fashion nova model height

Jumat, 30 September 2016

fashion nova model height


cody r. wilson: gun control,for us is a fantasy. in a way that people say, waita minute, you're being unrealistic aboutprinting a gun. i think it's more unrealisticnow, especially going forward, to think you could ever controlthis technology. [gunshots] erin lee carr: 2012 was a bloodyyear in america, one that saw 16 mass shootingsin 15 different states. the violence led helen o'neillof the associated press to dub

it the year of the gun. it all came to a head ondecember 14 in newtown, connecticut. -units in [inaudible]. i've got bodies here. let's get ambulances. thank you. erin lee carr: that morning,20-year-old adam lanza entered sandy hook elementary and killed20 children and six

adults before takinghis own life. barack obama: in the hard daysto come, that community needs us to be our bestas americans. and i will do everything in mypower as president to help. erin lee carr: in the wake ofthe tragedy, president obama announced 23 executive actionsmeant to curb gun violence. included were universalbackground checks, as well as bans on assault weapons andhigh capacity magazines. wayne lapierre: the only thingthat stops a bad guy with a

gun is a good guy with a gun. erin lee carr: in defiance,the nra and other pro-gun activists stepped up campaignsthat directly opposed any new gun control regulations. in the midst of this politicalfirestorm is cody r. wilson, a 25-year-old graduate studentand self-described crypto-anarchist. cody is trying to put an end tothe gun control debate with 3d printing.

as one of the key figures in thewiki weapon movement, his goal is to produce and publisha file for a completely 3d printed firearm, one that anyonecan download and then create with the right tools. he does this under the bannerof his austin, texas-based company, defense distributed. 3d printing or additive manufacturing works like this-- a computer aided design orcad file is created.

that file is then sentto a 3d printer. the printer then builds theobject in the cad file by starting at the base andapplying a series of layers. at the end of the process, a3d printed item is born. so how will the ability toself-manufacture untraceable firearms affect the guncontrol debate? "motherboard" traveled to austinto get cody wilson's perspective. cody r. wilson: so thisis my warehouse.

basically, it's a space thatwe've been using since august. we have a 3d printer on site. when you get a federal firearmslicense, your activity and the locationare all tied together with the license. so i can't have a license andgo do things somewhere else. i have to have itat a location. and this is the objet connexprinter that we've been using from the very beginning.

our very first lower receiverwas printed here. i hooked it up to anupper and fired it. so the project begins, and noone will listen to you. -so this is testingthe printed lower with an ar-57 upper. cody r. wilson: you fightjust to be heard. cody r. wilson: didyou break it? and then something changes,and then you're heard. we hypothesized a gun controlfuture, even when they weren't

coming for us. alex jones: you said that threeor four months ago. cody r. wilson: that's right. joe biden? this is no countryfor old men. cody r. wilson: we really don'tthink it's a stunt, man. i think the state is now makingit easier for us to prove this point, whatever thispermanent assault weapon ban is going to be.

how's that national conversationgoing? -is this guy a heroor a villain? cody r. wilson: that'sa good question. by defense distributedin austin, texas. my partner, ben denio, the guywho basically came up with the idea with me, we wereon the phone. and ben was like, we couldbe arms manufacturers. that would be cool, right? what about 3d printing?

at that point, we weren't awarethat anyone had done it or was trying to. i said, if we couldprint a gun, other people could do this. what if we gave it away,open source style? what would that mean? and we realized, wow, thisis really attractive. you begin with the file. often, you have it in cad.

it's parametric. you can edit it. but you say, well, we don'tknow how this works. so you test it in softwarebecause that's cheaper. than you find your printer. what material doesthat printer use? and you say, ok, i'dlike this material. let's see what this can do. you wait 12 hours.

you wait seven hours. you might wait a day. ok, now we have a piece. in the case of lower receivers,it's easy. it's not dangerousif it failed. erin lee carr: defensedistributed is currently focused on designing a durablelower receiver, which is the mechanism that housesthe trigger. all of their lower receiversto this point have been

designed for the highlycustomizable ar-15, the same type of gun used in thesandy hook massacre. cody r. wilson: we couldn't havepredicted sandy hook and some of these other events. people say, where do you thinkyour project fits within this greater discussion aboutgun control? if we make a second amendmentargument, it's all the way. it's to the limit. but i don't like to make itabout the second amendment or

gun control at all. it's more radical for us. there are people from all overthe world downloading our files, and we say, good. we say you should haveaccess to this. you simply should. erin lee carr: we left thewarehouse and traveled across town to cody's apartment,which doubles as defense distributed hq.

