2017 fashion predictions
today the subject of the last week's fridaysermon will continue. the points that were covered before will befurther explained or further ways of making efforts of achievingthe best results will be elucidated; what the techniques are through which bettermentcan be brought about in the majority of the jama'at. so i will say some things about this today. in the last two friday sermons it was mentioned;and due to it being mentioned, it has become clear to us that for practicalreformation, if these three aspects are produced in man thenpractical reformation can be done
in the best manner and rapidly. that is developing strength of resolve - when looked at in the context of faith, this canbe described as the strength of faith. second, is overcoming any lack of knowledge. the third is removing any deficiencies in ourstrength of practice or actions. as i said, today i will present some more pointsor angles on this subject. hazrat musleh maud (may allah be pleased with him)has explained this in great depth and i will take some points from this. however, with regards to whatever will beexplained today, i would like to say
that our missionaries, our scholars, and those office holders and presidents who have an opportunity to advise others or who have been entrusted with the duty ofcounselling other people, also including the office holders of auxiliaryorganisations, should, in particular, keep these points in view. this is so that they can play the maximum role in helping members of the community practicallyreform. in this regard, i regularly and often present manypoints before the jamaat.
now, due to the blessings of mta, wherever themembers of the jama'at are, if they watch mta then they listen to my words. with the grace of the almighty allah, what i sayhas an impact upon them, or at least a sizeable proportion are impacted bymy words. however, it is the duty of the missionaries,presidents and office holders to form their programmes in such a manner thatthis message and the programmes formed on these lines arepresented repeatedly before the jama'at. this is so that the circle of action in the mindof every ahmadi becomes well known and embedded within its mind.
thus, this is something extremely necessary. everyone, entrusted with any responsibility, mustkeep this in mind at all times. the first part of the means of reformation, as hasbeen mentioned already, is the strength of resolve or this can be explained in other words as imaanor faith. to produce this, the prophets came to the world. these prophets demonstrate fresh and new signs. hazrat musleh maud, may allah be pleased with him,explains that, ‘our jama'at has such a plentiful and ample amountof new and fresh signs that no one else has anywhere near equal to such anamount.’
except for islam, there is no religion in theentire world which receives such new revelations from god thealmighty, witnesses his living signs or has the testimonyto prove his existence, which purifies the hearts of man from all formsof impurities and instead fills it with understanding andperception of god the almighty. however, despite this belief, despite havingthese new and fresh miracles why do we find deficiencies and weaknesses in theactions of the members of the jamaat? in this regard, hazrat musleh maud, may allahbe pleased with him, expressed his viewpointthat the reason for this is
the scholars of the jama'at, its missionaries andpreachers have not given special attention towards propagating and conveying this. this statement of hazrat musleh maud, may allahbe pleased with him, is as correct today as it was 75 - 76 years ago. there is a need for us to reflect on this. as we are moving away from the era of the promisedmessiah, on whom be peace, we need to make further plans correspondingly andgive greater attention towards this. so this statement requires our attention eventoday. we deliver emphatic and splendid speechesregarding the death of jesus, on whom be peace,
and extract scores of references to silence thecritics of the jama'at and statements of those who are deemedholy people amongst the critics and we present these before them, rendering themspeechless; but we have not made the same amount of effort to present the correct teachings of the ahmadiyyajama'at before its members, or at least, this effort has not been made by thescholars. the result of this is that you can find peoplein the jama'at who are familiar with the arguments that prove thedeath of jesus, peace be upon him, or can give very rebuttals to criticismsraised by detractors.
