fashion nova legit

Jumat, 16 September 2016

fashion nova legit


everybody, we’re gonna go back.please reset. i created this show of reaching 16 countriesand 6 continents, because the messageof the supreme master is such a great message. and the work tells a story of humanityin search for inner peace. the supreme master has written poetry that really touches my heart. i said, “she reaches people internationally,

why don’t we do somethingthat’s international?” and so this musical is international. myself and other writers composed musicto her poetry. all these composerswho are the best in the world that i recommended, and all of these singers who won grammys and tonys from broadway worked on this piece because they saw the spiritual nature of it.

i’m lucky to workwith possibly the best artists in the world, from plã¡cido domingo to celine dion and barbra streisand, etc.,and barry manilow. i happened to produce an albumcalled “amore infinito” that had also the lyricswritten by the pope john paul ii. which kind of ties upwhy i’m here right now with you, because when you write music for lyrics, it has also to do with music. every poem that has a beautiful contentinspires you to write.

and when i wrote the music, mainly i responded to what the lyrics were. and the lyrics areall about enlightening and love, all positive things. that kind of a message is so beautiful. nowadays, it’s what we all need – spiritual, profound, deep thoughtsand emotions. “your eyes, your ears, your heart” i did in the brazilian stylebecause it’s very happy life,

rhythmical, and positive. and the other one, “eternal game,” i chose kind of a 6/8 rhythmic pattern that also has a lot of latin american roots. but it was world music because i had a cast of different people from different countries, so i wanted to have them being comfortable with that environment.

you have scored and arrangedfor countless well-known films and tv series from “in the heat of the night” to “the curious case of benjamin button,” and a harry potter film. how do you feel about being partof “loving the silent tears”? i was so thrilledto work on “loving the silent tears.” the supreme master was new to me,and her philosophies. but as i delved into her lyrics,

i realized i was part of some large forceof positive and goodness in the world. each piece that i wrotefor “loving the silent tears” was written for a different part of the world. and so each was a different challenge to try to take indigenous instrumentsthat will be played live on stage and write musicthat encapsulates the flavor of the country, utilizing the supreme master’s lyrics. i always try to bring emotion to lifethrough music. and particularly with these poems,

there was plenty of emotionbuilt into the lyrics. so, i wanted to bring some formand some architecture to the song so that the melodies would be memorable. the ireland piece,i used a celtic harp and a tin whistle, and the voice that i’m writing foris a very high voice, ã  la enya. thy superb beauty is of the finest art! and the african voice is jody watley, and that’s got three back-up singersto be a chorus to sort of support her in their singingand using african percussion.

come to rescue me! or i’ll be buried alive! and the france piece,i used an accordion in that, and the lyrics,they start sort of downbeat and questioning and then they turn into somethingtriumphant and big, and that became kind ofa more broadway-esque kind of piece. we will have five channels, and i’m going to give an indication saying 1, 2, 3 measure 2, solo note,

or 1, 2, 3 measure 1, double note. 1-18,1, 2, 3 play. it’s been six weeks here. i got demos that had been hand-played by these brilliant composers. and they were very simple on piano and i had to work with them. and then i got phone callsfrom the director vincent, who is endlessly creative.

and then on top of that, bonnie story who is as creative,on a whole different level. and vincent editing and focusing and then bonnie creating and moving. and the thing is,i have just a touch of a lot of music because when i was growing up, my father and mother playedall sorts of different kinds of music. so, we were the perfect teamto come together. i’ll just give youa vocal and music together and click,

you can do it in three tracks. all right. the thing i really loved writingwas the italian number for mark janicello. he’s brilliant. i went on youtube and i saw many of his thingsand heard him sing. so i felt i really knew his voice, so it was wonderful to write for that voice. i wrote the opening number, and thensupreme master ching hai’s poems,

her humor is so strong in that. and then she can become so deepin her thought process. the lady is fantastic. o lord of the blissful worlds it’s said that you are everywhere. why is it that in my house you never set foot? i produced aretha franklin’s first hit recordof “rock-a-bye your baby.” i did steve lawrence’s“go away, little girl”

which went to number one in the country. goffin and king wrote that,gerry goffin and carole king. eydie gorme, andy williams. i’ve written a lotwith the great french artist charles aznavour. so i’d do my own songs, but i always did other people’s songs when i felt they were good. and then i was just getting movie offersafter movie offers.

and i was offeredto do “the poseidon adventure” with maureen mcgovern and “the morning after,” and that went to number onearound the world. so from thati went from “the towering inferno” and i wrote an animated musicalcalled “pete’s dragon” for disney in the ’70s, “freaky friday.” “loving the silent tears,” it’s exciting.i wrote three songs.

all these cultures, i feel a oneness, and it’s the music and the poemsthat, put together, give the oneness that we desperately need. the people involved areall at the top of their game. and so, to see all those effortscome together for this highest good is totally inspiring to me. i’m really proud of being part of this wonderful, wonderful musical.

the compiling and putting togetherthis particular show was a small miracle. we were able to choose the poems and find the order they should be in and how to find a build in it, in three days. and this has never happened before. finding the bones of the piece, the structure, and the skeleton, it just came like a gift.

in this particular collection of poems, what really jumped out at mewere the wonderful rhythms, and they cry out to be sung. but on top of it,there’s some incredible word play, just the way that one word isjuxtaposed to the other. in the poems,there are references to “master,” and it’s quite clear thatsupreme master is not referring to herself. she’s referring to whatever it isthat created this earth, whatever force it is

that allows the earthto bear fruit, to bear grain, to have wonderful animals, to have all these diverse cultures,diverse music. and there’s someone,some being, some force, and that is the master. and we need to recognize this, and we need to share a belief in this force, this deity that everyone shares. the way i got inspiration for this piece is

by reading the poems. the philosophy and the flavor of the poetry, it informed everything. we wanted to keep the story simple so that the poems could bethat heartbeat behind it. and so it is a simple storybut a profound story, and i think i love that best. everyone was on the same page,believing the same possibilities. we had a conference call with the director,whom i’ve never met.

and he was instantly talking abouthow much dialogue was between songs, very happy to know thatwe’d constructed it the way we had, and then he was saying, “i just know that the russian songshould be the first act closer.” and so we, of course, were going, “that is such a good idea!” and of course,around the table we’re going... because we’d already had it that way. and it was just one of these,again, one of those marvelous moments

where everyone was already thinkingthe same thing across all of these poems, all of the possible ways thecharacters could have been constructed. we were all so muchon the same wavelength putting this together. it was really magical. ready for a productive day. good morning! i was nervous to get here and i’m very overwhelmed

because the cast is just… so much talent. right now i’m herewith heather park herself from new york. we have flo who is also from new york but originally from france. i arrived yesterday and i didn’t know what to expect, and everything was amazing and we just started rehearsals. meeting all the castfrom all the different countries

to celebrate peacethrough our different cultures and our different songs, that’s a really lovely theme. i’m kay, i’m from hong kong. i just arrived in l.a. last night. i feel very honored to be working along with so many other singers. i try to remember everybody’s facesince this morning because we are a large bunch of people,

and i try to look at everybody’s picture and try to like, “oh, this is you, all right!” to fly out from south koreato be here in california to be a part of “loving the silent tears,” it’s an amazing feeling. i feel very blessed. so what i’d like to do, i’ll tell you a little bit about what this is so everybody is on the same page. she wrote some beautiful poetry,

and composers translated these poemsinto songs. so the story that we have,there are two travelers. we are on the train, the train moves... we go to peopleappearing from different countries and singing songs... we’re back on the train. it’s at the shrine, a one night event. this is a passerelle, the orchestra is in here,there’s a live orchestra.

we really have an incredible cast,a really incredible cast. so it’s all very exciting. i collaborated with michael jacksonfor 17 years. the “bad” tour wasmichael jackson’s first solo tour. prior to that, i had donea few wonderful projects with him. i danced in “beat it.” so i got to know michael really well. madonna was alsoanother wonderful creative being who i had the opportunity to work withfor many years,

i think about 12 or 13 years. we got along really, really well. when we talk,everything we talk about, every subject, every objectthat we mention, we have the picture in our head. so you know what? it really works. i can sort of tell when you don’t havea picture in your head, all of you. “loving the silent tears,” i liked the idea of having a show like this

and what’s behind it. but when i was first approached, i thought, “oh, this won’t be difficult because it was poemsthat had been created into songs and dances that would accompany them.” as we went on, it got biggerand bigger and bigger so that it then became a storyattached to the songs. and the cast went from one sizeto a bigger size to a bigger size to a bigger size.

