spring 2017 fashion calendar

Kamis, 08 Desember 2016

spring 2017 fashion calendar


central studio of children and youthfilms named after m. gorky written byvladlen bakhnov directed byveniamin dorman director of photographyk. arutyunov production designerm. gorelik music bynikita bogoslovsky soundd. flyangolts lyrics by a. galich, v. bakhnov,ya. kostyukovsky ussr cinematographysymphony orchestra

conducted by emin khachaturyan removing stains i'm telling you again - our dry cleaner'sdoesn't do ripping off buttons or sewing them onto clothes, dropped off for dry-cleaning. we got different responsibilities. why don't you agreeit sounds pretty weird? it would be way more logicalif you did those buttons too. let's take me, i'm still a bachelor,you know, and these buttons are a real painfor me.

i'm very sorry, but i can't help you.i'm a bachelor, too, you know. then you can understand mebetter than anyone else. i've been doing research workthroughout my entire life, and these buttons have passed me by. i understand it all, but i'm telling youagain - our dry cleaner doesn't offer... i've already heard it. i can't make you change your mind,as i see. and you're calling yourselves " the teamdelivering excellent customer services" ! sheer paradox!

and you check the book of complaints -so many customers write about it there! however we could easily sew on orrip off buttons on customer's request. this is called " services" . services? ms. gulkina, you'renew here, and you're still unaware that in our business it's much easierto put a new burden on our shoulders than lift if off later. hello? nina? yes, it's me. of course i remember.

sure, i'll see you off. when does the train leave?i'll be at the station in 30 minutes. - alright, ms. gulkina...- gulina. don't complicate life,it's very rough as it is. and you should live easily,ms. gulkina. easy living starring: aleksandr bochkin - yuri yakovlev if anyone wants to see meor calls me - i'm at the directorate.

margarita lvanovnaaka " queen margot" - faina ranevskaya galya - nadezhda rumyantseva - is aleksandr petrovich available?- no, he isn't . what a shame! i'm running a bit late.i'm working like a dog. - i beg your pardon. pure wool?- right, pure. domestically-made. hand it to him and askto get it cleaned by tomorrow morning. you got it. but next time spare methese kind of errands, please!

- you're so rude! bye.- bye, queen margot. give my best to him. for your information, women's jacketsare worn longer now. up to here. olga - nelli myshkovayuri lebedev - vsevolod safonov can i help you? no, no! thank you. i'll take a porter. no big deal.i can easily handle it myself, especially as i know nowwe're both from the same city. you're very nice.

vasilisa - vera maretskayamuromtsev - rostislav plyatt - where did you hide away my books?!- took them to a second-hand bookshop. don't you know it's out-of-fashionto have too many books at home? - look...- come on, vovik, honey. gulina - lyudmila gnilova professor - georgy tusuzov okay, let's get started. with yu.timoshenko, ye.berezin,s.balashova, g.vodyanitskaya, i.zhevago, n.golubentseva, n.ivanova,v.kabatchenko, n.kokorin and others

- thank you. see you.- any time. i feel so embarrassed, you know.you're a like a real porter. that's okay. excuse me, mr. bochkin, right? - shurka! bochkin!- yurka! lebedev! - it's me. front and present!- glad to see you. where from? from dalnogorsk. this is mytravel-mate olga sergeyevna. and this is my former group-mateshura bochkin. - glad to meet you. welcome.- likewise.

- can i take it?- here you go. so? incredible. it's a small world! - are you gonna stay in moscow long?- a couple of days. then to the mountains. who else from our group-matesworks in moscow? shura! what? practically no one.and where are you going now? to escort olga sergeyevna home,and then - to the hotel. then i'll give you a ride.

- thank you, don't worry, please.- why? i'm going the same way. - how come you know where i'm going?- wherever you go, i'm going. - and what's your currentjob?- i'm head engineer. wow... but our plant isn't the biggest onein the ussr. and what about you? you haven't closed the door well,i think. let me do it... - so you're going on vacation?- to bakuriani. wow! terrific!

- how long haven't we seen each other?- since we graduated. for 7 years. - you've been in moscow all this time?- yep. - and where do you work?- who? me? - right, you.- at some place, you know. producing somethingor doing research? mostly doing research. olga sergeyevna, is it your firsttime in the capital? i used to live here for many years. olga sergeyevna went toa teacher training college here.

- really? so you're a teacher?- right. i've been respecting teacherssince i was a kid. so here we are. thank you. wait. yura, this calls for celebration.what do you say? definitely. olga sergeyevna, let me invite you,on your behalf and on my behalf, to take part in our big party today. i don't know. it's kind of unexpected. so much the better. life would beso boring if you knew all in advance.

come on, say " yes" . please.and yura is asking you, too. right? please, come with us.i'm begging you. see? please, don't say " no" ,or we'll get down on our knees. if you get down on your knees,then i say " yes" . great. tonight at 9 exactlyright here. - where's vladimir yermilovich?- at a lecture. alright, tell me how you are. like a squirrel in a wheel. thisapartment alone takes heaps of time. then comes all this shopping.can you imagine this?

at times i thinki'd better be working. like you, in school. and i quit my job in schoolshortly after i divorced nikolay. - really? and what are you doing now?- making hats. - what hats?- ordinary hats. like this one. really? wow! a fabulous hat! - you made it yourself?- right, myself. oh my! you must be raking in money. i earn more than i did in school.

i'm on my own nowand must take care of myself. but i'm sick and tired of all this-hats, customers, dalnogorsk! poor olga! i understand you.this life is not right for you. i can imagine this dalnogorsk. i guess people are so unfashionablethere that you got no one to talk to. how many hotels, do you think,are there in moscow? about 50, i guess. then we got to try justthe 40 ones left. right, to make surethere're no vacancies in them.

i wouldn't have stopped in moscow ifi needn't to go to chief directorate. why not drop by thereon your way back. they will have approved allthe figures by that time. i feel very awkward, but is it okayif i stay overnight at your place? - if not, just say it straight.- no, why not... great. i'm not gonna bother you.d'you keep yourself busy at home, too? - keep myself busy doing what?- i mean, busy writing, thinking. - ah...- you, scholars, are obsessed guys. right. but that's okay.i can live with it.

olga, dear, where is your nikolay now? no idea. i think he's buildingsomething somewhere. aren't you sorry you've divorced? me? sorry? no way. i hate losers. why was he transferredfrom place to place? because he got no backbone. to go to siberia - no problem.to sakhalin - okay, great. to the north pole - still better.

i'll tell you this - never marryyoung guys, it's way too risky. you never know how they'll turn outsome years down the road. way better to marry mature guys,who've made their careers already. he may have heart and blood pressureproblems, but it's not a pig in a poke. don't worry, next timei'll be a smart girl. good for you. margarita lvanovna.hi, dear! got any visitors here? just my sister.

