fashion nova lashes

Kamis, 15 September 2016

fashion nova lashes


you and i have a bondfrom yore that is why you makemy heart soar know it or not admit it or not it's our group's special song. really? is that why you've beencroaking from cuffe parade? what lies! we started at churchgate. that's where bums like you all sing. - jiggy, my piggy!- yes, shaleen, my...darleen?

- when's your flight taking off?- meaning? - when are you telling mala?- what? come to me, i am your love she agreed to a dateafter i swore it was just friendship. the 'l' word will get mea kick in the butt. jignesh, you're a stud! you've brought an air hostessto the airport on a date? why don't we go inside?it's air-conditioned. - entry is forbidden.- forbidden? why?

a bomb threat, i think. so we have to roast here? "come along, mala.we're a really fun group." "it'll be so much fun!" tell me, jiggy, why am i at the airporton my day off? our special friends are coming... - so bring them flowers! sweets!- we did. why bring me? i don't even know them and i'm herereceiving them like an idiot.

when people meet after ages,every meeting has a story. i know...stories! i hate stories. - especially ones which end at airports.- why? it's so easy!sneaking in and stopping a plane! try it! you'll be gunned downlike a terrorist. not very romantic, are you? miserable couples everywhere.before marriage, fights and suspicion. and after marriage, "we're bored."

nope! not when you findthe right person. ah! "made-for-each-other" crap. happens in mills and boons,not in real life. it happens! really! oh. please tell me.i'm dying to know. pretty please? for that you'll have to hear a story,and you don't like stories. what kind? a love story? with a hero, heroine, villains? villains...not too many.

but there are fights,songs, misunderstandings? - oh, full on!- and a climax at the airport? give it a go!the flight's delayed anyway. i better not get bored, ok? - shoot!- so, mala, there's a boy and a girl... this story begins... ...with a dream. a man brandishing a sword, like in a costume drama,and riding a horse.

- is this your dream?- no. - then how do you know it?- jai often has such dreams. - and jai is...?- the guy who's dreaming. now listen! i'll be right there. - but your exams?- it's aditi. she needs me. i'm sorry. we tried our best. but we couldn't save her. i'd like to say a few words.

radha is no longer with us. i still rememberthe first time we met her. shining black eyes, such an innocent faceon such a prankster. she was with us a while.she touched our lives. aditi...we'll never forget radha. come. let's pray that radha findshappiness wherever she goes. that she remembers us...

...and learns to catch mice. radha was a cat? - a memorial service for a cat?- oh, she had the last rites, too. - are you all nuts?- not us. aditi. she found radha in collegeand loved her like her own daughter. everything was extreme for aditi. love, hatred, attachment... nothing was measured. but how could you take this seriously?

actually, we found it silly, too. but not jai. all jai cared about... ...was aditi's grief. he just wanted to make her smile. sometimes, aditi,you meet someone along the way and it breaks your heart,when they go away eyes demand tears,it's hard to disobey and believeeverything's gonna be ok!

sometimes you feelso down and blue every day is like a bitter brew it's hard to smile,feel happy or gay think of how much we love you when you cry, we cry with you i can't hold a note,but i sing for you aditi, sometimesthe world is a dark place but the blackest night crackswith the dawn's rays sometimes you find a friendalong the way

feels unreal, like a dream,when they go away go on, aditi, laugh a bit just a bit? how about a smile? go on... ...give us a little smile your happinessspreads joy all around the sun emergesand warms the ground can you hearwhat the wind has to say? "aditi, friends, though parted,meet again

"know it or not,flowers blossom again" - you had a crush on aditi?- smitten! and bombs had a thing for jai. but jai and aditi were justin their own world. you say the glass is half empty i say it's half full i say it's a lot you say it's a little bit if i say it's day you say it isn't night

aren't they the same? just said differently but at the end of the day it's only you who understands me whether you know it or not whether you show it or not i'm here! it's aunty pammi. yes, pammi?

again? no! that's useless. enough police complaints. write to the commissioner if you wish.i'm going to the newspapers. he's not going to changeuntil he's suspended. - your old friend inspector waghmare?- who else? brutally thrashed a teenager in lock-up. i mean, that man... his own baton should be...

breath control.inhale deeply, exhale slowly. - you want breakfast?- your turn? yours. but i'm in the mood. - i had that dream again.- what dream? the same one.some guy with a sword, riding a horse... you forgot the pepper. i've felt this before. i think it's dad. your dad? my husband?

riding a horse? with a sword? - how could you even think this?- i just... you know how much he hated violence. forget fighting, he couldn't bearto see anyone else fight. and so he died. he went to stop a quarrel and... ...and never returned. it's just a dream.i can't do much about that. the tragedy, jai, is thatyou can even dream it.

and so jai singh rathore, aka rats, was the most non-violent personin the world. gandhiji would weep with joyif he knew jai. and get spasms of acidityif he knew aditi. you're a coward!your mom! your dad! your whole family are cowards,craphead! jai, move! i'll fix him! i'll show you who's the coward,you dog! vivek, are you mad,calling her a coward?

