fashion 2017 images

Kamis, 01 Desember 2016

fashion 2017 images


[ cheering and applause ] >> thank you. thank you. before we start withthe keynote, we'd like to take a momentto talk about the tragedy that occurred yesterdayin orlando, florida. we offer our deepest sympathies to everyone whose lives weretouched by this violence. it was senseless, unconscionableact of terrorism and hate,

aimed at dividingand destroying. the apple community ismade up of people from all around the world, fromall different backgrounds and all differentpoints of view. we celebrate our diversity. we know that it makesus stronger and moves everyone forward. please rise and join usin a moment of silence to honor the victims andthe people who loved them.

hello and welcome to wwdc 2016. it's great to be here at thelegendary bill graham auditorium in beautiful san francisco. we have a really big andjam-packed morning planned for you, and we couldn'tbe more excited. let me give you some detailson the conference this year. this is our 27th worldwidedevelopers conference. the developer community hasnever been more vibrant. we now have 13 millionregistered developers

with 2 million addedin the last year alone. the conference this yearsold out over 5000 attendees and millions more watchingon the live stream. this is truly a worldwideconference. we have people herefrom over 74 countries. we're excited thatwe're attracting so many new developers. over 70% of the attendees at the conference this yearare attending the conference

for the very first time. now, we're investing in thenext generation of developers. we've awarded 350scholarships this year. these guys are incredible. if you see them, make surethat you congratulate them. we have over 100 attendeesat the conference this year that are under 18 years of age. the youngest, theyoungest is only nine. wow. i met her yesterdayand she is going

to make one heck ofa great developer. this week is abouthelping you get the most out of our platforms. so we have over 100engineering-led sessions and over 150 hands-on labswith over 1000 apple engineers on site here to helpyou through the week. the app store started eightyears ago with only 500 apps. recently, we passeda major milestone. we now have 2 millionapps on the app store.

[ applause ] your 2 million apps had beendownloaded 130 billion times. and as you know, the app storeis the best business opportunity for developers. we're about to pass $50 billionpaid directly to developers. this is absolutely amazing. and of course, successfuldevelopers translates to us having the best appson our platform for users and this is what really matters.

now, we have a busymorning planned but i'd like to take a moment to talk about why we do whatwe do at apple. our north star has always beenabout improving people's lives by creating great productsthat change the world. and we've been doingthis for a long time. but today, for the very firsttime, we're going to talk to you about four apple platforms. each of these platformsis category-defining

and world-changing. the macintosh changedpersonal computing. today, it's the most innovative and loved personalcomputer on the planet. iphone changed phones forever. it's the best smartphoneexperience and the gold standard by which everythingelse is measured. the ipad magically transformsa glass canvas into anything that you want it to be.

it's our clearestexpression of the future of personal computing. apple watch, only one year old, it's already the ultimatedevice for a healthy life. and apple tv just announcedlast fall based on the idea that the future of tv is apps, it's already transforming thebiggest screen in our homes. now, we love creatinggreat apps, we love creating greatproducts that change the world,

but we can't do it alone. developers are a crucialpart of that journey. you are about-- you are apart of everything that we do, and everything that wewill do going forward. because it's together thatwe enrich people's lives. now, we offer you fourincredible platforms that power these world-changingproduct experiences. watchos, tvos, os x, ios. we're going to move each ofthese platforms forward today

and we'd like to getstarted with watchos. and to do that, i'd liketo invite kevin lynch up. kevin. >> thank you, tim. so i am really excited totalk with you about watchos and show you someof what's ahead. now, people who are using applewatch love it, particularly for quick glances at informationand quick interactions. and our top focus is performanceand we've made optimizations

across the entire systemincluding a serious acceleration in app launch time. your app should actuallyrespond instantly. the information you look at should be updatedbefore you go look, so it's ready the instant thatyou are so you're not waiting. in watchos 3, your favoriteapps can respond instantly. so let's take a look. so we're going toaccomplish this

by keeping your favoriteapps in memory. we're going to supportbackground updates of data and refresh the informationso it's ready the instant that you are, and then wesupport quickly launching these apps and interacting with them. this is going to work forboth the built-in apps and third-party apps. let's take a look at an example. this is watchos 2 andwe're going to look

at an app called onefootball. we're going to launch it fromthe complication the bottom left and we're going tosee how long it takes. so here we are launchingthe app, takes a few seconds to launch, and then once itlaunches, it loads some data, and it updates, there we go. so that is a pretty typicalexample of watchos 2. now, we're going to take a look at onefootball launchingin watchos 3.

are you guys ready? ok, don't blink. that's it. so that example is about seventimes faster but it feels like a million times faster. so now, we've madeit really easy to access your favorite apps. you can just press theside button below the crown to show what we call the dock.

you can choose whichapps go here and you can quicklyscroll through them. the apps are now both glanceableand interactive rather than separate concepts. this is a dramatic improvement in how it feels touse the watch. so this increased performanceallowed us to have access to our favorite apps quickly. we want to be able toaccess them anywhere.

so by using the side button,we can get to them easily. now, another keydesign goal we had was to make the watchfeel more familiar. and so we've donewith the watch face, now we've added control center. you just swipe upfrom the bottom, just like on ios,and very familiar. so this is a giant improvementat how it feels to use apps and to navigate the watch verysimply and easily in watchos 3.

now, we've also made it morepowerful to reply to messages. so now, when you receive amessage, you can see the ways to respond right there. we've removed this step. you don't have toactually press reply now. you can just pick theway you'd like to reply. and if you just scroll down, you'll see your smart repliesright below the message. so you can just tap replyin less than a second.

now sometimes, you don't seeexactly the response you like and you're not in a situationwhere you can use dictation, so wouldn't it be great if you can just writeyour message on the watch? well, we're introducing a newway to do that with something that we call scribble. with scribble, you havea new way to respond just by writing what youlike on the screen, and you can justquickly draw the letters

for your message right there like writing somethinglike starbucks. you can see the letters goright on top of each other. so that's a great new way torespond with just the response that you like on your watch. now, the watch face isgreat for quick looks and it reflects your style and it's also thecharacter of the device. now, we've had mickey as a funwatch face that i like to use

on weekends but i know what mydaughter is going to really love because minnie iscoming to the watch now. and of course, you can choosefrom a variety of colors for her outfit that matchher bands perfectly. now, one of the most frequentthings people do is look at their activity rings and we're adding a newwatch face specifically for that called activity, soit's a great beautiful way to see your ringsthroughout the day.

it comes not only inthe analog version but also a really nicechronograph version and a digital version, so asuper good way for looking at your progress during the day. we've also added a really simplenew face that we call numerals, which is very beautiful,and the hours actually go around the dial during day, andyou can choose from a variety of fonts that match your style, so a really simple newwatch face called numerals.

now, there's a lot ofwatch faces to choose from and we're finding thatpeople are actually switching between faces for differentoccasions, so we're going to make that super easy. you can now just swipe to switchthe face you'd like to use, and you can choosewhich faces you'd like and how they're configured soyou can easily get to them. we've also added the ability toadd more complications to faces like weather hereon the photo's face.

so now, really simpleto navigate and use your watchfaces as well. let's see all of thisstuff running live. for a demo, pleasewelcome stacey lysik. stacey. >> thank you, kevin. good morning. i could not be more excitedto have the opportunity to show you watchos 3 today.

i wake up to my favoritenew face, just the girl i'vebeen looking for. now, in watchos 3, youhave a place to keep all of your favorite apps. you choose which apps go in yourdock and you choose the order. i can bring up my dock bypressing the side button. and i can swipe through my appsone at a time or lay my finger down in these dots at thebottom of the screen and fly through my dock toget to any app.

and the apps in mydock are live, so i can get a quickglance at information without even launching anapp like how close i am to closing my activity rings. and the apps have beenredesigned to put me within one tap of thething i most want to do. let's take a lookat the timer app. one tap to launch it and it'sright there waiting for me. i can still set a custom timerif that's what i want to do,

but the most common choices for a timer are righthere on the screen. so with one tap, i canset a 10-minute timer and get right backto what i was doing. even my favorite apps from theapp store can be in my dock like sweat with kayla, and lyft,and they are lightning fast too. let's take a look. with one tap, i can call a car. yikes, three minutes.

i have so much to show youlike new apps, reminders and find my friends that havebeen designed specifically for this kind ofquick interaction. let's look at reminders. now, i can keep all my listswith me throughout the day and just check thingsoff as i get them done. here's my bucket list. you don't get todo this very often but today is justone of those days.

find my friends takesadvantage of background updates to ensure i always have thelatest and greatest location for my friends and family. now, i never have to worryabout whether my kids got to their activities on time. and we wanted to make changingyour watch face as easy as swiping throughapps on your dock. and while minnie is fabulousfor a casual weekend, sometimes i want to wearsomething simple and elegant.

now, with an edge-to-edge swipe,i can get to my numerals face. and for those of you as obsessedwith closing your rings as i am, we now have the activity face. every time i raise my wrist, i get to see those bigbeautiful rings reminding me to get up and get moving. and i can launch myworkout right from the face. with the new quick startfeature, i can bypass setting up a goal and just get started.