here also, you can see maulvis make allegations oncertain channels and on the internet. sometimes replies to it are given excellently andin a brilliant fashion even by ordinary ahmadis. people send me reports of the discussionsthat they had on various tv channels. they also write the responses that they provided. often the replies that they gave are very goodand scholarly. so in this respect we are very well equipped. however, you will struggle to find many peoplewho have knowledge of the manner in which the promised messiah, on whom be peace,has presented god before us; what ways he taught us to obtain understanding,knowledge and love of allah the almighty;
in which words he explained to us how to obtainnearness to god, and how gloriously fresh revelation, signs andmiracles were revealed to the promised messiah, on whom bepeace. this is why sometimes people are convinced by theconcept of the death of jesus, peace be upon him, and are familiar with the arguments and proofswith respect to it and he has inherited ahmadiyyat through hisparents. however, despite having knowledge of these thingswhich he is aware of, on the other side, as a result of not havingknowledge of these other things,
weakness develops in his faith; which, as i mentioned - he is not aware of thetrue perception of god or the new signs and miracles of god the almighty orways of obtaining nearness to god. due to not having knowledge of these things,weaknesses develop in him and his faith begins to dwindle. practical weaknesses also thus result. so in such a case, a person may be firm and wellversed in the death of jesus, peace be upon him. however, knowledge of this will not help hispractical reformation and this is why we observe weaknesses in thejama'at from this perspective.
so until the scholars of our jama'at,the missionaries and all presidents and office bearers who have beenentrusted with the responsibility of presenting their own good example and helpingto reform others; unless they give due attention and unless they make every single member of thejama'at aware of the purpose of the advent of thepromised messiah, on whom be peace, and strive to establish a link of the members ofthe jama'at with those objectives and make them do justice to that objective; until then, that part of the jama'at which, as aresult of a lack of will power,
are unable to practically reform, that will remainwidespread in the jamaat. we need to discern and analyse and observehow many are there amongst us who are really enthusiastic to worship allah thealmighty. it is not that we just spend one month of ramadanor just sit itikaaf once and then the rest of the year or for many years,we do not even mention them again. in fact, we need to show this enthusiasm, passionand zeal with consistency, so that we can acquire the nearness to allah thealmighty forever. how many are there amongst us to whom allah thealmighty shows his love and signs by accepting our prayers and speaks to us?
it is the duty of every ahmadi that, after havingbelieved in the promised messiah, on whom be peace, theyshould and strive to achieve this standard. so this in fact is that revolution of therejuvenation of islam for which purpose the promised messiah, on whom be peace, came. if in reality, each and every single person wasaware of the status of the promised messiah, on whom be peace, and every single person had a passion to fulfilhis mission; if we were aware of the huge number ofextraordinary signs that were shown at his hands by allah the almighty
and the scores of signs that his followers werebestowed with then each and every single one of us would desireto obtain that status and make efforts to this end because through this, the person will also witnessdirect signs which would manifest before him. strength of faith would develop that illuminationthrough which such power of resolve is cultivated which develops a special passion forobtaining nearness to allah the almighty. so thus, the signs of the promised messiah, onwhom be peace, which allah the almighty continues to manifesteven today should produce a special excitement andfervour in our hearts. that we also can obtain nearness to god thealmighty
and by virtue of the promised messiah, on whom bepeace, and our master, the holy prophet, peace be uponhim, we should make an effort to emulate every one ofhis noble examples of his life and through the grace of allah the almighty canreach that status where he shows us special love and affection. in worldly matters we imitate and copy others. when we see others with something good we harbourthe desire to obtain that or we make an effort to acquire it and we usedifferent means to do so. and in this, every single person in accordancewith his thinking and capability
makes an effort to imitate. for example, one looks at another’s dress oranother person wearing a suit. so he or she desires to obtain the same clothing. or somebody sees something else which he likesand desires to obtain it. now through tv, everyone in the world is beingdrawn so close together that let alone the middle class denomination, even poor people desire to obtain various type offacilities and amenities. they desire to obtain a television and a fridge because others also have it who are of the sameclass as them.