- not her, shithead! you!- me? then, what's the problem, meow?vivek, carry on. better bell your cator you'll find her under my car. that's where your mother found you!jerk! jai, if she doesn't shut up,i'm gonna thrash your ass! you think jai's scared of you? - go on, jai, break his face!- who, me? let me go, nilesh,or i'll break your glasses! aditi, what are you doing?he will kill jai.

i didn't want to fight. but you leave me no choice. i won't leave a thing, sonny.just your remains. let's do it. lesson time! really? you... - what?- your dad's the college trustee. - so?- i'll be expelled if i beat you up. i'll do the beating up, buddy. and you'll get away scot-free!

dude, you don't know my father.i'll get screwed more than you. he'll give you a light warningand let you go, right? bullshit! he's hitler reincarnated! what'll he do? he'll freeze my allowance.bugger does that every time! no shit! how will you eat at the canteen? buddy, what are friends for?like nilesh here. treated him a million times, haven't i?

awesome friend. by the way, vivek... ...after this ends, we're cool, right? absolutely! we're in college,'s not a gang war! so then, you'd buy me a drink, right? nandu! two cokes! hey, nilesh, pay up, buddy. you should've seen vivek's face.

he kept staring at his coke,totally flummoxed! and no one had the balls to laugh! but, really should'vepunched that ass. didn't your mum washyour mouth with soap? - so abusive!- whatever! never seen a bigger coward in my life. it's not about that, meow. - not even to save a friend?- vivek is not a friend. and he needed saving more than you.

you're chicken! you're insulting rats! only i call him rats, ok? shut up, bombs! what's up with you? i was... ...she's just picking a fight with aditi. look...i don't like getting into scraps! mum promised dad on his deathbedthat i'd never raise my hand to anyone.

so you can call me coward,chicken, whatever... makes no difference. if someone is rude to me,it makes no difference to you? if someone raises a hand to me,it still makes no difference. you won't get into a scrap. right? he was just following his dad's... - dreams?- ...principles. actually, his mother had modifiedthe truth a bit. she had portrayed jai's dadas a gandhi-buddha combo.

in reality, amar singh rathore was...slightly different. amar, i'm warning youfor the last time. get out of jai's dreams. then stop turning him into a coward. i feel ashamed of him. he's a rathore... a rathore from ranjhore! if i wanted a rathore from ranjhore, i would have stayed in ranjhore.

you, your are all insane! insane, psychotic, violent...! jai's a simple boy who doesn't raisehis hand unnecessarily. when will you cutthat umbilical cord, woman? my dear, savitri... just because he's been cut offfrom his tradition, will he not try to be truetowards his tradition? mark my words, savitri.

one day he will make all of ranjhore, all the rathores, all rajasthan proud. and you shall behold him in silence! the rathores from ranjhore tooktheir machismo pretty seriously. and so after amar singh's death,savitri ran away. jai was just...five years old then! in ranjhore, a boy has to completethree rites of passage to become a man. - what?- not now, jiggy. but she has to know the threeconditions to get the story!

you don't know how to tell a story.right thing at the right time. right time being the end of the story? what happened, then? we jump to our graduation day.a farewell party at aditi's house. where aditi's dad gave jai a chequefor a million rupees to forget aditi. bombs, she's pulling her leg,why are you tripping...? but peachy and pumpkin arethe world's coolest parents. rotlu! where are you? sit! we're talking aboutthat scrap the other day.

check out the claw marks. dance? me? a little dance? sweet rotlu! if i dance, the whole partywill shift to the garden. come on, meow! dance tonight oryou'll never dance in your life. breaking news! i can't dance! who's pappu?

come to the floor. i'll show you! he's muscular! he's popular! he's muscular, he's popular!spectacular! he's a bachelor! pappu's car is the fastest,to babes, he's the coolest his eyes are light blue,his skin an italian hue a rado on his wrist,gucci on his body but pappu can't dance, baby! yeah! pappu can't dance, baby!

pappu was born a lucky sprout a silver spoon in his mouth pappu's rolling in money he's swimming in it, honey everyone's best buddy he's a dude, he's a dandy his dad sayshe'll be famous someday my pappu's a genius,they're gonna say! pappu's got an mba

france is where he holidays with a guitar, he's hazy can charm you like crazy what's to discuss? maybe she's not ready for marriage. so we'll just discuss an engagement. aditi's twenty now.she's been with jai for five years. before tongues start waggingin the family, let's make an announcement.

