david victoria beckham fashion

Jumat, 30 September 2016

david victoria beckham fashion


>> female announcer: this is a production of wkno, memphis. production funding for this program is made possible in part by... >> (instrumental music) ♪♪♪ >> shannon: hi, i'm mamie shannon.

welcome to "local color." i'm glad you guys are with me today! so i've got kevin kern coming in and we're going to talk about graceland for the holidays and elvis's birthday coming up. the icons exhibit which is quickly approaching it's exit.

who do you have today? >> davis: you need to talk to tracey. we're just talking about new years eve. >> shannon: we're talking about new years eve. chris is the new years eve man. >> ford: the party!

he's always a party. >> davis: where ever i go. >> shannon: that's it. a legend in his own mind. >> ford: i have alice rainey berry coming in from voices of the south to talk about what's up for them, what's new. >> shannon: do you guys ever go

to the liberty bowl parade? >> davis: not in a while. >> shannon: see, we go every year. it's december 30 on beale street. it starts at 4th and goes all the way down. and they've got-i don't even

know who's planning the liberty bowl this year. this is awful. >> davis: we are always out of town that week. >> shannon: are you really? >> davis: yes, we have family in louisiana, family in middle tennessee.

so we are over five states in the course of about three days. >> shannon: oh, gosh! well, we are on beale street and we usually hang out right in front of the new daisy theater. but, you know, the parade is really cool because it's almost like you get to go to something

that's not in your hometown but it's in your hometown. you know because the teams are always from out of town and they've always got the cheerleaders and the football players and everybody on the floats and the marching bands. i love the marching bands.

but we do have local bands that are in the parade as well. yeah, so that is sunday, december 30 at 3:00. and then they turn this liberty bowl in to an entire weekend of stuff. you know, there's the bash on beale which after the parade,

it's a huge pep rally for the two teams and it's in the pavilion at handy park. yeah, you need to take the kids down there. it really is a lot of fun. >> ford: they would love that. >> shannon: and that is sunday, december 30 at 5:00.

so as soon as the parades over, you just kind of wander in to the plaza at handy park. and then, it's the 54th annual liberty bowl. >> ford: that's so amazing. >> shannon: yeah and then of course, that's at liberty bowl stadium.

wish i knew who was playing but- (laughter) i'm sure we could figure it out. and that is on sunday-monday, december 31. so that's on new years day. so we're going to talk about things going on for new years in a little bit.

>> davis: partying downtown, mid-town, all around the town. >> shannon: fun! so later on we'll talk about that but in just a moment, i'll be talking with kevin kern about plans for elvis's birthday at graceland. >> shannon: kevin, i'm so glad

you came at this time of year especially. graceland looks beautiful as usual all dressed-up for the holidays. >> kern: i know. we were just finishing putting up the decorations and wrapping the presents and wrapping

presents for christmas and elvis's birthday. everything's right around the corner. >> shannon: now, home for the holidays is the theme for this holiday season. tell me what you have going on. >> kern: well, we've got all the

traditional decorations that were up when elvis was living. it's truly like stepping back in time when you walk through the front door of graceland but especially this time of year. one of the things that's most unique when you do step through the front door is elvis

typically had blue curtains in the living room but he had special red curtains just for the holidays. >> shannon: no way! >> kern: yeah. >> shannon: and you put them up for christmas? >> kern: we do put them up.

the original curtains, they go up. and it's really neat to just walk through the house and see how the presley family as a whole lived. it was elvis's favorite time of so the house is decorated top to bottom.

he really loved the season, so much so that the decorations actually stayed up through his birthday which is january 8. so we maintain that tradition today. so we lit up graceland earlier this year and it's always a fun time.

when we light up graceland there's always 100 percent chance of snow. the king let us buy a snow machine. but we always have fun during the holidays and it's a great time to come and see graceland. you know, if the kids are out of

school, it's something to do. you can be a tourist in your own hometown and can go see what 600,000 people annually come to see right here in memphis. >> shannon: so tell me the hours of operation for the tours in the daytime. >> kern: right, we operate from

10:00 to 4:00. and you can go to elvis-dot-com for more information on the hours. our operating days change throughout the season. right now we're open seven days a week. as we cross in to the new year,

we start to close on tuesday so we can do some of our routine maintenance. the king's castle has to have some preservation. it is a historic home so we use the solar time in our winter months to do some of that necessary work.