they do not stop to think that they may haveobtained those possessions through a relative or friend who gifted it tothem. and if this is the case, they should not feelgreed to receive the same things. they immediately try to take out a loan because they think that because such andsuch person has this so they should also have it. or others have got into the habit of alwaysasking for help in such matters. it may indeed be the responsibility of the jama'atthat, within their resources, they should fulfil the needs of those who areneedy. however, those who make a request for help,
in particular in pakistan, india and some otherpoor countries should only make a request for appropriate needsand keep regard for their self-respect. similarly, we find a denomination of people whoare in better financial circumstances. they desire to copy what others have. for example, they see others with a new sofa anddesire to obtain one. they see someone with a new model television or other electronic gadgets or devices and desireto have them. in the same way, some take out loans to obtain anew car. so here i should also mention that the direeconomic circumstances that exist today
are due to these banks through which people takeout loans on interest to obtain these luxuries. interest is a big curse. when people use these means they do not lookahead to where they will end up. in any case, the desire to purchase such thingsand taking out loans on interest has ultimately caused so many people to becomebankrupt. nonetheless, it was being explained that inworldly things, people imitate others and to obtain these things they either sacrificetheir self-respect or they become bankrupt and lose all theirpossessions and property. so in trying to copy others in worldly thingsthere is less benefit and more loss.
however, copying others in matters of faith andtrying to follow the model that the promised messiah, on whom be peace, haspresented before us in this era; in fact many of us have also observed the sahaba who established those examples of nearness toallah the almighty; we do not make an effort to emulate them whereas there is no question of any lossbeing incurred. in fact there is only benefit in this and this benefit cannot be measured in any way. so what is the reason that we do not try toimitate in this respect,
which is the emulating of increasing in virtuesand goodness. so it is clear that either we are not givenknowledge of these things at all due to which we do not realise these things, or we are given knowledge of this so sparingly orafter such lengthy intervals that we completely forget that allah the almightyis displaying his signs even today. as a result of this, we give practically noattention towards this whereas in worldly things, we observeadverts in newspapers and tv scores of times and it becomes embedded in our minds that through some means or another i have toacquire that worldly thing.
if one tries to explain to such a person orsomeone asks casually why they need this worldly thing when you do nothave the resources their reply is immediately given that do poor people not have feelings? do our children not have feelings that we shouldalso obtain these worldly things? however, feelings are never harboured forhaving the desire, after hearing about revelations that allah the almighty should also speak to us; that allah the almighty should also display signsto us and allah the almighty should bless and reward us.
a major reason for not having this way ofthinking is that our scholars, our missionaries, our office bearers within theirown circles do not repeatedly remind the members of the jama'at towards making efforts to acquirethe love of allah the almighty. or they do not remind them in the manner that isrequired or their own examples are not such through whichothers are drawn towards them. they do not repeatedly mention the promisedmessiah, on whom be peace, and his companions and accounts of the help of allah and his signsthat these companions and saints witnessed too. so these things are not repeatedly mentioned. and this faith is not developed that
allah the almighty’s attributes have not beenlimited to any specific people or time period. in fact even today allah the almighty manifestshis attributes. if this is repeatedly mentioned and manners ofestablishing this connection are explained and if the promises that allah the almighty madeto the promised messiah, on whom be peace, are mentioned again, then the questionwould not arise amongst the youth that why has allah the almighty not accepted ourprayers? we need to strengthen our relationship with allah. then the philosophy of acceptance of prayers isalso understood and signs of allah the almighty also manifest.
so there is a need to spread this, that in thisera, only through establishing a bond with the servant of hadhrat muhammad,peace be upon him, can one establish a close relationship with godthe almighty. signs are not limited to the being of the promisedmessiah, on whom be peace, or to his era. in fact, even now allah the almighty, with all hispower and might, displays the manifestations of his being. so if the passion to acquire virtues andobtain nearness to allah the almighty becomes common amongst the members of ourjamaat then a very large segment of the community canform
which can eliminate sins to a very largedegree. to eliminate sin altogether is a difficult task. we cannot make a claim to this effect. however, sin can be overcome to a very significantdegree. or the majority of the jama'at would consist, andcan consist, of such people who can overcome sin. so for this, our missionaries, presidents andoffice bearers, within their own circles, need to make every effort to reform others; and should carry out this reformation whilstexplaining that allah the almighty has informed the promisedmessiah, on whom be peace, that
those who follow him completely will be those whoobtain nearness to allah. allah the almighty accepts most prayersof such people. with the grace of the almighty allah, there aresuch people in the jama'at, who often write to me as well. i mention their accounts on various occasions. so there are such incidents and accounts which caninspire others to follow and copy them. if anyone is to copy others, then after listeningto such accounts you should do it in order for yourself to abide bytheir models so that a relationship of nearness to god can beestablished.