so now we’re talking about something that’s fairly close to almost a castof a hundred or more when you figure the orchestraand the principals and the ensemble and the two extra companiesthat we’re bringing in. so, from the first conversation to today,we’ve really expanded this project. i’ve been doing extensive research since this is dealing with culturesof many, many countries. we’re literally circling the globewith this project. i had the first production meetingthe other day,

and i went through the scriptand talked through sets and sound effects and costumes and things like this. it’s a’s a mammoth, vast production. on this project,on “loving the silent tears,” everyone so far has been so positiveand so kind and with such open hearts, and a beautiful perspectiveon how to live life. so, i’m hoping that the outcomeof what we put on the stage will reflect all the love and the energyand the goodness and the positive energy that we feel in putting this piece together.

we have some amazing people lined up and they’re all very, very talentedon the world stage. for the dancing cast,i’m absolutely blown away because the projectthat i did for cirque du soleil… we were fortunate enoughto have some of the most amazing dancers who exist in the united states. and the majority of them are now going tocome over and do this project with us. i’m handing the choreography overto an amazing woman who’s been my friend for 25 years,who’s worked beside me for many years.

her name is bonnie story and she’s an amazing,amazing choreographer. now, this is the deal.we’re coming in with a base. we have tons of steps, tons of everything. 5, 6, 7, 8 here we go! ready, ready, ready. usually you come in and you do the same old step touchesbehind the characters

and you’re done. this one, we get to do dancesfrom all over the world, and the actual dancesfrom that country and that culture. 1, 2, 3… i don’t think i’ve really seenanything like this with all the different changes of countries and really switchingfrom one aspect to the other. so i think we’re really infor a really good treat. it’s just really nice to be a part of a show

that has such a great message, something that showshuman evolution of people and how they can change. this has just broughtthis new breath of fresh air into my life and i love it. very blessed to be here. the dancers, they’re the paintthat i get to paint with, and that vincent gets to direct. they get to make the storycome alive for people. we have so many good dancers

that are excited to be involved and they are going to play a huge partof the overall picture. all the different countriesthat we’re representing, i’m just trying to represent the country and represent what these poems are about. they’re beautiful. i just love the experience of workingwith so many different kinds of artists from different countriesand different backgrounds. very seldom do you get this opportunity.

and i think that’s what makes memore excited to be a part of it than anything, is just – it’s positive, it lifts people up, it takes them for a journey for the better. you’ve beenin some amazing broadway roles such as mother abbess in the revival of “the sound of music” and rosa budin “the mystery of edwin drood,” and margaret johnsonin “the light in the piazza.” yes.

and you were also christine daaã©in “the phantom of the opera.” i love original work. to me, it’s the most excitingwhen you hear – like the music in “loving the silent tears.” it’s some extraordinary music in there. it’s just very touching. but where does this train go? this train goes all over the world, and we’re deeply influenced by the poetryof supreme master.

and by that influence,we find inner enlightenment by seeing how the rest of the world is finding their enlightenment. it’s pretty special. it’s one of those things where as an actor, when opportunities like this,you take it and you ride the ride. it’s pretty cool! and i’ve met extraordinary people,and so kind. stick to oranges.

luke, your acting credits include films like tim burton’s “planet of the apes,” clint eastwood’s oscar-winning“letters from iwo jima,” television shows like “er,” and numerous stage theatre productions. would you say acting is your first love? it’s been, you know, my life. every film or play issuch a different kind of experience and so that’s one thing i love about this job.

there’s a lot of great stuff herefor you (cool.) in a very short little period of time. (yeah.) the people working on this show, it is so cool to work with them. i mean, they’re justabsolutely top-notch people. did you call the station? i really enjoy the poetry. it’s been interesting to have read the poetry and then be hearing the songsfor the first time

through the rehearsal process right now. call him, her whatever name you like! the inner master i’ll be playing the conductor. i feel like he is kind of a fun guy who knows what’s going on but wants to let you discover iton your own. oh, there’s so much colorin what you’re doing, but this is the character,this is his personality.

i love vincent. he, as a director,really had changed my life. he comes at theatrefrom a standpoint of love, and so you really feel that power when you work with him. what’s the use of this eternal game those cultures are so rich and so… they each have their individual thingsthat make them wonderful and great. i think if we open ourselves upto those different cultures

and those different thoughts and ideas, we can be better people. you have eyes, come and fetch me the roles that come naturally to meare the comedic roles. i think because i’m just kind ofa jovial kind of guy. anything’s better than staying here! sorry! and we have a special guest right nowwho just joined us in the studio, it’s mr. doug katsaros himself!

these are my keys. (i think it’s your keys.) these are my keys, yes. this is where i’m staying, guys,i can’t show you the name. it’s the “brian joo loving the silent tearsproduction show.” (nice.) and right now we’re herewith doug katsaros himself and we want to ask you a few questions. he knew my last name.i love that about him. katsaros, yes. (yes.)it’s a famous name. doug katsaros!

these are the special people who are here, and i am the hubinside the wheel of this astonishment and i could not be happier. wow. wow, that was put very well,thank you very much. did you rehearse that? and hopefully they can feel the love and... much she loves me. exactly, how much i love camellia,of course. thank you,thank you very much, everybody.

we’ll be back in a couple of minutes. i did my first show with marvin hamlisch. when i did “jerome robbins’ [broadway],” i met leonard bernstein. i was one of the voicesin the movie of “the little mermaid.” and alan menken is a friend of mine. and stephen schwartz,the man who wrote “wicked,” i actually do concerts with him, and i got to be the first person

to sing “defying gravity.” working on “loving the silent tears,” this has been oneof the most amazing experiences, to work with this diverse group of peoplefrom around the world. it is amazing. i am usa, which isan interesting song in the show, because it’s not oneof the happier moments. but sometimes the dark stuffleads to the light, and i think that’s why it’s there.

clearly, the whole experience,and learning so much through that, it really has made me count my blessings. all the troubles would be removed. but as the world is full of troubles, i find no place for you! this is black uhuru. thank you, we’re very honored. we were the first reggae grammy winner. and the diamond awards,

we are the only reggae groupthat ever won that award. you have eyes come to fetch me. you have a mouth please give me a call. you have ears never been in a musical before. singing reggae all of my life. so, it’s a new venture for us.

i think that the director is a good director. he put it out for us,and we come across it very easily. so, i give thanks to be a part of it and all the blessings. so big up, supreme master ching hai. we are waiting to meetthe first supreme lady. this year markstwo incredible decades now since your triple platinum self-titled debut and hit singles.

not only have you written songsfor gloria estefan and other artists like jennifer lopez and ricky martin, mandy moore, you are the only singer in history to record duets with both frank sinatra and luciano pavarotti. after writing a couple really big songsfor gloria estefan, especially there was a #1 song for her that i co-wrote with her,

having the opportunity to record and to work with frank sinatraand luciano pavarotti for me was probablytwo of the most amazing things that i will always remember in my career. it’s jon secada! a little salsa happening now. yes! i decided to be a partof “loving the silent tears” because as soon as i read the lyrics, i read what the message was immediately,

what the supreme master was trying to say. it’s that balance of the beauty,the simplicity of the message, at the same time, the depth of the message. so that’s a combinationthat’s rare to see these days. the song wrote itself very, very easily,especially with her lyrics. the cuban heritage,the way that i’m representing it, it deals specifically with the essenceof the rhythms and the music. all love, all care and all forgive. earlier this year, you were presentedwith the award

as the best brazilian female artistliving in the us. yes. i was very happy to get recognizedby my people, which isthe brazilian international press award. i love my country, and i love to represent my countryoutside of brazil. so it’s really nice to be in this musical and just show a little bit of the way we are,to the people. o lord, you have numerous disciples.