- this is olga.- glad to meet you. and this is my benefactressmargarita lvanovna. queen margot. you know, i could tell at a glanceyou two are sisters. cause you are like two peasin a pod. and both are real beauties. only you wear a size bigger, right? what size shoes do you wear? - size 36.- i got something especially for you. only make sure this time it's notlike with that dress the other day. and what was wrong?

i bought a dress from you, but thesedresses were on sale at every corner. look, i didn't saystores were not carrying them, i just said i was having them. margarita lvanovna, but... it's so very hot in here.you're so gorgeous! you're a goddess! a queen!do you know who you are? - who?- you 're minerva-horsewoman! i got something very specialfor you. i bet you'll like it. - something really glamorous!- i'm intrigued.

- the kunderevs give you their best.- aren't they in karlovy vary now? got back already. if you'd like somethingmade of 100% pure wool... i got it for myself, though, but you know how i feel about you. just look at this. too ordinary... wait. isn't itjust fabulous?a real day-dream! i'm taking this one.

- what?! i promised it to an actress.- which actress? - from the ensemble.- how come? i'm your client, aren't i? i can't . don't open! please, don't open! what are you doing to me!let me get dressed! don't open! don't scream so loud! quick! quick! i can't . go check who's there.

it's milk delivery. oh my, they scared the hellout of me! you know, i got so nervous lately. i can't relax even at night: i keep on seeing those copsin my dreams. it's a real nightmare. look... my legs won't hold me up. i got a totally wonderful thing foryou. strongly recommend to take it. here. look.

what is it? wait. do you know what's this? this is a cream... this is a cream for facial mimicry. and what's this? this is a compact, lipstick, perfume -a make-up set, you know. - how much?- we'll agree on the price. and you haven't seen this yet.you can get it only from me. i'm buying it! and what's this?

an anti-aging cream for wrinkles. but you're too young for it, you know.keep it in the fridge. olga, honey, do you still rememberenglish? i hope, yes. i used to readshakespeare in the original. incredible! you're so well educated!you can do even this! i also used to knowsome foreign words. i even knew a french guyfrom odessa. and this is especially for you. this is... you know, what's this?

this is a one-size braright from california. look, fabulous, isn't it? - no, no, wait.- hang on. don't worry about the cream. my clients took 4 sprays from me,and now they look totally different, even their own kidsdon't recognize them. i'll get the same jacket for you. i know one guy, a real saint.he can get anything. i'll go call him. you know how i love you!bitch!

oh my, i'm just a nervous wreck. just look at this parasite's riches.even hung some abstractionism. can i speak to alafern nikolayevich,please? alafern nikolayevich, it's me. have you got what i need in size 48,for a highly educated one? you have it. on my way already.see you. jeez, how smart this moron looks. oh! oh! what is it?! what's up?! oh my god!

what is it?! what's the matter?! - what did you give to me?!- a cream. - it's so very burning.- it's a natural reaction. that's it. - olga, read the instructions, please.- it's a furniture polish. not a cream. - a furniture polish?!- my face is totally disfigured now! they palmed off 5 such sprays on me.damned illegal traders! i'm gonna sue them! - i'm gonna sue you!- come on, you're kidding me. i'm an honest lady, i graduated froma grammar school. take the jacket.

to hell with yourjacket!get out of here! what an unpleasant incident! oh my! you're trying to do the best you can.and what do you get in return? listen to what i'll tell you, dear. the imported furniture polish is asgood as our domestic cream. trust me. your old skin will get offand you'll be like a newly born! really? you're so beautiful today! if my clients weren't waiting, i'd beadmiring your beauty all day long.

a real dandy! couldn't you goto the dry cleaner's yourself? i'm rushing from place to place: work-college, college - dry cleaner's , dry cleaner's - grocery store! i'm tired like hell! and frozen todeath, too! aren't you ashamed?! yes, i'm really ashamed! - who's washing there?- a buddy from dalnogorsk. - which one?- yuri lebedev. - the fat one?- no, the tall one. remember him? nope.

- look, galya, honey.- yes? want to go to a restaurant with me? why?is it your birthday? no, just to celebrate our reunion.so will you? if you insist. i got new shoes on creditby the way. why on credit?couldn't i give you cash for this? you know that i wouldn't take moneyfrom you. look, why are you so nice?do you want anything from me?

no. and why are you asking? i can see through you. okay, i'm gonna confess.i want you to do me one little favor. galya, sweetie, don't tell yuriwhere i work. again?! i'm sick of you leading a double life.and i'm not gonna lie to cover you! i don't ask you to lie.just hold back the truth. no way! i'm not gonna help you,you're on your own. galya, please, try to understand me.you're making me look like a fool!

i've already told him i'm doingsome research. itjust slipped out. you're putting me in a horribleposition. not me. you did it yourself. okay, okay, i did it. but please,help me out, for the last time. galya, really for the last time.trust me. so what do you want? you want me tosay you're a scientific genius. why a " genius" ?just an ordinary researcher. we were at college together.i feel kind of awkward. you feel awkward, and i must lie.and what if he asks me?

get creative. feel freeto dodge the topic, or say nothing. great. if you're asking, i'll keepmy mouth shut. i won't say a word. it's a no go. how can i explainwhy you're not talking to him? hi. you must be shura's sister? - good guess.- and your name is galya. right. galya. - and i'm yuri.- and he is yuri. sorry, i've barged in on you like this.

never mind. don't make a big deal about her nottalking to you. she's got a sore throat. i mean, it hurts. some complications.docs forbade her to talk. - okay, let's get ready.- you mean i need a tie? sure. - does this table suit you?- absolutely. thank you. - sit down, please.- here you go. - hi, how you doing?- hi.

- hi.- hi. - who is it? a very familiar face.- come on! this is toropunka! - the toropunka?- sure. who are you saying " hi" to? absolutely no idea. - why say " hi" to strangers then?- so they won't say i'm conceited. - let's split it in half, huh?-right, in half! - is it fair like this?- absolutely fair! - okay, which half is yours?- this one.

here you go. take it if you think it's fair. i'm toasting the man, thanks to whomwe're having this merry party. what's the essence, the significanceof his invention? sorry, mr. bochkin,i kept you waiting. we are catering the banquet now. - in whose honor?- in some renowned inventor's honor. what can i offer you?we got your favorite fish. that's for sure. maybe, you'd liketo make your own orders?

no, we totally rely on you.here you go. thank you. okay, we'll do it likethis. we'll order this. why teach you, you know all yourself.and this? have you got it? for you we got everything -just name it. - i see your friend is a famous guy.- today chemists are held in esteem. what, galya, dear? ah... crabmeat.we've already ordered wine. what? - champagne.- 2 bottles. - oranges.- right.

and why can't she speak? it's her throat. doctors temporarilyforbade her to speak. that's it for now.extra tips for speedy servicing. you're number one after the directorhere. how do you get time for that? so where do you work?i didn't get it, you know. who? me? after today's happenings i'll challenge to a duel everyonewho dares to deny love at first sight. - any volunteers? great. want some?- no, thanks.