yes...or else a million proposalswill start coming. so should i speak to jai's mother? let's talk to jai first. - another.- easy, buddy. what's up, rotlu? tell me. nothing. i just wish... ...that i had someone.

had whom? just someone. someone who has eyesonly for me. and i for her. and nothing else means shit. like jai and aditi. me, too. only you how i will live without you?

oh, moon step on the land of my heart if there be love then come, come to me or else, if not bury me in the ground rotlu, stop crying! hey, jiggy, your turn. what song will you singwhen you find love?

me? just a second. come to me! i am your love o lord, your rejection! come to me! come to me! jai, what will you sing? only she will hear that song. rats, sing or get smacked.

hey, don't do us a favour. give us a full demo! that is whyyou make my heart soar know it or not,admit it or not know it or not... one, you're ugly. two, you're poor. three, you croak.which girl will like you? some poor, ugly girlwho sings worse than me.

aditi's rich.or else you could marry her. go to your room, or you'll get slapped! i was in my room,peacefully reading, when you tone-deaf toadsdisturbed me. this is my home, too. so tell these freaks to beat it. come out, you jerk! open the door! come out, you dog! even peachy and pumpkin are worried.

he just stays in his room all day. - he doesn't work. he doesn't study.- he paints. bullshit! hey, he's sharper than all of us. are you nuts? he insults you more than anyone else. aye. to get a reaction. what kind of reaction?

your anger. pick you up for college tomorrow? really? what happened? she just remembered college is over. sit. i'll get you water. sit! so what's next? further studies or...? i haven't thought about did five years go by so quickly? mostly on the phone, my love!

jai said that you're thinkingabout film school? but dad wants me to do an mba. though i feel we really needsome intelligent film makers. how long will they keep makingthese popcorn flicks? violence, melodrama. aditi's all for melodrama. do you really believe him, aunty? hey, peachy wants to meet youtomorrow morning. - why?- forgotten your promise?

goodbye college,welcome to the family! is the suit rented or was it daddy's? not everyone can have your style. i wonder...'re always so sweet, so polite,don't you bore yourself? your bodyguard's here! "don't say nothing to my jai.the poor baby will feel hurt!" - i didn't say a thing last night.- really? "come out, you jerk!open the door. i'll show you!"

- he started it!- don't want to hear it. we have a guest in the try to look human! so you're interviewing me together? you know why you are here, yes? so, are you ready? yes. i'm thinking about an mba.but that can wait till later. of course! got to do something for money.

- for money?- not just money. everything begins here. is money that important? i wouldn't be so happyif it was just money. staying with you,i'll feel right at home. and your mother? she'll be delighted.she's been waiting for this day. jai's been very frank with us.he's doing this for money. and after marriage,he wants to live with us.

marriage! whose? who's living with us? you want to marry me? - who's talking about marriage?- what have we been talking about? - about a job!- what job? didn't you say that when college ends,i should join you? what's this marriage business? how can you even think that? they didn't want to marry?

"love from day one," you said."made for each other," you said. like us, aditi's parentswere also confused. the fact is,jai and aditi were not in love. - how could you think this?- what's to think? always together or on the phone. glued together for five years,we thought... ever consider asking me? thanks for asking, but there is no "us". you really don't want to marry?

and we're both very embarrassed... seriously now. maybe not to each other, but you dointend getting married, right? when we like someone, in that way. "someone"? and how will youfind that "someone"? when someone's there to be found. and how many boys have you noticedin the last five years? mr right could be sittingright next to you, and you two would be laughing at him.

and if you ever found this "someone", would they be ok with your friendship? look, it's your life,so think carefully about it. all of us want to find someone special.but how? you two are so special to each other. rotlu, be frank. say you loved aditi,would you have a problem? i wouldn't even mention it.i mean, you and aditi... we won't find anyone in life! we will find that special person.that is certain.

even if he's in hiding. "he"?rats, you looking for a guy? aye. for thee. you know each other so well. you should find "love"for each other. no? jai, if aditi introduces you to a girland plays cupid to your romance, why would she have a problemwith aditi? i'll find you a stupid,silly, romantic girl... ...and you find me a tough stud.

- what do you say?- superb. you're with us, right? our time has come. gimme five! perhaps, like rotlu and bombs,we may all find someone special. they're with me. hey, i told youthere'd be a cover charge. i can't come. come on, bombs,we'll go somewhere else. rotlu, you're always whining. jiggy, pay up.

hurry, our love awaits us. as soon as i get a job... - just keep counting.- me, too. here, son! park with care. - sorry, sir. we don't park horses.- give them some water, too. did two guys just comeon horseback to the disco? anything's possible here! they'll never find anyone else. i don't get why they're not in lovewith each other.