we’re having so much fun with luke. we just rehearsed our samba dance and it’s gonna be really fun, there are a lot of surprisesin the middle of it. right, luke? yes, we’re having a blast. it’s amazing and so awesome to come to work every day and watchall of these incredible people work.

it’s something else. we’re into it because it relates to us somehowin some point in our lives. the composer of “riverdance,”bill whelan, he had come to see us in anãºnaand saw me singing. so he asked me,would i do the soprano solo in the original “riverdance” piece and… a bit like this musical, we had no idea what it was going to be

so fantastic in the end,and after that, my life kind of changed and i toured almost constantlyfor five years after that. you also performedfor president bill clinton. yes, that was great. and u2’s bono as well. one of the last timesi was here in los angeles was with “riverdance”when it was in town, and it was funseeing movie stars in the audience. but i’ve sworn never again to utter a word

i’m happy to be representing ireland, and i am also going to be playing the harp, which is a very important instrumentfrom ireland. we’re actually the only country that has a musical instrumentas its emblem. and of course, interspersed in my song, there is going to be irish dancing, as well. so that’s really exciting. 1, 2, 3, 4…

all right, so let’s go to france. let’s go! i’m very much french at heart, so the music in french, it really connects. for me, it puts me in a place where i can resonate francethe way i know it. wouldn’t you accept me the way i am? your hard tests are so difficult to pass! i really loved the words when i got them. it’s “accept me the way i am.”

i mean, everyone should be acceptedjust the way they are with all their defects and vulnerabilities, and so i really relatewith the words as a person. it also melodically sounds beautifulin french. i have this interaction with all the dancers, giving them the balloons that are representative of taking a chance. it makes it, i don’t know, i feel a strong connection with the dancers.

they are very supportiveand it’s nice, it’s comfortable, because it feels like they are really supporting the musicand the singing. yesterday, the rehearsal was tremendous. everyone has such pure voices. it feels like the olympics of voicesfrom the heart. i love everyone’s dedicationand personal involvement. everyone cares very much. my name is mark janicello,

and i am playing the opera singer in “loving the silent tears.” it’s been one of the most amazing experiences of my career. i’ve been singing since i’m four years old. i’ve sung all over the world. i’ve toured europe and asia and africa and all over north america, and this has been a joyousand easygoing experience

in a mannerof which i’ve never experienced. and i’ve done morethan 5,000 stage performances (gee!) in my career. yeah. don did a brilliant, really a brilliant musicalization of supreme master ching hai’s lyrics,or her poetry, for my song, and i can’t wait to sing it. if you see a seventy or eighty-year-old man with dancing eyes

and bubbling youth you need his energyand you need to send it to her, so that by that time you are free. because you’ve learnt... before you were just a puppet, but towards the end, it’s like pinocchio,you’ve become a man. you know what i mean? i love working with vince and with bonnie. if i could do every show with themfor the rest of my life,

i’d be very, very happy. i think you should start at the bottom... right? (yes.) i love it, i love it! it’s beautiful. it’s very touching. reason is not a logic of love! wow! i was 15 years old when i won the tony awardfor “billy elliot.”

it was unbelievable. it was amazingbecause it was my broadway debut. i’m really happyto be able to do this one, too. it’s been amazing working with directorvincent paterson and bonnie story, the choreographer. i was actually watching today,the dance scenes and everything, and i was amazed at what she produced,what she did with all the dancers. so it’s great to be working with them both. not only singing but dancing as well.

yummy! it’s been awesome to come to work and have amazing food (fantastic.) waiting for me every day. it’s definitely helped with my energy level. i guess coming back from lunchgoing into rehearsal, i’m definitely more energetic,my attention span, my muscles are firing quickly. it’s definitely having a positive effecton my body.

i feel healthywithout even having to worry about it, and it’s all kind of really snuck in. like yesterday we had hamburgers, today we had cheesecake. that’s all vegan, so i really enjoyed it. i think it’s great for my diet. i actually became vegan, first because of the way it made me feel. it made me feel more just awake

and connected with everything. and then, on top of that, i became buddhist that same year, and so, that wasthe additional kind of layer, in that just kind of respect for all life,in that sense. i’ve been eating vegan and i’m doing fine. and you’re enjoying the food? yeah! i am! i started, like,eating one of the vegetarian meals,

and it was one of the best thingsi’ve ever had. such a pleasureto eat this delicious food and try it, and it’s very inspiring. you open itand it’s a new surprise every day. it actually has been so great and i am not a vegan,but after this experience, it’s definitely somethingi’m wanting to consider. when i decided to be vegan and practice meditation,

my life changed almost completely. i realize thatthere is a great compassion inside me which i wasn’t aware of before. the horses or cows,they cry tears just like humans, and it touches me to see animals’ tears. it’s like seeing tears from a child. it’s because of my love of animals, because i love them. i really don’t want to see them sacrificefor what i need.

i believe that when we as individuals, we as a community, we as a nation, we as mankind are willing to take the responsibility for our individual actions, such as being a veganand removing the suffering from animals, just as one example, then we will as mankind beon a greater and faster path to peace. winning the grammy is the pinnacle

every singer, you know,that’s what you dream of. and to be named best new artist was probably the best music night of my life. i feel very fortunate to have worked with and collaborated with so many great people like david fincher,the songwriters that i’ve written with. so it’s a journey of never settlingand being satisfied, and always trying to do better. and so, to be partof a production like this…

oscar winners, emmy winners, tony winners, grammy winners, just a collective of wonderful peopleall with a common purpose, that spiritual connection, and to put it out into the universe through the beautiful poetry of supreme master ching hai. it’s going to be beautiful. i feel very connected to the words.

even i’ve heard songsthat i’m not personally performing, i think are very beautiful. and i think thatthese messages in the poetry are things that people need to hear. gratitude to you. this i do! this i do! i’d carry out even if it costs my very life. from your first album “kay one,”you quickly rose to become one of the premier femalechinese pop stars.

and you’ve wonall the major music awards in hong kong and in mainland china, going from best new artist to favorite female singer, multiple favorite singles of the year, album of the year,and best female singer, and the prestigiousmedia award for performer for winning the most awards in the four main awarding ceremonies.

and we are so honored to have you in this new musical“loving the silent tears.” it’s really wonderful that you are representing asia as well as hong kong and china. it’s my honor. back to where no sorrow only joy eternal only love…

i think it’s a really good thing to do, like, people from all around the world sharing love and sharing their talents to bring hope to somebody else. i just watched them doing the whole thing for the very first time in front of me. wow, i tried to hide my tears because it’s so beautiful. i feel the connection between us.

it’s just a different attack than everything elseyou’ve been doing so far. walk, walk, walk, ah... there is a whisperto the movement. (whisper.) it’s really like a whisper and you try to disturb as littlearound you as possible. when he tried to suggest, like, “you just do this gesturelike you’re wiping your tears,” so the whole thing is full of feelings.

it’s not like dance, it’s a message. “i’m wiping my tears in front of you, and please look at me,i have something to say.” so, wow, the whole thing is beautiful. hallo buddha, why do you cry? although we are from different countries and we have our own cultures and religions, but actually our lives are connectedto one another in all of the ways. so it’s a very good example

of how we’re working togetherso harmoniously. and as an example to show the world, actually, we all canlive a harmonious life together. hey everyone, this is brian joo, formerly from the k-pop group“fly to the sky.” in ’99, we released our first single, and our single actually wonbest new r&b single. we won the best new r&b group award at the end of the year, of course,

on a channel called kmtv. well, when i first started off as a solo artist, the first single i came out withas a solo artist, from my first album, went number one. it was just mind-blowing from the start. and downbeat. when thou appearest, (go.) the sun seems to fade! thy being

shining as thousands of starsand countless jewels there’s a spirituality in it,in the actual songs themselves. they really havea strong emotional vibe to it. so that’s why when i get to sing the songs, it’s not one of those thingswhere you look at the lyrics and like, “i’ve got to memorize it,i’ve got to memorize it.” it’s just somethingthat vocally can easily just come out of you, because you’re actually singingabout a spiritual situation, about something that someone cango through every day

in their everyday lives, the hardships, pains and sorrows. and i guess that’swhat makes the musical that much easier for all the cast membersto learn the songs and the choreography. i’m literally going to work like,“let’s go to work, let’s do it!” because it’s so much fun. o my longing heart when i read the words, like, saw them physically in front of mein a page,

it was just so beautiful. it’s so moving. especially the third and the last verse. so very humbling, and it was just almost like offering ourselves up to the divine. it was just amazing, and it was very much like the experience that i think that artists havewhen they perform.

