fashion nova jean dress

Selasa, 30 Agustus 2016

fashion nova jean dress


okay. master, you look very beautiful. are there any grannies here? are there any granniesoutside, in the back? any grannies? is anyone old here? how many old people?i don’t see any. do you count as an old person? papa, you sit over here,it’s more comfortable. get up. (i dare not.)sit, sit, sit.

it’s just a chair, why don’t you dare? sitting here is more comfortable. how many more old people are there?you are also one. the two of you sit togetherand keep each other company. come here, here, here. you sit here. are there any more grannies? you come up and sit over there. let the girl sit in the middle.

come over here. you sit there. let the girl sit here. any more old people? come, come. yes, come over here. you used to look so youngand now you’ve become like this. sit, sit, sit, sit. the older people should sit in the’s more comfortable, okay? let the old people sit in the least sit… right, sit in the front.

very good here, very good. sit in front. there’s one more spot. whoever comes first can take the seat. the one who respects the elderswill have a long life. so don’t be envious. voilã  (there you are). i only have one package of this. so, whoever has the merit can get it. the formosan (taiwanese) are all okay?

yeah? they sit on the front there,it’s good, it’s good. right, that’s right.okay. i’ll start throwing! no more! oh, there’s more. this is for the grannies only. they have less chances. the younger ones perhapshave more chances, right? (right.) this is very special, very special, vegan. vegan.

this is so much fun! master is awesome! you want to have this also? yes! you must be kidding! “master touched it already.” share, share. (okay.) one per person. (okay.) i don’t have time to get groceries.

this is pretty easier to eat,for the elder people to eat. come. you elderly people eat. there’s not much.take your time to eat it later. each one take some and pass it over. and then eat this, okay?(okay, thank you.) this is olives,do you want to eat? (yes!) you all seem to have been starvingfor hundreds of years! this you have already? (yes, yes.)

do you have this one? (no.) share. share. everyone shares. (okay.) open and share. great, then i don’t have totidy up the garbage. all this, they want all this. in the back! thank you. together, a bit, okay?

we don’t have totake care the garbage, there. they like to take for souvenir. no more? (no more.) no more, we only have this left. for the back, for the back. master is great! thank you, master. the microphone is also so scared. voilã . are you all well?

are you well? (yes.) okay, huh? (thank you, master.) everyone in the back got some? very good. no time to do grocery shopping. we don’t have the this is just for fun. it’s fun! okay. thank you, master. are there any questions?

no. any good news? just come here to get cookies. everything is wellin formosa (taiwan)? (yes.) i have nothing to worry about you guys. okay, you have gottenspecial treatment. so don’t complain anymore, hey? thank you for comingto see your granny. thank you, master!

now you are free, right? (yes!) just buy (a ticket) and get on the plane. no need to get a visaor something else. (yes.) how can it be so good? thank you for your grace, master. so cool. before, you couldn’teven go to america…. now you can go anytime. (yes!)europe, too. (yes!) awesome! yeah. you can stay in the ukfor six months. wow!

you guys are more awesomethan any others! (it’s due to master’s awesome power.) just a small island. people open doors for youwherever you go. “please come!” “welcome!” that’s the way it should be! practice spiritually more,and you’ll have everything. i’ve told you.whatever i say is true. (yes!)

you don’t believe me.(we believe!) do you? we do! (we only believe in master.) good! good!you only believe in me. i only tell the truth, and never lie. (yes!) just occasionally. no. impossible. i don’t lie about anything.i don’t harm anyone.

people at the back can’t see me?poor things! it’s better than nothing, right? yeah. (we can see you.) can you? some are blocked and can’t see me. take away the lamp,then you can see. can you? any good newsfrom formosa (taiwan)? news? a lot? no? there is no good news?

how’s the beach? there will be a moon festival celebration. there will be a celebrationfor the moon festival, master. for whom? (for fellow initiates.) fellow initiates.and for our relatives and friends. what will you do? there will be boothsset up by different centers. each center will have a boothserving local delicacies. what else?