- do you fall asleep fast?- actually, yes. okay, sweet dreams,but i got some work to attend to. - i'll be there, in the kitchen.- stay here. don't kill the light. - i better go to the kitchen. sleep.- good night, scholar. good night. okay... ink. the picture's clear -we got an educated woman here. alright. let's try to removethese stains. sorry, shura,i need to light up. i cant' sleepgod knows why.

- working?- right. we're working. i won't distract you. sorry. no. well, what? i can't workin these conditions. oh, vovik! chapa! vovik, it's bad for your health!eat this carrot. - look, i'm not a rabbit.- nibble this dry cracker then. anyway, i'd like to knowwhat your shurik does. i've already told you,he's a chemist.

it's way too abstract.mendeleyev was a chemist, too. at school we had a chemist who taughtchemistry. actually, a lady-chemist. so i'd like to know to what kind ofchemists he belongs. obviously, he's nota school lady-chemist. and it's even more obvious,he's not mendeleyev. but this is not the answerto my question. they're roasting skvoreshnikov here-it horrifies me to read it. oh god, i can't believe it.he's vovik's colleague. but why?

obviously for his book. olga, just imagine - he was absolutelyall right and bang!... and he's done. yes. he's done. you remember, i didn't advise himto take up this theme, don't you? alright. we're praisingthe insanity of the brave with an adequate song,so to speak. vovik looks so much like hemingway.don't you think so? - right.- i've heard others say it, too. go work, and take it easy, please.

i can't believe it. he was absolutelyall right. if vovik comes in,say it's you who's been smoking. the two of us quit smoking together. olga, i guess i figured out why your boyfriend avoidstalking about his work. why? he just can't talk about it.has no right. he's a top-secret researcher. a top-secret researcher?!

all physicists' and chemists' workis a military secret. trust me. so is it good or bad? let's try to reason logically. if he's a top-secret researcher,he's no fool. sounds logical? right. and if he's no fool,he's a talented scientist. maybe, even renowned. and, probably,vovik knows his last name. vovik! yes!

- what famous chemists do you know?- how many letters? - to hell with letters.- i thought it was a crossword. olga, we're so stupid! how can vovik know his last nameif it's a military secret? all adds up, you know. vasilisa! what's the hell is going on here?where's my manuscript?! what manuscript? the manuscriptof my ph. d. thesis i'm working on.

it's gone all of a sudden . don't worry.i've hidden it in a safe place. vasilisa, i need it for my work now!where is it?! up in the mezzanine. up in the mezzanins?!my manuscript?! - get it from there, please.- right. - do it. now.- okay, just take it easy. it's been up there for 2 years,so what's the rush now? i'm better already.

and what's your thesis about? olga, dear, i'm afraid i can'texplain it to you in a few words. it's not completed yet.i got a lot of work to do. but i can tell you this. this thesis is the dream andthe essence of my whole life. everyone should havea long-cherished dream. some high goal, which he's tryingto reach throughout his whole life. he's trying on,and on, and on. otherwise he's not man!

you know, for me this thesis is notjust work i'm doing for a living. each time it's a discovery ofthe world. some kind of happiness. and the confirmation that i domean something in this life. - vovik!- what? you're a total ingrate. i'm keeping your manuscript safe andyou've come down pretty hard on me. here. safe and intact.do you love me? i do! olga, dear, hold it, please.this is my thesis! this is it!

right, let them not thinkthat only skvoreshnikovs can think. here they are - my huge ideas! you know, shura, i think everyoneshould have a dream. a cherished dream he's trying to reachall his life. he's trying on, and on. otherwise he's not man. - do you think so?- sure. and you? me too. go ahead,i'm listening to you. you know, i work in a schoolnotjust for a living. every time it's a kind of a discoveryof the world, happiness of creativity

and the feeling that i do meansomething in this life. you know what i mean? sure. i'm positive your kidsin the school love you so much. and i reciprocate them their love. in this case, on behalfof your favorite students, i propose a toastto their favorite teacher. oh no. let's better toastyour favorite work. - a very good toast. bottoms up.- okay. i desperately want to see whereyou work. will you take me there?

it's totally impossible. sorry.i'm just mortified! forget it. no big deal. don't worry. there'll be no traces left. you're so professional at it, as ifyou've removed stains all your life. you're right. didn't i say i'mworking in the dry cleaner's . i'm just dying to seewhere you work. though i understandit's just impossible. i can imagine you at work.

you sit there so concentrated,knitting your brows and ignoring everyone around you. like this. you're a very good imitator. no kidding, a perfect one. "snow-flakes are swirling all aroundus like in a dream. "show-flakes are meltingon your eyelashes. "are you going to stay with me long, "my darling stranger?

"what town is it? what land? "the vast dazzling whitenessstretches in front of us. "maybe, it's not january, but may? "maybe, it's cherry-trees blooming. "i'm so much scared it's but a dream. "and you will be gone,like snow in spring. "so why have you come to me, "my darling stranger?" - yuri, want some tea?- no, thank you.

good, i don't have timeto serve you anyway. afraid i won't have time to sleepbecause of this draft. your brother works at nights,and you too. you two are like a model workingfamily. - you got a mistake in it.- where? sorry. take a look. here. when are you supposedto hand your draft in? tomorrow, or i won't get any academiccredit points.