>> shannon: and now you talked about the birthday which is january 8. and i know that you have a few hours like two or three days on the weekend, in the morning, and then the afternoon. >> kern: everyday actually at graceland we allow folks the

opportunity to walk up the driveway at graceland and go to the grave and pay their respects. and during the busier time, around elvis's birthday, we do that in both the morning and the evening hours. and it's just a way to let folks

go pay their respects to the king of rock and roll without having to pay an admission to it's just the right thing to do. it's what elvis would have wanted. but, you know, you're right. we are gearing up for the birthday.

we're going to have one heck of a birthday cake as we always do. birthday cake fit for a king. and, you know, as we enter 2013 it's the 40th anniversary of elvis's "aloha from hawaii" television special which that sounds like it was so long ago but it was television history.

it was the world's first satellite televised concert. and more people saw elvis than the man landing on the moon and it truly was a monumental television and music event. >> shannon: so you've given me kind of a little glimpse of what the special things are going on

for the birthday. tell me more. >> kern: we're actually having the memphis symphony orchestra is doing part of their pops series is the elvis-yes, at the cannon center. and that is on saturday, january 5 at 7:30 pm.

tickets still available. and it will be a great show as always. but they're focusing on the music of the aloha from hawaii special. >> shannon: oh, that's going to be beautiful. >> kern: special guest terry

mike jeffery is going to of course do the vocals as he traditionally does and always does a great job. and the mso just does a fantastic job paying tribute to elvis every year. >> shannon: and if i'm not mistaken, the birthday

celebration was like at 9:30 in the morning. and then the public is invited. >> kern: yes, january 8, 9:30 in the morning we're going to-we have our elvis presley day proclamation. mayor wharton traditionally joins us and does his poetic

tribute to elvis presley which has always entertained the fans. >> shannon: you can tell he's a fan, too. >> kern: he truly is. and the fans who come here from around the world love to see mayor wharton and they often times chant ac because he writes

these just poetic tributes to elvis. and then we cut the cake. >> shannon: everybody gets a piece of cake. >> kern: everybody gets a piece of cake. it's an awfully big cake so all the fans from around the world,

all of the memphians that come out can have a free piece of cake. and also that day, we open up our new exhibit which is called- we're going to open up our new exhibit which pays tribute to elvis's time in hawaii. so it's how he vacationed there.

he filmed two movies but focusing on this aloha from hawaii concert which is just a monumental year as we celebrate this groundbreaking television event. >> shannon: well, listen. you've told me that i've got to go see icons.

tell me about icons. >> kern: time is running out on icons. and sometimes memphians don't want to go to graceland because all the tourists are there but this is one of those exhibits that memphians have to come and see.

come and see it. come and check it out because, you know, theres so many artists that have been influenced by elvis presley. i mean, we heard from bruno mars over the weekend who just professed his love of elvis presley who used to come here

with his family when he was a little kid shaking his hips as a young elvis tribute artist back in the day. now he's a big star on his own. but you know, from the likes of bruce springsteen to trisha yearwood to vinch gill and amy grant, a variety of celebrities,

big elvis fans. so over 75 artifacts that have been loaned to elvis presley enterprises and graceland for displays as well as artifacts on loan from the rock and roll hall of fame. >> shannon: from the artists who were elvis fans, correct?

>> kern: exactly. >> shannon: oh my goodness! >> kern: so the artists and also the rock and roll hall of fame helped us complete this exhibition by loaning us artifacts from james brown, the beatles, as well. it's a fantastic exhibit.

the beatles tremendously influenced by elvis presley. john lennon said without elvis, there would be no beatles. and it's certainly true and those are the types of things that we explore. so there's really no elvis memorabilia there.

it's just rock and roll icons that have represented elvis. >> shannon: i'm going to have to go. please come back and see us. >> kern: we will definitely. >> shannon: thank you, kevin. we'll be right back with tracey and alice berry from voices of

the south. >> ford: alice, thank you so much for stopping by. i so appreciate it. so, i want to catch up with voices of the south. what do you guys have going on in december? >> berry: well, we've got a lot

of stuff going on in december. and our final thing-we're wrapping up the month friday night at 8:00 with glory stories. glory stories is a piece that celebrates the real reason for the season as it were- forgiveness and grace, the

blessings that we all have in our lives. and it is written by geoffrey wood. >> ford: oh, who used to be here in memphis! >> berry: he's actually still here in memphis. >> ford: oh, good!

good, good, good! and he went to u of m. >> berry: he did. and he also went to new mexico to get his masters. but he's a published writer. he writes christian fiction. he has the god cookie is out and leaper .