- jiggy, get the car.- what? - just start the car, i'll be right there.- don't try to be a hero. you! - you want a beating, too?- one minute. please stay away from her.this is a private matter. - i went to the doctor.- why...? my tests came back. you knew, didn't you? you knew and you stillcame on to me that night.

- why, nalini?- who? what? stop it! i know the hideous beastthat hides behind this innocence. how many moreare you going to infect? when will you stop pouring that venomfrom your vengeful urn? what have they done to you? why infect the furniture of their youthwith termites of death? look... ...i'm taking her to a hospital.

- any problem?- no. don't worry. it doesn't spread by touch. come, nalini. no! never! let me go. i will have my revenge. i will infect everyone.let me go.

never. it's wrong! come with me! you've already met jai. just a friend! everyone thought i was dating jai.but it's not true! guys, were we dating ever? how about some coffee? it's late. i should go. one coffee? jai, take the car!

shall we? jai singh rathore!isn't it a little heavy? my grandfather wanted to name mezohravar singh rathore. - pet name; "zorro".- then? mom offered to jump from the third floorof our ancestral villa. grandfather forgot the villahad just two storeys. ancestral villa? so you're really his royal highnessprince jai singh rathore? well, your friends certainly thinkyou're a prince.

they couldn't stop talking about you. i think that was for you. for my sake? why? so you refused to marry jai. is it because he's poor or ugly? amit, i'm in no mood to fight. - sit for two minutes?- your house. your bum. we used to be friends, too, amit.

when did you go so far away? did i go away? i was thinking today... come dad took chargeof every new factory? why not one of his brothers? - so?- so i hated it. change homes, change schools. new place, new school, new friends... remember gwalior?

- and your friend, that chinese girl?- chia! and in bangalore,that boy i used to tease you about. rana! a complete idiot. the worst was miss cochin...raj laxmi aiyer! the poor thing did all my homework. remember any of my friends? not one! that's because i only had one friend. i didn't go far away.

others got closer to you. so i had other friends. how does that affect us? so let's say whatshisname...ah, jai... let's say jai meets someone. you'll have to share his time.won't it bother you? like today. i found him a girlfriend. - but we're cool because...- you did what? found jai a girlfriend.

found jai a girlfriend! this is a giant. he's swallowed a naughty little elfwho's running around in his belly. "naughty little elf"? meghna always played this game. the world is not what it seems.everything is magical. she used to call the game"what's this?" a trolley loaded with luggage. this is a giant cake.

with chocolate, blueberryand strawberry icing. - it was lovely to meet you.- same here. we'll meet again? we'll meet again. if i'm ever in trouble again,will you be there to save me? i'm going to seethe new bond film tomorrow. pvr cinema. 8;00pm. i'll be alone. will you be there if something happens?

rats! idiot, where were you?did you go to poona to drop her home? ooh! a long walk, huh? for god's sake, get yourselfa mobile phone! i'll buy you one. to hell with your privacy. never mind, tell me. you got her number? what? yeah...very cute. yes, quite amazing!

rats, now you'll get slapped.stop sighing so much. so did you sing your song? - song?- know it or not are you nuts? she would've throwna coin at me and walked off. but you're happy, right? now to find you a sweet little boy. rats, if i wanted a sweet boy,i'd have fallen for you. who'd knock out a guy's teethfor messing with me. know someone like that?

actually, i'm meeting someonejust like that tomorrow. with meghna? - where?- pvr. - what time?- 8;00pm. hey, jai! you're here? slimeballs! why are we here? watching a film!and we have two extra tickets. really? show me! see you in the interval.

rats...are you sitting separately? - yup. why?- nothing. jai, you should sit with your friends. i'm here with you. so jai was happy.and we were happy for him. but no one noticed how hardaditi was trying to be happy. you say this is life it will never change i say everything will change

everything but you i say...only you no one for me but you you say i belong to you to no one else but you all said and done, even in a crowd,it's just you and me stop the car! what this? it's a hand cart! nope! meghna, you go.

this ancient cannon! i was thinking rocket launcher! - it's a handcart!- you won't get it. want a slap?i'm more imaginative than you! black lightning! you know lightning? that's black in colour... a witch. that's her hat,and there's her broom. i was thinking just that.

a witch who is extending her clawsto catch kids! let's go, meow! where are you going? to drop her home. how much more can you drop her?we're at her doorstep. i know. carry on. don't be an idiot. i'll drop you off. you won't find a taxi at this hour.

what happened to you, meow? i wanted to drop her off,chat with her a bit... - what?- go. go. take your time saying goodnight. found a girlfriendso you'll forget old friends? come's late. still up? - jai singh rathore.- huh? whistle on your lips,skip in your step...