and camping. we can stay overnight there. so big? (yes.) will people set up tents?or is there a big plaza? they can either set up tentsor stay at the hotel. hotel, yes. if there are a lot of people,where can they stay and meditate? if there are a lot,they can set up tents because the place is big(so…) and has many trees. most of them will set up tents? (yes.)will it be comfortable?

very comfortable! even though there is a hoteland other lodges, they are never big enough, right? please reserve the hotel, the houses, the comfortable placeswith roofs, for the elderly, the pregnant women, and the children. as for those “healthy foods” like you… those muscular ones can stay in tents.(okay.) arrange it that way, okay? (okay.)

keep it this wayfrom now on, okay? (okay.) if you want to stay in the comfortable room,grow old quickly then. then you can stay indoors. men can’t get pregnant. put a cushion or something in there. “i want to get in! i want to get in!” please remember. the weak, the sick, the elderly, the pregnant women, or the children, can stay in the house.okay? (okay.)

remember to keep it this way. (okay.) is that place beautiful?i heard it’s beautiful. (very beautiful.) can you see the ocean? (yes!)did you swim there? (yes.) you can swim there, too? (yes.) is it close by? (yes.) how close? (just next to us.) walking distance? (yes.) walk for how long? (one minute.) just one minute?wow. it is right by the ocean. (yes.)

you are so lucky! here, we can’t even see the ocean,though it’s by the ocean. it’s blocked by the trees. otherwise, the ocean is nearby. if you go out and drive to an open space,you’d see the ocean right away. did you go swimming here? yes. no. you did? (yes.)did you swim here? (yes. i did. it was very nice.)

did you go with other people? what if you can’t make it back? don’t swim too far. and it’s better to have other people around.okay? (okay.) in case something happens,so we are aware of it. otherwise, the family may call and ask,“i heard my son went to a retreat. why has he not come back yetafter so long?” any other good news? now that you’ve finished eating cookies,you can talk.

your mouths were too full to more? yes. there are a few.(tell me.) at home, my daughters have switchedto the vegan diet. (all became vegan?)it’s been five years. my son is initiated.the second one was weird. he said he wantedto be vegan after he died. i don’t understand. his son asked himby throwing divination blocks if he wanted to eat meat or vegan food. he said he wanted vegan food.

after he died, he understood. while in the body,the brain was very stubborn. sometimes he couldn’t see things clearly. after he died,everything became so clear. he realized the bad karma(retribution) of killing, which is very heavy. no one can run away from bad karma. besides, there is no meat to eat up there. it’s better to get used to it now slowly.

otherwise, when you go up there, you won’t get any meateven if you ask. okay? the deceased people understand better. you see? no matter if they arein heaven, in hell, or in the astral world,they understand very well. they see things clearlywithout being blocked by the brain. they can see better and knowwhich one is blessing, and which one is karma.they know it very well. that’s why after he died,he started to go vegan.

his other sister-in-lawshave started as well. (yes.) whatever i cook, they eat.unlike before. yes. okay. they used to oppose it? they used to slam the pots angrilywhen i went back. really? (wow!) incredible. now they are vegan? (yes.) good. good.(they all got used to it.) yes, it’s about time. nowadays, it’s easyfor people to go vegan.

when you ask people to go vegan,they would listen, too. there is more power availableto help them. before, the power was weaker, and there was more negative influence. now lots of positive powerhave been brought down, much, much more,so it can be balanced. it’s easier to practice spiritually. it’s easy to practice and to teach others. and it’s easy to get alongwith your family members.

they would listen to you easilyand go vegan easily together. after we die, we’d feel ashamed. we will know very well all the bad thingswe did when we were alive. oh! we will feel very ashamed,but it will be too late. so if we don’t practice spirituallywhile we’re alive, we will feel very regretful after we die. okay. is that it? any other people? (master.) go ahead. i’m very happy that you gave me a potof “thousand-petal lotus.”

it’s very beautiful.that plant drinks juice. (oh, i gave it to you?) my neighbor said he had plantson his balcony for 10 or 20 years, but they hadn’t borne a single fruit.he doesn’t know why on my balcony, the plants bear all kinds of fruits.and there are cicadas, butterflies, and colorful dragonflies. the lotus flowers bloom one after another.there are over 10 of them. i’d like to thank master mommyfor this. (lotus flower! even the lotus flowers are blooming?)yes. they are vegan. they drink vegetable juice.

