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Senin, 26 September 2016

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(tory lanez - 'luv' song) ♪ everyone fallsin love sometime ♪ i don't know 'boutyou, but it ain't a crime ♪ and if you let melove you, love you, ♪ love you, love youfor long time baby ♪ and if you let me touch ♪ and if you let me love you ♪ 'til the mornin' na, na, na ♪ mm, mm, aw, mm, mm, aw, mm

- mornin' guys. you hear the kids? - [samia] mommy, mommy. - [latoya] good morning my love. good morning. and how are you this morning? did you drop bothof your blankies? huh? and you took offone of your socks?

(zayn fussing) oh, zayn's up. wanna go get zayn? okay, let's go get zayn. - i get my blankie. - [latoya] okay,get your blankie. - okay. - [latoya] did you havea good sleep my love? - mm hmm.

- [latoya] okay,let's go get zayn. - up. - [latoya] come on,let's go get zayn. - [latoya] let's goget your brother. - up, up. (zayn crying loudly) - [latoya] wellexcuse me mr. zayn. (zayn crying) hello.

and it smells likepoo poo in here. did you poo poo? okay, we have to change you. guess what, samia... ♪ you are gonna have a new room ♪ you're gonna have a new room ♪ because mommy gotyou one new room and guess what? it's bigger!

♪ so you'll have moreroom to put all your toys ♪ all in your room, your room ♪ and zayn has a new room ♪ samia and zayn have a new room ♪ mommy has a new room ♪ and your daddy too ♪ we all have new rooms ♪ and guess what y'all,we have a spare room ♪ la, la, la, la, la, la, la

♪ so we'll have sleepoverswith your cousins ♪ and your friends,they can sleep over samia, why do you hate gettingyour hair done so much? you don't like it. can i do your hair, samia? - no. - why? she's like, "don'tdo dat." to mommy. mommy has to do yourhair for daycare, okay?

- don't do dat. - huh? - don't do dat? - yeah.(laughing) - hold this. - ouch, that hurt. i wanna hold it. - you wanna hold it? so you're showing zayn?

(gibberish) say hi everybody. - hi everybody. - i'm samia. - daddy. - say, i'm samia. - where's daddy? - daddy go to the gym. - where is daddy?

- daddy go gym. - okay, he's at the gym? - gym. when is he coming home? you gonna make daddy breakfast? - i wanna eat. - you wanna eat? - [latoya] samia, show everybodyhow you brush your teeth. let me see.

let me see, openyour mouth, say ah. oh god, brush. ♪ let me see you brushyour teeth, teeth ♪ let me see you,samia, brush her teeth ♪ samia, you're notbrushing your teeth right ♪ so let mommy help sammy ♪ brush, brush, brushyour teeth, teeth ♪ brush, brush,and-a-brushin' your teeth ♪ you gotta scrub,you gotta scrub,

♪ you gotta scrub your teeth okay, you're acting silly. she's been actingsilly all morning. lawd! open your mouth. although i did brush herteeth earlier, you guys, i wanted her to show you guyshow she brushes her teeth, but she actin' silly. whenever this camera turn on...

you wanna act silly? i just found thispicture in our kitchen of adam and i. oh my gosh, i thinkwe were at menches. look at how young we were. oh my gosh, look at howyoung adam looks, ahh! (laughing) i guess we bothlook super young. oh my gosh.

oh, mommy has on a pretty dress? - look at your pretty dress. - [latoya] let me see. - look at pretty dress. daddy. - [latoya] daddy hason a pretty dress? - yeah. - [latoya] no, only mommy does. - oh.

oh, that's mommy and daddy. you were in mommy's belly. - in your belly? - [latoya] yeah,you were in there. - in your big belly? - [latoya] yeah, god putyou in mommy's belly, 'cause he said, "samia,i want you to be with mommy and daddy, so youcan live your life... happy.

so you can live yourlife... (laughing) so you can live ahuman-form life." did you hit your head? she heard the doorbell, and she hit her headon this right here. - hi baby. - [latoya] how was the gym? - zayn. what's up boy?