- i can see your throat is okay now.- what? your throat. ah, my throat... yes, it's okay. you're very efficient with it. nikolay petrovichwould've given you an " a" . for real?nikolay petrovich himself? wow! you're trying to butter me up. here we are. we got so much in commonin our outlooks, in preferences,

like we've known each otherforever. like a thousand years? - i know all about you.- and i've always known i'll meet you. i'm happy, too, i've met you. till tomorrow. see you. don't be making this noise! yuri is sleeping. yuri is sleeping. i thinkhe's been abusing our hospitality.

i couldn't imagine he'd be stayingso long with us. i'm terribly uncomfortable with him.and you too, by the way. sure. every minute i expect himto start asking me about you. - and what am i going to say?- you lecturing me again? yuri says you were a top studentat university? right, you got a very talentedbrother. and yuri owes me his job. it was me who was originally assignedto this plant in dalnogorsk. - why is this light on?- want to see you better. why do you never talk to meseriously?

i hate serious conversations. or you are frightened of them, huh? when yuri arrived at dalnogorsk, there was neither town, nor plantsthere, they had to rough it in tents. and you're blaming methat i didn't go there. i can imagine how muchyou envy him now. - come on! i envy yuri?- right. and what good has he got in his life? sweats blood at his plant. wasteshis vacation on the chief directorate.

my life is much more exciting. definitely. thanks to queen margotyou got all this cash. you got a car and more threadsthan any fashionable girl. waiters in restaurants just adore youand you're leading such an easy life. right, i'm not the role-modelof our time. so what? some are after heroic acts,others - after a quiet, peaceful life. you had a talent, but youtraded if for cutlets a la kiev. it's my own talent. i have the rightto trade it for whatever i want. bravo! bravo!

so why won't you tell yurior olga about it? - probably, you want to do it?- i'm staying neutral so far. - armed neutrality.- but i'm gonna take you in hand! no, this is going to end badly.i'll have to get rid of this yuri. hi! for the 3rd day running you turn upin front of our plant after the shift. is it accidental too? history knows much weirdercoincidences. - going to college?- no, home.

and, you know,i'm accidentally free tonight. same here. and also accidentally. and after that you refuse to believein amazing accidental happenings? i wouldn't say so. and we can have a very good timetogether tonight. great. you'll be helping me about the house. yes, ma'am. oh, our ride!

okay, like we agreed.you're my aunt from kiev. you'll come 5 minutes after me.will you remember this? go again, please,i've developed sclerosis recently. you're my aunt from kiev.can you playact my aunt? you know how i feel about you. i can playact even anna karenina foryou, no worse than a people's artist. i was in amateur talent activities.sang snow white in my hometown. here are your things. you'll come inprecisely 5 minutes after me. wait. what about your sister?will she be in?

she doesn't like me, you know. relax. she's always out at collegeat this time of the day. you're so cute. you make me crazy. salute to those working in chemistry! is it okay if i stay here for anothercouple of days? even for a month. especially sinceyou're irreplaceable in the household. yura! yura, potatoes, please! why are you home?!and not at college?! - they cancelled a seminar.- why?

- how do i know?- i got to tell you something. look, galya. now our aunt from kievwill come to stay with us. got it? - what aunt?- margarita lvanovna. why are you doing all this? to get rid of this yura. you saidyou feel uncomfortable with him. and when our aunt arrives, yuri, as a polite guy, will understandthere's no room for him here. - is that it?- yes. that's it.

- great.- great. - it won't work.- why? i'm against it. what do you mean?she'll come here in a second. she'll come and go. and cut this crap,or i'll spill the beans to yuri. - so what do i do now?- you'll find a way to get out of it. hi! hi, darlings!i'm your aunt. i've come all the way from kiev.and i'll be visiting with you.

- right?- yes. hi, auntie, dear!this is a surprise! - and this is my friend.- glad to meet you. i'm lebedev. likewise. i'm their aunt.i'll be visiting with them. and where's my dear niece galya? oh, yes, she's not home.she's at college. no, she's home. galya,your aunt has arrived. she's home.this wasn't our deal. oh, there she is! my dear niece galya!

i can't believe my eyes! is it her?she's so grown up! oh! how very rude! and where am i going to live here? you're not going to live here! what do you mean? dear auntie, you're goingto stay with someone else. you're gonna stay... with grisha.

- what grisha?- your other nephew. but i don't want to stay with grisha. i want to stay with you, mr. bochkin. just shura. dear auntie, we got no room here,you can't stay with us. - look, we're backpedaling out of it.- what? but am i still your aunt? - yes, but you better agree on grisha.- okay. i agree to stay with grisha. after all, he's my own nephew, too.see you.

alright, great. just great.let's not lose our time then. i was so nervous when i was acting. i'll give you a ride to his place. - see what a hell of an actress i am?- yes, i do. will you take me home? - i'll move to the hotel right off.- no way! vovik, don't forget for god's sake,handkerchiefs are in the left corner, the hot bottle - in the right one,validol is in the upper pocket, piramidon, aspirin, codeineand antibiotics are in the lower one.

nitroglycerine is right here. you've loaded me with all thesemedications like i'm going on a trip from the directorate of drugstoresand not from the knowledge society. knock it off.cracking jokes is not your genre. you're so out of shape. so a 2-weeklecturing trip is no stroll for you. okay. here's a list of some errands.do them all, please. pick up the suit from the cleaner's .take the hoover to the repairs. can't you do all this yourselfwhen you're back? i can never ask you for a favor.

why? here it's written: get moneyby proxy. i'll gladly do this one. it's natural. and now i ask you, no,i demand: stay away from this... margarita lvanovna.or i'm taking away this proxy. - vovik, sweetie! do you love me?- yes, i do, i do. let's sit for a few seconds,before i hit the road, okay? i had no time to say " bye" to olga. she's too busy now. a 5-day-longcontinuous romance. it would be very appropriateif we met this guy too, you know. i desperately want her to strike itlucky at least once.

however, he's totally crazyabout her. and what about her? you're asking.he's so talented and unmarried. these two qualities are so rarelyfound in one person now. - but i possessed them both.- vovik. sorry for taking your precious time, but can you make an exceptionand take this suit for cleaning? i would've gladly helped you,but i got to follow instructions, which forbid us to take thingswith such stains for dry cleaning.

so what do i do now? i'm going on a tripand i need this suit badly. yes, i understand you. it's not my responsibility, you know,but... i can make an exception for youand give you the number of a woman, who can do it privately. she can remove any stains. i'll greatly appreciate it. - but it's just between you and me.- sure.

here's the number.margarita lvanovna. margarita lvanovna. i'll remember. you know, i'm so happy that yourrelationship with this scientist is developing in accordancewith the plan we worked out with you. but you need to be more active. what are you talking about? he got a right to know me betterbefore he proposes, okay? and you got a right to show yourselfto best advantage. there's a graduates reunionin your college today, right?

why not go there togetherwith bochkin? what do you mean " why" ? he'll seewhat interesting people you know. tell me who your friend is,and i'll tell you who you are. and besides, when he seeshow many guys you got around you, he'll realize that he has to rush it. there's a rational grain in it. i got granaries full of such grains. aleksandr petrovich,we've come to talk to you. - about what?- about how we're serving our clients.