[ beeping sound ] i didn't really come dressed fora workout today, so i'm going to swipe over and that thentake us back to our watch face. notifications are still rightwhere you think they'd be, pulled down from thetop of the screen. this is a message i savedfrom my friend isabel. she's been teaching me a littlemandarin and she wants me to reply about dinnertonight in chinese. i can do that with thenew scribble feature.

scribble works inenglish and chinese and it knows what languagemy keyboard has been set to. so with my finger, i canwrite out a quick message. [foreign language] or 8 o'clock. those are just a few ofthe features of watchos 3 but of course there's more. back to kevin. that was awesome, stacey. and it's so exciting toachieve this new level

of performance on the watch. and we're finding that people who are wearing applewatch wear it all the time. and this opens up some newgreat ways that we can help. and one of these isactually getting help in critical situations just by pushing a buttonthat's actually on you. so you might be having amedical emergency, for example, or a safety situation.

and we're going to be ableto help with that with sos on the watch and we're going tomake it easy to call for help. to activate it, you just pressand hold the side button. it's going to countdown tolet you know it's calling 911. and then you're goingto be on a live call with the emergency servicesright on your watch. this works either as a cellularcall via your iphone or directly from the watch ifyou're connected to wifi. now if you're done talking onthe phone's emergency services,

the watch will automaticallynotify your emergency contacts, they'll send them a message. the message also will includea map of your current location so they know where you are and they can coordinatewith each other. now, after sending the message, your watch will actuallynow show your medical id which is also a newfeature in watchos. it has things like forexample your age and allergies

and other informationyou'd like to put there. and sos works notonly just in the us but it works internationally. so for example you mightbe traveling to some place like hong kong and you might notknow what the emergency number is to call but yourapple watch does. so in this case, it calls999 rather than 911. so this is an emergencyfeature that isn't one that you'll use oftenbut when you need it,

it's going to bethere and that's sos. now, one of the primary reasonspeople are wearing the watch today is for fitness and health. and we're enhancing theactivity and workout apps and we're adding a new app thatwe think you're going to love. take a look at this,please welcome jay blahnik. >> thanks, kevin. >> so we know that oneof the most popular apps in the apple watchis the activity app.

and as kevin andstacey have mentioned, many people have told us thatthey actually become more active because they become addictedto closing the activity rings. and we love hearing that. but we also know thatmany people are motivated by other things. some people are motivatedby getting support from their family and friends. and if you're likeme, you're motivated

by good old fashion competitionand we wanted to make that possible as well. so with watchos, we'reintroducing activity sharing. and it couldn't be simpler. all you have to dois swipe to the right of your own activity rings and there you'll seeyour selected family and friend's rings as well. now you can sort by whatevermetric is most important to you.

so you can sort by steps,you can sort by workouts, you can even sortby exercise minutes. here you'll see that i've sortedby the move ring and i'm right where you'd expect me to be. i'm getting by butt kicked bystacey but i'm annihilating jeff which makes me very happy. if you want to see more details,all you do is tap on anyone on your activity list andyou'll get an up close look at their activity rings,but you can also see things

like their daily step count and their workouts evenfrom third parties. but one of my favoritefeatures is that you can communicatedirectly with the people that you're sharingactivity with right in the activity appthrough messages. and when you do, you'll getsmart replies that are geared around fitness and activity. some are supportive, someare a little more competitive

but you can alsodo some fun things. for example, at theend of a workout, you could send yourraising heart rate to one of your activity friends. or your raising heart rate toone of your activity friends or you can also send smacktalk in your own voice right through audio messages. so we think this is goingto be a great way for you and your friendsto stay motivated

to keep each other active andwe can't wait for you to try it. now, our team has beenworking hard to enable features that would allow more people to use the activityand workout apps. and one group we'vebeen thinking a lot about is wheelchair users. now, many wheelchair usersalready have an apple watch. and they've witnessed andtold us that they love it because it gives theminstant access to messages

and notificationsright from their wrist. and this is particularlyimportant because many wheelchairusers have to tuck away their iphonesecurely throughout the day. but to do a great activityand workout experience, we also recognize that wecouldn't just use the same algorithms that we've usedfor non-wheelchair users because the biomechanicsare completely different. for example, many wheelchairusers use a semicircular

technique when they're pushingtheir wheelchair throughout the day. but as the terrain changesand the speed changes, they may switch toan arc technique or a single-loop over technique. and this is whatmakes it complicated. these are only a few of thetechniques that they may use. we knew that to do this right,we not only have to do a lot of studies but wewould also need

to enlist the help of experts. so, we worked with thechallenged athletes foundation and the lakeshore foundation. these are two of theworld's largest organizations that are dedicated topromoting physical fitness for people in wheelchairs. with their help, we wereable to conduct the studies. and we were able to doit on a wide variety of wheelchair usersincluding some veterans.

and now, wheelchair userswill have a setting. the time to stand notificationswill be changed to time to roll. there will be two workouts in the workout apps specificallydedicated to wheelchair users and of course the activityrings will be optimized for wheelchair pushes. we could not be moreexcited about this feature and we're incrediblythankful to our partners for helping make it possible.

now, one of the things thatwe've learned about health in apple watch isthat simple things like the activity ringscan be very powerful at helping peoplechange behavior. but we also know thatthere's a lot more to health than just fitness. and we've been thinkingway beyond that. so with watchos, we'relaunching a brand new app for health, it's called breathe.

and it's designed to guide you through simple deepbreathing sessions that can help you quietyour mind, relax your body and just better dealwith everyday stress. now, yoga practitioners havebeen using deep breathing exercises for thousandsof years as a way to positively impactthe body and mind. but the medical community hasalso embraced deep breathing as a great way toimprove daily health.

dr. deepak chopra, oneof the early advocates of body-mind medicine has said,"taking a moment every day to do some deep breathingcan reduce stress, calm the body-mind as well as have a long termhealth benefits." now to get to theapp, it's easy. you can launch it from yourwatch face, you can launch it from the dock or likethe stand reminders, you can actually set smartnotifications to remind you

and start building this asa habit every single day. when you open the app, youcan easily change the amount of time you wantto do your session, from one to five minutes justby turning the digital crown. and when you're in the appexperience, you'll be guided by beautiful visuals that makeit really easy to follow along. and if you prefer to dothis with your eyes closed, you can turn on thehaptic feedback and gentle taps will guide you

and you can do withouteven looking. when the session is over,you'll get a summary. and you'll also get your heartrate from the last few seconds of the session you just did. now if you alreadydo deep breathing, we think this is going to bea great way for you to fit it into your day more often. but for those of you thatdon't, we think this is going to be a great way to get startedand just one more simple way

that it can help youlive a better day. these are just a few of theexciting updates we have planned for fitness and healthin watchos. now i'm going to giveit back to kevin. >> thank you, jay. that was really terrific. i was actually using thebreathe app back stage. it helped me a bit. so, watchos 3 is a giant stepforward for you as developers.

when someone adds your appsto dock or to the watch face, it benefits from all theinstant launch experience that we're showing andyou get background time to update your informationbefore someone goes and looks. and that will enablereally quick interactions with your app on the watch. now you can already buildapps that are native to watch that you can runindependent of iphone, but we're also adding a number

of new apis you cantake advantage of when you're buildingapps for the watch. one of those is support nowfor apple pay within your app on the watch, so you cando purchases right there. fitness apps will now be able to run the background duringworkouts enabling access to real-time heart rateinformation and motion data. this is going to enablea whole new category of fitness apps on the watch.

also we're enabling a muchricher and expressive apps in watchos including supportfor spritekit and scenekit, native event support from thecrown and for touch gestures. you can clap, it's good. audio and video can be embeddedright inside your app ui and you can connectacross devices with game center and cloudkit. so we're really excited aboutwhat new apps now can be created on the watch and they'regoing to be amazing.

this is a great newopportunity for all of you. and the preview releasefor you is available today, so you can get going. and the free upgrade is comingto all watch users this fall and it's going to feellike a whole new watch. and that's just someof what's coming in watchos, thank you very much. so, now to give youa look at tvos, please welcome theone and only eddy cue.

>> so let's talk abouttvos and apple tv. last fall, we introduced thenext generation of apple tv and for the first time,developers had a modern platform like ios to developfor in the living room. and we said the futureof tv is apps. and the response to appletv has been incredible. here is what chris albrechtthe ceo of starz had to say. tvos has allowed starzto create an experience on apple tv unlikeanything we've done before

and our subscribersare loving it. here is what the ceo of boombit, a very popular ios gamedeveloper had to say. we easily extended our ios gameexperience to the living room, something that isincredibly difficult to do on traditional consoles. our last generation apple tvhad 80 video channels and thanks to many of you, we now haveover 1300 video channels. and we have over 6000 nativeapps in just seven months.

and i've got some newapps to tell you about. first, sling whichoffers a great selection of live cable channels iscoming to apple tv today. fox sports go, i'm a hugesports fan, four sports game all at the same time on one screencoming this summer to apple tv. molotov, a revolutionarynew tv service in france with over 100 live channelsvideo on demand exclusively on ios and apple tvcoming next month. great sports games likenba 2k, adventure games

like minecraft storymode and sketchparty. use your iphone or ipadto draw and then you sit around the tv to guess. it's a lot of fun to do thiswith your group of friends. now we've got great updatesto tell you about for tvos and let me start withthe apple tv remote app. now apple tv comes withthe incredible siri remote. it uses touch for navigation,siri to tell it what you want to watch, and motionto play games.