(zayn gabbering) - [latoya] i am aghost, i do not exist. - the gym was fine. - [latoya] oh mygod, so you heard me? - [latoya] andyou didn't answer. - 'cause i seen zayn. - [latoya] you see when i get-- - isn't it weird that i alwaysgrab him like this first? - [latoya] yeah, it is.- no, it's not.

how you doin'? - [latoya] i don'tunderstand why you do that. - add some blood to his brain, so it starts his day, right? - [latoya] that's a thing? - your day hasofficially started now. - i want this, take. - [adam] why you wakeup three times for milk? - [latoya] you want pancakes?

- you still drinkingmilk like a baby? (zayn laughs) - [latoya] vitamins. - you want it, right? - [latoya] vitamins! - vitamins. - [latoya] can mommy have some? - [latoya] oh, you're so sweet. - this is soft,you'll like this one.

- [latoya] oh, thank you. one for mommy, one for samia. here mami, it's okay,you can have them. pancakes! and i'm gonna make some eggs. samia's favorite, pancakesand eggs everybody! have a good dayat daycare samia. - bye. - [latoya] bye, i love you.

squad, #squad. - [latoya] yeah, itsays, #squad on your hat. ♪ squad goals tv - [latoya] ♪ hey okay, see ya. (upbeat r&b music) hey y'all i'm in my office. it's so great to havemy office back again, now i can make anothermess! (laughing)

anyways-- - latoya? - yeah? - here. i made you coffee. - [latoya] i don'ttrust your ass. - i swear, you wanted coffee,i made it for you, look. - [latoya] i wanted coffee,but, okay, which one's mine? - this one.

- [latoya] okay,no, i want that one. - but this one's mine. - okay, no, i want that-- okay i don't-- i swearto god, like, on my life, you will die. - listen, here. - don't (foreign language). you guys, i don't trust him. - i'll drink both ofthem, i don't mind.

- i don't trust him. i don't trust you, idon't trust adam, i just-- i don't trust nobody. - okay, so what do youwant me to do with it? - i don't know. let me smell it. but, yo, why does thatone smell like fish? - what, no. (laughing) - no, it smells like fish.

- no it doesn't. - like tuna kinda-thing. you put tuna in my shit? - yeah, at the bottom. - you put it in? - yeah, you neverheard of that before? - zeko, stop being stupid. okay, let me smellthis one, no this one. okay, that one's your you said?

- yes, well you're gonna say this one doesn'tsmell like tuna, huh? they all smell like tuna. i put tuna and salmon. - what is wrong with you? why would you do that? - i'm joking, there'snothing in there. look, i'll drink it, look. (slurping sound)

now drink mine. - will you drink itafter me, don't waste it. - why is it so sweet? - it tastes good though, no? - how much sugar didyou put in there? are you trying to kill me? are you trying togive me diabetes, because we all knowyour pranks go too far. - no, no, no, no ididn't even put half

of a spoon of sugar, that's it. - okay, thanks zeko, but if anything--- it tastes good though right? - listen, we need toget zeko, all right? we need to get zeko. we need to get adam.- listen... who comin' down those steps? - i know what's coming for me. - you know.- i know.