it is also home to hisprivate arsenal. cody r. wilson: all the magicthat the atf loves to regulate happens right in here. so this is the firearmin commerce. none of this is serialized. you can order this rightthrough the mail. if you're 12 years old, you canbuy it online, which, i think, is a thing of beauty. i like fitting the clear pieceto it, because you can see

everything inside. the only problem that this piecehas is it just simply can't take some of therecoil forces. and i think we can fix that. so this is 1,080 roundsof corrosive 5.45x39. what's great right now aboutamerica is, you can buy ammunition online. and this is post-sandy hookcraze ammo i found-- good deal.

the question that i hear a lotis, well, why does anyone need an ammunition clip formore than 30 rounds? or 30 rounds? why does anyone need that? don't you know they can do allkinds of harm with that? why shouldn't we limittheir reload times? but i think there'san error there. and i can demonstrateit in other ways. why does anyone needtwo houses?

why does anyone need to makemore than $400,000? you hear it every day. it's just a kind of dim viewof human spontaneity. because we are so free,everything must be prohibited. i've only let one other crew uphere, canada global news, just because they're so-- just like the terrorism,like they're just so terrified by it. for historical purposes, thisis a pre-banned semi-auto.

this is what it usedto look like, kids. but if i could do it over, ifi knew that there'd be a ban coming, i'd get into the ar,because you're never going to find 545 laying around. this is version three of ourlower, in fact, our first really successful stepfrom our first test. so this was our first piecethat could take us to like 100 rounds. cody r. wilson: and the designof the ar system allows this.

people have carved lowersout of wood. we're not trying tosay, here it is. we're trying to prove a point,that look, you can print this out of plastic. and just to take the "new yorktimes" point specifically, you can do this in your bedroom. it's to prove this politicalpoint, that look, gun control doesn't mean what itmeant in 1994. nick bilton: i'm nick bilton.

i'm a columnist for the "newyork times" and the lead writer for the "new york timesbits blog." and i cover technology, and privacy, andculture, and the things that are changing in societyas a result of those. when you first see somethingthat's printed out in three dimensions, it kind of blowsyour mind a little bit. and so i'd always tracked thistechnology as i had been a reporter at the "times." and oneday, i was on thingiverse which is a website which allowsyou to upload parts for

3d printers and thendownload them. and i came across a gun part. and i was kind of blown away. i was like, whatis this thing? the more and i started toresearch, the more i started to find out that there was thisvery, very small group of people that were exploringbuilding a 3d gun. cody r. wilson:,which is known in the hobby or the makercommunity to be this

repository of communityinformation for 3d printing, it decided to take unilateralaction and just remove all these gun related files. and it seems pretty clear it wasa response to sandy hook. so without even judging whatthey're doing, it just is an act of censorship in my mind. yeah, they have a terms ofservice that say, well, you can't have gun files. but they had hosted those files,some of them for up to

over a year. but those files immediately wentdown, and we recognized, ok, people don't know, at leastin the maker community, where to go now. so we decided to and hosted all the files that they took down. and then since then, peoplehave now doubled the files that we have just sendingus files. i get files at least oncea day, sometimes more.

oh, cool, the "blaze"article is out. people rushing to downloadonline blueprints-- this will only reinforcewhat's going on. so it's a piece about our site,defcad, talking more or less about how there's a virtualrush on-- oh, yeah, i posted this list of allof the government visitors to our site. there's not strong sharingor anything on it yet. nick bilton: cody wilson hadbeen featured in "wired," i

believe, and then he'd alsomade the news as his 3d printer had been taken awayafter he'd put a video online explaining what hewas going to do. erin lee carr: on september 26,2012, cody was notified that the 3d printer he hadrecently began leasing was being repossessed. the manufacturer's reasoning? cody's lack of a federalfirearms license and his public statements regarding the

intended use for the printer. cody r. wilson: well,these boxes are the uprint se plus printer. this is as far asi had gotten. so just wondering, did theytell you guys why you were taking this. -no. cody r. wilson: they didn'tsay anything about it? cody r. wilson: so for therecord, i was trying to print

guns with that printer. and they took it away becausei was trying to print guns with it, just to let you know. -oh, that's cool. nick bilton: when i called himup and we spoke, he just left the atf's offices. they'd actually been discussingwhat is legal and what is not. this was an entirelynew thing.