but a lot of ourcustomers have told us that they would lovean app on their iphone that had all thosesame capabilities, and so we're making a newversion of the remote app. this is what it looks like. it's got a beautifulmount playing screen with playback controls,but most importantly, all the featuresof the siri remote. you have touch for navigation,siri to give it commands,

and it uses the accelerometerand gyroscope to play games. and of course, you can entertext with the keyboard. next let's talk about siri. siri changed the way weinteract with our television because now we just tellit what we want to watch. and we're making it even better because now you cansearch movies by topics. now my daughter is actuallygoing to high school this fall and i remember back wheni went to high school,

it's been a while, thereare some great movies that i'd love to watch with her. and now siri makes this reallyeasy because i can just say, find high schoolcomedies from the 80s. i'm sorry. we'll do that one again. find high schoolcomedies from the 80s. and there are someof my favorites. i actually have watchedthem all.

let's take a look at"ferris bueller's day off" and with just one tap,we can start watching. now siri actually searches over650,000 movies and tv shows now, but what about youtube? well, that's easy toobecause now you just ask siri. search youtube for stephcurry three pointers. siri launches youtube andshows you the results. but a big part of your tvexperience is live channels. and we've got some greatchannels on apple tv like abc,

cbs, fx and a lot more thatgive you live channels. but to start watching,you got to find the app, you got to launch it and thenyou got to find the channel. well, we've got a great newfeature called live tune-in. and all you have todo-- watch espn 2. take them straightto the action. >> goal. [ inaudible remark ] >> and this is already workingwith a lot of great channels

and we're making livetune-in available on both your ipadand apple tv as well. and one problem with this is,let's be honest, when you go in and you launch a videochannel app for the first time, you get something like this. and you got to go finda browser, authenticate with a code and thenauthenticate to your tv provider. well, we're going to makethis change a little bit.

but it's worst because you gotto do it for each in every app. and now, we're goingto make it all go away with the feature wecall single sign-on. you sign in once on yourapple tv and you get access to all of your network apps. and we make it even better,we-- a page on the after, we'll show you all of the appsthat you now have access to. and of course, we'rebringing this to ios as well. now in addition tosingle sign-on,

we've got some othergreat updates. now apple tv looksbeautiful but there are times where you wish it was darkerbecause you're in a home theater or a dark room andnow that's really easy because you can justswitch to dark mode. and we want to makeit even easier for customers to get your apps. and so just like when youdownload an app on your iphone, it automaticallydownloads to your apple tv,

it now automaticallydownloads to your apple tv and this is really greatand i'm going to show you. so i get the major leaguebaseball app on my iphone, you do nothing and there itis right on your apple tv. now there's never been abetter time for all of you to build apps for the big screen and we've got some great newfeatures for you as well. first of all, replaykit where you can livebroadcast your gameplay

or save the videoto share it later. we've got photokit,it gives you access to your completeicloud photo library, all the videos, all the photos. and of course homekitwhere you can create apps to control all the devicesin your-- on-- at home. and that's just some of themany features we've got. things like support forfour game controllers, multiplayer gamesessions and a lot more.

and that is a quickupdate to the tvos. a new apple tv remote app,great siri enhancements, with topic search,youtube and live tune-in. obviously single sign-on,so now you get access to all your network apps andgreat tools for developers. and all of you will get adeveloper preview today. i can't wait to see all of theapps that you start building and our customers will get itthis fall and that is tvos. now, to talk to you about osx, here is craig federighi.

>> good morning. and good morning, it'sgreat to be back at wwdc to talk to you about os x. and of course, nopresentation at wwdc about os x would becomplete without some kind of naming controversy. now, i'm not talking aboutsome allegedly baked members of marketing team going onsome kind of vision quest around california lookingfor a special name.

i'm actually talking aboutthe name os x itself. you know, os x has been withus as a name for over 15 years. and it served us so well. but as we look at italongside its younger brethren, something sticks out. we realized that there's a namethat would be so much clearer and so much more elegant. and so we're making it so. the name of the world's mostadvanced desktop operating

system is now mac os. now of course each version ofmac os does have a special name after a place that'sespecially important to us here in california. and this year's macos is no different. but the choice thistime was obvious. our latest newest osx is macos sierra. now sierra is a fantasticnew release. with a big focus on continuity,the icloud and the fundamentals

of the mac experience. i want to start with continuity. because continuity is likemagic, your devices are able to sense themselves around you and use secure peer-to-peerwireless protocols to enable you to move from one task to another across your devicesjust seamlessly. what we wanted totake on this year, one task that we all do manytimes a day every time we start

using our macs and thatfeature is called auto unlock. so-- today, when you firstapproach your mac to use it, the experience issomething like this. you open it up, you confrontwith a password field, then you type, andthen maybe mistyped, and then retype yourpassword, and then you're in and using your mac. but you know for many of us,

we already have a devicesecurely authenticated to our wrists thatalready knows who we are and could tell our mac. and so then, whenwe open our mac, it could be a littlebit more like this. and we're in. it's that simple. and we made this really secureusing time of flight networking to make sure it's you who'sthat close to the machine

who is unlocking it,so it's really great. now, the next continuity feature in macos sierra isuniversal clipboard. now-- wow, gasp. so-- but i know copy and pasteis so fundamental to the way that we use our macsfor so many years now. but what if when youare on even your iphone and you found some new text,and you just want to copy it, that when you thenwent to your mac,

well you could justpaste it right in. and now you can withimages, video, everything completely automatic. now i'd like to moveon to icloud and specifically icloud drive. now today with iclouddrive, you can put documents into your icloud drivethat you explicitly want to make available to youacross your other systems as well as your ios devices.

and customers have beenquite a bit of this. there are actually 10billion customer documents in icloud drive today. but we want to takethis a step further. we want all of your documents and your desktopaccessible to you everywhere. so that when you're on one mac,maybe you're putting things in your normal documentsfolder, well, of course those shouldbe available

to you on your other macs. but you know for 30 years now,we all learn to do the work, the things that we'reworking on right now, well, where do we put those? so often it's on our desktop. so let's make our desktopavailable on our other macs as well and have thosefiles be available to us on the go on our iphones. now you can.

next up, optimized storage. you know, we love using our macs and we fill themwith so much stuff. but you're going to end upwith a situation like this. and, we know, whatdo you do about it? well, it turns out we'regoing to give you a solution. and it works in two ways. first, it helps you makeroom for the files that-- your new files by keeping yourolder ones up in the cloud.

so, whether it's yourfull resolution photos, when your others are inicloud drive or movies that you've alreadywatched in itunes or even those old mailattachments, we can clear off that space locally andmake those things available to you on demand. but we also want to makeit easy for you to get rid of files you'll neveruse again automatically. things like your safari webcache and maybe the trash

that you keep forgettingto empty and redundant data that's storedby mail, well, we can get rid of all of that as well. and we provide a reallysimple user interface to help you do it. now, as a task, we took asystem that was nearly full, had about let's say20 gigs free, and we put it through the paces. now, it had a lot of photosand a lot of documents.

it had movies that werealready watched, mail with lots of attachment, apps,system files and so forth. and we turned on all theswitches for optimized storage. and we went from 20 gigsfree to 150 gigs free. so, we think that's going to make a differencefor all of you. next, apple pay. so, we all love using apple payin stores to pay with our phones and our apple watchat the cash register

and to shop inside appson our ios devices. so, of course, we wanted to bring this experienceto the mac. we thought long and hard aboutexactly the right way to do it. and i think we'd nailed it. [ laughter and applause ] i think we might havean accessory business for some carrying straps,can be very helpful. no, this is not how peopleare going to shop on our macs.

we shop online, onthe web, in safari. and so, what are we doing? we're bringing applepay to the web. so now, when you're shoppingonline, you'll have a pay with apple pay buttonavailable to you. when you click it, a sheet comesdown that actually prompts you to securely authenticate yourpurchase using continuity right on your iphone with touch id. and of course, this workswith your apple watch as well.

so, you can authenticate withjust a tap on your wrist. and already, many, manymerchants are signed up to bring theirweb storefronts to support apple pay on the web. and apple pay is expandinghugely geographically. it's now available in theunited states, the uk, canada, australia, china and singapore. and in the next few months, it's coming to switzerland,france and hong kong.

now, next, i wantto move to part of the mac experience,and that's tabs. you know, many of us love usingtabs to take a mess of windows that we have in safari andget them neatly organized in tab set. well, now, we wantto bring that to all of your multi-windowed apps. so, maybe you have multiplewindows open in maps, well, you could organizethose in tabs.

but because it's built intothe system, you could do that for third apps as well. in fact, we've implementedit in a way that the apps you already haveinstalled can support this out of the box withoutany modification, so tabs everywhere. so next, picture-in-picture. we love watchingvideo on the web. but sometimes, welike to keep track

of a video while we'redoing other work. well now, you can. you can push thepicture-in-picture button. your video goes undera nice little pip. you can move it around thescreen and it works great in full screen as well. so, these are seven greatfeatures in macos sierra. but there is one more. and this year, i'dlike to unusual step

of letting this featureintroduce itself. >> hi, it's me. it's sure is greatto be on the mac. how about a demo? >> that's right. siri is coming to the mac. and it looks like siriwould like to a give a demo. so, let's get to it. so, we have macossierra right here.

and the first thingyou'll notice is right here on the dock, we haveaccess to siri. so, i can ask siri a question. let's say, how do youlike being on a mac? >> pretty awesome, lots ofspace, aluminum unibody walls and no complaints aboutthe lack of windows. >> so-- so, it's the same sirithat we know and love. but now on a mac, itcan do so much more.

things like sophisticatedqueries for files like show the files i workedon last week about the offsite. >> have i ever told youyour file is so styling. >> so, we have mysearch results. but what's reallyincredible is i can refine that sophisticated querywith a follow on like, just the ones ken sent methat i tagged with draft. >> for your filling pleasure. >> so you see i have justthe files i'm looking

for right there. but what's great is this is auseful result that i may want to throughout the day as i work. so, i can actually clickon this plus button and pin it right here intomy notification center. and it is-- yeah,it's really great. and this works for lotsof your siri results. so, i'm going to actually openthis team offsite presentation, just working on alittle project here.

i'll take this one full screen. we see we're planningan offsite. there are a bunch of activities. but while i'm working in fullscreen, siri is there for me and helps me multitask. so, i can do things like, playmy power ballads playlist. [background music] oh yeah. so, siri to the rescuewith some awesome tunes. i can let this play all day.

but i think we'llget on with the demo. so, i can actually usemy siri results here to help me completethis presentation. so, i have an image resulthere for slacklining. let me just clickin my siri result. drag it right intomy presentation. and i can also have sirisearch the web for me. so, let's do, search the webfor pictures of falconry. >> here are some images offalconry i found on the web.