even plants like to drink juice.they drink vegetable juice. then every day on my balcony,i sunbathe in rainbows. they like tea, too. i also pour in tea leaves sometimes. after having tea, there arethe leftover tea leaves. give it all to the plantsand they will grow very fast. okay. anyone else? some initiated college studentsare going to hold a party at the beach to welcome college freshmen.

sure. thanks to you, master, there aremore and more initiated college students. good, okay. they really want to practice spiritually. they are the future of the country. (yes.) students are important, okay? that’s right. okay. anything else? there’s a temple in formosa (taiwan). people there weren’t vegetarians.

we distributed sos flyer there. after reading it, 45 of them all adopted the vegetarian diet. (wow!) the whole temple. okay. how come that temple didn’tkeep the vegetarian diet? they worship seemed that they weren’t. (they’re taoists.) after they read the contentof the sos flyer, they said, “oh, we must could it be like this?” (yes.)

“we should save the earthand save ourselves.” yes, yes, yes. (the whole groupswitched altogether.) taoists used to be vegetarian. (yes.) taoists, catholics, and muslims, etc.used to be vegetarian. later, people didn’t understandthe scriptures or didn’t want to read them, and developed the habit of eating meat. for example, there are some so-calledconvenient method practitioners, right? they don’t keep the vegan diet all the time. they can only keep it for a few days.

and when it’s passed on,it will become another sect. it will become something like hinayana,the lesser vehicle buddhism. i require everyoneto keep a vegan diet. the convenient method is for peopleto try and to see if they can be initiated. it’s not what i want them to do. they practice the convenient method in order to receive initiation,to give it a try first. later on, they should receive initiation. otherwise, they are notour fellow practitioners, okay?

more. which side? behind. are you jealous of them? forty-five disciples.(i am very happy, very happy.) the 45 disciples are all yours. thank you, master, for helping meto start my second career. now, i am running a website for people to order vegan lunchboxesin the company. in the beginning, the company opposed it.

later, they let me have an official domainand support me. it’s been running for three or four years. (wow, is the business good?)not bad. many people who are not veganplace orders on a regular basis. yes, yes, yes. great!let them eat vegan food. (i feel so happy every timewhen i see their orders.) okay, okay. congratulations!(thank you, master.) congratulations! anything else? okay. if there’s nothing else,you can go out.

i really need to see the westerners. i also have to meditateat least ten hours a day. i don’t have much time.(thank you.) i have to take care of my dogs,clean up the house, and take a shower. before seeing you,i need to take a shower to be cleaner. when i don’t see you guys,it’s all right to be a little lazy. when i see you, i have totake a shower to be clean. yes, and i have totake medicine, and eat food.

please take care, healthy. hey, hallo, everybody. are there some more cakesin my cupboard? or it’s all gone?(i think there is a little bit left.) go check, go check.bring it here. (wow!) i don’t know how much. don’t “wow.” don’t “wow” too soon. all new people? no. westerners and thenthe small groups, right?

and new? indonesian? ã‚u lạc (vietnam). uk. hong kong. uk? (ã‚u lạc.) ã‚u lạc, how many? (yes.) (korean.) this group is very small. korean? thailand? thailand, not here? you? (hungarian.)

hungarian! thailand people, bring them here. there are only a few. together, no? might as well. wow. only the formosan(taiwanese) and chinese, a lot. just now, they sit here,they sit there. they sit here. they sit outside,they sit inside, everywhere. and i had a lot of cakes still.

just everybody one or two,not enough even. everybody had some, but not much. so now you come here,maybe you have some cough cakes. cough syrup. we have this, not bad, no? how about we eat some of this? give me.better than nothing, right? (yes!) wow! yeah!

wow. how precious! rare cakes, never seen before! wow. just pretend like it’s precious, then… yeah! there! okay, listen. yeah, put it here, and this one isfor the ones that did not have. everybody, take one. one, one, one only, okay? in case we don’t have enough.