- again?- again. i see you'll never leave me alone.so? we got a new complaint here.we don't want our clients to think that only bunglers and inefficientworkers work in our dry cleaner's . ms. gulkina, that's not me, who issues instructions,and i can't cancel them. you're standing in the way of progress.then we'll go to the directorate. - okay, i'll think about it.- we've heard it already. - i'll consult someone.- we've heard this, too.

i'll think againwho i can turn to for advice. and you come in my office, please. look, ms. gulina. sit down, please. i'll be honest with you. you're here just for a working recordto be accepted to university, right? go ahead. you've been here for only 6 months,but i'll give you a certificate that you've worked here for 2, 3,even 10 years.

and you can go and applyto university. don't thank me for this. maybe, there're some who are tryingto get here after college, but i'm not in a rush to go to collegefrom here. i want to work here. but i can imagine how desperatelyyou want to get rid of me. no, you can't imagine it.and one of us will have to quit. mr. director. what is it, are you mocking at meor what? you've been holding the suit herefor six weeks.

all suits of moscow and moscowregion could be cleaned in this time. and what's the result? it's nocleaner than it was before. take a look at these huge stains.bigger than the jacket itself. this is a great exaggeration.they're just tiny stains. - you think so?- yes. look, i got to warn you,you may get in big trouble because of these tiny stains. come on, don't you try to scare me. your husband shouldn't have putsuch stains.

are you going to teach my husbandwhich stains to put and which not? you think, if my husbandis away on a very important trip, i don't know where to filemy complaint? file your complaint wherever you like,but don't speak to me in such a tone. that's how you're talking to me?! i mustn't speak to youin such a tone?! that's how you're reacting tothe criticism coming from below? remember, you'll come to apologizeto me. it's no cleaner than it was before!

totally outrageous!this is some lowdown business! and you call it dry cleaner's !wrap it up! i know where to turn to about it. you're my last hope. get it cleanedbefore my husband is back. relax. the firm won't let you down.the suit will look brand-new. you look so gorgeous today!a real venus. shit, forgot her name. see you, dear. god damn you! mr. bochkin, i'm so gladi met you here. i was about to go to your place.we got an urgent order.

not so loud! how many timesdid i ask you to do that?! - all right. an urgent order.- i got it. - must be ready by tomorrow morning.- get in. does your girlfriendlive in this house too? my girlfriend? wrong.my bride lives here. - are you getting married?- having it in my plans. best guys go away to become husbands. guess what i got for you in this case. imported nappies, baby's loosejackets, caps for twins.

- thank you, but it's too soon.- take them. babies grow, you know. - what suit is to be cleaned?- very important stains. - oil paint?- wait. i'm not a professor, but i guessit's corn oil. margarita lvanovna,i don't like the way you're splitting our company'srevenues. you're hurting me so bad. i'm doing all the harmful work,and you're just collecting orders. pardon. you're working underground,while i'm risking in the open.

who knows, what's worse for health? do you read newspapers?on the last page? guess what i got for you.an imported tie. with such a pattern that i'm reallyembarrassed to show it to you. you'll check it out at home. keep it for yourself. where on earthdo you get all this stuff? it's my little women's secret. okay, look. i'm late for the theatre. i'll drop you off over there.

people's courthouse no, not there! a bit further on! here! she lives here! easy, shurik. easy.stay calm, and that's it. can i see... oh, i'm sorry! so now you're saying you're sorry? what did i tell you? i told youyou'd come to me to apologize. okay. take off your coat. the minute i've given a call tothe authorities, and you're here.

but i'm not spiteful, you know. come in, please. but how did you find me? who? me? it's a secret. i got it. there's my address on the receipt. and you've come to takethe suit for dry-cleaning, right? yes! you're absolutely right. you're late. i've handed the suitto a private specialist,

who, unlike you, is not set off bythe stains that are hard to remove. basically, there are no such stainsthat private specialists can't remove. i beg your pardon. hello? no, olga,your scientist hasn't called yet. if you're not gonna wait for yourturn in the hair salon, take a taxi. i'll introduce youto the dry cleaner's director. right, he's here to take the suitback to the dry cleaner's . can you imagine this?such a fantastic customer service. so come quick.

olga! - where are you going?- who? me? i'm not going anywhere. - and why did you blush?- no, i didn't . you just imagined it. why are you standing?sit down, please! you know, i got 2 tickets tothe theatre. so if you don't mind ... you're inviting me to the theatre,right? me? you? you're so nice. does the dry cleaner'soffer this service, too? no way! this is my own initiative.

you want to invite me to the theatreon your own initiative? and i thought you were doing thison behalf of your dry cleaner's . and why are you so positive i'll go? i'm not positive at all.i'm positive you won't go. and will i make you happyif i go with you? i'll be on cloud nine.but please, hurry. we won't be late. i'll be readyin 3 minutes. and what's your name,mister director? shurik. aleksandr petrovich.

aleksandr petrovich? terrific. there's so much expressiveness, dynamics in your name.it's so emotionally charged. - you think so?- yeah. - well, how did you like the singer?- nice, but not jacqueline francois. - and you heard jacqueline francois?- sure. - and how did you like her?- nice, but she isn't edith piaf. - 15 ice-creams.- why so many? - it's for my whole brigade.- here you are.

i'm out of ice-cream. it's just outrageous. a kind of outingto the theatre with ice-cream. - probably, a cup of coffee?- with pleasure. oh, excuse me! i need to makean urgent phone call. - suit yourself.- thank you. - i'll be over there.- great. - can i use you phone, please?- no. please. no, it's for the staff use only.

you're very kind. olga, dear! good evening! i'm so sorry, i'm being delayedat work, and so i can't make it tonight, i'm afraid. oh, what a pity. we have a graduates reunion at ourteacher training college. i didn't go. i waited for your call,thought you'd make me company. so what shall we do? what shall we do?

we' could meet tonightafter work? sounds great! then i'll rush to the college now and you'll come there to pick me upwhen you are free. great! i'll be waiting. she'll be waiting. she'll be waiting! yes! - here you go.- thank you.

what's the matter?aleksandr petrovich? what's wrong with you,aleksandr petrovich? oh, my shoe strings got untied. that's all right. let's take a stroll.i'd like to be alone with you. - really?- yes. come on. aleksandr petrovich! for god's sake!are you nuts or what? and you're calling it " a stroll" ? i thought we were participatingin a kind of hurdles.

i'm sorry, but i'm acting with youlike i'm a total fool. do you think i'm that dumband don't understand anything? and what do you understand? that the suit was just an excuseto come over to my place. no use to try to outwit you.you got the male mind. right, sometimes i understandmore than i need to. but you're a very dangerous guy,too. do you try to meet many girls usingthe same tactics? right, many.