>> ok. that lookslike some good fun. so, i can actually take theresults right out of siri and drag them into my document. it's pretty epic. but, you know, i'd like toactually replace this map with one that i've beenworking on here on my ipad. so, my ipad is so great becausei can actually use my apple pencil to do some drawings. so, let's say, i'm going totake my apple pencil here

and i'm going to draw a path. maybe we'll takea hike like this, maybe out over here,just like that. ok, that looks likejust the drawing i want. but of course, i'd liketo now get it on my mac. so, how do i do that? well, why don't i just copy it-- but i'm not just copying it tomy ipad because when i return to my mac, i can paste it justlike i would anything else,

actually wirelessly transfers itautomatically into my document. so, now that i lookedat this trip, i realized that it'sa horrible idea. so, i can actually usesiri to message my friend. tell ken, maybe weshould just see a movie. >> here's your messageready to send it. >> you bet. >> sent. >> so, i can usesiri, of course,

to do messaging at any time. and it can also helpme find that movie. what new movies areplaying this friday? >> i found eight moviesplaying on friday. >> all right. so, siri has given some results. and "finding dory"looks pretty good. so, let's open that up. now, i can go play the trailer.

[background music] but icould also drop it right here into picture-in-picture. and you see inpicture-in-picture, i can actually resize if i want. i can reposition the pipwindow to any corner. and, of course, it worksgreat in full screen, right on top of myother content. so, this movie lookspretty good. so, i think i'll goback into the browser.

and let's actuallybuy some tickets. so, i see there's a showinghere at 7:15, i'll select that. select the amount. let's go with 10 of us. and here you see, buywith apple pay button. so, watch what happenswhen i click buy apple pay, i'm prompted to confirmhere on my iphone. i just used touch idwith my fingerprint. and i can securely authenticatemy transaction just like that.

and that is a quicklook in macos sierra. so, sierra, some great featuresfor continuity, the cloud, apple pay, user experienceand, of course, siri. and there's much more that you'll be hearingabout later today. now, sierra is availableto you developers in developer preview form today and we're doing apublic beta in july. you can sign up nowat

and they'll be available toeveryone else in the fall across all of these systems. that is your update on macos. next, let's turn to ios. so, ios, we're hittinga big milestone because now i'm pleasedto introduce ios 10. now, ios 10 is a hugerelease for the developers. and it is the biggest iosrelease ever for our users. now, there are 10 big featuresi want to talk about today.

and let's start off with numberone, that's user experience. now, in ios 10, we'veredesigned the experience of the lock screen. with rich notifications, theygive you quick interaction with apps through theexpanded use of 3d touch. but rather than justtalk about it, how about i just showit to you right now? let's do a demo. now, one thing a lotof us have noticed now

that we have our iphone 6ses with the incrediblyfast touch id sensor is that we can just blowpast our notifications on our lock screen. we never even get to see them. and so, in ios 10, wehave a great solution. it's called raise to wake. and it lets you seewhat's on your lock screen without ever touching a button.

let me show it to you now. i just raised my wrist andphone wakes up just like that. now, the first thing you'llnotice is these beautiful notifications areno longer causing us to darken the-- your wallpapers. so, you get to look at that. but what's more important isthey're really interactive through 3d touch. so, for instance with thiscalendar notification,

i can just 3d touch on it. and i can jump right in andget all this rich detail about this invitation. i can see my calendar. and i can accept right here. now, this is especiallygreat with messages. let's 3d touch into that one. and here, you see, i see themessage that was sent to me. i can respond righthere, the keyboard.

but what's great is i canstay in the conversation, right here on the lock screen. and even get rich responseslike images right inline. and this works really wellwith third-party apps as well. so, for instance if i geta notification from uber, i can just press in and i getthis completely interactive and animated live status updateon my car as it comes in. it's really great. now, of course as always,

you can get yournotifications right here from the top of the screen. but now, with 3d touch,if you want to clear them, you can just press in andclear them all with a tap. now, control center isavailable from the bottom of the screen as well. we can just swipeup from the bottom. see, it's beautifullyredesigned, gives me great accessto all my controls.

but if i swipe over, yousee, we have a special area for our music withnice big controls and beautiful albumart right there. now, we'd made iteasier than ever to get at your camera fromthe lock screen. so, i can just slideover from the right, and there's my camera. and it's easy to take a pictureof my demo notes, right there. that's good.

and we've made it easier thanever to get at your widgets. just slide over the other way. you can see i have my weather. i have my calendar. i get my news top stories. and you notice these widgetshave the ability for me to get more information. so, i can do show more andsee the rest of my day. you'd like to think.

and i can even get moreinformation right here from apps on my home screen. so, for instance, it lookslike i have decent number of unread e-mail messages. and now, if i 3d touch there, i can see who it is i've beenignoring this whole time, my vips. now, if i swipe over here, ican also get great information on the activity withouteven launching the app.

i just 3d touch in andget a look at my rings. and this can work really wellwith third-party apps as well. so, i'm going to jump into espn. i can see informationabout my latest team. and if i want that widgetavailable to me at all times on my today view, i can justadd that widget like that. and i go over to my todayview, and there it is. and i can get thatshow more information. and you see, i geta graphical update

on the highlightsfrom the last game. and if i tap in, live action. >> curry to igoudala. shot clock at seven. curry fakes, puts up a three. bang. >> bang. >> stephen curry from downtown. it's a 10-point game.

>> oh yeah. so, that is a quick lookat the new lock screen and home screen experiencein ios 10. you have a beautifulnew control center, interactive notifications andgreat ways to use your widgets. it's great on the iphoneand the ipad as well. next, number two, siri, huge part of the userexperience in ios. now, siri services overtwo billion requests a week

from customers. and there's so many thingsthat you can ask siri. but now in ios 10, siri is goingto be able to do so much more because we're openingup siri to developers. now, you'll be able to asksiri, things like, send a wechat to nancy saying, i'llbe five minutes late. and siri can summon upthe wechat ui right inside of the siri environment. now, of course, siri, becauseit understands the domains

of things like messaging,it allows you to say things in so many different ways. i could've said, wechat nancythat i'll be five minutes late or i need to send a message to nancy via wechat sayingi'll be five minutes late. and i could do that in allsorts of different languages. but because now in ios 10,we have an intense api, it allows siri to takeon that part of the work and lets the extension do whatit does best, like messaging.

and so, now, we supportmessaging with apps like, slack and whatsappand, of course, wechat. it could do things like ridebooking in siri with services like uber, lyft and didi inchina, photo search for-- in apps like im,shutterfly and pinterest. and you could start, pauseand stop your workouts in apps like mapmyrun, runtasticand runkeeper. and even do payments tosend money to friends, with things like number 26,square cash and alipay in china.

and do voip calling through apps like cisco spark,vonage and skype. and it works greatin the car as well. because with carplay, you cannow safely send your messages as well as make voip calls allinside the carplay environment with your favorite apps. and that's a quickupdate on siri. number three, quicktype. and the big news this year iswe're bringing siri intelligence

to the keyboard. so, today, quicktype isable to use a context to help predict whatwords you might type next. well, now, we'reusing deep learning and a technique specificallycalled lstms to enable much moreintelligence in longer context. so, we can tell the differencebetween, the orioles are playing in the playoffs and thechildren are playing in the park automatically.

and siri can help you doresponses more intelligently than ever. so, you might getasked, where are you? well, siri can suggest rightthere on the suggestion bar that you supply yourcurrent location. tap it and you canget your location with the map rightinto your transcript. and people might ask youabout contact information for a friend, well, sirican automatically offer

up the most relevant contacts. now, right locally on yourdevice, siri has information about what you've been doing. and so, it can extractinformation from a message that maybe says,oh, you're talking about dim sum at11 a.m. on sunday? well, when you go to automaticallycreate a calendar event, siri can prefill it foryou with things like,

oh, that must be brunch. fill out the location. pick the time. it's really smart. and siri does so much more. it can check yourcalendar availability for you automatically. help you paste a recentaddress automatically. fill it in based on addressesyou were browsing in other apps.

it can help you lookup terms it recognizes, things like moviesand restaurants. with one tap, you canget more information. and siri now-- thequicktype keyboard supports multilingual typing. so, if you like typingalternating maybe between english andspanish or italian, you don't have toswitch keyboards. quicktype can followyou automatically.

so, that's quicktype. next, number four is photos. now, we love capturingso much of our lives on our cameras with--on our iphones. they're so great. and with icloud photo library,we have those photos with us across all of our devices. well, we wanted to give youeasier ways, of course, to find and experience thephotos that you've taken.

