make anerrand boy out of your son. how did he get here? and what are you doing here? i appointed him. he's like you. you'll be comfortable with him.he even walks like you.

i'll end up a cripple.- me too. he even talks like you.- i'll start stuttering. me too. - he even worshipsthe same god as you. i'll change my gods! his habits are the same too.carbon copy. exactly. but naturally!he's my copy. - what? forget it!i mean, he emulates me. my word! he's very nice. hire him. all right, i will. get going now.

is that phone ringing? she has just left. i'm mr mittal's son.- none of that. dead. just like your heart. what do you want from me? it was here,in this room that i told you... i'd shake your family to it'svery foundations. now i've done it. you are this office you are an employee. your place is over there.get to work.

you are mistaken. my place is over there. as long as i'm alivethat place is mine. but i will never letanything befall you, dad. what a rogue. god! so grave a punishmentfor such a small mistake? this is injustice! have mercy!else, i'll be left in tears. daddy is responsible for all this.he extended raju's visa. the visa is expiring.

the ministry has faxed us, askingfor fees for extending the visa. what a godsend! i hope you haven'tshown it to anyone? this fax? no. tear it up, throw it away. the fee won't be paid. he will become an illegalimmigrant. i will call the police. they will deport him back to india. the prayer is nearly overand no sign of the police yet.

your visa has expired. we haveorders to deport you right away. but daddy extended his visa. the extension period is over. you should've sentprior intimation. we faxed your offices. but your office hasn't replied yet. what? you faxed my office?and i know nothing? how can this be? who wouldn't wantraju to be with me?

after all, he's just like my son. raju my boy,you're leaving london... i'll miss you dearly!i'll weep for you but there must be a way out.- no way. there's one way.- what way? that. what can she do? she loves me and i love her. british passport?- yes.

now i don't need any visa.i'm getting a passport. british. bless us. according to u.k.laws, he cannot be deported. robin! the police came!by now he would've been in india. then your daughter marriedthat rascal, made him a citizen. mr mittal! don't youdare call my son-in-law names. son-in-law?- yes, i love my daughter dearly. i approve of the manwhom my daughter loves. don't you dare malign raju.

what are you saying? my only friend! has that scoundrel weanedyou away from me too? you called him a scoundrel again?if you try to harm raju... i'll even take you to court. how about a cup of tea?- cut out the sugar. "my bangles chime..." "do you like it?" "the colour of henna on me..."

"i love the colour of your bangles" "the henna stainshows your love for me" "you're one-in-a-millionthis is like a dream come true" "the colour of hennaon me do you like it?" "my bangles chime do you like it?" "come to me, my love..." "i'm pining for you..." "i'm waiting for you, my love" "tonight,i'll make love to you..."

"i'll cross every limit" "the colour of vermilionon me do you like it?" "i love the colourof your vermilion" "your seduction,and my loneliness..." "bring us closer,distances are no more" "your destiny is mine" "your dreams are mine" "come to me" "the colour of myveil do you like it?"

"i love the colour of your veil" where is he? where are you? enjoy being plundered.what is the fate of his. get up. are you frittering away my money,gambling? when will you return my money? why are you beating a gentleman? the scoundrel won't take my calls.

oh, but that's true.why don't you take calls? you think i'll give up mymoney if you won't take my calls? get up. will i give up my money? sock him hard. i'll pay you back. and how? if he says he will pay you,he will. - but how? true, he's upto his hair in debt. that's why i tell you, kill him.

end of tensions.- put that gun away. ever heard of r.k. mittal?i'm marrying his daughter. i think ten timesbefore lending to you. r.k. mittal is givingyou his daughter? you don't believe?come, take a look. shall we?- sure. but... this is your last chance. vikram i never met your uncle. he lives in south africa.

mr mittal, by god's gracemy business is doing very well. i'd like vikram to move in with me.he has no family here. but we're here. not like a son-in-law. take him for a son.- he is like a son to me. mr mittal, now that i'm here,i'd like to see vikram married. how long will you be here. about a fortnight. but that's too short a notice.

sooner or later... ...we got to see him married why not now? not before another fouror five years, i think. rinke is still a child. if the wedding is final,later won't hurt, will it? he is employed in this house. so it's my duty to consider the bestof the interests for the household. quiet, raju. how can we organise awedding at such short notice?

mr mittal, half ofengland dances to your whim. at two days' notice, you can giveyour daughter a grand send-off. maybe. but we have certain plans.she is our only daughter. if the wedding happenedwhile my uncle is here... ...someone from my father'sside may bless the union. let's think this over. we'll let you know in a day or two. bless you. i have along-standing relationship... ...with the businessgroup you're approaching.

give them my regards. mittal and sons have a standingall over europe. take care sorry to be late.- where are you going? he's leaving.- he is leaving? are you really leaving?- yes. i'll drop you to the airport.- he's accompanying you. accompanying me? you aren't well.he's going to take care of you. he makes it worse for me!

what a thing to say! take care of him, son. grandpa, have nothing to worry. you will find a remarkablechange by the time he returns. i'll take good care of him.- wonderful. we are the only industrialistsmarketing indian cars worldwide. we gave the european agenciesto purushottam mittal... ...only because he's an indian. in the beginning, sales peaked.