look who's here!meet my friends, please. hi. i'm galya. i'm vasilisa sergeyevna. - glad to meet you.- likewise. - vasilisa sergeyevna.- lebedev. - well, how's the concert?- not bad. we don't have such concertsin our dalnogorsk. are you from dalnogorsk? my sisterlives in dalnogorsk too. probably you know her?olga sergeyevna korotkova.

olga sergeyevna... do you know her? and i thought you all knewone another there. you must be kidding. dalnogorskis a huge city. - yura, it's huge, right?- yeah. it's natural that olga sergeyevnadoesn't know yura, she's a teacher,and yura is a chemist, you know. are you a chemist? tell me, please,

probably you know by any chancea chemist named bochkin? - bochkin?!- right, bochkin. he's a researcher. - no, he doesn't know any bochkin.- no, i don't know him. aleksandr petrovich, and you,do you know bochkin? right, how can you know him?this is not your field. right, this is not my field. i think it's very hot here.it's draughty here! - i don't think so.- i guess the interval is over.

excuse us. we'll meet later,in the next interval. are you nuts?! - galya!- yes. tell me what's going on. look, let's make a deal.never ask me about my brother. i should've told olga the truthlong ago. and wouldn't have beenin such a stupid position now. how can i explain it to her now? how? easily! like this!

and who knows. maybe tomorrowi'll be no longer a bachelor. "it's incredible, but it's a fact. "when the examination periodbegins due to the schedule, "we say to each other'good luck', buddy don't be chicken." "to boost our self confidence "for the examination period "we say to each other - 'good luck!don't be chicken!' "chefs don't serve chicken or duckto us. "we're hitting the booksfrom morning till night.

"and to make sure we don't oversleepthe sunrise, "our pillows are as hard as rocks. "there's no down or feathers in them!so good luck! don't be chicken! "student life is full of fun.we're good friends. "forever we'll remember collegeand heated discussions till morning. "years won't gallop past us, buddy,leaving us untouched. "and so instead of big mops of hair "we'll end up having headsbald as chicken eggs, buddy!" "we're not occasional friends,we've been friends since forever.

"and when time to part arrives, "instead of saying 'good-bye' "we'll say to each other our usual- "'good luck! don't be chicken!" ' then i became a post-graduate student. and i'm finishing post-graduatecourses now. i have three kids. all is clear about you.take your place, vadik mineyev. - and now borya morozov.- me! i'll send you out of the room!

tolya vakula! look at yourself! whatkind of assistant principal you are! - borya, tell us, where do you live?- in tula. - and what are you doing there?- teaching literature. tanya levchenko. i'm savchenko now. and where are you living now? go tothe board and show it on the map. i'd gladly show it, but this placeisn't on the map yet. olya korotkova. i'm working in dalnogorsk.teaching literature.

- and do you like it?- yes, very much. i think that the teacher's professionis the most exciting, and i'm just happy that i dedicatedmy life to this noble work. what do you want, masha? may i step out? why do you want to step out? my husband is signaling to me. - what are you doing here?- she's crying. time to nurse her. couldn't you wait?

the recess. the long recess. this tall guy in specs is a professorat university, he's writing books. and that one is vadik. he's finishingpost-graduate studies. he has 3 kids! and that is misha sergeyev.he's a writer now. come here. do you see the girlconducting the choir? she defended her thesisand moved to chukotka. can you imagine this? olya, who is it? my bridegroom.a very talented scientist.

shura, meet my friend, please. - shurik... aleksandr bochkin.- i'm tanya. ivan sergeyevich has arrived!he's my favorite professor. would you like to meet him? let's go. - let me introduce my friend to you.- i'd be delighted. - excuse me.- that's okay. where are you going? i'm sorry, i'm tired as hell.

it's been a very long day for me. then i'll go with you. no, stay here, enjoy yourself.you got really good friends. i'll call you tomorrow. if anybody calls me,say i'm not home. maybe, you're not home for olgaeither? for olga, in the first place.yesterday we had our last date. did you have a fight? or did she uncover your secret?

none of your business! sure, it's none of my business.and to save your ass is my business. you stirred up all this troubleand got me into it, too. i can't explain anything to yura now. serves you right! you shouldn't havekicked out our aunt from kiev. you've picked up a perfect herofor your romance! just listen to him!and who brought him here, huh?! me, but he won't go awaybecause of you. chief directorate is holding him uphere, in moscow.

chief directorate?! right, chief directorate! i'd like to know what you meanby this word? look, i don't allow you to go outwith yura. what?! i obey, my brother and master. it's a whole hell of shit! i'm dodging yura in my own home. i'm trying to sneak into my ownapartment when he's already in bed.

can you take him away for at leastone night? i got urgent work to do. queen margot's order, right? my dear brother and master,how can i take yura away from here, if you put the big foot down anddon't allow me to go out with him? oh, wisest of the wise!i can't see any logic here. today, i'm making an exception, and you can go with your yuriwherever you want. i'll do anything for you!the dry cleaner's requires sacrifice. imagine, i thought such passions werepossible only in foreign movies.

actually, i already noticed hisstrange glances at the dry cleaner's .. i was yelling at him,and he was just staring at me. so what's next? today i'm going out with him, andi don't know what's next. i don't know. i don't know.but can i get a short rest from vovik, while he's sowing seeds of wisdom,kindness and eternal values? one poem in my head goes like this:"i like it when someone likes me." i absolutely adore poetry. wrong number!

why isn't your shurik calling today? he will. everybody is so different. take your scientist. so indecisive.and my director is all assertiveness. yours is so insecure,mine is a primitive but glamorous guy. like pushkin said:"water and rock, ice and flame..." hello! push the button! it'll be like i said. period.

never! i got no time to speak to you, olga. i need to dry clean the suitof your esteemed sister's husband. what can we talk about? huh? you got your outlook, i got - mine.you like to work, i - to enjoy life. a researcher. so what?! if i wanted, i could bea researcher, too. if i wanted...

mr. director, i devoted my entirelife to research. and i'm not supposed to rip offand sew on these damned buttons. professor, it's notone of our duties. i've already heard it! - and i got a company car.- really? and what do you do? i'm head engineer. i propose a toast to our talentedinventor. - cheers!- cheers! - in whose honor is this celebration?- this is bochkin. front and present!