the promised messiah, on whom be peace, said onone occasion that of all the nations and people in the world, none have believed in such a god whoresponds to them and who listens to prayers. can any christian say that i believe jesus as god, that he listens to my prayers and he responds toit? absolutely not. the god who speaks is only one god, who is the godof islam, which has been presented by the holy qur'an, ‘prayunto me and i will answer your prayers.’ (40:61) it is absolutely true that if there is anyone whofor a sustained period with true intentions and purity of the heart -
the promised messiah, on whom be peace, says whofor a sustained period, with true intention and purity of the heart, has faith in allah the almighty, struggles andmakes an effort and remains engaged in prayers ultimately he will receive the answers to hisprayers. so if these points are repeatedlypresented before the jama'at then most certainly it will bring about strength. it can bring about strength in a large proportionof the jama'at and their power of resolve can become so firm that it will enable them to overcome thousands ofsins permanently
and be safeguarded from performing sins. they will establish such a relationship with godthe almighty which will never dwindle. this was the purpose of the advent of the promisedmessiah, on whom be peace, to save mankind from sin and to make themestablish such a connection with god the almighty through which his pleasure takes precedence overall other things. instead of searching for excuses of avoidingworship or assuming it to be an obligation and performingit quickly, or treating it as an unwanted burden to be removedas soon as possible, a zeal for worship should develop.
now i shall present some examples of thereformation ahmadiyyat brought in people. our missionary in kyrgyzstan writes that anelderly ahmadi, mr umer sahib who took the ba’it on 10th june2002. he is fifty-eight years old. he was a muslim by birth. however, he heldcommunist views. he writes his sentiments relating to the bai’atin the following words. he says the day i wrote a letter for the bai’at, that day was in reality a memorable day in mylife. i describe that day as a new birth for me.
the main reason for this is that, before this i went to every other type of religious communityor jama'at. however, it did not bring about any specialchange in my character or life. whereas after taking the bai'at, a true spiritualrevolution initiated. before the ba’it the prayers were alien to me. however, today, with the grace of allah almighty, the five daily prayers have become an integralpart of my life and to miss the tahajjud prayer is inconceivableto me. today my heart is filled with the firm beliefthat if a person sets out in search of truth
he finds his destination and once he reaches it,his true spiritual training takes place. and he achieves success and this time in essence is the time of his tranquillity of the heart. so therefore, these are the revolutions beingproduced in the newcomers. then our missionary in africa, idrisso sahib whois an lieutenant in the army, he took the bai'at in 2013. he relates his acceptance of ahmadiyyat. he was born on the day of the muslims' eidso my idolater father said to the nanny give him a muslim name.
in africa it is traditional to name the babydepending on when it is born. so he says that 'i was born on the day of eid. 'my father was an idolater but it was the muslim’seid and therefore my father said to give me a muslim name and we are going tomake him a muslim because he was born on eid.' 'subsequently, in childhood i spent some timegoing to mosques but once after the friday prayers i was returningand sustained an injury. 'and i thought in my mind that after my worship ofgod, i have suffered this injury so i thought if i am worshipping god, there shouldbe no question of me sustaining any injury. 'so thinking on these lines, that if i have beeninjured after worship,
what is the point of that worship?i left islam and became a christian. 'i would spend time in one church then another; even within christianity i would change betweensects. 'my problems increased. i started having quarrelswith my wife. peace was destroyed. 'i was always embroiled in worries. 'my parents and my elders tried their best toresolve the domestic problems. 'there were a lot of attempts to reconcile. 'the elders of the village made every effort forreconciliation but everything failed. 'in such circumstances a dai'illallah of thejama'at, muhammad sahib met me.