you just kind of offer yourself up. and so i thought the song “singing praise” was just a beautiful little microcosm of what we’re actually going tobe doing for the show. it would be my great honour to be just a swallow, standing on one leg, life after life singing her praise!

hồ quỳnh hæ°æ¡ng! i’m hồ quỳnh hæ°æ¡ng,a vietnamese singer. when i sing this song, i hope the beautifuland noble part inside me will also be awakenedin the most powerful way. but i tell you: i reached awakening... i’ve often seen a lot of concerts or musical shows around the world.

last year i came to the us and went to see a musical show, it’s called “the real love.” i was truly amazed because many famousbroadway musical artists were in it, and they did a wondrous job. i was so surprised thatone could find in the united states, home of the most thriving music and artsin the world, a musical production showing glimpses

of the vietnamese people, vietnamese traditional long dress, and the country of vietnam. i felt incredibly proud. and at that time, while watching,my thought was, “oh, what a wonderful musical this is, and it’s so close to my heartas a vietnamese.” if i had an opportunityto share the stage with such great artists, just for a little while,

it would be a dream come true for a vietnamese artist like me. perhaps my prayers have been answered. i must say that i am extremely gratefulfor this blessing as well as the arrangement of god that i could achieve this dream. in the himalayas, or in the lonely desert when i picked up the song,

for some unknown reason, the whole team was so touched thatthey almost shed tears. it’s like we felt something that supreme master ching haiwanted to convey and the famous composerwanted to convey. you have heard: that great people get enlightenment i also feelas if this musical is a miniature world because all the languages and cultures

of the world are gathered here. and i feel thatthis is a voice of peace, of love, the love that i have never known. and this is probablyan extremely rare thing which has happenedin a performing arts program. every day, i have to pray. and every day i have to practice, so i can clearly convey the things mentioned in this poem,

the message that supreme master ching hai wants tosend to the world, to humankind, to all sentient beings. gosh! i feel as if i have a responsibility, is it too big for me? actually i’m very anxious. or in a retreat, quiet temple, et cetera… et cetera… i am confident thatin the atmosphere of the musical alone,

once you step inside, all your sorrows and burdens in lifewill be left outside. i loved doing “cats” on broadway,playing grizabella. it was a wonderful giftto get to sing “memory.” i think “memory” isone of the finest theatre standards written in probably three decades. in fact, it’s fun being here in l.a., because that’s where i did “anastasia.” i did some of “swan princess” here.

it’s just nice to be a part of somethingthat lives on. and “anastasia,” it’s funny, because a lot of people know me from that, and when i go visit my sonwho’s in college now, it’s like, “that’s anastasia!”it’s nice. and of course we’re going to ask you if you could just sing us a little bitof “the journey to the past.” dear, boy! you’re tough! “journey to the past”? (yes.)

heart, don’t fail me now, courage, don’t desert me, don’t turn back now that we’re here. elbows. pop. pop. i’m impressed about many things. it’s a huge production. the pedigree of talent. everyone coming together in the spirit of community and this message.

the poetry is beautiful. david shire, who has written the song that i’m singingfor “loving the silent tears,” i’m thrilled to be doing something of his, because i adore him,and he’s an incredible composer. he’s really captured the essence,i think, of australia. the music is very joyful, and it’s very uplifting and exciting. the dancers are going to bedoing free-form things behind me.

magician of the greatest worth i’ve performed with great musicians. with herbie hancock, and also with patti labelle, you know, the diva patti labelle. and with andrea bocelli. i recorded a songand we performed it together, which was writtenby the president of israel shimon peres, and i had the honor to compose this song.

so this moment was very powerful for me. you spontaneously invited us president bill clinton to sing with youa peace song with a choir of 80 arab and jewish children. you also sang “we are the world” for the presidents mikhail gorbachev and horst koehler in a concert in berlin. and you also sang for the pope and for the dalai lama.

what is the messageyou’d like to send to world leaders? since i came from israel and as a child i experienced the conflict, it’s really important for me to send a message that the young generation, all they really want is to live in a peaceful world. persian music has a lot of beautiful scales, which are kind of unknown to the west.

they’re coming slowly,slowly crossing over. and together, i think english and all those persian scales could make it. just like the beatles did with sitar, you know, with different artists,different genres. and it was beautiful.(lots of crossovers.) yeah. that’s always, for me, it’s my favorite. “loving the silent tears” has beenan incredible blessing. this is really a culmination

of hopes and dreams and things that i’ve felt and thought aboutand sort of wished for since i was very young. this song in particular, i believe my vision on it is, when you thinkabout the supreme being, god, that is in everybody’s hearts, it really goes beyond anything else. i know we love our children, our wives,

and our family, our friends and everything. but there is a power above all this that makes this all happen. all we have to do is seek in our heartand we will find it. and i think it is a great, great song.great lyrics. loving the silent tears for youmore than the diamonds of the world. but, o kingof all the wish-fulfilling-jewels, do i really have any choice? “peace, love”

we are all connected and one. i kind of think of each of us being one cell in a larger body. so when we hurt each other, we hurt ourselves inevitably, and i think that’s where compassion and empathy and all that come into play. and this is a show promoting those ideals, promoting seeing the humanity in everyone.

little did i know you demand the hardest: you demand the sacrifice of my ego! we are only sharingthis one world together, so we should be able to live togetherin peace and harmony. my hope is that when people leave the shrine auditorium the night of the concert, they will take some of it with them.

they will take this message with them. … of human virtues and merits. o magnificent beloved. when you cast your glance into the sea, o magnificent beloved, all the fish will become dragons and they’ll fly up to the clouds. but if you ever neglect me,dearest master! i’d die, i’d die, i’d die.

it’s amazing to sing with a live orchestra, it’s the best. so today, it’s the first time we hear everyone together and it’s really a lot of fun. pray rend it aside! they are amazing musicians. and i think we have chemistry here, between the singing talentsand the orchestra.

and of course doug’s performance, of dancing a bit while he’s conducting, was really good. everyone wants to dance and really enjoy the music. our laughter resonatingthrough heaven and earth my very dear! let’s take each other’s hand wow! wow, wow, wow, wow, wow! hey, i’m tom weir,owner of studio city sound.

i’m a grammy-winning mixer, i’m an engineer, producer. recently recording at the studio city sound has been rod stewart, kelly clarkson,eric benã©t, mixed the toots and the maytals, go-gos, no doubt, keith richards, neil peart, josh freese. we hosted a recording session today for “loving the silent tears,”

a fantastic new musical. it sounds like it’ll be a great show. here we go, let’s try it. let’s start with that. we’re close, we’re getting closer. very, very nice. one more time. i am the mouthpiece of the entire creation.

voicing openly their sorrows and pains stop. excellent, everybody’s smiling. all right, so i’m going to keep that oneand then punch in. let’s get another one. i loved that. a guru! a maharaj! that second one was brilliant.

let’s move to the next song. 1, 2, 3 your blessing pours forth to all and sundry that was spectacular! that was wonderful. can we do that in one breath? all right, that’s a good one. moving up! i just want the essence of your voice here. even better, even better. right on pitch.

that was gorgeous. wow! that was fun, that was great. in my career, i’ve been very lucky to work on shows like “babylon 5” and “honey, i shrunk the kids!” and broadway with “peter pan.” but you know, “loving the silent tears”is a unique challenge because the energy of the showis it’s a one-time event. this is a 30-foot high portal

that’s going to be paintedin a very kind of ombr㩠way. and then this is our train car. and these are these beautiful gauze drapes that are going back to a projection screenin the back. and the train can move on or off. it can come from off to on... then, when we need to reverse the trainwhen it goes off stage, we can turn it around the other direction. so these are just some of the tricksthat we’re planning.