we have decidedto revoke the agency. purushottam mittalstarted out with our agency. now that you have grown, youhaven't got the time for servicing us. this agency isn't about money. recently, i received thebusinessman of the year award. no business associatehas never severed ties with us. as you know, our showroomsare located in prime spots. our sales departmentis very efficient. yet sales have plummeted.

somewhere,something is going wrong. sure, something is wrong.but we aren't to blame. if there's something wrong,it's there in your cars. the cars you use are of anothermake. the day you use your cars... will shut shop. i'm telling him facts. in the 21st century you'reselling cars from the time... ...when hitler went to school. what are you saying? sit down.

let him speak. fuel efficiencyin your cars is zero. looks zero,comfort zero, drive zero. whatever you're selling is thanksto the reputation of the mittals else, your sales would've beenzero. your car is a bullock cart. this is a car. look. for childhood to your age. he has ruined me! what a scoundrel.

for the first time,i am aware of my weaknesses. you spoke the truthwithout hesitating. our company needshonest employees like you. come over to us.i'll pay you the asking price. forgive me, sir. not for money, not for anything,can i ever leave him. but i have a request.please let him keep the agency. very well. mittal keeps the agency. only because, he has you.

why do you go abouteverything so surreptitiously? eavesdropping?even loving surreptitiously? not even for all the world'swealth will i ever desert you. enough, sir. what are you doing? i'm drinking because i'm elated. you've won my heart! ask and i'll giveyou anything you wish. but what can you ask for? come on, come with me.

one second... listen... look at me. this is my long-lost son! and i am his father i am... his father. i was unjust towards himand his mother. i hurt them. but i was helpless. because... sir, they're whites. use english. watch it, dad.

do you think i'm drunk? listen to this song. "i've become a riddle and" "i'm afraid i don't knowhow to solve this riddle" "it moves me to tears now thati see you in the bloom of your youth" "i remember everything,i haven't forgotten anything" "i was helpless, i'm not evil" "forgive me, you are my son" "embrace me,for you are only my shadow"

"no fax, no xerox,no telex, no floppies" "you're just yourpapa's carbon copy" "carbon copy" bring in the tea. get up. "come on, let's have tea,father and son" what's this dad-dadup in the morning? last night you said i'm your son. are you raving?when did i accept you as my son? last night, at the bar.

my head... were there any acquaintancesnearby? did someone overhear me? regrettably, only whites. then forget last night's story. pack up. it's time for the flight. isn't that what you said to my ma? forget last night's story. then you packed and you flew. you lied to meabout dad being dead.

you knew i wouldn'tbe able to bear it. and why did you send me to him?you knew what kind of man he is. then why did you lie to me? why? i'm talking to my you object? last night's story! last night in a drunken stupor,you acknowledged me. did you marry myma in a drunken stupor? what do i remind you of?of one too many whiskies? do you think i'm after your money?

the joy of finding my daddyalive drove me mad. i thought... father would welcomeme with open arms... i expected you'd tell everyonethat i'm your meghna's son. and you think thati'm after your wealth? who do you think thisboy in tattered jeans is? your manservant, begging youto acknowledge him as your son? some poor meghna saxena'sson coming after your money? say, with whom would purushottammittal like to do business in india? raj industries? and who's raj?

the man who stands beforeyou owns raj industries. i am wealthy. i left everything behindand i came here for you. now i don't want your name. you never did your duty. but mr mittal, i will surely do myduty as a brother before i leave. and afterwards... i will never return. what's in that?- money my friend.

if you're marrying a mittal, youought to have the spending power. you bashed me up for so little money.what might you do for so much? past things, i'm your uncle. you forgot that relationshipwhile you were bashing me up? it's all his fault.wasn't i always telling him not to? now don't be angry.come on, bash me up. what makes you so kind?- son-in-law to the mittals. that's what you're about to become.and it's a pan-europe business. we'd like to run our illegitimatebusinesses alongside yours.

nice idea, no?- wonderful idea... ...blowing up your father-in-law'smoney and your uncle's too. you got it made. what are you doing here?- i haven't come alone. i brought your father-in-lawand your fiance along. mr mittal. is he your son-in-law to-be?will you give him your daughter? i'll give him a hand.not rinke's. mine. scoundrel! you deceived us!you cheated my daughter.

he would've ruined your life. nowyour father is beating him. good. i was about to give you my daughter!and this is how you repay me? mr mittal...- shut up! what will you do? i'll turn you over to the police. get a doctor. get out of here. you... rinke calling.she sounds nervous. yes rinke?

papa has been... shot.- what happened to him? he's in i.c.u.- what? grandfather! by bringing mr mittal to the hospitali completed one phase of my duty. and i'll accomplish mysecond duty by bashing you up. both his kidneys have failed. so what are you waiting for? do something.don't worry about money. i'm willing to spend anything.