'he came to know of my circumstances and said youhave tried all remedies. you were muslim and became christian. your problems increased and have not beenresolved. your family tried to explain to you. the elders of the village tried to explain butnothing worked. so now i shall tell you a remedy. try this remedy also. and then see what results emanate from it. the remedy is to pray because the sign of thetruthfulness of a religion
is that its followers have their prayers accepted. you should pray for yourself and i will also prayfor you that allah almighty reconciles you and your wifeand allows you to have a good relationship. but remember you must pray with sincerity anddedication and i will also pray for you. and because i am saying this, if this comes to betrue, if your problems are resolved then remember this is a sign of thetruthfulness of our imam. so thus he prayed for a number of days. he says 'as a result of prayers, one by one,all my problems were resolved and i reconciled with my wife.
'this is the path of the true islam wheregod is found and prayers are accepted. now my entire circumstances have transformedaltogether. 'this is the sign of the truthfulness of thepromised messiah, on whom be peace. 'there is salvation in believing in him.' so now he is an ahmadi. this is also a lesson for those ahmadis whoassociate themselves with the old ahmadi families but there is restlessness in their homes. their homes are filled with anxieties. according to the problems that come before me,
husbands do not fulfil the rights of their wivesand vice versa. you should strengthen your faith and make aneffort to reform. prostrate before god and these problems willautomatically be resolved. everyone should try this remedy andleave off their ego. you should eliminate the preconceived notionsthat you have in your mind, that the other person is going to say this andthat and i reply in this way. you should sincerely seek help from allah thealmighty then he will show you the right path. i shall also tell you about the signs of the helpand succour of allah the almighty which by virtue of the promised messiah, on whombe peace,
are displayed to us in this era also. in techiman, ghana, there is our circuitmissionary. there he says that a new ahmadi jibreela sahibcame to him and said: 'this is the harvest season. my idol-worshipping father has told me to cometo his idols and give an offering so that through its blessings, yam - yam is a specific crop, which they eat there andis available here; so the crop is good and there is a lot of yield. the mualim said that 'i told him to avoidthese idols and keep his father away from them;
further, i taught him the istikhara prayer. so with the grace of almighty allah, at the timeof the harvest, the crops of yam of this youth reaped great yieldand reaped better than his father’s harvest. so the sons yield was far better than hisidol-worshipping father. the father, observing this sign, said 'the god ofmy son is the true god.' then he burnt all the statues and idols that hepossessed. so this is that strength of faith that, by accepting the promised messiah, on whom bepeace, is also being developed in new ahmadis. then our missionary from kenya, in eldoret.
there, an opponent of ahmadiyyat somehow enteredwithin the vicinity of the mosque where his office was. he was actually a former worker there and hewould come and go. nonetheless, there were some differences and hewas relieved from his post. so he thereafter entered and he went to theceiling and he put some intoxicating drugs there. he reported this to the police that an ahmadimissionary lives here. he only preaches islam as a cover whereas inessence he is running a drug business. so as part of the police action, they raided theoffice and looked in the ceiling
where they had been told to lookand they acquired those drugs. the police were told that an opponent has carriedout this mischief but they did not listen. they said they will carry out the necessaryactions. so they took our missionary to the police stationand he was put behind bars. the next day, the case was presented in court. the judge gave a future date for the hearingrather than listening to it then. they notified me of the situation and i replied tothem by way of prayers. so the court case was presented again. he says 'when i would go there and be presentedbefore the judge,
the judge would look at me very attentively. after that he would say 'gentlemen, sit down' andhave me seated and he would give the lawyers a future date. he says that 'two days before having to be presentbefore the court, after morning prayers, when i became veryworried, i prayed and i was about to recite the holy qur'an, i thought that i should derive a virtuous actionfrom the holy qur'an.' so he said i will open the holy qur'an andwhichever word my eye fixes upon will give some message.