but i think it’s going to bea beautiful set, a magical space. vincent has taken the idea with the writersof a journey on a train. and it’s a kind of journey that is of the imaginationand of a spiritual level. so what we’ve done is, i’ve come upwith a beautiful curvilinear set that things can glide on and glide off. we have a train car. then also distilling down different culturesand ideas into something graphic.

for example, our chinese section willhave big red lanterns, and things that are sort of emotionally tiedto these different cultures. and each one is a little bit different,which is exciting. it’s always a surprise. all right, so let’s go back to the content and the creative process. we have to keepthat background way away so that we don’t have a lot of bounce. incidental, you got a bouncein the foreground.

you can have 160 foot-candles downstageand still blast out. it’s going to blow through, but in a minute we’re going todo a cross-light on the scrim as it flies in, we’ll get some high angle there. my idea of projections isto take it and stretch it, and use it as graphicsand as unreal as possible and more theatrical. we have to make the storyboard, we have to figure out what we need, when.

okay, let’s try some of those. the whole projection could be the board.(exactly.) and you just see all the citieson the top flipping. the windows are back here flashing byand they’re using the entire horizon. the balloons can be, you can have a real one downstage and virtual ones upstage. (yes, yes.) and they could fly,we can do all kinds of fun things. elemental is betterbecause we can manipulate it,

and use it and flip and tumble it. strong, high-contrast image. so you can get really big. and the closer you are to the light,the bigger your shadow is, the bigger it looks from farther away,and so on. we’ll get this and we’ll double, triple,and make a big scene. my name is cricket myers. i am the sound designer for “loving the silent tears.”

and i work as a sound designer in and around los angeles and all over the country. in 2011, i did my first show on broadway. i was nominated for a tony nomination. it was directed by moisã©s kaufmanand starred robin williams. my role on “loving the silent tears”was working with vincent, first talking with himabout the sound effects and the different environmentshe wanted to create.

most specifically the train. john’s train was very intricate and unique. so it had a lot of different whistles. some are a little different sounds, some of them are a different length, some of them sound a little farther away. just kind of playing around to see what would give us the best soundin the shrine and fit best with the scenery.

also in the second half, they are kind of kicked off the train, and the train leaves without them. and at that point,we became really interested in the sound of the worldthat they were living in. was it night, was it day? was it spooky or scary? did it make them uncomfortable? so we had the soundsof crickets in the field.

they frequently have actors come up to me and say that they really love havingthe sound there, that it helps them feel the environment. it helps them feel the tensionor the emotion that’s there in the scene. also, talking with vincentabout what the stage would look like and where the dancers would be, where the singers would be, so that we made surewe had the monitor covered for them. this is cricket myers,she is our sound designer.

also, working with doug to getwhat the music sounded like in the room, and the layout of the orchestra, how we were going tofit that many people in a tiny little pit. there were a lot of really unique thingsabout “loving the silent tears.” first, the shrine has6,000 seats approximately. the fact that we were doing a performancefor camera as well as for a live audience. so they really wanted to havea really clean sound and a really nice sound, both in the house and for the truck.

we chose some of the smallestmicrophones on the market, so that they wouldkeep a really low profile. we colored all the microphonesto match their skin. there were just a lot of microphones. shows average between four and 12. fifteen is considered large. and on this one, we were almost to 30. the vocal styles of each of the singers were very different, too.

the african was very heavy on the drums, and then we went to ireland,which was this delicate harp. some of them had huge dynamic ranges,which is beautiful, but it presents a challenge for the engineerwho wants to make sure that when they get very quiet,they’re still heard over the orchestra; when they get really loud, they don’t become overwhelmingfor the audience. in a normal show,they tend to be much more unified. whereas here,every song was completely unique,

a completely different mix for the engineer. so it was a wonderful challenge. it was a great team of peopleand a lot of support. when i get in costume,i feel i’m a different me. feel more like your character,in the costume. when you get your costume on,you know it’s the real deal, so it gives you that extra bit of adrenaline. but i don’t want this to be dark. (yes.) i want that to be filled with color.

because i thought if the sufis are in white, if these girls are all in color,then we can get like: this is all color, this is all white, the three leads are in somethinga little bit more colorful. it is the costume trying day. i have to try my costume and my headpiece and wig. so i have little props for my interview also. it’s a really nice costume.

it’s great, and my headpiece is liketwo times bigger than my head, but i thank them because i thinkit helps amplify the message. and maybe her headpiece is a little bit more extravagant or something. the lead person has a costume that stands out a little bit more. this is what we have been thinking,that this is more butterfly-feel because that’s what it kind of looks like. i say whatever makes it more legitfor each country,

if that is to make them more beautiful... i’m so happy thati will be wearing a long dress. and not only that,i’ll also wear a traditional crown hat. how adorable! people are working on every detailon the hat for me. yeah, we can throw some curls in it,or we can do like… we actually worked on the emmyswith jimmy kimmel, and we’ve worked with nick offerman as well as david koechner,

and then we just came back from shooting “chavez,” which is a biopic on cesar chavez with michael peã±a, america ferrera, rosario dawson, and john malkovich. this show is so unique. at this point, i think we’ve got 110 wigsin this show, which is… i think we came in with the ideathat it was going to be 60 wigs and now it just kept growing

and kept growing and kept growing,and now we’re at 110. we have only one…one and a half months. i’m pretty sure that’s a record. i absolutely love workingwith multi-cultural productions because you get the opportunity to do the historical researchthat goes with it. so we’re doingall of these traditional costumes, which means, of course, that we have to do traditional makeupand hair along with that.

that is such a challenge but joy to have to go throughand create something very traditional, but then amp it up a notch and make it big enoughto fit in with the rest of the production. so it’s so much funto get to style all that kind of stuff. costumes and wigswork very close together, figuring out the general lookand how to match the colors. and some of these headpieces are heavy, so we had to make it workso that they can dance

and do all these beautiful spins and tricks without affecting them. so eventually when we getto the actual production, it’ll be backstagebetween every single number. they run off stage, they rip off their wig, they’ll put on a new costume,they’ll put on a new wig – we’ll make sure they look pretty – and then we’ll send them right back out. these quick changes are happening

in a span of like 60 seconds, which is crazy to do 18 peoplein 60 seconds. so we started with a base for a wig and we’re then able totweak, cut, color, style, all those things to make them workfor the different countries. so this wig here is actuallyfor france and cuba. for france, we wanted tohave something that would look… glamorous but kind of effortlesswas the goal with france because it’s got…

the number has a lot of balloonsand it’s just very kind of whimsical, and it’s the beginning of the show. so we’re doing… this is kind of a trick of the trade. we’re going to do a side pony tail and then we’ll clip it up for france so they’ve got like a nice littlecan-can dancing poof, i suppose. and then for cuba,it’s the jon secada number. and we’ve got this flower that we’ll put in

because it tieswith the rest of their costume, and we’ll put it here and secure it so they’ve got some good latin hair flairgoing on at the same time. kay’s is very similar to the ensemble’s, but kay’s is so much grander. especially when you put her costumeon top of that, she just pops right in front of those dancers. so it’s a way to make themkind of live in harmony, i guess, is the best way to put it,

where you want your principalsto stand out, but you want your ensembleto support them in their style. kay had no ideawhat she was getting into with this wig. this wig is… it’s over here. that’s a lot of weight on a person’s neck. so kay and i worked trying to figure out the best wayto make this sit on her head. the world is full of troubles the us has the more modern lookof the show.

so we went with these really fun,synthetic, bright-colored wigs to give it that kind of pop. and it actually worked out really well because when they did their movements, it kind of swayed in the right exact way. for ireland,we went with the irish step dancers’ look. it’s very bouncy,irish step dancing is so bouncy, that we wanted to make sure we had somethingwith that kind of curl so that it could accentuate the movement.

like, i can even just bounce this and you can see that it moves betterthan something straighter would. there is a whole lot of thoughtthat has to go into wigs, from costumes to lights to sets,the choreography, that you couldn’t do something. we had to kind of contain the irish wigin the back so that it wouldn’t… they’re dancing so much, and it was just going to hit them in the face if we had it styled the waywe had originally wanted to style it.

