fashion nova tumblr

Rabu, 07 Desember 2016

fashion nova tumblr


everyone go get yourself some takis or some ice-cream we are going to gossip today!!! sleep the babies... take your kids out to play! today we are going to gossip about life and eat! i have muscle now huh? hi i'm kennia, welcome to my channel my channels name in english is (kenniasbeautychannel) but in spanish it would be... something like that but i never do makeup or hair videos. but i might soon but you know why i haven't? cause it's expensive...

people have honestly been telling me to make a video in spanish. i dont really know why? i feel like my spanish is from zacatecas i don't know how to explain it but it's like a northern accent? my dad is from zacatecas so people always tell me i have that accent but i wasn't raise by anyone who had that accent. it does seems that i have a accent in spanish. yeah, but no! i live with my stepdad & nor him or my mom speak that way. they are both from mexico d.f. my real dad who passed away not so long ago is from zacatecas,

so really i don't know where i got my little accent from maybe it just comes from my roots & so i talk like a zacatecas girl and the purpose of this video is to just to i don't know really but maybe gossip, talk and eat... i know you're like wow what? that poor girl! no! but my parents do tell me they that feeding me in mexico would be easy af. because i love beans with onion, tortillas, guacamole and that's it! i'm so simple but i can go all out sometimes but i'm more than a vegetarian i'm a ''vegano \ vegana'' in spanish.

google told me that's what vegan is in spanish and i don't eat anything that comes from an animal just cause it disgust me. not cause it's trendy you know? no! but my mom is going to watch this and so are other moms so you all got lucky that i can't cuss now. it's not cause i'm shy to say them now like i'm 19. um i be thinking i'm grown now common but you about the new youtube guidelines... you can't swear, you can't promote drugs or alcohol. i haven't done that but sometimes we want to mention them on a story time video.

i don't have a story about drugs but you know my friends my stories are more funny or about getting robbed by crazy people. -exaggeration you know real stories people love my stories. i feel like that's why my channel is ''big'' like once i shared a story about my sexual harassment. my mom is watching this so she remembers how we lived in a studio at that time & that the maintenance guy went in my apartment and started telling me things. i called my mom and i think she was pregnant. but it got

crazy! my mom rushed to my studio, i had saved proof voice memos that is. then i shared my story on youtube letting everyone hear the voice memos people loved it... i am so sorry i stopped putting subtitles here... it is so much work and this video is too long... but a story time will be coming up cause i feel so bad. forgive me? :) i am honest, everything is alright, but... i do notice that... i don't need to give explanations to the people in the videos just because i shared a bit of my life.

sometimes i feel like i need to defend myself and just because i defended myself i can ruin somebody's life. but you know i have never said that. but kennia are your stories real? and i say well of course. if you were to know the area where i grew up, and there was a park around that was kind of crazy where we used to live, possibly close but not. like that type of stuff, the people can't believe. i have noticed that the people that watch me, don't seem as poor or have that much money. *talks about checking herself out on her computer and how she sees what you see. (just making sure her hair is alright)* so what was i saying??? oh yeah. that you shouldn't judge people just because they have stuff because like i said, those clips where sent to me by a company. that tv was for sale.

this cost me 40. this was from rite aid. (not sure, lol sorry) you don't need to bring yourself down just so that you could be good enough for the people but, that is how i am. i don't believe myself to be good enough. (lol) i really want to go there and fix that purse in the back, but i'm not going to get down. and i also didn't turn on the tv because i am one of those that turns on the tv and i like to go to google and i search up beautiful roses. and it appears on the screen. it looks like a cute picture on the screen but today i didn't find the control and that bag is so crooked it annoys me so much and i am on of those youtubers that only gets her hair done, and puts on makeup only for the videos

and then when i'm done, i get up and take off the makeup, and i seem crazy. today, my mom is going to come over to walk cause she has a baby/is pregnant and she needs to walk. hm she walks a lot lot more than i do. i don't even walk. i can't even go outside, but because i have anxiety. so my is going to come for a dress that i have for her and she's going to see me and she's going to say now look at this crazy girl. because i look like, how do you say it, cat woman, a stripper, i'm not sure my stepdad tells me if i where to go outside like this the people would say bad things because around where i live, well it's not really that only i watched a movie in which a woman... oh no my hair

a woman from the news got lost in los angeles and she couldn't get a ride because something had happened to her car so because of how she was dressed... you know how they dress up for the tv with there short dresses and high heels that they ended up calling her names. so i think people say that i am really skinny, you know. but i still i am not a little girl, but i am like young... oh that doesn't go well either, right. but i don't know "it looks bad", the people think bad. and i am those girls that... i just realized that what i wear is sometimes very provocative. no no no. i never wear anything that revealing, i don't even got breasts but what i like is... i like fashion a lot. i like a lot of stuff like that, like the clothes, the makeup in reality i don't really know that much about how to put on makeup. the lights make me look better and they hide my eye bags.

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