- that same bochkin?- aleksandr petrovich. - he knows me.- really? - really.- you must be kidding. hi there! yes... i could've been anythingthat i wanted to be, and what am i doing now? shura, what's going on?you didn't call me. what happened? absolutely nothing.

where did you disappear?oh my, you're such a mess! i'm busy with my research. doinga very serious experiment. an experiment?! how very interesting!can i peep with one eye? no way! it's top-secret. top-secret? i got the point.military secrecy. but if i'm in your way,i'll be off. that's okay. come in, please. you even look a bit different,you look real drained. but i understand you - nothingcan beat exciting work.

i am not even pissed off at you. you're talking to me,but you're thinking of your research. the experiment! stay where you're! back off!this is lethally dangerous! - are you okay?- this time, yes. you have no right to risk your life! i understand, science comes first,but don't do it. they got nothing similar here.incredible! come here. are you carryingthe same suits, but without a hole?

made of the same fabric? sorry, we don't carry it. - what do we do?- let's go to maryina roshchya. - okay! let's go.- it's a fantastic department store! - are you carrying the same suits?- made of the same fabric? - we gotjust one, it's in the window.- get it for us! please! save us! get if for us! okay, i'll try. we got lucky this time!

you know, the one who's seekingwill ultimately find it. right? aleksandr petrovich, where did youdisappear? it's so cruel. i'm so happy you've come! i'm so glad to see you, too! but, please, don't sugar up reality. in life, like in art, i valueonly the truth. me too. while we are at it, the suit, which i had to taketo a private specialist

after your dry cleaner's ,got back to me absolutely brand-new. really?! fantastic. the advantage of private sector!it beats me how they're doing this! and you've come herejust to tell me that? and why not? i'm not that mean, as you might think. i was just passing by, and decided to tell you that i'll be home tonight,and if you...

no, it's absolutely impossible. i'll be busy. sorry, i intend to worklate tonight. aleksandr petrovich, labor helpedape evolve into man, not to turn him into a working muleafterwards. - work can wait, huh?- yes, you're right. yes. work can really wait.i'll drop by tonight. by all means. and i'll introduce you to my sister. i bet you'll fall for her.

terrific. cha-pa! so? what's new?did your chemist call you? yes, just now. and you spoke to himlike we agreed? i told him i'm leaving tomorrow.he got so upset! good. and then i said that i don't feelwell and can't go out with him, and if he wants to say goodbye to me,he must drop by.

he got so upsetthat i felt so sorry for him. let him get upset. now he'll show upand get straight in my hands! you came up with a great plan! actually, intellectual guys tend tohesitate and self-analyze. and your bochkin hesitates, too -to marry or not to marry. and unless we slightly push him,he'll be self-analyzing till he retires. i guess it's very possible. and your departurewill urge him to act promptly. note, we aren't doing anything bad.

we're just speeding up the naturalcourse of events. and we're right doing it. i should think so! like the frenchsaying goes - c'est la vie! by the way, my director alsopromised to drop by tonight. olya! let's introduce them to one another,okay? i spent last night at the telegraph,so that i wouldn't meet yuri. today olga leaves, but i can't saygoodbye to her because of vasilisa. - aleksandr petrovich!- it's my lunch-break!

ours, too. that's why we've come.here! - what is this?- a collective request to quit. what's the matter? a collective request? very interesting. so you decided to quit yourjobs.all together. right? - you got it wrong.- we're asking you to quit. what the hell you are talking about! we're asking you to quit of your ownaccord and not to meddle in our work.

so you're intent on teaching mehow to work? lunchtime is over.get back to work. - and you, ms. gulkina.- gulina. - i won't leave it like that!- we so much hope for it. these suckers daredto teach me how to live! look who's here!hi, volodya! hi, olga! - vovik, why you got back? you sick?- come on, darling. relax. just no lectures today, so i decidedto spend the whole day at home.

i hopped on the train for moscow,and here i am. like chatsky said: " i'm up with thesunrise, and here i am, at your feet" . he didn't have a bad heart, and youbetter quit all this " hopping on" . - are you mad that i'm back?- no! vasilisa can't wait to see you. do you love me? i do. i just got so scared.you appeared out of the blue. ladies, i got a surprise for you. what surprise? come on, tell us.

on the way home i bought tickets to a variety showfor all of us. terrific! only olga will be busydating her bochkin. how come? the chemical reactionstill proceeds? wait. bochkin, bochkin.i guess it rings the bell. sure. he must be very renowned.are you hungry? - like a wolf!- it's bad for your health. here's my director's number.tell him not to come today.

but speak lower, okay?and i'll go feed my wolf. - is it the dry cleaner's ?- yes. can i speak to aleksandr petrovich,please? aleksandr petrovich speaking. vasilisa sergeyevna asked me to tellyou not to come tonight. her husband is backand they're going to the theatre. - are you positive about this?- absolutely positive. - and nothing can change?- i'm afraid, not. this is great! thank you.

it means i'm going to see olga! sorry i'm late.and thank you for waiting for me. but we didn't arrange to meet here. i've been just window shopping. thank you for being justwindow shopping. are we going home? then let's take a bus? you know what? let's better take a walk.

- i need to talk to you.- about shura? - how do you know?- i was ready for this conversation. i'm going to say good-byeto olga now, and this is it. i won't tell her anything.and what can i tell her? i'm proposing to you and offering youqueen margot's illegal dry cleaner's . no, i better let her go awayand stay unaware of my secret. then yura will go awayand i'll resume living like i want. - like you want?- right. you think so?come on, don't cheat on me.

no, brother. you won't get rid of meso easily. you're ashamed of yourselfand would like to live like good guys do. but only on one condition: so that you won't have to waive yourconveniences of life, habits, money. but it doesn't work like this. why should i be ashamed? i'm neithera freeloader nor a swindler! i've robbed no one! no one? and what about yourself?

myself? when? when you set your mind on living foryourself and started to seek easy ways. first you allowed yourself to forgetyou're an engineer. then you hooked up with thisqueen margot. and what's next? did you think of it? drop this act! don't pretend you'resleeping. i spilled the beans to yuri. do you think i was blind and didn'tsee something's wrong with you?

- and don't be pissed off at galya.- let him be pissed off. i don't mind! stop bugging me, okay?!what do you want? right, i've ruined my own life!note, my own life, not anyone else's . what am i supposed to do?maybe jump out of the window?! huh? it's the best escape from your problem.we live on the 1st floor! and stop yelling! and what would you doin my place, huh? you know, shura, any situationcan be altered. right, i know this. but what am isupposed to do? i, not someone else?

who needs an engineer who's neverbeen a day in his profession? i've totally forgotten everything. yura suggests that i goto his plant in dalnogorsk. - what do you mean, to his plant?- what you heard. to work there. is it true? but not as an engineer, you reallyforgot everything. but with time... but if only you want it. i want it! you can't even imaginehow desperately i want it! but olga. how can i explain itto her?