just in case. you don’t have? don’t have? don’t have? who doesn’t have? who doesn’t have, raise hand. it rains. it rains on you! rain on you! no! even before, they want all this. they want the packet. the chinese, formosan (taiwanese),they all want the packet.

oh, this one i cannot throw. but i can eat. here you share. share. we are not monkeys, how come? anyone want a bag? you crazy. crazy. you didn’t have. you have already. here, for some thai people.

there you are. there. oh, man! it’s fun. new? (thank you, master.)(new! new ã‚u lạc!) new, raise hand.(new ã‚u lạc! new ã‚u lạc!) i don’t know who ã‚u lạc means. okay, i don’t know how to throw this. i remember when i was young,there was a family, neighbor, they always shared one bananafor four, five people.

so this is a similar situation. pass on to the new people behind. this is kind of,we break bread like jesus. oh, this, what is this? back there. voilã . you ate all of my kitchen up already. you want this also? (yes.) give it to them.give to them for souvenir or whatever. better than cakes, but this is okay, yeah.

they love to take this stuff. just now i didn’t realize it until they said,“give me! give me the packet!” and i said, “oh, that’s a good idea.” then i don’t have totake care of the garbage anymore. okay. any question at all? after you eat, maybe you can talk better. because every day eating soup,looks like you have no energy to talk. is that right? is the soup okay?(yes. wonderful!)

where are all the russians? gone? (two people are here…) new are here?(…but three already left.) left today? okay. (yesterday.) i don’t have time to see every day,so sometimes they left. but they left happy? (yes.) yeah? okay. you look better now!i don’t know why.

you look better than before. a little bit more life. lively. is that your new boy?(no, no, it’s…) no? new friend. brother. (it’s a father and daughter.) yeah? (yes.)where is the daughter? oh! you look like… i thought you’re brother and sister! you’re also from russia?(yes, yes.) wow.

(but i live in the uk (united kingdom)long term.) it’s good because you can translate.(yes, yes.) wonderful. (and here’s a lady from ukraine.) ukraine! but speak russian? (yes.) how is ukraine nowadays? (it’s…) the same?better? (better.) better, yeah? (yes.) yes? but i live in valencia. valencia? you speak spanish a lot?

(yes.) okay, it better for you? of course (in spanish). of course. oh, wonderful. i’m glad. nowadays, we’re free to move around. more free than before,which is wonderful. before, even from here,you drive a few meters away, you must have a stamp. and nowadays, we just drive through. nobody there to check nothing.

the first time i came back to europethrough the schengen zone, i felt like a real human. nobody checked anymore,no passport needed, no visa, nothing. and then at that time,i came to hungary. oh, passport, visa. i said, “oh, come on.where are we now?” and then they said, “never mind,next year. next year, no more.” i said, “okay, keep your promise.i’ll come back!”

but in some areas, even in europe,they still have little limits. like gibraltar. gibraltar, when you pass by,you have to show your passport, and your dogs’ passports. even though it’s just separated by a street. you go over, you have to use a passport. you come back, you give the passport. and now they’requarrelling over something. oh, man. shouldn’t be anymore,nowadays. should not.

you understand my english? ukrainian? what are you doing in valencia?(working in a kitchen.) kitchen. you cook?wow. (no.) helping, helping in kitchen. okay. and you like it? (very much.) very much. (very much.)where, loving hut? (loving hut.) yeah, i guessed. very good idea. now we have loving hut everywhere.

so you also can come and goif you have no job, or if you prefer to work directlyfor the world’s benefit, then just go work at loving hut. i know some doctors,physicians, engineers, they open loving hutor work in loving hut. no problem. it’s a job, and it’s a good job,meritorious job, and you-feel-happy job. your-boss-is-good-boy-good-girl job.