and one of those is with places. so now, we let you see allof your photos on a map. it's a great way torelive a trip for instance. but the big news in photosthis year is advanced computer vision. we're applying advanceddeep learning techniques to bring facial recognitionto the iphone and it's all done locallyon device taking advantage of the power of theadvanced silicon

in all of our ios devices. you can get all of your mostimportant people automatically built in the people albums foryou automatically and all done with your privacy protected. now, we're applying thesame kind of technology with deep learning to objectand scene recognition as well. in fact, we do 11 billioncomputations per photo to be able to detectthings like there's a horse, there's water, there'sa mountain.

and with this, you can doreally powerful searching on your device. but, you know, sometimes,the magic in experiencing in your photos isn't justabout finding the photo that you know you'relooking for, it's about being remindedserendipitously of a memory that would be so special. and so now, we're usingadvanced artificial intelligence to analyze across your entirephoto library, all done locally

on device, to cluster togetherphotos and relate them based on location, the peopleinvolved, the scenes. and out of this, beable to surface memories that would be most relevantto you at any given moment. we can bring forwardthings like trips. we can spot trips thatmight be important to you. we can figure out that youmight want to see photos of a highlight reel of thelast weekend or the last year and offer those to youat just the right time.

we can bring forward memoriesof people that are special to you or groups of people. and topics, special photosyou took, for instance, when you're on the water, atthe beach, at the mountains, these can make wonderfulmemories to survey over time. but most important,we pull these together into an intuitive user interfacethat makes these so engaging. and i'd like to showyou that experience now. so let's take a look at photos.

so we see there's a photoalbum here of a family. but what you'll notice at the bottom is thisnew tab called memories. so we can see here, thereare number of memories that have been offered upinto this memory speed. and at the top, there'sa vacation that the system has spotted where the family tooka trip to tahoe city. let's dive in and takea look at a memory.

now you see there's actuallya movie up at the top, we'll talk more aboutthat later. and down below, there'sthis beautiful layout of highlights of the photos. now, i can tap show alland actually see a grid of every photo that was taken. but you can see how thesummary intelligently draws out the most specialphotos into these highlights that are really great to browse.

now, if we go further down, wesee that it's actually pulled up a set of people that are inthe photo, the family, grandma and grandpa and the uncle. and a map of the location whereall of those photos were taken. and down here at the bottom, we have related othermemories i might want to see related to this one. and it's really smart. so you see that the santa cruzand fourth of july memories,

where grandma and grandpawere both on the trip into tahoe city and in these. so those are offeredup as related. and this tahoe city tripwas an outdoor vacation, so it would offered upanother one like alaska. and you can see, there'sanother time the family was also at tahoe city, but thistime in the winter. and i'm going to jump into that related memory. and you see once again, we havephotos and videos at the bottom.

but i want to highlight themovie up here at the top. you know, we all take somany pictures and movies and we never go back toactually assemble them into something we'dwant to watch. but, now our iphone can dothat for us automatically. let's see what the iphonehas created for this memory. [ music ] so, isn't that great? the advanced computer vision

of the photos app is now doinganalysis of just the right parts of the video to includethe right photos and it's editing themtogether with the right mood and with the right music. now, when you havea memory like this, you often want to share it. and sometimes, you might wantto make it a little shorter say for sharing, so i can justuse this slider at the bottom and say, i'd likeit to be shorter.

and maybe i want to changethe mood a little it. you notice there's a moodslider just up above there and that was a prettygreat snowball fight. so i'll pick epic. and based on these changes, it's going to completelyre-edit the movie to new music. that's pretty epic. and that's a quick lookat memories in ios 10. it's really fantasticon your iphone

and it's great onyour ipad as well. and mac gets many of thesenew features as well. the great new facerecognition engine, scene and object recognitionsearch and the ability to browse photo and videogalleries of your memories and the apple tv isjust such a great way to experience thosememory movies on the biggest screenin your house. so that is photos.

now next, i want to talkabout the big news in all of our biggest serviceshere at apple. and to do that, i'm goingto bring up for number five, six and seven, eddycue, back to the stage. eddy. >> thank you, craig. i love the new photos. can't wait to do it. so, let's talk-- let'sget started with maps.

now last year, weintroduced nearby, a great way to findplaces and transit with an incredible amount of detail includingall the entrances and exits from every station. but for ios 10, we've gotan all new design for maps. it starts with making iteasy to access controls and details on locations. and we're making maps domore for you in advance.

it's more proactive. so you slide up from thebottom and you can suggestions. maps knows that usually, atthis time, i usually go to work, or it can look at a calendarevent and find the location. it also gives youconvenient ways to filter down in the placesyou might want to go. for example, let's take alook at restaurants nearby. but we're in san francisco,i feel like seafood. so i can slide acrossthe bottom, and now,

i can see all theseafood restaurants right in san francisco. now, were applying all ofthese new designs to navigation as well so you get moreinformation, it makes it easier to follow and control and weeven include traffic on route. now, when you're driving, itwill automatically zoom in and as you get toalong straight away, it willl automaticallyzoom back out. and you can even pan andzoom way further ahead

to see what the trafficconditions are. now we give you quick controlsto let you see route details. so now, you can even look andsee on your route where food or gas stations are and mapswill tell you how much longer it will take if you goto any one of those. and of course, we're makingthis available on carplay. and if there's a lotof traffic ahead, maps will proactivelygive you alternate routes and tell you howmuch time it'll save.

and we're making it safer to follow directions whilekeeping your eyes on the road, because now, you canget turn by turn right in the instrumentcluster of your car. now, we think you're goingto love these updates, but there's more because we areopening maps up to developers. now, with map extensions, you can enable all newcapabilities in maps. for example, you can make areservation using a popular app

like opentable. you pick the number of people,the time right inside of maps. and because these areextensions, they're open to all developers aroundthe world like ding and ping in china and zomato around manycountries around the world. and when you're ready to leave,you tap on directions and now, you're offered the newoption to book a ride. and with app extensions likeuber, you can pick any kind of car, pay for it withapple pay and see the status.

so again, i can finda restaurant, i can book a reservation, i canrequest a car, i can pay for it and i can see when it's going toarrive all without leaving maps. and these extensions areopen to all developers, here's the chinese ride serviceapp, didi and that is maps. number six, music. so apple music lets youplay from millions of songs, thousands of playlistcurated by our team of experts and it's been anincredible year.

we now have over 50million paid subscribers. this is the fastest musicservice ever in its first year. and, we've learneda lot along the way. and so today, we've got anall new apple music redesigned from the ground up. we want to give greater clarityand simplicity to every aspect of apple music and hereis what it looks like. it has a beautiful-- it has abeautiful new design language that allows the musicto be the hero.

nothing shows thismore than now playing. now the new structure makesit clear where you are and also emphasizes the featuresthat you use every day and all of these changes come together to create a new music appthat's both more intuitive and familiar. and now, to giveyou a demo of it, i'd like to inviteup bozoma saint john. [ applause and cheering ]

>> thank you, eddy. all right. ladies and gents, i'm so excited to show you the allnew apple music. now lots of people listen totheir music from their library. so now when we openup the music app, you'll see that thefirst tab is the library. people also havehuge music libraries. so now it's easier tonavigate with simple sections

like playlist, artist,albums, songs, and now a new sectioncalled downloaded music. when i tap on to downloadedmusic, you'll see that this is where all of the musicwhich is on my iphone 6. now, i call myselfa super execumommy because i'm flyingall over the place and now it reallymakes it easy for me to see all the musicthat's on my iphone. there's also therecently added section

and this includes thealbums, songs, and playlist that i've recentlyadded to my library. you'll see that there'stons of awesome music here like this classic, thesugar hill gang and it kind of feels appropriate to get thisparty started with a little bit of rapper's delight, right? come on, let's listento something. [background music] come on ya'll.

now you recognizethis beat, right? come on, we're going to makethis whole auditorium rock. come on. on one,two, three, let's go. one, two, three, rock. yes, there you go. now we're going tomulti-tab, ok? look at the bottomof the screen. you see the artwork, the title, and controls so thatyou can skip.

and when we open it, you'll seethat there is beautiful detail on the artwork, the controls,and now, there are lyrics. so come on, we're going to rap. let's go. come on, ya'll. ok, you know what, no. we're going to pause this, ok? because some of guys arenot rapping to the beat, ok? but you'll have plentyof time on your own

to study the lyrics, ok? let's go to the nexttab, for you. i love for you. it's my favoritepart of apple music. and you know why? because it's all about me. yes, that's correct. so now, you'll see thatat the top for you, there's a discovery mix.

now this contains the songs thathave been picked just for me, so i can discover newartists and new music. there's also the recentlyplayed like we just listened to the sugar hill gang,so it's right there, i can navigate easily to it. and daily curated playlist. now it's monday. i usually like to strut intothe office on a monday and look at the playlist today.

it's called the fashionrunway strut. that's all about me. it's right here, ok? now this is not a typicalmonday, but i still want to know what i be struttingto, so let's listen. what do we got? yeah, that's right. just say, get it girl. ok? now listen, i couldbe getting it, all right?

i could get my strut onup and down the stage. this is too early for that. i don't want to hurtyou guys, ok? so we're going topause this, ok? all right, but we aregoing to get back to this. ok. so, the rest of for you asyou'll see has awesome music that again is, for my taste,i've got playlist here, albums, and there's even connect. now the artist that i'mfollowing has posted art

and music and videosand all kinds of awesome stuff forme to connect to. browse, this tab isfor all of us, ok? the apple music editorshave taken so much time, listened to tons of music totell us what is the most recent and most important like you'llsee right now, the hot album, nick jonas, all right? you all pay attention. now we've also got thiseasy navigation down here

with new music, curatedplaylist and even top charts. so we tap on top charts,we can see who's-- look at that, it's drake. i mean drake has been at the topof chart for a little bit, ok? but you can see whoelse is on there. now, let's go to radio. radio is live in almosta hundred countries. you guys know that? you don't believe it's live?

all right and beats 1 isbecoming the largest radio station in the entire world. now we can explore beats 1 and see what's liveand listen right now. we can also see theupcoming shows and we can even see featuredshows by legendary artist like dr. dre, pharrellwilliams, mary j. blige, sir elton john. have guys listened to his show,it's called the rocket hour, ok?

it's amazing. and if you haven't listenedto it, you can tap right here and listen on demandat your leisure. so that's awesome. now when i want tolisten to nonstop music, i can go to view allstations and listen to genre-based stationslike pure pop because i like to listen to pop musicall day long, why not? but i think since we'recoming to the end here,

i would like to do somethinga little bit different and play somethingfor the world, right? so let's play some real hits. let's see what we've got. [background music] now thatsounds like the beginning of some good ghanaianhighlife music. all right guys. basically, it's allnew apply music. i hope you enjoyed it.