- but the thing is,you can't prank him because even if wetry to break his leg-- why would we breakhis leg? (laughing) - i don't know, but you-- - he'd be like, "okay." - yeah, and i'd laugh. that was a good one. - if i run over him with mycar, he'd be like, "okay." - that was a good one.

that's it, you know? so, you can't prank me. - god, man i haveto get you guys. - yeah, you haveto do something. - anyways, i'm gonna domy outfit for the day... - [zeko] enjoy thecoffee. (wicked laugh) - quick outfit of theday, so my sweater is from fashion nova, love it. it's a sweater-dressbut i have pants on

because it's alittle bit too short. or is it a sweater-dress? i don't know, but it's cute. i love it. oversized sweater. and then my choker isfrom an online store. i can't rememberwhat online store i purchased this one from, but it was kind ofexpensive, like $25.00.

i guess because it'sleather or something? no, actually it was $30.00. so my jeans are fromamerican apparel. they're gray,they're high-waisted. did i say that already? and then my uggs, i gotlow-top uggs this time. i got these from dick'ssports good store when we were in la. yep, so that's myoutfit of the day,

super casual, that's me. ♪ i keep it low-key,you feel me, feel me ♪ keep it low-key,you feel me, ba-ba ♪ keep it low-key. okay, bye. you guys, look at this painting that kofi made for me. isn't it beautiful? oh, i love it.

there's like a teal heart. there's me, obviously. there's a play button becausei'm a youtube personality. this is so beautiful. i can not wait to move intomy new house and hang this up. shout outs to kofi forpainting this for me. it's so beautiful. i love art. oh my gosh, there'sthe cn tower.

there's a skyline of toronto. oh my gosh, why am ijust now seeing this? no, i'll tell youguys right now, so he started the paintingat my book launch, remember? he was in the corner painting. yeah, this is thefinished masterpiece. i love it! thank you kofi. i will leave a link inthe description box below

to his website, hisinstagram, facebook, twitter, all that jazz. ♪ hey, hey girl ♪ latoya forever,uh, uh, forever. ♪ forever. (laughing) i crack myself up you guys. okay, so i'm at grandma's house. hey grandma. - where else you would be?

- [latoya] i'm hereevery single day. - so am i. - [latoya] yeah both. anyways, grandmamade us some bread. samia loves grandma's bread. so, this loaf is for us. - [grandma] theone in the middle. - [latoya] no, this one. - [grandma] okay.

- the biggest one. - [female voice] did we get any? - yeah, you can havethe one in the middle. - [latoya] grandma,where's your other sock? - oh, i didn't notice that. - [latoya] did you lose it? - see grandma' head is going. - [latoya] is it gone? oh, my stomach hurts man.

anyways, you look skinny. you are skinny. - no, not skinny. - [latoya] like you, okay, howmuch did you lose, like 15? - not skinny. eight. i wanted to say, no, it'sfrom just eating proper. - her face like slimmed out. - yeah, well eightpounds it might be water.

i need another two to make 10. - [latoya] look atthem curves girl. - oh, no, girl these curves... - [latoya] dang, yes. woo! - you know i'm onlyjoking, but you know what? you just start to eat properly, and salad and a lot of water,and then i already exercise all the time.

- a lot of boring-ass food. - [jillian] yes. - god, what's up with my hair. my edges are falling out again. - how are they falling out? - from these kids. - stress? - i don't know, it'sprobably stress, but i sold my house!

- woo! ♪ we sold our house, mm, mm, mm ♪ we sold our house ♪ to the house i like i'm so excited. and we sold our currenthouse for over-asking price, and the crazy thing about itis, the offer that we took wasn't the best offer. you already know?

- it wasn't the best offer-- - but it was thebest choice for us because-- - [grandma] (foreign language) - grandma leave the lights on. - you wanna hearsomething funny? - [latoya] what? there she go. - last week, whenthose guys come around

to my house-- - [jillian] they ask youif you wanna sell it. - [latoya] what happened? - [jillian] they'rereal estate agents, mom. yeah, yeah their real estate. - [latoya] a real estateagent knocked on your door and said what? - "are you interestedin selling your home?" i hear yourgrandfather up there...