they knew that it was illegalto own this part for a gun without having it registeredand so on. but when you could make the partfor the gun, that changes the whole course ofthe conversation. cody r. wilson: ok, that's thebest way to talk about it. this whole piece begins from an[inaudible] file that can be cnc milled intoa metal receiver. it's just not built forbeing in plastic. so when we had fired our firstone, we noticed a lot of give

in the back of the piece. it was bouncing. it was flexing. and then the recoil ofthe gun tore right through this buffer tower. so we doubled the thicknessall the way around. and we thought, even marginally,that improves the strength, especially in theobjet material we were using. i'm out here with onlytwo or three

people helping in austin. we concentrate our effortson lowers. and i'm just now startingwith magazines. in fact, the whole operationhas pivoted. i've got four or five guys--really all the people that i know that are talented insolidworks working on high capacity magazines. it proves the point muchbetter than the low receiver does.

you can't ban a boxand a spring. this is a colt m-16and a printed high capacity magazine. cody r. wilson: we come outand we say, yeah, we're willing to look like idiots. but the interest is inpreserving firearms on the internet, and peoplelike that message. despite this whole idea ofdemocratic consensus, there's a lot of people whoare interested.

so they do whatever they can. we get donations every day. nick bilton: cody's24 years old. when i was 24 years old, i wasreading books about israel and gaza and believed thatwas this kind of conspiracy and that. and it's part of who we are. it's part of what we do. it just happens that cody hasdecided to stick with guns as

his thing that he's goingto fight for. cody r. wilson: there's thisfukuyamaist idea that history had ended after the cold warand that if we could just tweak neoliberal democracy,everything's going to be fine forever, that somehow, this islike the final political form. this is ridiculous. and you can see it. there's no evidence ofa political program anymore in the world.

in america, there aren'tgenuine politics. there's the media telling youbarack obama versus mitt romney, is the epic clash ofideology when we both know they're globalist neoliberals. they both exist to preservethe interests of this relatively autonomous classof goldman sachs bankers. nick bilton: he believes thathe's doing the right thing and that he is perpetuating thiskind of technology and looking at what it will be.

but i also think that there isdefinitely a part of what he's doing for attention. the reader email i got on thatgun piece was phenomenal. and a large majority of it was,why are you giving this kid attention? it's clear that this iswhy he's doing it. cody r. wilson: i don't remembera lot about my exchange with nick. but it was like verymatter of fact.

he was like, why? we believe it's worth doing. the piece disappointedme a little bit. he's like, now felons, andchildren, and the insane-- ok, blah, blah, blah. this man wants childrento have guns. i was like, all right, fine. take the easy road, fine. but at least he was saying it'sintentionally disruptive.

that's true. nick bilton: a "new yorktimes" reporter sensationalizing something? no, i'm just kidding. it's really interesting. as someone who's been covering3d printers since they were essentially coming into themainstream a little bit, i have seen that thepeople that are interested in them are teenagers.

and so my thought when i heardabout what cody was up to was the fact that the first peoplethat are probably going to use these are going to be kids. the reality is, he could be thecanary in the coal mine that is showing us whatthe future may be. cody r. wilson: so we're atone of the service bureaus that helps us out, basically,one of our printers north of austin. we come here to prototypea lot of our designs.

this particular printer is good,because we can hop on this almost any time we want. the volume of the machine issuch that we can just come in with other pieces thatare being printed. nick bilton: i truly do believethat in the next decade, the majority ofamericans will have a 3d printer in their home. i truly believe that. they will be printing out cupsand plates and furniture and

all these different things. and some of those peoplewill be printing out weapons with that. and i think that that'ssomething that we should be talking about now, not waitinguntil it happens a decade from now. the science fiction writersthat we all grew up-- they imagined worlds wheretechnology solves problems. they don't imagine worlds whereit creates problems and

kills people. when bre and makerbot and thoseguys developed these 3d printers, they imagined peoplemaking clothes hooks and baby pins and all these wonderfulthings that make the world a better place. they had no concept-- none of us had any concept-- that these things would be usedto create weapons that would kill people.