and your-co-workers-are-good-people job. many customers are very happy. very happy job, customers-happy job. where else can you find a better job? yes? and even if master (has a) retreat,no problem, just go. just this time, misunderstandingbut normally, loving hut is easy. you can take off.nobody says anything. in other jobs, you have to apply,it depends if you can or not. but loving hut, sometimes they closethe whole restaurant,

everybody comes. because our own people, easy. that’s very good then. you stay in valencia no problem? visa problem? i have 21 years. oh, you lived 21 years (yes.)in spain. (yes.) so you’ve become spanish now.(many, many suns.) many suns, oh really?(many suns, many…)

oh, a lot of sun. mucho sol (a lot of sun in spanish). (mucho sol.) mucho sol. that’s good. spain is very blessed. (yeah.) a lot of sun. highly spiritual? (high level.) that’s good. okay, okay. very good. you don’t ever go back to ukraineto visit or something?

no? (eight years ago.)eight years ago. okay. ukraine. ukraine is okay now, right? not so bad like before, right? better, no? good. it’s easy to travel from ukraine now? yes. in ukrainian, i love you – ya tebe kahayu. ya tebe kahayu.

means “i love you.” (i love you!) i think english is more simple. and in russian,even more complicated, right? but it is very melodic. melodious, yeah, yeah.i’m sure, i’m sure. yes, yes. english is simple. for somebody like me. i’m busy. how about in russian again?(ya tebya…) ya tebya… (ya tebya lyublyu.)

yesterday was different! ya tebya “bloo-bloo”? if i just say “bloo-bloo,” they understand.(lyublyu. of course, of course.) just “bloo-bloo”!(you can. yes, yes.) oh, dear god. why do we have so many languages,which are beautiful, but so difficult to learn? i think the world shouldlearn just one language, i mean one popular language,like, for example, english.

and then everybody elsecan understand each other, and then can begin to learn the nativewhatever language they want. we can communicate easier. it’s okay, i cannot say“bloo-bloo” all day long. we need a long conversation, and then, ukraine, i am lost. and then slovenian, hungarian, and bulgarian, and vegan-arian.

all kinds of languages. wouldn’t it be nice if we speak just one? i mean one for everybody. and every countryhas their own language then. it’s easier to learn that way. first, you speak english or something,whatever they choose. they can choose one language,and everybody should learn it in school from young one already,so when we go out in the world, we can always communicate with each otherwith that international language.

and then, if i like russian,i go to russia and learn. but first, i have to knowwhere to go, what to do, using this international language first. right? and then i can go to russiaand learn russian. or i can go to ukraine and learn ukrainian language, for example. but first, we need to communicatewith each other with one language. it would be much easier, less war, i think. suppose i go somewherein the muslim world, or arab world,

and i don’t understand a wordof what they’re saying, and they don’t understandwhat i’m saying, then i would not know how to behave. difficult to learn to behaveto suit the country. like, okay, if you go to iranor a muslim country, you must wear a veil, but you don’t know why and then you say,“oh, it’s too hot, i don’t want it.” but you should, for example.but you have to know it. see, one language,one international language would be very good for everybody.

so we will have more peace in the world. and less time (used) to translate. the un (united nations)has so many languages! by the time they’ve translatedto four or six languages for all the security council,all the council members, the war’s already broken out. somewhere, so many people died already. it’s not a matter of joking anymore. if we just communicate directly…

like, for example, if i go to iran,i don’t speak iranian language, and i don’t know i have to wear thisin a muslim community, and somebody comes and tells me,i don’t know how to explain that i don’t know. and then he might hate me. and some fanatic might even kill me or injure me or kidnapor make trouble for me. if that person doesn’t even speakmy language, it would be more trouble. if he could speak my languageor international language, he would tell me, “you wear the veil first.

protect yourself and to show respectto our community.” then, of course, i will wear it. but if he doesn’t knowhow to speak to me and explain to me, and i don’t know how to speak to him and explain to him or ask himhow i should behave, then both of us would be in trouble. and that’s how trouble beginsand war has broken out. it begins from small, small things. if you go to a muslim countryand you don’t wear the veil on your head,

they think you don’t respector you are a bad woman. they could even start molesting you because they think it’s a bad prostitute even. some very restricted areas,they think like that. the women who don’t cover themselves,they think you are a prostitute. or if you walk alone on the street without company, they thinkyou’re a bad woman. some, not everywhere is like this,but some countries, some corners of some countriesare very strict.