>> ford: is this a show of monologues or is it a full-blown piece? >> berry: it is a pure story telling piece. it is just him on stage by himself telling a story that he wrote that he feels very close to in the type of writing that

he does. now, geoff has also written some of our children's pieces because he wrote kallahoney kids vs. the shadow monsters. so he's not new to voices. so we've worked with him before. he was actually an actor in wild legacy and went to alaska with

us. and so he came to us and said he's really love to bring out this piece that he had done back in new mexico several years ago. >> ford: i look forward to seeing it. so i can come- >> berry: friday night, 8:00,

theatre south which is 1000 south cooper which is at first congregational church. >> ford: diagonal from cooper and young. >> berry: right across from stone soup. >> ford: right! oh, perfect!

good! well, i will be there. and then you have some fun new things happening in january that i want to put on my calendar. nancy apple is involved. tell me what's going on. >> berry: we met her and she's so beautiful and energetic and

positive. she's just-she just kind of took over the room. and we're like-yes, we want you! yeah, so she's going to do january 6 will be our first ever monthly singer-songwriter showdown. >> ford: not smack down!

>> berry: not smack down but showdown! i have to do the guns to remember it's a showdown. actually it will be nancy apple will be singing and she's going to bring in a local talent each month along with someone who's on a national tour.

>> ford: wow, so all different singer-songwriters. >> berry: all different singer- songwriters. and they'll come in and they'll sit down. and it will just be a fun. they'll just be singing and talking to one another.

and it kind of has a nice kind of folksy feel about it. >> ford: right and it will be so nice in that space. theatre south is such a nice, small, intimate space to see something like that. >> berry: yeah and we've been doing a lot of kind of

enhancements to the space, too. yeah, coming in there and getting some stuff done so it looks even more exciting maybe than the last time you were in there. >> ford: well, that sounds great. now, i know you guys always

produce in may the memphis children's theatre festival. but then you have something new on your season for march. >> berry: yes, we have a new piece called "threads" and it's written by jerry dye. >> ford: it will be great. >> berry: it will be awesome.

and so jerry is the same person who wrote cicada. and it's a monologue piece. and so jerry's written a series of monologues for certain voices here in town, different actresses in town and actors in town. >> ford: voices from voices of

>> berry: that's right! >> ford: okay, great! >> berry: and so, it's-jerry has a wonderful talent for taking someone else and writing things that sound like they naturally came out of their mouth. like cicada. you know, writing that part for

cecilia-it sounded so natural coming out of her mouth. and so he ahs a really great talent for that. so, and that's what threads is. he's written a series of monologues and short scenes. and it's based around a woman who is agoraphobic who doesn't

leave her home who sews. she makes specialty clothing like wedding dresses and little girls, you know, dress clothes. and then you have monologues from different people who are wearing the clothes that she's made. >> ford: oh, you guys do such

great work bringing new works to light and then also finding that crossover between the written word and the performed word. so i really appreciate the work you do. i look forward to seeing glory stories by geoff wood in december from voices of the

south. remind me your website again. >> berry: its just voicesofthesouth-dot-org. >> ford: i can remember that. >> berry: it's not hard. thank you so much for coming in. >> berry: yay! thank you for having me.

>> ford: no problem. we'll be right back with mamie and chris to discuss plans for >> shannon: so chris, are you sure that there's nothing that you have to say about the liberty bowl? >> davis: other than it's tulsa versus iowa state?