- come on, if she loves you...- wait! i got a brilliant idea! she said that she can't imagine herlife without her school in dalnogorsk. i can say to her that i'm movingto dalnogorsk just to please her. sounds great! galya! - you're an incorrigible show off!- she's right here. today i'm going to tell her the truth.and nothing but the truth! i'm going to tell her everything.it's up to her to decide what to do. i got to rush while vasilisa is out.i want her to know the truth from me.

then do it! you'll never regret you've taken me.i'll be sweating blood! i promise! i'll make up for the time lost! i'llpush you aside and take your place! vasilisa, honey! hurry, we're already late. i'm almost ready. you may put on the suit,i picked it up from the dry cleaner's . i'm sure you won't recognize it. okay, we'll see.

chapa, chapa. - do you remember our plan?- yes, i do. act as though you future is at stake. either you move to moscowand live the way you like it or... - vasilisa!- what's the matter with him? - what is it?- what does it all mean? - what have you done to my suit?- me? nothing. it's the suit itself. - what do you mean " the suit itself" ?- it stretched in the cleaning. wait. what are you talking about, vasilisa?just look at it!

margarita lvanovna, what has yourprivate dry cleaner done to the suit? what private dry cleaner?and why margarita lvanovna?! quiet! are you using her services again?!i asked you not to do it! i demanded! stop yelling at me! i can turn to whoever i likeand buy threads from whoever i want! from whoever you like?!but who gives you cash for all this?! cash? so this is what it's all about! you worry about your damned money!you're obsessed with money!

right! i can think only about money!i'm working like a mule to make it! my colleagues are doing some importantwork, and i'm just making money. they write books, and i'm busy doingthis fucking useless side-work! and i'm doing itjust to makemore money! that's it! but they end up having heart attackslike your skvoreshnikov! and you live like a normal guy! it's not normal, you hear?not like a normal guy! a normal guy would've gone berserkliving such a meaningless life! i live like a watchman,guarding my own belongings!

my sables! vovik! are you nuts?! you know who i could've been?!and what i've traded myself for?! for the furniture! for the antiques! for the cut glass! to hell with all this stuff! - vovik, please!- to hell with it all! to hell with it all! she doesn't need books, and i...!

vovik! vovik! vovik! all right! that's enough! that's enough! you've gone nuts! rememberhow much it costs?! i don't care! you don't care? then breaksomething really cheap. here. drink this water. and breakthe glass. well? come on! break it! good evening. i already thought you wouldn't come.take off your coat, please.

- are you crazy?! get out of here!- who's there?! - he is not my guest. honestly.- he's come to me, volodya. don't stand there. come on in. come on! you're my silly darling! why get so nervous over some stupidsuit? more the less, not a new one. a match. where? - perhaps you better go to sleep?- for good?

i'm sorry, there's got to besome mistake here. - forget it. but, maybe, i better go?- no way! i'm so happy you've come. - come in, please.- thank you. have a seat. olga. i'm moving to dalnogorsk. great. for long? you didn't understand.i'm going there forever. - forever?- right, forever.

and what about moscow? by then i'll be always around you andyou won't have to quit your school. i'm really at a loss.and what about your work? this is precisely what i wantedto tell you. there i'm gonna get some real work,and here... no, no. better i'll move here. i can't accept such a sacrifice.i'm set on moving here. but this is not the point. yes, this is the point! my dear,my sweetie, please, don't move here!

just great!you leave a guy for 2 minutes, and some girls go all sweet on himright away! aleksandr petrovich, out of here! don't listen to her. vasilisa,this is my bochkin. he's come to me. wrong, this is my aleksandr petrovich.and he's come to me! what aleksandr petrovich?!this is my scientist! scientist? this scientist's workingin the dry cleaner's ! - no!- yes! - how did you dare?!- i...

i didn't want to, itjust happened. i felt ashamed that you're soengrossed in your work, a teacher... a teacher?! she's as much a teacher,as you are a scientist. a hatter with university credentials! you're a perfect match! so what? olga, dear,we can start it all from scratch. if you're by me side... dream on! if i start it all from scratch, itwon't be with you in dalnogorsk!

but why not? if you care for me... me?! for you?! you cheated on me. cheated so cruelly. who can one trust then? it beats me. what could've happenedto the suit? - wait! i beg your pardon!- now what? what happened to the suit?first case of spoilage in our firm. and the last one!your firm shuts down for good!

why didn't you give me a 2-weeknotice? do you know the law? you! that's all i need now! hey, you, don juan - home-worker!an abscess on society's face! i can handle this myself. bastard! son of a bitch! - did you call me? what's wrong?- and you ask? what have you done? what?! jeez, what is this?! get a load of my husband!he's a real scarecrow!

- hi!- and you're here, too? your husband has really changed.he's kind of shrunk. but what do i got to do with it, huh? vovik! for god's sake!don't worry, vovik. olga, i'm so sorry. - you spoilt the suit!- hasn't bochkin told you anything? what does bochkin got to do with it?! now it'll turn out that bochkinwas dry cleaning at home. right, he was dry cleaning at home!

and may you make such big money,like he did! what a shame!to shut down such a firm! olya, did you hear that? olya, we've made a big mistake! i guess we've let your true happinessslip by. - hi!- good day. here are the tickets. to dalnogorsk. say " good-bye" to each other.and i'll get the luggage in myself. the ticket.

- i'll be right back!- don't get out without your coat! yura, look after him, please,he isn't seriously-minded at all. and i'm even less seriously-minded. why are you saying this? so that you won't forget thattwo absolutely light-minded guys, who must be always taken care of,live in dalnogorsk. i hope you got what i mean? and you know what? i'll ask pensionersand community activists in dalnogorsk to take care of you.

margarita lvanovna, what about you?where are you going? hunting. - is it far away or close by?- oh, it's a long way from here, dear. - for long?- for long, dear, for very long. and why? leave me alone, okay?!better ask them. come on. follow us. - bye!- goodbye, dear! goodbye! - i'm coming! i'm coming!- you got the ticket?

- here. the ticket.- okay. here you are. seat 15. bye, olya. take care of yourself.say " bye" to chapa. - hi, olga segreyevna.- hi, yuri nikolayevich. i'm happy we'reon the same train again. you can be on the same train, butstill go in the opposite directions. - yura! time!- excuse me. come again. and sooner. next timei'll take care of your life myself. "going to far-off parts,while we're still young.

"what's the name of that station?and how are those lands called? "do you know how happy people arewhen they meet "with the cape of desire,with the vast field of dream? "going to far-off parts,while i'm still young." the end

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