"get the hell away fromin front my house!" - [latoya] that is so funny. - "i am fed up, i am fed up. i'm trying to sleepand all i hear is, bang, bang, bang, bang!" - why is there breadinside of the toaster, down inside of there? - [latoya] oh my god. - he said, "i thoughtit were my grandkids,

and i come down,and it's you people. i never tell nobody iwant to sell my house!" "why are you botheringme everyday, everyday?" - you're a hollywoodactress, huh? granddad calls grandmaa hollywood actress. - too funny. it was super stressfultrying to sell my house, huh? - i know it was because youhad so many bids and offers. - i had over sixoffers on my house.

- okay, so, you had a lot ofoffers, and how did you know which one to go with,because i know you didn't go with the most expensive one. - yeah, i didn't go with themost expensive one, although-- - the one that was gonnamake you more money. - it was very tempting,you know what i'm saying, but i went with theoffer that has a family, they have a baby, and theywanted to upgrade their home. i liked their story, whichis why i went with it.

- 'cause it's similar toyour story, what somebody did for you. - exactly, so how igot both of my homes, is first off, ourvery first home, the lady was like, "ireally love your story. they're married. they just had a baby. this is their first home,let us give this young couple an opportunityto..." you know?

- right, so you paid back. - yeah, it's all aboutpaying it forward. - because paying forward is it. if somebody did somethingfor you that was nice... it's just like this, but ona bigger scale you did it. you go to the coffee shopor you drive through, and you pay for the carbehind you for a coffee. - right, right. - or whatever, right?

so you did that with your home. you didn't take themost expensive bid, you took one becauseof their story. - yeah, and you knowme, i'm emotional. - so kuddos to yougirl, kuddos to you! - yes! pay it forward you guys! - pay it forward man! that was great. - i feel like that'swhy i'm so blessed,

you know what i'm saying? it's because i liketo give, i'm a giver. i think our family'sjust like that. - yeah! - we're giving.- you're giving. - which is why god blesses us. - and when somebodygives you a start, why not give the nextperson a start too? - exactly.- right.

it'll come back toyou in a bigger way. yay! i'm proud of you. - thanks. y'all, you can start callingme alfalfa, look at my hair. look at it, just look at it! i might as well justleave it like this because it keeps goingback into this style, okay? this, like that's so annoying. god, man!

no matter what i do,no matter how much gel, no matter how much edgecontrol i put on my hair, it does this. so, i'm about to rollaround like this. maybe this can be anew style or something, because... (fingers snapping) this is just whatit is right now. after having samia,my edges fell out. after having zayn,my edges fell out.

when are my edgesgonna come back? are they gonna come back? god, do i have to startwearing lace front wigs or closures, god. it's whack man. - [adam] what's good y'all? i got trixx in the cut. - ♪ trixx, hi trixx - [adam] samia ishere sayin' what's up.

- [trixx] is she? - [adam] yeah, yeah. - ♪ improperly - pick this place up. - [adam] trixx, wedon't need you to clean up your house for us. the aunties and unclesactually don't care. - [latoya] is hecleaning right now-- - [adam] he's therecleaning up the house.

- [samia] no. - what, come on. - [adam] come on. - [latoya] charlie, ican't hear you charlie. what are you doing boy? - first let me getsome light on me. - [adam] what happened? - let me get some light onme, it looks like you're talking to a shirt.

- [adam] yeah, i can see-- - is that what you need,can you see me now? - [latoya] just the shadow now. - [adam] we can see you. - [latoya] i can see you now. - pa-pow. - [adam] what's goodman, i like your place. it looks spacious. - i am at okc, man, thisis the house they gave us.

- hi uncle trixx! - what's going on author? latoya. - [latoya] trixx man,i have to take zayn to the doctor. my baby, he's not feeling well. - he's in adam's pants too much? - [adam] is he what? - is he in adam'spants too much?

- [adam] is he inmy pants too much? - is he in your pants right now? - [adam] nah, he'snot in my pants. - what's wrong with zayn? - he has a littlecold, and you know me, i'm paranoid, so i alwayshave to take my kids as soon as one cold, one snot, one booger fly out there nose, i'm going to the doctor son!