for katie mcmahon’s wig, she has this huge, gi-normous,beautiful red wig that kind of cascades down one side. but we had to figure out which wayshe was going to stand with her harp, because we didn’t want the hairto get in the way of the harp and she’s got this big collar on her dress, so it was a lot of thoughtthat goes into it. australia was the coolestbecause it’s all shadow. so this wig is something

that you wouldn’t necessarily putin front of the curtain. if you can kind of see,it’s a weird, unique texture. however, it had the right amount of volume. that crimped synthetic thing gives itso much more poof so that when we did these little braids, it bounced and creates the shadowthat we want. that one was really fun to do. this wig is for russia. to keep all the countries different,

hair style helps do that a lot. so we were like,“oh, we should do blonde. we should make this somethingthat will stand out, that will bounce really well.” we knew it was going tostay out of their face because of the hat situation, but it has just enough to, like, when they’re spinning, move and flingwith them and bounce. this is heather’s headpiece.

she is our principal for korea. but then, this is heavy! this wig itself weighs probably10, 15 pounds. it’s so heavy. we have to balance itright in the right spot of her head because otherwise it will slip backor slip forward. we’ve been working on a solution and what we’ve come up withis a way to weave her hair behind it so that it helps push it forwardand also keep her balanced. generally, generally, i have three monthsto get ready for a show,

and that’s a showthat maybe has five wigs in it. this was 110 wigs in like a month and half,which is crazy. so we built these wonderful racksspecifically for this show so that we couldmove all of these wigs easily and get them to go where we need. a wonderful kind of invention. they were custom-madefor “loving the silent tears.” these are custom“loving the silent tears” wig racks, which now i am going tocustom make for any show

that i have that has this many wigs, because they just made life so much easier. so now everyone wants one. we started a trend hereat “loving the silent tears.” this is exciting. we’ve kind of finally finalizedall of the designs, and we are getting ready to seewhat they look like on the big stage. one more, one more, and go. coming down.

stand by, lights going out. ready to go. hold on. lights up. we’re going back the other way, you might want to pull it. they are loading up 500 pounds, so i can slip those pieces off the floorand make them fly. going up!

hold that! okay, come on up, nice and easy. amazing space, just really cool. it’s nice, it feels good, it’s beautiful. the space is really beautiful. it’s nice flying here. they said maybe coming ininto the aisles… we are really strong believersin the power of art to present a messagethat people can all understand,

and to basically make themfeel the message, not just tell it to them. i’ve toured in a lot of shows and the venues are usuallynot as massive as this. it’s an amazing experience to be a part of this show, to be a part of such a grand vision. aerialists, go! we’ve decidedwe don’t want to sing or act anymore,

we want to fly. is that okay? chimes up against the wall here. also have chris to look at this over here, look into maximizinga couple more inches here. all right. we really need everybody’s focus. you three go to this side of the stage...i’m going to have… and listening to each otherand stuff like that… we’re all part of this...

so, let’s go back to the beginning again. music. okay, we’re gonna try it with music. what happens next,i want to explain. so… great, one more time. like that. that’s cool. good. let’s go behind the line. then start the circle right away. right now it’s 50.

you need to make that pipe 36. loving the silent tears loving the silent tears for you hi, i’m kristoff st. john. i play neil winterson “the young and the restless” and i’m also a traveler of lifeand a journeyman. and i have been. what a great event“the real love” musical was last year. so well done, so well produced. the singers were incredible,the dancing was...

but more importantly, the story, the searchthat this young lady was on in india, and it just struck a chord within me because i had been to india. and i knew that it wasabout supreme master’s life. and it was all worth it. it really was. this time, i’m not just going to besitting in a chair in the audience. the overall production values i knoware even higher than last year, which means that this could be mountedon broadway if it needed to be.

so, i’m excited, i really am. hi! i’m excited. i think it’s a great, great thing when you can get involved with something that has to do with animal love. they specifically askedif i was a vegetarian because the whole organization isanimal lovers, and i am. so it worked out great. i get to be on the special side of it.

i get to emcee the event. and i was honored, and they are so passionate about animalsand being vegetarians, and i was like, “i’m your girl!” i love animals, and i almost admire them morethan humans sometimes. so i was so happy to be part of it. could you tell uswhy you became a vegetarian? it was eight years ago,

and it was somethingthat i had always struggled with spiritually. it was something i always wanted to try. and i just, one day i actually wentto an event for the amanda foundationthat i supported at the time, and bill maher coincidently wasthe speaker. and what he said to me that night, i walked away and said, “i’m doing it.” and from that night on, it was done. and it was really not as difficultas i thought it was going to be.

and i was able to feel really goodabout myself and for my reasonings for wanting to do it. hi, i’m susie castillo, former miss usa and actress and television host. when i won the miss usa pageant and then furthermorewhen i went on to work at mtv, there were moments when the audience members who, like i said, were young kids,

they would shout, “susie, i love you!” and i was like, “i love you, too!” and i just thoughtthat’s really phenomenal that these kids feel such a connection to me because they watch me on tv every day. and i saw an opportunity at that pointto use my visibility, to use that in a positive way. october 27 is my birthday and i can’t think of a better wayto spend my birthday

than by attending an eventthat’s promoting peace for everyone, and promoting veganism – i think it’s such an important message – and to celebrate supreme masterand her fantastic poetry. and i think it’s going to be such a fantastic and incredibly inspiring evening. i’m corey, how are you? nice to be here today. thank you for having us.

i’m just excited to be here, i’m very honored that i’ve been chosento come and represent, and be a part of this extraordinary event celebrating the 19th anniversaryof supreme master ching hai day. it’s amazing,all these beautiful countries and continents. it’s a true representation of world peace and all beings being one, together as one,living in peace and harmony. it’s a beautiful thing.

lovely, and i’m a vegetarian, 27 years. 27 years! that’s amazing. congrats, that’s fantastic. thank you. and you? not that long, i’ve been, i guess i’m going to say like two years now. oh wow! so you’re new to this. fairly new, yes. good, congratulations.

thank you very much, it’s fantastic. thank you for joining us. i love it! i love the club! welcome to the family. and not just for us, but that’s what the whole thingabout being a vegetarian is about, right? absolutely. it’s peace and loveto all beings on this planet. all those beings that have no ideaabout any of this other stuff,

they’re justliving harmoniously already. (yes.) our job is not to interfere with that. … george chakiris! go. i played in “white christmas,” which was a movie with vera-ellen, bing crosby, danny kaye, and rosemary clooney. the other one wasdancing behind marilyn monroe

in an incredible number, “diamonds are a girl’s best friend.” i made a couple of movieswith yul brynner. i worked with charlton heston, with lana turner as well, and catherine deneuve, i made a movie with catherine. and then “west side story.” it is an amazing movie

because the men behind it were all absolutely the bestin their given field. first of all, to see a musical evening,that in itself is a treat. but seeing also the inspirationfor this particular evening, i think it’s kind of awesome. i really look forward to it, because it sounds beautifully inspired. this is kristoff st. john. i’m backstage, and this is the wildest, the coolest,

the most exaggerated day of production because today is the day. it’s gonna go downfrom the red carpet to the stage. we’re just gonna enjoy,we’re gonna celebrate. it’s a day that’s auspicious. i can’t believe it’s here. adrenaline will kick in, in probably like an hour. my mom flew from utah to come see me.

we’ve worked so hard this last month and it’s come together really quickly. we’re ready for the show. so ready. ten minutes. there is a lot of people. there are so many people outsideright now. a little nervous but i use that, you know. it’s good, it’s good.

it’s a lot of pressure. it’s finally here,so we can’t wait to go on stage and perform with all these beautiful singers. i feel very excited,it’s gonna be a great show. excited, nervous, overwhelmed. there’s so many people out there. my name is patrickand i’m from new york city. i came because i’m a pretty big fanof jody watley. i’m just excited.