so my eyes rested upon the verse that says: ‘o fire, be thou cold and a means of safety forabraham’ [21:70] so i was reassured that this is a good message. 'a short while later, i went to the post office tocollect my mail.' he had received the letter from me, in which i had written that may allah the almightysafeguard and protect you from every evil. may the hypocrites fail in all their schemes. may the jama'at be saved from every trial and mayit be given more success. he said 'after reading this letter, my heart wasconvinced
that allah the almighty will most certainly bestowhis blessings. i also gave this good news to some people that allah almighty is about to bestow hisblessings. he says 'when i came before the court, as usualthe judge told me to be seated. 'after speaking to the lawyers he said to me:"you are free. "go and do your work. there is no case againstyou." ' so if the faith of a person is strong, then one has firm belief in the power of god. thus, man would only look towards allah almighty
and allah the almighty does display his signs. these are the things that, where it strengthensthe faith, it also keeps ones practical state right. there also it becomes a means of thestrengthening of faith of other people. so these are the things we must strive to acquire. the second aspect which is required for practicalreformation, as mentioned before, is the power or possession ofknowledge. in this regard i shall mention again, it has beenexplained already in the past that, mistakenly it is assumed that some sins are bigand others are small.
the result of having this notion is that the sinsthat a person considers to be minor they settle into his mind; and if there are moreof them, they completely settle into his mind. he thinks that this is no sin, it is somethingsmall. it is such a trivial thing for which there willnot be much accountability so a person conjures up this concept. in previous sermons, perhaps two weeks ago, i drew attention to the fact that some asylumseekers come here and give false statements. in order for their case to be successful, they try to derive benefit from lying.
in reality they are actually ruining their cases. not only are they ruining their own cases butare also causing damage to the credibility of the jamaat. but an asylum seeker informed me that after thefriday sermon he went to a lawyer - and the lawyer is an ahmadi and perhaps would havealso listened to the friday sermon. and the lawyer perhaps also served the jama'at insome capacity. so this lawyer, whilst preparing his case, madethis asylum seeker write down some things which were actually false statements. he said that it was necessary to include thesein his case
whereas they were nowhere near to the truth. he said to the claimant that 'without this no casecan be made and you will not be successful. 'so it is necessary for you to include these falsestatements' whereas i said very clearly that you should nevercarry out any task with false statements or lying. the accounts of persecution against ahmadis areso evident and are now known by the whole world that forthis, there is no need for any cunningness overcleverness and falsehood of any lawyer. so missionaries and office holders mustcontinuously advise others to desist from lying. they must go on mentioning that no sin is majoror minor.
a sin is a sin and we must avoid committing them. every lie is a lie and we must save ourselvesfrom this shirk of lying. if your relationship with god is strong thenthere is no need to worry about anything. signs will manifest and a person will witnessthem. however, those who are advising others shouldalso remember that their own condition should be of such a highstandard where they are at the highest levels of searchingfor the power of resolve. practically as well, their actions and deedsshould correspond with their knowledge. they should not be counted amongst those who donot practice what they preach.
nonetheless, within the jama'ats advise in thedars again and again to strengthen their faith and improve theirpractical condition, draw attention towards removing deficiencies ofknowledge. if everyone, within their circles, begins thiskind of work, then a clear change can become visible. in this era, on the pretext of knowledge, variousvices are even taught to children in schools. our nizaam should, to a much a greater degree, make the youth and children aware of the truthand realities. parents need to give attention towards their owncondition and state
and they need to make themselves familiar withthe damaging effects of those knowledge, which on the pretext of teaching children, isgiven as education to children in the schools. so parents should also be aware of these things so that they can save themselves and theirchildren from it. here at a very tender and younger age someunnecessary things are taught to the children. the argument given is such that children can thendistinguish between good and bad, whereas in reality, it is not so but in fact inthe minds of the majority of children, from a tender age, they start thinking in thewrong lines because before them is the example of theirparents
or their surroundings consist of more people ofbad examples than good. so missionaries, office holders of auxiliaryorganisations and the parents need to make a joint effort that,in place of wrong knowledge they should make arrangements for the correctknowledge and education to be given. we cannot stop the manner taught in schools. we have no interference there. by highlighting what is filth and immodesty, wecan take children in confidence we can display our own practical examples and savethem from the effects of the society. may allah the almighty enable all of us to fulfilour responsibilities in an excellent manner.