[ applause and music ] >> wow, wow, wow. thank you boz. that's the all new apple music. it is incredible on youriphone, ipad, your mac and pc. your apple tv and androidtoo and that is music. number seven, let'stalk about news. and last fall, weintroduced apple news to bring you the best stories

from the best publishersall personalized for you. and we introduce it with agreat set of publications, but we've got a lot more. we now have over 2,000publications in apple news and our readers are loving it. in fact, we have over 60 millionmonthly users reading in news and with ios 10, we'vegot some big changes. it starts with anall new design. here's what it looks like.

we've taken all of the storiesin for you and broken them up into clear sections whichmake them easier to follow. here's top stories. here's trending where you cansee the most popular stories right now. all of the topics youfollow like sports and news is even smartenough to create new topics for you based on what you read. here's one for meon formula 1 racing.

and you're going to loveour featured stories where our editorshandpick the best stories. but we wanted the news to bethe place where you read all of the stories from yourfavorite publications and that's why we'reintroducing subscriptions. so now, you can read everyarticle from magazines like national geographic,newspaper-- newspapers like the wall streetjournal right inside of news. and in addition tosubscriptions,

we're bringing breakingnews notifications. and so now, you get the mostimportant stories delivered right to your lock screen. that is our big update for news, an all-new designedsubscriptions and breaking newsnotifications and that is news. i'd like to turn itback to craig now. it's just some fantasticnew designs. now, on to numbereight and it's homekit.

you know, before we announcehomekit two years ago, the home accessory spacewas a mess of incompatible and insecure protocols andaccessories that required you to download a separate appthat you needed to learn just to control each individualaccessory. but with homekit, we'vebeen changing all that. we're making sure that yourhome automation products work together easily and securely. and this year, we'verounded out the set

of accessory typessupported by homekit to include importantnew categories like cameras and door locks. and in fact, essentiallyevery major maker of home accessories has shipping or has announcedsupport for homekit. and home builders aregetting on board as well. some of the biggest buildersof homes here in united states and in china are nowbuilding new homes

with homekit built right in. so you can move in and juststart controlling your home. but you know, this year,we're taking the next big step for homekit and ios in the home. we're building onthe homekit framework with a great new appwhat we call home. it's right on yourios home screen. now when you launchthe home app, you get to see your ownpersonalized wallpaper

and all of your accessories. no matter who arethey're made by and you can controlthem so easily. if you want to turn on thelight, of course, just tap it. if you want to adjust thedimmer, we'll just press in a little harder and slide and you can adjust thedimmer just like that. so you can tap, tap, tapacross all the accessories in your home, but sometimes,

you'd like to trigger achange to all of them. and for that, we havesomething we call scenes. so for instance, if youwant to get ready for bed, you can tap good night. you'll see they'll closethe living room shades, lock the front door, adjust thethermostat, all in one step. now siri knows how tointeract with scenes as well. so in the morning, yousay good morning to siri. well siri can automaticallyget your home all ready for you

for the day and you can alsocontrol your accessories without launching an app at all because homekit isactually built right in to control center. swipe up controlcenter, you can swipe over to see your homecontrols and which is to tap, for instance, openup your garage door. now, homekit takes advantage of our interactivenotifications as well.

so if someone rings the doorbellfor instance, you can tap in and actually get a live feedof your front door camera, talk to them on theintercom if you want and even unlock the door, all right from the lockscreen of your iphone. now, yeah. now since your apple tv isalways on, always plugged in, and always on the networkin your home, it can serve as a secure pointfor remote access

and automation within your home. so when you're on the go,you can actually access all of your accessories,securely end to end encrypted and you can setup automationlike geofences so that when you roll into yourdriveway, you can make sure that the garage door willopen, the lights will turn on and maybe even the hot tubwill start up in the back for you, all automatically. now, the home app isgreat on the iphone.

it's also fantasticon the ipad as well. so many people likeusing the ipad as the ultimate home controldevice whether they're mounted on the wall or onthe coffee table. and of course, there'snothing beating the remote that you always have withyou right on your wrist, the apple watch, it comes with built-in homecontrol support as well. so that's a quickupdate on home.

next, yes, thank you. number nine, phone. you know, we allreceive a lot of calls, but we want to make sure thatwhen you miss their calls, you have the bestexperience possible. so now, you can actuallyget voice mail transcription of your incoming calls toget to see what was it's about without having the listen. of course, sometimes we arethere and we receive a call

like this and we wonderwhat the heck it's about. and unfortunately, in china,this can be a real problem where there's a lotof voice mail spam. so now, we're supportingan extension api where third parties liketencent can provide information automatically to tell youa possible phone spam. this is going to besuper useful for a lot of people around the world. now, of course, people lovedoing calling for many,

many different sorts of apps. and today, the experienceis something like this when you receive a call, a notification onyour lock screen. well now in ios 10, wehave a great new voip api, that means you're experience for incoming callsinstead can be like this. voip apps can now integrateinto the lock screen. they're integrated inyour phone recents.

they're in your phone favorites. and your contact cardhas been enhanced, so it remembers how youlike to call each person and you can access themthat way with just a tap. so we've been workingwith our partner cisco on elevating mobilityin the enterprise. and now using ourvoip api combined with their cisco sparkapp, it's never been easier to use your iphone withwork because in addition

to receiving calls made toyour personal cell number, you also can receive callsmade to your work number right from your iphone whether you'reat your desk or on the go. it's really handyand that's phone. next-- ok, thanks. so next, number 10 and thisone is a doozy, it's messages. now messages is the mostfrequently used app on ios and people love sharing things with messages whetherit's photos or links

to their favorite websites,but they look like this but not any longer becausenow we have rich links. so when you share links, youget artwork from the website, extracted titles,it's really great. and it's especially awesome whenyou get to share with things like video becausethey can play right in line inside the transcript. look at that guy go. now, of course, we loveusing our camera to share

and we've made the camerabetter than ever in messages. now when you bringup the camera, you immediately see what'sright in front of your camera. like someone in marketingthought, that's what someone who sees when they bringup with their camera. [ laughter ] and you can also slideover and see your family. it's such an incongruousset of images. so, you can tap those and insertthem right into your transcript.

it's really convenient. now people really love emoji and now we made themthree times bigger in the transcriptwhich is fantastic. and to help you alwaysreach for the right emoji, we're providing emojipredictions as you type, super handy. but, you know, sometimesyou've typed the whole message and you realize at the end,

you're totally lackingan emojification. and so we've providedthe solution. when you tap on theemoji button, we'll highlight all theemojifiable words here and you just tap, tap,tap, tap and emojify. children of tomorrow willhave no understanding of the english language. so, these are some greatnew features in messages. but you know, we wanted todo something more fundamental

with messaging because todayno matter what you say, it's always the same bubble. it always-- this comes acrossthe same way, but no longer because now we havebubble effects. so if you want to say itloud, you can say it loud. and if you want tosay it more gently, well now you cando that as well. and, you know, sometimesyou want to get across something personal.

an invisible ink givesyou the way to do that. so you can just slide yourfinger across the bubble and clear away the message likethat and it's a really great way to share a surprise,a little scared to see what's behind that. you can just slide across. ok. now-- so sometimes, you just liketo send a quick affirmation, a quick tap backand now you can.

just tap and your thumbs up can go right therein the transcript. but, you know, there'snothing more personal than your own handwriting. and so now we supporthandwritten messages, like handwriting bubbles. and you see whenit comes across, the care there is the ink justsettles in to the transcript. it's really beautiful.

and, of course, we supportdigital touch as well. so you can send thesevery lively sketches, but also with video, photos,even things like your heartbeat. and sometimes, what you sayreally deserves using the whole screen. so now messages cando that as well. you know, makingall of this possible in messages has beena huge effort, cross functionaleffort across apple.

and so for our demo today, iwanted to bring up some leads from both our engineering team and our human interfacedesign team to give a demo. so let's give a warmwelcome to bethany and emron. come on up. >> thanks craig. we are so thrilledto finally be able to show you whatwe've working on. now emron and i are going toshow you the different ways

that we use messages, buti'm going to kick things off by jumping first into athread with my sister lori who just got to a graduation. so let's write her backand say give her my love and tell her i saidhappy graduation day. ok. now typically, i would hunt for the perfect emojito tack on the end. but now, when i tap onthe emoji button to switch to the emoji keyboard,words throughout my message

that can be swap for emojior automatically highlighted and all i have to dois tap to replace them. so i'm going to tap toreplace love and i'm going to choose the type ofhearts i want to send. i'm going to do bedazzledi think. and i can tap on happyand i choose how happy and i choose howhappy i want to be. what do you think? >> why don't you go withthe upside down one.