i’ve never really beento a show of this type. i am from new jersey, usa. my son brian is part of the musical, so i flew here to watch my son. it seemed magical and beautiful and spiritual and just amazing. looking forward to a good show. hi! i’m very proud to be here,

at an event that’s promoting peace and loveon the planet. you can never have enough of those things. i hope it starts soon. stand by. i’m excited. let’s get this thing going! excited. woohoo! a lot of explosive energy. just rock ’n’ roll and do it. feeling good, getting pumped.

have a good show. in hebrew we say: b’hatzlacha (good luck)! i’m ready. so ready, born ready. see you out there. good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to “loving the silent tears.” all right, guys.

ready 1 for move-in for the orchestra. it’s going to be a dissolve. ready 1 for your move. seven, start your moves. i need 9 and 10 to give me... have a great show. thanks, man, you too, buddy. all right, stand by. go. slowly, buy me time.

people coming in,stage left and right, far side. ready 6... and 6. ready 2... and 2.(jody sings first on the left.) stay with the 2 shot. ready 5... 5. ready 2. dissolve 13. ready 6... 6. ready 6… 6.

finished the first song. so excited now. i love the whole thing, everybody’s so gorgeous. i have new balloons, they are amazing. the audience was so ready. i felt there was such momentum, like i was able to open the party, which is what my song does in the show. the dancers were good,

it’s all beautiful, well put together. i enjoyed it very much. this is junior. it’s brian. junior. brian. hallo, hallo. trying not to drop my hair. samba, once i got out thereand i saw the crowd, the energy just went up like five notches.

oh yeah, the crowd was so great. it was really fun, i’m really excited. so we’re herewith the wonderful debbie, (hi!) and she is going to go on stage. i am. i’m going on. i’m excited, i’ll see you after. fantastic. i’m sweating. it was tough work but i’m happy. it was so good, everyone did great.

while i’m performing, we all connected through the poem, through the dance, through the love in the air. this is the best. i just love the audience,they are so supportive and i think they really like this song. oh, i’m tearing! sorry! thank you so much.

i want to take a beautiful,beautiful picture of my costume. beautiful. having a photo shoot. beautiful. fantastic. lovely. are you getting carried away? amazing, first act went so smooth. we’re ready to go. second act is coming up, let’s do it. are you pumped up?

so pumped. oh beloved and merciful one! sprinkle some life potion on my soul, please. how are you doing, junior? good. a little hot, but amazing. the moment of truth. and i’m tired of being cross. and i haven’t partied in thirty years.

it’s always great to work with great people, and a great productionand a lot of talent, and also a lot of people that care. so good! oh my god! amazing! how was that with jon? that was good. if you breathe heavy, you know it’s good.

yeah! he is unbelievableand he made this number so beautiful. i couldn’t do it without you. i had to match his singing talent,that’s what it is. it happens naturally, the three of us sort ofsink in to each other’s mind space and just sort of cohesively createthe song together. so it’s a lot of fun. exactly where is this train headed?

home and beyond! everybody was great. yay! hi, guys! awesome. i love it, i’m having the time of my life. and i’m really happy that she’s part of this. i’m happy she’s in my life. thank you so much,you’re the best director.

how was that, jon? excellent. really fun! thrilling. peace and love,peace and love, go veggie. this is a whole new level of fun! it was so emotional. i’ll never forget it, it was unbelievable. it was the most incredible experience. it was wonderful. couldn’t be better.

so fantastic, i love the show. good theatre is alwaysabout something spiritual. you experience something, i hope, that when you leave the theater, something inside of you, some dna has altered a little bit so that maybe when you step outsideof the theater door, you can createsome positive fragment of energy that would act as a ripple effect

and kind of pass that onthroughout the world. i believe that each personwill have a big change of heart. their love will be awakened. perhaps they will realize, “oh, i am not a little human being,but i am great. then i have to search for that greatness. how do i find it?” surely god will show them, show them the way to find their true self.

it’s been a very special experience, such generosity and love from everyone in the organization. it’s been a true joy to be here, that i’m going to miss everyone. it’s been just a thrill from day one, and you come to work every day with a smile on your face and you can’t wait to go to work.

there was such an amazing feelingof just warmth. there was an understanding that we are all coming togetherfor a celebration, to celebratethe writings of supreme master ching hai. it was such an amazing,different kind of experience than anything i’ve ever experienced before. i’ve been doing this for a very long time and this is about the nicest group of people i’ve ever worked with in my entire life.

it’s been nothing but joyful and full of love. everybody is there to take care of each other, love each other, support each other. and i feel like i’m going to go back to korea with this great feeling of support, with this bond i made. i met wonderful people

and it changed my life in so many ways. this musical probably will leave a profound message in everybody that has the opportunity to see it. this is what we leave behind. we leave behind the love, the good deeds, the art, the joy of music, the joy of song, the joy of dance, the joy of poetry.

it goes beyond mere speaking. and i’m here to tell you, be vegan, make peace! love, not war. give back, don’t take. and hug your fellow man. to all involved in this musical event, blessed be your dedication to make this world a more enjoyable place,

cheering up the masses and giving thanksto heaven and earth in this way. love you! this is incredible! it looks good! oh, it’s beautiful! i walked through – amazing! it looks gorgeous. the jewelry was beautiful.

i was very attracted to that! it’s just all such beautiful work,it’s amazing. yes, everything’s so beautiful here. absolutely wonderful! it’s like fantasyland. it’s beautiful, we appreciate it. it’s very inspiring to see art at its finesttogether in one place. she loved the dresses. i loved, (yes, beautiful.) there was a painting that was fabulous.

it’s dazzling. it’s so astoundingto see all these wonderful exhibits of art. i just think it’s adorable! it’s been a great adventure. we’re walking around, browsing and checking out all the different exhibits. it’s really nice! yeah! (good experience.) it’s just interesting to walk around

and just see all the amazing art that’s here. everything is so beautiful. oh my god! the jewelry, just how she took her time and designed all that wonderful jewelry. it was really amazing. it’s really amazing,i’d love to have some of it. i was taking a pictureof the windows over there with the little… (with the lights in it.) the lights in it. (oh, yeah.) oh, i adore that.

oh my god,i’d like to have ten of them in my home. they’re so beautiful! i’d better go find a brochure of that because they are beautiful. and it seems like it just gives you a lift. when you’re in there, it just gives you a lift. i said, “oh my god!i feel so good right now.” what i’m really liking is just the tastefulness, how it’s all presented.

the paintings in the back wall, just the use of water colors, and how they’re just popping off the paper. it’s just very easy and very tranquil. everything’s very tranquil here. you’re like, “ah…” my background isin musical theatre and in art. and i have an appreciation of course for anything along those lines.

and the poetry – just beautifully presented,just beautiful. i found this wonderful book here. “forgive yourself and try again.” we should do that more often, right? (yes.) this book really attracted me. it’s “the dogs in my life.” and it’s supreme masterand all of her dogs, and wonderful pictures of them together. i’ve been walking around,kind of like “ah!”

i love fashion, and so some of these clothesthat are shown here… of course i love the artwork, too. the artwork is so interesting because some of it is very old-fashioned, some of it’s so modern. and it just looks so complicatedto put it all together. and you want to, there’s so many things here i want to reach out and touch

but i wouldn’t dare, like the fans. it’s quite exquisite! there’s a lot to see. you have to go around there twice so you don’t miss anything. amazing art pieces. just gorgeous, beautiful things. i wasn’t expecting to see all this here. very serene, and that’s good.

that’s what we need in our lives. we looked all around the exhibition, it’s a wonderful gallery. they’ve got some nice statues over there, but most of all,pictures of master ching hai. her art is wonderful. yes, the art is very spectacular. i really liked her photo over there, where she’s in like a stone temple.

one of the first ones. (yes.) and so you had a look at the fashion and the jewelry, as well? yes, very beautiful. yes, we like it all. especially it doesn’t comefrom animal skin. yes! amen to that, sister. her coats – i love them. (yes.) so you guys are both vegan?

yes, we are christian vegans. oh, yes. we’re all brothers and sisters here. yes, yes. amen. that’s why we come to these events,because there’s truth. and it’s practiced even through the art, as well as the plays and everything else. that’s why we come. we… anything she has, we are there, because she preaches the truth.