and if you don’t knowabout it, it’s very difficult. but if we all speakone international language, then we can learn all thisin a matter of no time. if we know all this,we can read about each other, we know which country has what, what. wouldn’t that be a big help to peace,right? (yes.) and then because of misunderstandingdue to language problem, then we have a barrier between each other, between each country,between each citizen.

and then from one misunderstandingleads to trouble, leads to war, and then everybody’safraid of each other, and think, “oh, don’t go there! it’s bad.”things like that. and then it’s very harmful internationallyfor the relationship of other nations. and peace is difficultwhen you don’t speak the same language. sometimes, going through translationis not the same. the translators may be wrong, too. may misunderstand and translate wronglyand then another person misunderstands. to listen to another languageis already difficult.

to have to translate the exact meaningis very difficult because sometimes language is very tricky. even i got misunderstood many times. for example, one time,i asked for one of the persons in la (los angeles), and he said,“oh, that person mắc dịch.” it means he’s busy to translate. but it also means that he has an epidemic(disease) of some kind. he has a very terrible disease somewhere. “mắc dịch.”

means busy, he’s busy now translating, but it means that he gotlike a terrible disease, pandemic disease, virus,like bird flu or something. that’s the kind of “mắc dịch.” that’s one thing. and then i told you about the cow face. cowboy becomes cow face. and then, one time, i was talkingto a group of formosan (taiwanese) people and they said something garbage,something so silly that i said,

“don’t pass gas around here.” and the translator said thati wanted to pass gas! i! on the spot. the “mắc dịch” person, the same person. i tell you. and in college, you know already, if you pass one wordto one person in the ears and then up to the fiftieth person,it becomes a different word already. you know that test, right?yeah, i’m telling you.

so i always wish that the whole worldwill speak one language. in other countries, if you do like this,it doesn’t matter, but in america, if you do this… you know, if you put a third finger up,it’s no good. some people, they don’t have the functionof these other fingers. just want to talk, you know? master, you’re funny! you’re hysterical, master! no, it’s the truth! (it’s true.)

he just wanted to talk. wanted to express his opinion. and then some peoplewould beat him up. i’m telling you. did you watch the film, “mr. bean’sultimate disaster”? see, he says hallo to everybody, and then a big muscle guywith a lot of tattoos, and hair spiking on his headdid this to him. so mr. bean thought,“oh, in america, this is how you say hallo.”

so everywhere he goes,he says, “hallo! hallo there! hallo!” you remember? i’m not… i tell you the truth, no? you watch the film. the film, mr. bean, with the portrait,the valuable portrait that he messed up. it could be. suppose the person came from a very remote areafrom china, never seen american films before, andif he went to visit america, and if people are doing this to him,he thinks, “okay,

this is how the free worldgreets each other in friendship.” i also didn’t know anything about this! i learned that from america! it’s truly like that. suppose somebody from africa,he’d been in his village all his life, and he happened to go to new york and he’s just grinning and says halloto everybody the way he does, and if somebody does thisto him again, then he thinks, “this is the way americans…”

oh, wow. it’s true, no? (yes.) i mean, it’s funny,but it could be true, no? like i told youabout the hot dog, remember? the two people went to america and they wanted to integrate with americansso they don’t look too strange. so they see everybody queueto buy a hot dog; they also queue and buy a hot dog. they were handed two bags, for each. so when they sat on the stepsand opened to eat,

the first one asked the second,“what part of the dog did you get?” because he thought it’s a different part,that he got the wrong part. telling you. this is how we have war.too many differences, too many languages, too many cultures, and not too many meansto understand each other. suppose the guy’s already angry becauseyou don’t wear the veil in his village, and then you begin to talk very strangely or using finger language, then,

of course, he gets more angry,and it can be in trouble. so, remember, go to america,don’t use the third finger ever. okay? i mean it. i also had to learn a lot of things. slang. in america, all kinds of slang. like, before, i didn’t knowwhat they meant when they said, “oh, that girl is hot.” i thought, “why is she hot?” i thought she had a fever or something.