you have people like cody thatcome along and look at something that you think is acute little kitten and realize that he can programit to kill people. bre pettis: other people canstand on our shoulders and learn from what we've doneand take it farther. erin lee carr: we reached outto bre pettis, who is ceo of makerbot and co-founder ofthingiverse, but he refused to comment on this story. nick bilton: technology alwaysmoves quicker than the law.

it was six years before facebookwas actually held accountable for all the privacythings that they'd done by the ftc. six years and a billion usersbefore the ftc actually caught up to the things thatthey had done. and this is happening now with3d printers and guns. cody r. wilson: i've read alot of the criticisms, the back and forth in the makercommunity and the tech community about, well,3d printing is

like desktop printing. no, it's not. it's nothing like it at all. it's not going to be the same. who can know? i do see how there's materialslike carbonmorph coming out. there's complex materials comingout, even for cheap printers in unexpected ways. and i think if complex materialscan keep being

developed for 3d printing, itis going to be what some people are saying about it,a real step forward. some people are willing torun all the way with it. maybe we're some of them. we're like, oh, whole guns. but it's a visionof something. thank you, man. that's good. so here's the piecewe picked up.

so this, i think, revision,was it three? -yeah. cody r. wilson: do youremember the file? yeah. it's stained and everything? -yeah, this is a blackcoating on it. cody r. wilson: it's badass. it's not threaded? cody r. wilson: we'vegot this.

i got my tap wrench to workfinally after the other day. we're printing twomagazines today. they're both 30-round. and the point is justa demonstration. so one is a usgi mag. it probably won'twork very long. but one of these shellsi think really will. but anything over ten at thispoint proves a point. the only things recognized andpromulgated in this business

culture are irreversiblethings-- progress, growth. to have a symbolic gift, likethe printable gun does so much ideological damage and violenceto these ideas. you these progressives talk allthe time about the wrong side of history. somehow we're going toget to some result. and it's all going tobe a whole and good. and we say, no.

here's an element ofreversibility. and there's nothing youcan do about it. it's like the intelligence andtransparency of evil itself. it can't be ignored. erin lee carr: a supporter ofdefense distributed joined us for the field test. he asked that we notuse his real name. cody r. wilson: you know,feinstein's bill would regulate semi-autos harsher thanfully automatic weapons,

if it was to be passed todayas it was proposed. you think it's all right? see that hammer spring inthere on the right? -firearms are so demonizedas something that's going to hurt somebody. but what a firearm actuallyis, is a tool. and it depends on how you wouldlike to utilize it. and you can't really bansomething based upon the individual intent.

with all these mass killingsgoing on, it was their intent to do that. if they really wantedto do it, they wouldn't need a firearm. they would do whateverit takes to do what they want to do. cody r. wilson: don't tell mewe're going to get all the way out here and this isn'tgoing to work. -we'll make it work.

cody r. wilson: well, we'regoing to need a hammer. erin lee carr: as cody and hisassociate began fitting the lower receiver to thear-15, they ran into an unexpected problem. the black dye that themanufacturer applied to the piece make it slightlytoo thick to fit with the rest of the gun. cody r. wilson: we'venever worked with a dyed piece before.

let's try it. last time, i just used thehammer and got it through, regardless. just fine. maybe this paint will giveit like a 0.01% strength improvement, and we'll break100 rounds today. -sounds good. cody r. wilson: empty? -done.

cody r. wilson: oh,we broke it? ok. i thought it would do well. how many rounds was that? -well, i've got a mag. cody r. wilson: at this point,this is like, what, gen three? we know how this oneis going to break. so it's just like we toldyou, right through the-- -27 rounds.

cody r. wilson: we know thatwe're already in a better place than this. but i'm happy to demonstrate30 rounds for you today. -definitely. erin lee carr: shortly afterwe wrapped filming, defense distributed posted this videoon their youtube page. it shows the latest version oftheir lower receiver firing over 600 rounds withoutfailure. when we reached out to the atffor a comment on this story, a

representative told us thatthere are currently no restrictions on an individualmanufacturing firearms for personal use. they then directed ustowards their faq. then on march 16, defensedistributed announced that the atf had approved cody wilson'sapplication for a federal firearms license. cody is now able to sell the3d printed lower receivers. but he won't.

cody r. wilson: i don'tthink we're utopians. i think the real utopia is theidea that we can go back to the 1990s, and everythingwill be perfect forever. all we're saying is,no, you can't. now there's the internet.

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