- yo, this is likehis first cold? kids are supposed to get sick. - [latoya] his 18th damn cold. - [adam] this guy'sthing is getting colds. - [latoya] right,like five colds-- - [adam] 'cause allhe does is like walk on the floor. - [latoya] yeah, andeat and put everything in his mouth, kissup his sister.

she caught hand, foot, andmouth disease, that disease. - [adam] what? - that's what babies do, bro. you're acting like he'san adult, he's supposed to conduct himself accordingly. dude, he's a baby. he's a good one too. i'm surprised sammy'sthe one that's not sick. this girl's outsideraking leaves.

- [latoya] say hi to trixx. - [adam] say hello trixx. - [samia] hello trixx. - what's up sammy? - [latoya] shesaid, "hello trixx." - [adam] what's his name? trixx. - [samia] trixx. - [latoya] say,tricks are for kids!

- [samia] tricks are for kids. - oh, stop it samia. don't listen to them-- - [latoya] say, tricksare for kids, yo! - [samia] yo. - but, yeah y'all, we justwanted to check in with trixx. it's been a long minute. - yo, congrats, youguys are moving out? - [latoya] yes,we're moving out man!

- but number three is coming eh? - [latoya] i justneed more space. - [adam] i rebuke that. - you're working on threeand four, twins is next. - [latoya] are you stupid? i rebuke you and your words. - [adam] stop that trixx. - adam has african powerin his blood, 18 kids, all of you will have them.

- [latoya] okay, bye,i'm leaving on that note. okay, take care trixx. - gotta go. hey, peace and loveto (foreign language). - [latoya] peace and loveto (foreign language). - [adam] take care brother. - later aunties,later uncles, peace! - [adam] hey! - hi.

- [adam] if itain't ezra stacks. so tell them, yougot a channel now! - yes. - do we look alike? - no, we don't. - this is my firstcousin ya know? my mom, debby, and his dad,rock, are brother and sister. (giggles) - first cousins.

- i'm real adorable. - [adam] why don'tyou go visit rock? - aren't you so cute? - yes, that's whatthe girls say. - [adam] really? - that's what your cousinsays too, my cutie, yes. - [adam] ezra, you'refeelin' yourself? - [adam] especially now thatyou got a youtube channel. - subscribe to mychannel, ezra stacks.

- [adam] ezra stacks. - put that in the commentdescription below. - these are yours? - [adam] that's yours samia. - no, they're yours daddy. - [adam] okay, it'smine i guess, thank you. - she's so cute. - [adam] hey, heyyou better watch out. who you callin' cutearound here son?

i'm just joking. y'all thanks forwatching today's vod. i'm extremely beat up,tired, busted, everything. to all those thatare hatin' on me, kyle's right there,he didn't die. he's in the corner there. he's totally fine. - and i'm sitting on atoilet seat right now. - exactly, every timeyou see him, he's

in a toilet seat position. - bro, it's just permanently... - assume the positionall the time. he actually thankedme that i have him the best shit of hislife, so why you always getting mad at me? he was having the mostglorious doo-doo of his life. - [kyle] don'tlisten to this guy. - [ezra] he told me that too!

- he told you, exactly right. ezra wouldn't lie. - [kyle] you'restraight lying bro. you think i would say that? - this guy wants me togive him what i gave him. don't worry, i gotit in the cupboard. i'll give it to you, no problem. - [kyle] no thank you bro. - here's a little, here'sa little secret though,

i trust nobody. i actually putsome in zeko's too. - [zeko] no you didn't. now i told-- see? - take that. - [zeko] i toldyou, no you didn't-- - i trust nobody. - [ezra] how do youknow i put it in yours? watch your back,watch your back.

- i told you he did it. ♪ don't trip, don'tslip, i got it ♪ you can love me, you can trust ♪ i got you, and i got us ♪ all for you, allfor you, all for you ♪ i do it all for you (strong bass tone)

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