this is not about money. a donor is neededfor a kidney transplant. doctor, take my kidney. i can''re an ageing diabetic. you can use mine, can't you? no, your blood groupdoesn't match his. who are you?- i'm his chief security officer. going by the law, wecan use only a relative's kidney. are relationships only blood ties?i take care of his house.

it's my duty toprotect his life too. i appreciate youremotions but i'm helpless. our bunty will give a kidney! in times like thisonly a son can help. what? parting with a kidney? you will be the only son... ...who will give life to his father. no grandpa. i can't spare a kidney. i got to become a pop singer.if i give a kidney away... will i singand dance on stage? son, for your sake... i'll finance a hundred albums,i'll start a music company. give a kidney to your daddy. you must be thefirst grandfather... ...paying for a kidneywith a music company. - bunty! what kind of a son are you? your daddy's lifeholds no value for you? rinke, my daughter!

she is the apple of herfather's eye and she loves him. she will give her kidney. mummy, bunty is his son. and he refuses to partwith a kidney. i'm a girl. how can you ask this of me? i'll marry, i will have babies.i've got a whole life ahead of me. what if life withouta kidney becomes problematic? the man who gave you all his love... ...the man who taughtyou how to walk...

...his life is all aboutseeing you happy. he isn't doing us a favour. rearing children, giving theman education, is a parent's duty. and the offspring? does the childhave no duty towards the parent? now that i see the truth about youi know what a great man my son is. all my life he obeyed me. notfor a day did he do what he wished. for the sake of my principles,he sacrificed his happiness's. how helpless i am!i can do nothing for my son? i'm supposed to bethe richest man in london.

i tell you, i'm a pauper. i can do nothing to help my son. i can do nothing for my son. "life's all aboutgoings and comings..." "a melody wovenin joys and sorrows" "i got to pay back my debt" "this duty, i must perform" "tomorrow, i may not be here" "and i won't trouble you"

"you and i are tied togetherin a bond of blood..." "that's unforgettable" i have informed all my relatives.i have also telephoned india by tomorrow, someoneor the other will surely arrive. not necessary anymore.- no doctor! don't say that. nothing can happen to my son! what's the matter with him? we have transplanted a kidney. transplanted already?but who donated it?

didn't you say, it mustbe a relative? - he is a relative. and he has donated iton condition of anonymity. i can't tell you nothing about him. god! i thought i am thegreatest of philanthropists. and now someoneshows me i'm nothing. he's more charitable than i am. may god make him happy. hey bunty, rinke! come in. daddy, you always saidhe's a bad coin, didn't you?

it's the bad cointhat has proved useful. the doctor told me, it's a relativewho has donated the kidney. i thought... ...thank you rinke. rinke has saved her papa's life. no son. neither rinke,nor bunty, nor i. then who? i don't know, who or wherefrom.he has remained anonymous. he presented the doctor withthe proof, he gave you life...

...then he simply left. how are you, buta singh? what's this son? raju, where are you going? back to india.- india? but you came becauseyou wanted to become like him? are you leaving already?- because i have realised... one can be like him. and you will leave me?

look into my eyes and tell me...are you leaving me? but how can you say?i'm going to tell them. daddy, you don't know who raju is. sir, please... say nothing. you are recuperating,you need rest. no raju, if not today... i will never be able to say this.daddy, smita... raju is my son. son?

so, you are grandpa.this is my mother\. and these are my brothers andsisters? why are you fibbing them? why are you lying? am i lying?- or am i lying? you wanted to knowwho saved my life? daddy, he's your blood! my son. see for yourselves!operation stitches so i donated my kidney. you'relucky our blood groups matched. and i owe you what's so great about it?

all along, you nagged be becauseyou wanted me to say you're my son. now that i'm saying it...- why should i call you my father? you aren't my daddy.- no son! call me daddy. say it. why should i?- because i'm telling you. say it. if i have struck you i'musing my rights as a father. i implore you.i'm pleading with you. i'm begging of you... tell them.- what are you doing, daddy? well done, son. so father and son have beenkeeping such a big secret from us?

my grandson lived withme and i never had an inkling? had we not arrivedin the nick of time... ...we would never haveknown of his sacrifice. come on son, how am i to blame?why do you want to leave me? no one is to blame.i am the only one to blame i came,wanting to wreck this family... ...seeking revenge againstthe man who ruined my mother. then i came in to live with you,and i wondered... ...whose home am i about to wreck?a home for my father?

a home for my siblings,my grandfather's home. i'm unfit to stay i want to leave. raju, i'm not letting you leave. how can i tear father from son? i never even knew i have another son.and today, i've just found him. raju, seek from youmy rights as a sister. stay on, you got to manage allthis. i got to become a pop singer. shut up. everyone else is talking!and who am i?

you want to go away?go on, get out right now. but remember, in the grandson,the grandfather is reincarnated. if you leave me, i won't live.i'm going to die. it's going to kill me!i'm not letting you go away. i'm not leaving.- you won't? family reunion! are we being left out? what'sgoing to become of my daughter? where are we to go? go wherever you want to go.

make sure you send your daughter.she's the bride of my house. i'm here. ask for grandpa's blessings.- bless you. so at last, you acknowledge me?

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