>> well, no. i'm going to-- >> ok. >> -- yeah. >> hey, you be youbethany, you be you. >> i'm going to do eyesclosed kind of happy and i tap on graduation and thenswitches to the cap which there is no chance,i would have found that. >> none, we would havebeen here for days.

>> true story. so i'm going to goahead and send that off. so lori just send through adigital touch video and what's so awesome about this is that she created this entirething using digital touch right from within messages. >> and it's so much funto make, aren't they? >> yeah, and really, reallyfun to watch and i'm going to let her know how i feelabout it, using tap x,

which is as easyas double tapping and sending back a heart. it's that quick andthat fun and honestly, it is my favorite wayto communicate now. so lori says she can'twait to see me this summer and i feel the same way. so i'm going to let her know,i'm going to say, "me too." and i'm going to send thisusing a bubble effect. so i just press andhold on the send button.

and i think gentle will reallylet her know how i'm feeling. so i'm going to choose that one. >> so great bethany. all right, so. >> that sounded alittle sarcastic i think. >> well, i think lorifelt it, that's for sure. so, now that bothof us are going to show you just howfun things have become with a group of friends.

i'm going to in andrevive a chat here by sending a digitaltouch photo. now, bethany just want to showedus how fantastic those digital touch videos look. let's take a look at howeasy it is to make one. i'm just going tolaunch the camera here. >> you want some space up here? >> yeah, just a bit. it is a process, you know?

>> yeah. i pick a color. what would you say, whatdo you think, what color? >> yellow. all right, and i add myusual shout out and send. it is that easy. >> looks good on the big screen. >> hey, it's look likefreddy is here and as usual, loud and always ready to talkabout some music and he sent

of that an apple music link. and what great about this is ican display them right in line without ever having toleave my conversation. it's simply the bestway to share music. let's give and listen. oh lcd sound systemalways sounding so good, especially at bill graham. anne seems to agree, she saidso using a handwritten message and these things are alwaysso personal, always so fresh.

let's write back andsay, they smashed it. and i'm going to do so,sending a bubble effect. i'm going to choose myfavorite which is slam, bam always gets my point across. >> i think you overusethat one a little bit, i'm just going to say it. >> you know what,it never get so old. >> right? it's fantastic, that one.

boy, it looks like i may havesmashed the demo for a moment. all right, let's trydifferent one here. oh, looks like wemight need back up. let's see it here,they smashed it. >> there you go. >> one more time. >> that works, one more time. >> what do you say? >> bam, always looks good.

i really do use atall the time, don't i? ok, so there we go. >> you know what, ourfriends are always late to the game, they really are. >> yeah, that's true. it's true. >> ok, looks like they'replaying in san francisco and as you might expect witha band like that, sold out. now bethany sent over anaffect with invisible ink,

this is fantasticfor when you want to keep something a surprise which it looks likeyou may have. so now, to revealall the contents, all i have to dois use my finger to swipe away the particles. let's have a look. oh, bethany, you got us tickets. >> you know.

>> always coming through. always coming through, it seemslike everyone else agrees, i'm going to showmy appreciation by sending some big emoji here,make sure i put myself in there. and to close thingsoff, let's do this with a full screen effect. we got some lovely oneshere like lovely balloons. let's swipe over to confetti. then i'm going togo with this one.

[ music and applause ] >> nothing beats afull screen moment. >> that's ios 10messages, everyone. we cannot wait foryou to try it. >> thank you, bethany and emron. it's just incredible work. well, so those are somehighlights from messages, but you know, we thought whenit comes to expressing yourself that there was so much morewe could do if we could tap

in to all of the creativityof all of you developers, and so we're opening upmessages to developers as well with imessage apps. with the imessage apps, imessagehas an app drawer with all of your imessage apps, youcan tap the plus and get to the app storeand find other apps. you download them, of course. they're here in your drawer. and there's so many differentkinds of apps you can create.

from things like stickers,an artist can create stickers as well without evenwriting any code. but for developers who do wantto write code, they have access to the full ios sdk includingaccess to the camera, so you can incredible animatedeffects with apps like jibjab. you can accomplish moresophisticated tasks as well like payment withsquare cash, allowing you to pay someone rightthrough the messages thread. they can receiveit and redeem it

on the receiving endright inside of messages. there's so much you cando with imessage apps. i'd like to show you a couple of the possibilitiesin a demo right now. so let's dive hereinto a conversation. see here is a threadwith the family. now i can respondwith text of course, but now with imessage apps, ican just bring up my app drawer and i can get to all

of my different imessage appsincluding some great stickers. so let me dive intothese mickey stickers. we can see that they'reall animated. i can actually lookthrough them like this. i can swipe between my stickers,so maybe some from "inside out". here some from "finding dory". if i want to send one, just tap,drop it right in just like that. it's really easy andthey're really fun. and now, here i received anotherphoto and the great thing

about stickers is you canactually peel them off and attach them to bubbles. so, you know, this one will cool if i could just takethe sun over here. maybe put that upthere on the corner and then maybe a littleseal off here on the side. just like that. it's really pretty cool whatyou can do with these messages. well, look, i got amessage from brian here.

let's take a look at this. he says, "we're placing an orderfor lunch after the keynote." and we can see he's doing thatactually with an imessage app. so he's used doordashand he's placing an order at curry up now. so i can just tap inand see what's going on. now, there's a group cartthat we're all collaborating on through the imessage apps. i'm going to look at that.

looks like phil hasordered the naughty naan and jaws [assumedspelling] has ordered, brian's ordered as well. so i can put in my order. and i'm going to go forthis deconstructed samosa. that looks pretty good. and i'm sure tim wouldlike one as well. and, well, it would be rudeif, you know, we ate in front of you guys withoutgetting you some.

so we'll just up thisup a little bit here and we can just add that toour, to our cart like this and then drop it,write in the messages. and it's fortunate brianwill be paying for this. so, a final thingi'd like to show you with imessage apps are thesereally fun interactive kinds of apps. and one example is jibjab. so let's jump rightinto jibjab here.

we see there are a wholebunch of fun things. you can scroll through andsee the options i can also of course select froma gallery of faces. let's pick eddy maybe and,you know, i can just drop him in to the transcriptjust like that. and i think this givesyou the sense of the power of imessage apps and ios 10. so this is the new messages. it's of course fantasticon your iphone.

all of this is available toyou on your ipad as well. and your mac and yourapple watch can receive all of these interactivecontent as well. so that's messages, part of10 huge features in ios 10. but of course there is somuch more that we can't have-- talk about right nowbut i can't help myself but mention just a couple morethings like notes collaboration. you now can work live with multiple peoplein the same note.

conversation view in mails,so you can scroll from message to message in a single threadon your iphone and ipad. live photos are betterthan ever. they have-- we have digitalvideo image stabilization. so they're buttery smooth andthey're editable now as well. and finally, splitview in safari on ipad. so you can fit two websites sideby side in safari on your ipad. now, ios 10 is a fantasticrelease for our users. it's also a giganticrelease for our developers.

when you think about it, experiences like the lockscreen with notifications. the phone, maps, messages,every major area of ios now open to developers and somany other options. but, you know, allof this great work in ios 10 would bemeaningless to us if it came at the expense of your privacy. and so, in every feature thatwe do, we carefully consider how to protect your privacy.

with apps like facetimeand messages and homekit, we make sure to use end to endencryption by default and always to protect your communication. and when it comes to performingadvanced deep learning and artificial intelligenceanalysis of your data, we're doing it on deviceusing the incredible power of the silicon on youriphone and your mac, keeping your personaldata under your control. and when you do do searches onthe internet maybe for a route

and maps or a search forinformation in spotlight, we don't build anyuser profiles. now, of course one ofthe important tools in making software moreintelligent is to spot patterns on how multiple usersare using their devices. for instance, you might want toknow what new words are trending so you could offer them up morereadily in a quicktype keyboard. well, differential privacy isa research topic in the area of statistics and data analyticsthat uses hashing, subsampling

and noise injectionto enable this kind of crowd-sourced learningwhile keeping the information of each individual usercompletely private. now, apple has been doingsome super important work in this area to enabledifferential privacy to be deployed at a scale andwe brought in the professor and researcher wholiterally co-wrote the book on differential privacy for aquick peek at what we were doing and he described thework as groundbreaking.

he went on to say that incorporatingdifferential privacy broadly into apple's technology isvisionary and positions apple as the clear privacyleader among technology companies today. we believe you should have greatfeatures and great privacy. you demand it and we arededicated to providing it. so that, well, actuallyis one more thing. you know, we are so excited

about everything you'vejust seen with ios 10. we couldn't help ourselves. we made a video. i'd love to show it to you now. let's do it. and that is ios 10. all of you developers getthe developer preview today. and again, we're doinga public beta this july. sign up now at we'll let you know

when you can download it. and ios 10 will be availableto all of our users this fall as a free upgrade acrossall of these devices. that is ios. now, i'd like tohand it back to tim. thank you very much. >> thanks, craig. ios 10 is fantastic andit's an enormous release. i couldn't be moreproud and more excited

about the incredibleadvancements across all of our platforms. now, as we said earlier,an important part of making this platform socapable is our developers. we believe it's crucial thatwe provide the best tools so you can create the best apps. that's why we created swift. swift is a powerful andintuitive programming language for ios, mac os,watchos, and tvos.