- what's up?- nothing. congratulations, my darling! so finally you told aditi how you feel. ok, so who is it? sandhya? sandhya who? bombs? like you don't know she likes you. mum, bombs is rotlu's girlfriend! who's in love with aditi. oh, come on, wait!

what's her name? tell me all. mother. divine mother. welcome! a sight for sore eyes! i haven't met a more cruel,heartless cop in my life! no, you flatter me.there are so many. you think it's funny?you feel no remorse? - that boy's hand is broken.- good. that's the same handwith which he stole.

let's say he did steal, find the evidence.bring it to court. - why raise your hand?- dear lord. waghmare has all the time in the world. investigate the theft of a cheap radio?collect evidence? take him to courtin front of a magistrate? or two slaps, case closed! you wish to slap me, too, right? if i don't get you suspended,i'll change my name. fine.

may i suggest "cherry"? one more time. say it one more time. jai, let's go. come here, you rascal!how dare you browbeat a cop? here, i'll say it again! cherry! gladioli! hibiscus!

i forgot, sir! what were you going to do? you were going to raise your hand? on a cop? he was mistreating with you. that's my problem. and by fighting,you would've proved him right. since there's no differencebetween him and my son. my son did nothing wrong!

if someone is rude to his mother,should he keep mum? - don't start that again, please!- what do you mean "again"? i mean enough! i can't argue about this every day. if you wanted jai to be like you,you shouldn't have died. - you want him to be a coward?- yes. he's the son of amar singh rathore! that's what i fear! a fear i've felt since the dayyou went to fight the bathwals

and never rode back. so i died fighting! alone! and i slapped ten bathwalsbefore i died. the eleventh struck from behind.swine! i wish you had returnedafter being slapped ten times. nonsense. you're a martyr's should be proud! i will now enter that paintingand strangle you! why am i listening?

remember, savitri. soon, jai will fulfil the three conditionsof ranjhore manhood. one... - now?- yes! he will mount a horse. two, he will thrash a man. three, he will go to prison once. these were the rites of passage? jai could never have done them.

who will he beat up? that inspector? will he really go to prison? - an hour late.- so hurry! they'll arrive andthe story won't be complete. - exactly! so tell me quickly!- i need coffee. have coffee later! - who's popcorn?- mine! shaleen, your samosas. if we're done stuffing our faces,may we continue, please?

then jai became elusive,and when we did meet meghna was always there. remember the picnicwhere meghna joined us? impossible to forget.your "chariot of fires" ran out of fuel. and i ran out of fueltrying to hitch a ride. anyway, jai and meghna behavedas if we didn't exist! hop on! sometimes noble sometimes a tart

how do you trust the wanton heart! sometimes cold sometimes bold how do you trust this wily soul? the heart is naive not a liar it knows not its own desire the secret look the stolen gaze

finds its mark and yet it strays finds its mark,and yet it strays the heart meant well its intentions were pure but old habits die hard and desire has no cure troubles me all day keeps me up at night

troubles me all day,keeps me up at night i wish i knew my heart! finds its markand yet it strays the eyes are filled with love,but the heart feels incomplete and keeps walkingthis one way street the lips speak all,but the heart keeps it a secret holding your beloved near,who do you seek here? life is serious, love precarious,actually, quite hilarious the secret look,the stolen gaze

papa can't do without mumfor a second. yet they're always bickering. so this friday, then? it's the first timei've brought a guy home. you miss jai? we meet often. meghna's always around, though. i've never seen jai like this. so taken up by someone,oblivious to all else.

jai has always been like this. except that "someone" was you. where's jai? what a strange lad! one drink is had only with enemies. i'm down four, and you're stilltwirling your first one. come on, one more. one more! you promised you'd drink lessand eat early. you still fall for his promises?

you've been promising mefor ten years that one day you won't havea headache. i still have hope. how about that? no, child, let's the only entertainment i've got. no one watches tv in this house. he switches it on every evening. if you don't,she'll think you have a problem. he's only had five small drinks. shambhu, serve the food!the master's done drinking.

mahesh! dad, you're feeding your shirtmore than yourself! how's the food, jai? don't flirt with kids..."sheela"! he's your daughter's boyfriend.spare him. everyone at the clubhas a crush on you. memories of youth. when you looked upon me with love. after 25 years of marriage,tolerating each other is good enough.

and if one can't tolerate,one learns to ignore, yes? and my folks? nice. they bicker so muchbut can't do without each other. sometimes i feel so overwhelmedat their love. - what are you doing here?- is aditi here? why? is your girlfriend asleep? ask your friends to look at the timebefore showing up. what's up, jai?