>> shannon: you rock. i don't care what tracey says about you. >> ford: but i always say it to your face. >> shannon: she does. she does. >> davis: it's comforting. >> shannon: and you know what?

i really was interested in the i can't wait to go to the show and check it out. i've never gone. >> ford: it is such a great space at theatre south. don't you think? it's really intimate. >> davis: it's very intimate,

very small. they've been on a roll by not just doing their own stuff lately but by bringing in other people and sort of letting other writers and artists have an opportunity to explore. >> shannon: and you know i really do want to go see the

icons exhibit at graceland. >> ford: sounds so fun. >> shannon: it really does. think about it. everyone that comes here says elvis was such an inspiration and the reason why i play. and i think it's really cool that these people have donated

their memorabilia to be a part of the exhibit. so what are you doing for new years eve? you're going to be out of town. >> davis: well, i will be back in town by new years eve. and you know, i think that someone-maybe even someone on

this set-once spoke about amateur's night out. i spend so much time going out to eat and doing all the things that a lot of people just do one night a year that we actually have a long standing tradition of staying home and making some extraordinary meal, getting all

dressed up for only us to see and counting down. >> shannon: we love to have family and friends over and we have bored night. yeah, and it's usually, you know, trivia games. and if it's music trivia, my husband likes to pride himself

in winning. but my niece and i won one year and i was very-that was really a good new years eve for me. you know that the countdown on beale is the 31st. and it shows on wkno at 11:00 live. so if you're on beale and you're

waving at the cameras and hollering and hooping it up, you can actually be seen. and it's shown all over the country. so you know- >> davis: because we are downtown, we may be down for a little bit of that before

heading back before things get too crazy. and there's a lot of great stuff going on for people who do want to go out. >> shannon: one thing-i've never gone down on beale to see the guitar drop. >> ford: yeah, i haven't either.

>> shannon: and this year because of, you know, you heard kevin talk about blue hawaii and aloha holidays and all of that and elvis's birthday-the aloha theme. the guitar's going to be decorated extra special this >> davis: is it going to have a

lei? >> shannon: or two. >> ford: aw, so fun! >> shannon: i know, i know! >> ford: the girls would love to see that! >> davis: they absolutely would. >> ford: you know that we do on new years is a lot of times we

take the kids to the children's museum. >> shannon: oh, that's right! in the afternoon. >> ford: yes, it's really, really fun. >> davis: the other twelve. >> ford: yeah, that's right! that's what it is.

they do it at noon. and so they do it in the afternoon. they have a big celebration for new years for kids. >> shannon: well, and an all ages show is at the daisy if you wanted to go down on beale but not be out on the street-todd

snider. >> davis: it's not just todd snider. it's todd snider. it's will kimbrough, another favorite ex-patriot of the memphis scene. cory branan is going to be on that bill, too.

>> shannon: is he in nashville now? >> davis: he is in nashville now. so like people who like clever, funny, smartly written singer- songwriter folk, that's where you want to be. >> shannon: well, have you guys

heard about- >> davis: the show at the shell, the todd snider show at the shell-the most recent one-was really well attended. clearly his legend has grown since his residency at the old daily planet ended. >> shannon: you know, we talk a

lot about our kid-centric activities because we are all in that area of life right now. but have you heard about the 21 and up cocktail tour? >> davis: oh, no. tell me about this. >> shannon: i know you have to have at least six people and

they take you to four different locations and you get to sample. it's like you get to go beyond beale and sample southern classics. and they tell you historic facts and about the cocktails. and they tell you the reason why memphis during prohibition was

known as the wettest dry town. you know, and just fun facts like that. but i think that's pretty cool. >> davis: i don't know why i don't find that remotely shocking. >> shannon: i know! and you just make-you schedule

whenever you want to do it and it's a two hour tour, 21 and up. again, get six people together and book your tour. we'll have it online at wkno- dot-org-slash-localcolor where you can book your tour. also, lord t and eloise are playing.