yes, i love them, her words.her words are… she has all their books. i had a little stroll around,and it’s just beautiful. the detail and just everything. the artwork, but also the way it’s been presented here tonight. the diversity of which the jewelry and clothing and artwork – it’s just beautiful and elegantly displayed.

it’s a class act. everything… you know, this organizationof supreme master is a class act. we’re all here putting our attention on something greater than ourselves, with supreme master ching hai. i saw her art for the first time in person and her jewelry and her clothes, and i just felt her presence and i was moved to tears, because…

i understand because i have a master. so my master is not in the body anymore, and so i feel very much drawn to her and i understand herand the work she’s doing, and i am just eternally grateful. i have the book to read her words. i read some of them inside. and even if we hum the songs, it’s the feeling behind it,

and her words are beautiful. i think the words are printedin the exhibition, and i read them all. so i do… i could feel from her words, and i could feel the same wayi feel about my master. there’s only one anyway.there’s only one. and again, i’m just so happy she’s here. what a being, what a blessing for all of us. thank you.

that would have been a nice one. … and 3. one more. there you go! thank you so much for your work. we are here in los angeles… …for the celebration of the 19th anniversary of supreme master ching hai day… …to honor her humanitarian works

and advocacy of peace. what a wonderful dayfor supreme master ching hai. this is an auspicious occasion. i am so happy thatwe’ll be able to celebrate this with her. i know a lot of people are celebratingall over the world. bravo! happy anniversary. happy anniversary,supreme master ching hai. wishing you a happy… happy supreme master ching hai day!

happy supreme master ching hai day. hallo, supreme master ching hai! congratulations… …on this wonderful achievement. congratulations! congratulations. happy 19th anniversary! may there be 19 more and 19 more… and i’m sure you will have an eternity

of more, many, many more years. and i celebrate the 19th anniversary of… supreme master ching hai day. let’s party! was that amazing or what? peace and love for all creatures! what a show! beautiful! look at that! supreme master ching hai,she is an amazing woman.

i was able to watch some of her speeches, and just her essence, she brings such joy to the world. a saintly lady. someone who has been gifted with things that we haven’t been gifted with. the number one thingthat hit me more than anything is her willingness to give. i look at the thingsthat she has accomplished

and the things that she’s willing to put her time and money and efforts in… she seems to have truly embracedthat philosophy and live it with every breath. a revolutionary woman, incredibly in tune and in touch with the fiber that connects everyone. she sets such an example that is hard to live up to.

she teaches about love and she teaches about peace. she’s so influential in a positive wayto millions of people. a great spirit. she’s like a heroine, a loving spirit that cares about humanity, the universe, nature, animals. i respect her, and i think whoever knows about her works will greatly esteem and respect her

for all the works she has done and support her works. she is just one person, but more and more people will look at her example and follow. god blessed her deeply that she could reach so many peoplethroughout the world. to me she is likea modern-day mother teresa. someone that sacrifices so much

of their own personal life… … anybody that makes this cause of humanity and unselfishness, has to be respected and cherished. i think that’s what makes this musical so much more beautiful tonight, to representjust the simple honesty of her message, and what she’s always donefor many, many years. to help bring her words to life,to be a part of that,

it’s very special to me. this is her poetry, her message, that can go around the world. it’s not just one night, 6,000 people, but this is a world event. when you readsupreme master ching hai’s poetry, you know immediately it is from supreme master ching hai. and supreme master ching hai’s

expression of her love for god, you can feel it. and that longing is so beautifulin all the poetry. master, we would like to know what inspired you to writethe poetry anthology “silent tears”? it’s just the empathy to humans’ struggle to achieve the impossible. we all go through this, saints, sinners, mortals, all alike.

if you want to seek your true self, this is a struggle like that. even the non-practitioners, they also have moments of despair and the moment of need to turn inward, to pray to some power that they don’t even know what, to pray to the godthat maybe they do not even believe. always there is a struggle

within the humans’ heart. so my poetry, the “silent tears,”is just the reflection of that. it must have been, like, 30 years since, something like that. it was in the ’80s. at that time,i was just beginning my little mission, just beginning a little bitin formosa (taiwan). so, i was justhaving a little more leisure time, so i tuned in with all the humans,

and then that’s how the poetry cameinto manifestation, into the book. i never thought that there would be a day when some of the greatest composersand some of the greatest artists would make them into a big world stagelike america, suchlike shrine auditorium like that. it’s not in a million yearsi would dream about it. otherwise, maybe i would havepolished it more, make it more beautiful somehow, more elegant or something.

i just wrote it the way i felt. it just came out quickand then that’s how it is. master, could you please explainthe meaning of the verse, “loving the silent tears,” which the creative team choseto be the title of the musical? i just wrote the way i felt. you know, i just felt that way. like when you’re crying, you feel relieved. crying relieves the longing emotion,

the choking emotionof frustration of not knowing god, of the so-hard-to-find god, so-hard-to-feel-connected-with god. so when you’re crying, at least you feel elated, you feel unburdened. so the practitioner feels some comfort while struggling to achieve the impossible – i mean the almost impossible,

like the higher level of enlightenment. that’s why i said “loving the silent tears.” because at that time, you are so desperateto feel connection with god, to want to see the master inside you, want to see your real self, even if people offered you diamonds, you would not care! you would love to just sit there and thinking of the master insideand crying,

and thinking of master, loving the master, missing the master, instead of looking at these worthless stones that they call diamonds. she’s a remarkable poet. obviously an inner light. there’re certain lyrics there that,even one of my songs, that you have struggles,and who doesn’t? so i think she’s very honest.

i was amazedat how many different points of view supreme master ching hai used to approach the individual’s relationship to god, to a supreme energy. that you don’t see very muchin commercial theatre, a selfless expression of a heart’s desire to have a closer walk with god, a closer relationshipto the universal energy. the message of the poetry,

it’s so consistent throughout the piece and the nuances of it are gorgeous. a message of spirituality, love, and humanity all together. and it’s not just about world peace. it’s about inner peace. it’s someone coming to terms and being inspired to be a better person and to be a better human being in the world.

you don’t have to bea certain kind of person to relate to these. i just feel likei could learn a lot from the poetry, as well. it transcends any type of religious beliefs. it just deals with who we areas human beings. if music and poetry can unite the world and a number of the theories and beliefs from supreme master can unite the world, oh what a better place we’d have. when i first heardmaster ching hai singing, it moves me,

because she singswith a lot of sentiment and… but at the same time you feel very peaceful listening to her singing. hallo, buddha, why do you cry? in your stone heart, how much desire? master, many people in the audience, they shed tears when they heard the song you composed, “talking to a stone buddha.” (yes.)

may we knowhow you came to write this beautiful song? at that time, it was very difficult. i was thinking only a stone buddhacan be able to bear all this and still love the world. so it came from the heart. i wrote it with the tears… tears of a stone buddha. i feel the world, they are just so, so much misguided, so much in darkness.

so… the tears just come out, feeling sorry, sorrow for the whole world. maybe that’s why people shed tears, because it’s a real emotion, real experience, yes, real feeling. oh buddha, oh buddha, oh buddha, oh buddha supreme master ching hai,thank you so much for sharing these beautiful,inspirational words with all of us.

i’m humbled to have been able to put music to your words in your poem. thank you, supreme master ching hai, for your beautiful poetry,your beautiful soul, and giving all the worldso much of yourself. we all appreciate it. it is amazing how much you’ve given and how much you give, and the positive message that you share,

and not only share but that you live. and what a great examplethat you are for all of us. supreme master ching hai, i can only say thank you for the things that you have done for our society. thank you for the message that you are putting into the universe, of love, acceptance, and tolerance. keep on doing the wonderful workthat you do.

i adore you, i love you. you’re for peace, love in action, take care of the animals, and be vegan. that’s what i believe. and all of thoseten thousand years and more that the earth is gonna keep grooving on, may you always be around. please keep spreading the word and the message of love and peace…

i’m totally with you on that. … and enlightening peoplewith a great message. we really need it. you are a blessing and i hope to god and the universe and everything that exists, that i can meet you one day. i hope to meet you in person soon. all my love and my blessing…

a big hug and lots of love… … best wishesand great health and love to you. i love you. we missed you.

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