sorry, i couldn't come to the party. i'd promised meghna. hey, it's still your birthday. let's spend tomorrow together,just you and me. we'll hang out,watch a film, have dinner... we used to hang out togetherbecause we liked it. not because it was dutyor an obligation. so please, don't insult meby apologising. you wanted to go to meghna's house,and you did.

wasn't it your parents' idea,giving each other space? don't worry, we'll find you a stud.then you'll vanish, too... rats, just... don't do me any favours.i can find myself a guy. in fact, i'm meeting someone tomorrow. dad's friend's son. so don't bother, all right? i hope you like him. it's late. i should get some sleep.

why doesn't she tell him? the arrogance of "just friendship". and this son of her dad's friend,it's a lie, right? exactly the type of guy aditi wanted. so do you ever do any work? i'm at work at 8;00 sharp. doesn't look like it.your life seems like a holiday. not one holidaybut many small ones. with lots of restaurants,because i love food.

and a few parties,because i like a drink sometimes. what do you like? - ever tried bungee jumping?- not yet. first holiday...bungee jumping. whoa!you're planning our life already? you don't have to marry me.come with friends. is it for real? when you're with one will mess with you. not all.i think sunita was just a friend.

it's all your fault. you didn't meet me at sixteen. are you threatening me? warning, my foot! remember, i've had you suspendedfor only a week. call my home again and i sweari'll have you dismissed. water? some to drinkand some to flush down waghmare. jai, aditi had called.

when? this a mobile, won't you? maybe when i get a job. hi, meow! you called? yes. i have some good news. you're getting married? - what's his name?- sushant. sushant modi. have to run. goodnight. interviews start tomorrow.

i would love to get a job in marketing. what do you feel like eating? leftovers? i'm in the mood to cook.state your wish. samosas! aditi's engaged. i heard. rotlu! when he's happy,we wonder what's wrong! and his girlfriend, bombs.

though her plane needstwo runways to take off. - meaning?- she's a bit slow. and jai. that's it, that's our group. - so when am i meeting them?- after the wedding. or else you'll definitely run away! - let's not go inside.- why? tell me friends are waiting inside. see those horses? two lunatics ride them.

they started a fight the last time. and i'm sure they'll createa problem tonight, too. problems i can handle. she still likes you. only after two drinks. - what for?- i shouldn't have called her. she's a friend, right? friends are always special. come on.

what's your problemif she wants to dance? - i'll thrash that english out of you!- really? richa just can't handle her drink. did you need to handle her? was i wrong? how was the party? did you have fun? - dinner?- we've eaten, thank you. you're amit, right? has he lost it?

marrying aditi! very brave. come on, it's late. dad, i'm meeting sushantfor the first time. - he's tired, son. next time...- i'm fine. i was eager to meet him, too. he's almost my brother now. - so, amit, what do you do?- read books. listen to music. watch films. - what about work?- nothing at all.

- the only advantage of being rich.- that shouldn't be the case. a man's work is his identity. he paints. don't you, son? just doodles. amit's never shown me his room. i haven't seen it either. amit likes sushant! - you must be so proud of him.- thanks, bro-in-law!

bro-in-law? you gave sushant a painting? sushant is nice, isn't he? you've never seen my room, right? what are you doing, aditi? you want to marry him? - meaning?- listen to me, aditi. sushant is not a nice guy. - he cares only for himself.- what are you saying?

come and sit down. don't you know you're in love with jai?that you can only be happy with him? amit, i thought you didn't like jai. my parents keep wishingthey had a son like him. my own best friend,loves him more. i know why. because he's...he's... a wonderful guy! but he likes meghna.

and i'm to marry sushant. jai loves you. maybe he doesn't realise you didn't. that's tricky.i've an interview the next morning. hey, don't do's my surprise birthday party. - even aditi can't make it.- why isn't she coming? - sushant's friend is throwing a party.- well, i'll try. if i can make it, i'll come. bummer!

- what did he say?- he said bugger off! so...tell me. - what?- about your past. what past? boyfriend, crush, affair maybe... hey, why be coy? didn't you ever like someone? once. in school. when i told him, he went cryingto the teacher. ok?

and in your group? no special friend? one you liked more than others? sushant, what's your problem? your little black book is like an epic. and you ask me about friends? yes, there was one. a very special friend. his name is jai. and we were so close, people thoughtwe were having an affair. happy?