>> davis: i was going to say yeah, at the peabody. that's where that show is going to be. so i would suggest-do you have some nice boots? >> shannon: definitely! >> ford: she's wearing a pair. >> davis: are they million

dollar boots? >> shannon: no, i do not have million dollar boots. >> davis: if you've got million dollar boots, you might want to put them on so you can show them off when they break that number out. but yeah, if you like your hip-

hop performed by aristocrats with gold skin and big rings, i'd say that's the show to be at. >> shannon: that's a cool new years eve party. but you know, the thing that i like about the peabody is every restaurant, every room, there's

different parties going on. and the lobby bar is the melting pot where you will have the black tie gala folks hanging out with the lord t and eloise folks with the- you know, you never know who's in town and who's going to be hanging out there.

i just love sitting in the lobby bar and people-watching. it's fun, too. and you know the hi-tone is sadly- >> davis: yeah, you know, the hi-tone is, you know, now-i would say it defines a generation of music in memphis.

it's been with us for sometime. it's evolved from a club that mostly booked swing and americana acts to a much more broad approach to booking. and it's closing. hi-tone productions is still going to produce shows around it's only the building that's

going away and the opportunity to go get pizza and see something there every night. so if the hi-tone is where you grew up, if that's where all of your memphis music memories are located, this is going to be your last opportunity to ring in a new year on poplar avenue

across from the park. >> shannon: do you know the last date? i think it's in february. i think they're closing in february. >> davis: i don't think there's a hard date for the closing. i know it's going to be around

for another, you know, month, two months or so. >> shannon: well, and you know- >> davis: but definitely the last new years eve. >> shannon: and you know, a lot of people don't far from home and you could go downtown. if you live downtown, you can go

to ernestine and hazels, of course. you can go to alchemy and cooper young. you know, if you wanted to go somewhere like the beauty shop. they all have parties that are going on on new years eve but i would suggest that you make a

reservation because once people get to wherever they're going on new years eve, they kind of don't turn over the tables. >> ford: it's probably the one night of the year in memphis that you should get a reservation. and then you're going to walk in

and get seated. >> davis: and if you can't, ask about take-out. if it's something you really, really love and you're determined this is what you want on new years eve, a lot of times if you can't get a table, you can get a table to go.

>> shannon: well, and i liked your idea of even going to the black lodge. >> davis: oh, yeah. you know, with netflix and itunes and all of this stuff when we want to watch movies, it's just so convenient now. but we've got this great

resource in black lodge movies in midtown where, you know, it's less like a video store and more like a curated library where you will- you know, you don't know-you don't walk in there knowing what you want to see. you walk in there knowing you're

going to see something that's going to jump out at you. >> ford: it's still right there along cooper, right? >> davis: it's right there on cooper. if you're going to stay at home and watch movies, there's just not a better place to go.

and they will help you. you walk in and say-i want to see something funny that i've never seen before. they'll give it to you. >> shannon: and you know, now we've got some new options over at overton square. we've got le chardonnay.

and we've got the bayou and memphis pizza cafã© and golden india. but now we've got local gastropub is there. you know, have you been inside of it? it's gorgeous. i've just driven by.

i can't wait to see the inside. >> davis: i'm familiar with the downtown one because that's where i am most of the time. but i'm looking forward to checking out the new one, too. >> shannon: and you know, on broad avenue, if that's your neighborhood, head over to the

cove. >> ford: broadway pizza is so awesome. >> shannon: oh, it really is. >> ford: it is so awesome. my son, who eats like a horse, could only eat two pieces of pizza because it was just stacked so thick.

>> shannon: their barbecue pizza is insane. it looks like a barbecue sandwich. you know, and then if your neighborhood is high point, you could go to the high point pizza or the high point pub which is right there or cheffies.

have you guys been to hog and hominy on brookhaven circle? >> ford: i haven't been yet. >> shannon: you've got to go. >> ford: i've read so much about it. >> shannon: it's really good. we went and had the best-i know i've talked about their corn

before but they cut the corn off the cob and had tarragon with it and fresh cream. >> davis: do they do that at the table? is it an "at-table" sort of service? >> shannon: no, no. but it's really cool because

it's like a bar window and the kitchen is right there so you can just watch the chefs making your dinner. and then there's a little pizza oven area on the other side and it's like a little farm house. it's adorable. >> davis: so what about

champagne? >> shannon: well, most places have champagne but if i'm going to have champagne, i do the cheap pink champagne with the sugar cube and bitters. >> ford: oh, gosh! >> shannon: my grandmother did that and we still do it.

it's awful. i love it. bitters on a sugar cube with cheap pink champagne. >> davis: i've never heard of such a thing. >> shannon: thank you guys. >> ford: there's probably a reason.

>> davis: i wish i hadn't heard of such a thing. >> shannon: thank you guys so much and thank you for coming. please go out and enjoy your local color.

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