and writing swift code is funand interactive and apps written in it are lighting fast. since we released swiftless than two years ago, we've seen an amazing responsefrom the developer community. there's already morethan 100,000 apps that have adopted the use ofswift code including great apps like twitter andstrava and lyft. now, we wanted everyone touse swift so we released it as open source indecember and since then,

the adoption has been amazing. it's already the number onelanguage project on github. swift is powerful but it's alsosimple and it's approachable. so it can be your veryfirst programming language. this is a very importantpoint for us. because swift is so easy tolearn, it has the potential to bring many morepeople into coding. and this is an idea we wouldlike to take even further. so today, we're introducinga new app for ipad.

we call it swift playgrounds. swift playgrounds willrevolutionize the way people learn to code and they'llbe able to do it right on their ipad which instantlymakes it accessible for hundreds of millions of peoplearound the world. there's never beenanything like this. we believe it's the absolutebest way to teach everyone to code, combining the powerfulswift programming language and the powerfulcapabilities of ipad.

to show it to you, i'd liketo invite cheryl thomas up. cheryl? i am thrilled to showyou swift playgrounds, an incredible new app that transforms howkids learn to code. i'll launch it right now. we land on this gorgeousscreen full of custom content from apple. up at the top are lessons anddown below we have challenges.

i'm going to start withthe very first lesson in the fundamentals of swift. we see a preview of thecontent with graphics and a descriptionand i'll open it. it starts with an introduction to the coding concept i'llbe learning and when i'm good and ready, i can just tap in thelower corner to start coding. over on the right, you can seewe have an interactive world that i can explore using touch.

i'll swipe it, looksgood, and pinch to zoom. this is byte. he is my character. i think he's irresistible. and i'll be controllinghim with code. over on the left areinstructions that explain and help guide me throughthe problem i'll be solving and down below iswhere i enter my code. byte has been waiting patientlyso i'll tap to enter swift code.

you can see commands haveappeared at the bottom. these are just like quicktypesuggestions but for code, my objective in this lessonis to get him to the end of that path andcollect the gem. so i'll tap move forward threetimes and then collect gem. watch the world on theright as i run my code. byte moves forward. he follows the commands inthe exact order i've entered, gets the gem and i'vecompleted my very first lesson.

kids are going to love them. now, i can continue to thenext lesson in the series or i can jump aroundto wherever i'd like. to do that, i tap in thetop left to open the table of contents and you cansee we include a ton of great content here toengage and motivate learners. this one on loops,looping all the sides, looks a little interesting. i'm going to check it out.

now we have a few linesof code already filled in. i'll go ahead and runit and see what happens. he gets the gem butthen he just stops. poor little guy. he's going to need some help. the solution here, and iknow you've all got this, is that i need to repeatthat block of code four times to get byte around allfour sides of the world. to do that, i'm goingto need a for loop.

i'll tap the plus up top to openmy code library and all i have to do is just drag a forloop right into my code. now watch this. i can tap that loop,grab the end of it and just drag itall around my code. all right, i'll tapthe number placeholder, set this loop torepeat four times. looks good. ok. keep your eyes onbyte as i run my code.

he moves forward, gets the gem,makes a turn, and this time with the added for loop,he just keeps ongoing. i finished anotherlesson and i'm well on my way to mastering loops. wouldn't this had been cool whenwe were all learning to code. i mean come on, youstudents, let me hear it. come on. swift playgrounds is a fantasticapp to master the basics, but it doesn't stop there.

let me show you. i'll tap in the topleft corner to go to my library at playgrounds. i can also explore advancedcoding and use the power of the ios sdk to doalmost anything i'd like. i happen to have somethingi've been working on. it combines my twofavorite things, physics and emoji, interestingly. ok. you can see that thisis a lot more sophisticated

than what we've been doing. i have some emoji on theright, thank goodness. i can tap to add more. and that's a big bee. ok. now, i can alsofling them around. and because thisis physics emoji, they create a nicelittle reaction. but you also notice they're alljust falling down to the bottom. and that's because rightnot gravity is fixed.

so i'm going to goahead and play around with gravity a little bit because who doesn'tlike to do that. i'm going to double tapto bring up the keyboard. we've built a completelynew coding keyboard and it is awesome. the key-- mm-hmm. the keyboard has thenumbers and symbols. we're using swift programming

and they're rightat my fingertips. i'm going to quickly set theworld's angle, world.angle equal to the gyroscope's angle. ok. now, look at thebottom of the keyboard. there's a v key. it also has an asterisk on it. watch what happens wheni press and drag down. i get an asteriskfor multiplication. you're going to getto see that again.

i bet you knew thatthough, right? look at the w key. i'm going to press anddrag down for a number two. ok. let's see what kindof impact this had. let's take this fullscreen and run my code. of course, because myplayground now has access to the ipad hardware,as i pick up the ipad and i tilt it, allmy emoji react. and that's how they like it.

i have to tell you. ok. so i've shown you just ataste of what you can create on your own and a smallsample of amazing lessons. that is swift playgrounds,a fun and powerful new way for kids to learn to code. back to you, tim. >> thank you, cheryl. it looks absolutely incredible. and because we'recombining basic coding skills

with real life code, swift playgrounds can profoundlyimpact the way kids learn to code. so we're releasing it withthe developer preview today. it will be in thepublic beta next month. and it will be in the app storewhen ios 10 ships in the fall. now, we believe codingshould be a required language in all schools. so to help make this the case,

we're going to makeswift playgrounds free. and we hope that thisgift to kids and schools around the world will help makecoding a part of school day. that is swift playgrounds. now, powerful tools likethese enable developers to create great apps. they also help thenext generation of developers you seek out on their journeyto change the world.

and to motivate this newgeneration of developers, we created a video about whatfirst inspired some great apple developers to start coding andi'd love to show it to you now. >> hello world. >> so, this is the firstcomputer that i coded on. >> in the beginning, my biggestchallenge was not having access to a computer. >> the first line of codei wrote was bouncing ball. it would bounce aroundthe screen, hit the edges

and then come back again. >> i think the first one was like a to-do list,it was a to-do list. >> i remember the firsttime i did it when it worked and it was like magical. >> i realized that i cando anything with code. anything i can thinkabout, i can do it. in beirut we experiencepower outages every day. so let me see if i canjust do a simple algorithm

that can provide theelectricity cutoff time. >> it shouldn't costlife to give life. what if we compress allthese health guidelines into small movies? >> i'm one person that saw aproblem and created a solution to stop or assist a womanin domestic violence. >> what we wanted, whatwe needed didn't exist. so, at some point you just say,ok, well, let's do it ourselves. >> let's make an app.

>> well, when i first startan app, i have to have a plan. >> we start withthat little glimmer, that seed of a new fresh idea. >> there is this fear ofcode, like it's so hard or it's inaccessiblebut actually it's not. >> someone who doesn'teven know code at all, if they really studiedsome simple swift code, they would probably beable to understand it. >> anything is possible and itall comes from that first step.

>> launching the app wasa big moment actually. >> i told everyone aboutit, like download my app, it's on the app store. >> i was dancing. i called all my girlfriendsthat i cried to. >> it's such a crazy feelingbecause it's so many emotions, so many wishes, so many dreams. >> i always tell my students,do you have beirut electricity? my son made it.

he built it. and the girls, is he single? >> by the end of 2016, 1 millionwomen will have a safe birth due to the safe delivery app. [ baby crying ] >> people come togetherin public spaces. it creates a kind of happiness. it creates a kind of likehealing effect for the soul. >> don't touch my code.

dear keira, young people likeyou are tomorrow's leaders. you inspire me and give metremendous hope for the future. michelle and i wishyou all the best. sincerely, barack obama. >> these tools are somethingthat we desperately need when trying to change the world. >> i think the more peoplethat can learn to code, learn to build apps, themore problems can be solved. >> i feel like i'mcreating stuff

that can actually changethe way people live, which is super awesome. >> i want to be thisamazing coder, this off the chain seniordeveloper where everybody comes to me and it's like,can you fix this? and i'm like, yeah, likei'm going, you know, just type up the codeand papaw, dadadam. and like, wow, you can do this. yay.

>> it's really incredibleto see the inspirations of so many amazing developers. i can't wait to see whatthis next generation of developers aregoing to create to make the worlda better place. so i told you it wasgoing to be jam packed. what a great morning. great updates from --to all of the platforms, starting with watchos, fasterperformance, better navigation,

all new fitness andhealth features to help you live a better life. tvos, the future of tv is apps, and now it just gota whole lot better with expanded seriessearch and single sign on. macos sierra, bringing siriand apple pay to the mac along with some other incrediblypowerful features. and a gigantic release of ios,the mother of all releases, incredible new features formessages, all new designs

for photos, applenews and apple music, and incredible newopportunities for developers to integrate their apps withsiri, maps and messages. at apple, we believe thattechnology should lift humanity, should enrich people's livesin all the ways they want to experience it, whetherit's on their wrist, in their living room, on theirdesk, in the palm of their hand, in the car, or evenautomating their home, this is a huge moment forus, four great platforms

that become even more capablewith working with all of you. i'd like to thank all of thedevelopers here today and all of those watching us that havepartnered with us in our quest to change the worldfor the better. and of course, i'd like to thankeveryone at apple, all the teams that worked so hard tomake this day happen. thank you very much andhave a fantastic week.

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