- well?- well what? well, were you? so why haven't i met him? because college is overand everyone's busy. plus he's got a girlfriend. this is vikram, my boyfriend.sushant... so you've finally got over me. hey, vikram, look after her, man. she was my most special girlfriend.

what haven't we shared,to shy away from a dance? - we should go.- wait a minute. one dance, babes. hands off. chill,'re a chapter. i'm the story. i'm suitably let her go. i was high. - then let me drive, please.- i'm fine now. no, it's late, jiggy! i'm going home. talk to you later. goodnight.

what's up? party at my friend's place. - let's go. i can meet your friends.- not tonight! i insist. say where. will jai be there? no idea. what's up with jai? i know. he hasn't smiled all evening. another whiner? i'm feeling insecure. two were close friendsin college, right? we still are. always will be. a drink, sushant? sushant will think we're a morose bunch. jai, you too. what happened? you were dyingto dance a while back? - who did that?- t! dim the lights!

cool! somewhere is a world where you're with me where just you and i and our feelings exist where dawn smiles from under your lashes where i can hear moonsing me a lullaby in your arms where is that world?

i wonder if it exists at all where my life isn'tsuch a stranger to me can't a scooter just be a scooterfor a while? there's no romantic story here. a middle class man rides it to work.that's it! i know... why are you so upset? no. tell me. sometimes i feel you can't see reality.or you can't face it.

i want to know. well, then? - everything.- for example? i'm sorry, but it didn't look likethey can't live without each other. - frankly, i feel that they...- shut up! dad had an affair. mom left home. she came back just for me. they used to fight like animalseveryday.

the abuse, the violence... alone in my room, i could hear it all. what could i do? the two people i loved most... ...were miserable. all because of me. all the time. every minute. so...i stopped seeing and thinking. i assured myself that they were happy,that they loved each other.

and that all was well with the world. if you shut your eyesand can't see the world... doesn't mean thatthe world can't see you. that's true. i've shut my eyes tight. and sure...i'll have to face realitysomeday. don't force me to open my eyes yet. how was the party? all right. aditi was there?

with her fiance? there, there. enough, child. jai, meghna's here. some tea? - what's up?- jai...i've been thinking. i've realised thatyou're in love with aditi. two are just perfect. you really should marry aditi. look at you!

how could you fall for that? what you said is true. i do love aditi. i guess i knew. - just checking.- no, i... poor thing! that night she went out drinkingwith some friends... where she bumpedinto aditi and sushant. jiggy, tell her what aditi and sushantwere talking about then.

sorry. aditi was off to the us fora fortnight. she'd even got her visa. what? it's not that simple. but she wanted to stay on a bit longer. new york universityhas a film-making course. since i'm going there,i might as well apply. - how long is the course?- three years. you want to live in new yorkfor three years after marriage. actually, i was wondering...what if i did the course first? what's the rush?

how are you? - where's jai?- haven't you heard? we're not together anymore. the oldest story in the world. he's in love with someone else. with who? - who was she referring to?- i don't know! your best friend and you expect meto believe that? why does this even concern us?

you said you two were close, right? even your parents thoughtyou wanted to get married! did you like him?were you in love with him? don't try to ignore me, aditi! let go of my hand,'re hurting me! i'm the one who's hurting. were you in love with him? tell me, aditi. just tell me this once.i promise i'll never bring it up again.

i don't know if it was loveor something else! you know now, don't you? answer me. you're in love with him, aren't you? yes, i'm in love... i feel i'm choking in his sighs i feel i'm lost in these arms as lost as my path towards you i've lost you,i've lost the way to you

somewhere, somewhere hides the magicof our every meeting - aditi...- jai? what are you doing here? i went to your place. your parentsdidn't know where you were. i called shaleen, the one had a clue. oh, my phone's at home. anyway, i'm glad you're here. i'm off to the us tonight. and if i hadn't come?

i'll be back in a couple of weeks. - you're going for three years.- what three years? getting into nyu isn't easy. what's the matter? why are you leaving? i just need to be alone for a while. problems with sushant? isn't he bothered thatyou're leaving for three...? i don't think i'm readyfor this marriage business.

- why didn't you tell me?- did you tell me? i found you the wrong girl... ...and me the wrong guy. you're running away. aditi mahant. the black cat. what? nothing. who did that? sushant? did he hit you? damn it, jai,i said nothing happened!

i had a scrap with amit.he was ranting, so i hammered him. look. it's getting late, honestly. - is sushant home?- yes. and you are? i'm a friend of aditi. maybe you can reason with them. a friend of aditi's is here. coming down? what's your name again? may i speak with him in private?

what do you want? did you raise your hand to aditi? why did you do it? jai, you have no ideahow much fun i'm having. spare yourself and get lost! you shouldn't have touched aditi. amar, have you seen my glasses? he hurt aditi. mum, i'm going to meet aditi.

it won't happen again. can we discuss this later? i have to go. i have to stop her. how can i let her go? i love her. how will you get back? there's a transport strike after buses or cabs. jiggy will drop me. may i go? promise me...never again.

never. today's my happy birthday. and you, sunny're my birthday present. where are you taking him? but how? sushant's dad! i can't believe jai beat up sushantat his own house! - so much for sushant's black belt!- jai is a rathore! - a rathore from ranjhore!- so he went to prison?