after the prayer, i will also lead twofuneral prayers in absentia. one is of muqarrama nawab bibi sahiba frommangat, hafizabad. she is the mother of our mubaligh silsala ofguyana, ehsanullah mangat sahib. she returned to her lord on 19th january 2014. surely to allah we belong and to him shall wereturn. from her father’s side she was from sheikhupura and from her mother’s side she was from mangat,hafizabad. she was the great granddaughter ofhazrat nasir din mangat sahib, a companion of the promised messiah, on whom bepeace.
she showed great hospitality. she was very kind, very helpful to the poorpeople and a very pious person. all ahmadis and non-ahmadis respected hergreatly. she had great compassion and respect formissionaries. she had deep devotion with khilafat. she would often write punjabi poems with respectto khilafat and she would relate these to others. she leaves behind three daughters and three sons. as i said, ehsanullah mangat sahib is amissionary, who is nowadays missionary in charge of guyana,south america.
because of being outside of the country, he couldnot take part in his mother’s funeral. may allah the almighty grant him patience and may allah elevate the rank of the deceased. the second funeral prayer is of muqarram sheikhabdul rasheed sharma sahib of sindh. he passed away on 16th january 2014at the age of 90. he was the son of sheikh abdur raheem sharma, companion of the promised messiah, on whom bepeace. he was the brother of maulvi abdul kareem sahibsharma, who lived here for a long time. with the grace of the almighty allah, for overhalf a century
he gave great services to the jamaat in sindh. before the partition, he used to work in qadianwith great sincerity in the factory of hazrat mirza sharif ahmad sahib(ra). at the occasion of the creation of pakistan he had the opportunity to fulfil some of theguidance given to him from hazrat musleh maud (may allah bepleased with him). there was no work or business to be done afterthe partition as such for him. at the advice of my father,sahibzada mirza mansoor ahmad sahib, he was allotted a factory in shikarpur.
he went there and searched for ahmadis andestablished a jama'at and was appointed the first sadar there. he also had the opportunity to build a beautifulmosque in the garden of the factory. hazrat khalifatul masih iv (ra) appointedhim the ameer of four districts; sukkur, shikarpur, jacobabad, ghotki. in 1982 his wife passed away. he spent 31 long years with great patience andendurance. in 1995, his son shaikh muzaffar ahmad sharma wasmartyred in shikarpur. then in 1997, his elder son mubarik ahmad shermawas also martyred by the opponents.
however, his faith did not waiver. he was always grateful of god’s favours. he was a fearless person. once a procession of non-ahmadi opponents marchedupon his factory and attacked it. so with great courage he came outside and stoodalone to contend whilst the police stood by watching the commotion. he searched for and seized the leading maulvi. witnessing this, the entire procession ran away. the police were also shocked and asked how hecaused them to flee.
after this he was transferred to islamabad. he had a strong connection with khilafat. he always remained at the forefront of financialsacrifices. he also gave chanda regularly on behalf of elders. he contributed financially to many mosquesin pakistan. he was a moosi. he would give his entire year’s due of hissa amadat the beginning of the year. he leaves behind in his family five daughters andfive sons. one daughter is in nigeriaserving as a waqfe zindagi. malik mudassar sahib and his wife fozia sahiba aredoctors.
both are waqfe zindagi doctors. dr. laiqa fozia and her husband dr. mudassarare both serving in nigeria. similarly, his grandson muqarram sohail mubariksherma sahib, murrabi silsila, is currently serving as sadrmajlis khuddam-ul-ahmadiyya pakistan. may allah the almighty elevate the rank of thedeceased and may allah the almighty grant his children andall his family the ability to follow the path of their elders inan excellent manner and may their loyalty and dedicatedlymaintain this bond.
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