that's two conditions down! - please let me make just one call.- how can i? what if you called the prime minister?then i'd have to let you go. how can i spoil my birthday party? please, just one call. then you may do what you like with me. "i may"? such respect confuses me. you stood eye to eye with meand said, "say that again."

hey, shut up! i knew right thenyou had a violent streak. all right, tell me, who will you call? - there's this girl...- a girl. a female friend. why at this hour? if i don't call her,she'll leave for america. - and if you call, she won't?- no. - why?- because she loves me.

but she doesn't know that i... a case of love! bravo, waghmare!happy birthday to me! i've spoken to mr sinha.he'll meet us at the police station. will you pick me up? listen...should we take some cash? waghmare will vent all his frustrationon my baby. aditi, it's time to leave. sure you wanna go?

and stay for what? what time's the flight? there... there's that violent streak again.dangerous bloody fellow! what's going on? - oh, brother ballu!- bagheera, we're home! - congratulations!- what's all this? drinking and causing mayhem.beating up two fellows. one in hospital.the second, too traumatised to report.

you bombayites are total wimps. so why file a case? - send them off with a warning.- heaven forbid! the effort it took... sir has are warned. now get going! brother ballu... age before attitude. thanks, dirty harry! mine, too! this fellow looks familiar...

bro! it's the guy who conned us. that aids chick! hats off! we value a brain. we even have one between us. shake hands, kiddo! may i ask why you're bothso ecstatic? what's the deal? what's your name? so, jai, the thing is,today we go from boys to men!

it's an ancient family tradition. to become a man,one must fulfil three conditions. - one...- horse riding. - two?- thrash someone. go to prison!rathores from ranjhore? but how, why? ballu's dad was elected to parliament,so no one dared arrest them there. if they assaulted someone, the copssaid, "bravo, your highness," and slapped the victim some more.

get the picture?laughing stock of the family, we were. so we reckoned,"hey, no one knows us in bombay!" and here we are, in jail. ballu's right,no jail for us in ranjhore. ranjhore? in rajasthan? - yes, why?- my father was from ranjhore. and your father was? you are jai singh rathore...son of amar singh rathore? and your father...?

he died when i was five. is your mother's name savitri? how do you know? recognise us? i'm kuber singh rathore.this is vinay singh rathore! mowgli! brother ballu? brother bagheera? once their excitement abated, they began narratingthe exploits of amar singh.

legend has it he could tacklea wild boar with his bare hands. and he'd slapped pretty muchevery man in ranjhore. and what a death!right, ballu? a glorious death! unarmed, alone, he stormed the bathwal mansion,and slapped them senseless. true! the terror of ranjhore, amar singh! even today his name lives on. - what are you thinking about?- nothing.

come on, spit it out. you know how he hated violence. what is it, then? - do me a favour?- take two. - i need to get out of here.- but how did you get in? - i thrashed someone.- my lion! the beacon of ranjhore! stay the night, chat with us. no, brother ballu! i have to get out.

or i'll lose aditi. yes, sir. no, sir. never, sir. absolutely, sir. right away, sir. victory to india, sir! - oh, rathore, sir...- save your licking for an ice cream. shut mouth. open cell. release jai. there's a report against him. and you filed it? say sorry!

- release him!- sir...something to wet our beaks? sure, ask him.some tea before you leave? leave? who's leaving? just do as you're told. let jai go. and you? right after breakfast tomorrow. leaving, son? farewell. and don't act so tough next time. his violent streak is very dangerous.

do drop in. it's your uncle's home. do convey my regards to your mother. save it, kiddo. go get aditi. it's 1 2;00. i'm screwed. i didn't realise you were cinderella! transport bus. no train. no taxi. the final condition? his brother's horse! i don't exactly know how to ride. yes, you do. a rathore knows how,even in his mother's womb.

ride on. save your love. go. - gracias, dirty harry.- muchas gracias. epiphany. it wasn't dad. it was me. i tried calling the commissioner, too. who can i call at this hour? did i...? wasn't that...? isn't that your son?

no. that's my husband's son. let's go. home. is he flying, too? the terrorist has checked in. over. meow! the terrorist has beenapprehended, sir. and he's...meowing, sir. no, sir, not "may i?""'meow" like a cat, sir. that is why you makemy heart soar

don't go, meow. of course not, rats. the terrorist was singing, sir. what song? admit it or not... so she didn't go? next time, i shoot. i know, sir. and if you ever sing again...

...someone's sure to shoot you! aware of that, sir. - shall we?- yes. how was the honeymoon? i never knew jai was so romantic. how i missed you guys! i feel like i've known you twofor years! jiggy, let's hear the whole story...

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