and then i saw a boy. i heard it a lot, but i hadn’t figured it out yet. and then one day, i saw the boy,he tore some of his jeans, tore it off a little bit, here and there.i said, “why do you do that?” he said, “i look hotter that way.” i said, “if you tear your clothes,you would feel cooler. why do you feel hotter?” open shirt and torn jeans, you know.“i look hot this way.” i said, “jeez, i wonder whybecause if i wear less clothes,

i’ll feel cool. why...?” so, before you go to any country, try to learn as much as you canabout that country. don’t just wander at random. you might invite trouble. (that’s true.) that’s why a lot of people run into trouble. because of disregardof the country’s culture and the trend of their countryand their tradition also. some people are very conservative.

not every people in a country is openor maybe westernized, or liberal, or understands thingsabout your country or the latest fashionor the mini-jupe (miniskirt) or whatever. so, if you go somewhere,you respect that country’s tradition by learning in advance. well, actually, you can’t learn too’s very difficult, right? like, for example,if you want to go to iran, for example. you might look into some informationon the internet from the embassy. but it’s not everything!

not everything. it’s very terrible becausewe don’t speak one language. at least here, we speakone quan yin language. (yes.) that’s whywe understand each other well, and we feel at homewith each other. (yes.) somehow the inside languageopens our heart and liberates us from all boundariesand from preconceived ideas and from closed opinions, tight opinions. it liberates us from many things.

but not everywhere is like this. not everywhereis like our quan yin family. so if you go travel, please rememberto check as much as you can about what to wear there, how to behave. like in india, that means “yes.” you know already, right? so, if you want to say “yes” to people,you don’t say like this in india. you have to say… that’s “yes.”

okay, if you don’t have any questions,then we can go meditate. is there anyone that i didn’t see today? no. i’ve seen all, right? the formosan (taiwanese)and the chinese, they sit all over anyway. here is the last group, right? the minority. okay, then. you happy? i’m glad you’re happy. and i tell you what.even if you’re not happy coming here,

the cake companies are happy. the sweets companies. they never sold so muchin just a few weeks. every day. so at least we makesome people happy here. that’s a good merit, no? yes, we are so happy, too. okay, no question, really? yes, you want to ask something?

hallo, master. yeah, hallo. tell me. master, i just wanted to tell you,it’s not a spiritual question, but i’m finally moving out of my house. you move out? wow! not yet. i’m going to. i move out at the end of septemberand i want to thank you because you createdanother miracle, master. i was on the beach meditatingand my phone rang,

and it was a client whowanted to rent a property, a very big corporationthat wants to rent a property. so i said to him, “okay, well,you can try my house.” so he said, “okay.” (oh, yeah?) so they came, master,and they fell in love with it. it’s a beautiful familyfrom germany (okay.) that’s going to take it for threeto five years, master, so i can move. and then i found myselfa cute little place in the east. just like you told me.

so i just wanted to tell youthank you, master. wow. congratulations. so you have enough money now?(i’m getting there.) after you sell that house, you will. (yes.) pay more debts, right? (yes.) and then, you’ll be more free. then probably i will see you more often. as long as you allow it, i will. okay, okay. yes.

okay, i’m guys can go meditate. okay? yes, master. before you bring a child into this world,you have to plan, called family planning. make sure your child will haveenough money to live on with you, and both of you, and to go to school. so that at least you have to do something. because another child will ask your child,“what’s your father working in? what is his work?what’s the mother’s work?”

and then he’d say, “nothing.they live off the government,” for example. that’s not nice. and if everybody in a countryjust doesn’t work, just brings childreninto the world like that, and nobody goes to work,just lives off government social programs, that’s not nice, is it? and how does the governmenthave money to repair the road, to build hospitals,and to take care of the people who really need, who cannot work?

like disabled people, elderly people. or maybe sometimes single parents,you cannot work. if two parents,then one should go to work, at least. enough money to keep the dignity. to live, and also to pay debt to society,to pay taxes because if nobody pays taxes,then the country goes bankrupt. the european system is very good.they take care of their citizens. if you don’t work, then you alsostill have money and all that. but if everybody takes advantage of that,then also,

even the rich country goes kaput,goes bankrupt. we should live sincerely, honestly. because if we have moneyto pay for ourselves, it’s okay then. but if we have to rely on the government,other people’s tax-paying money, then it’s not nice. especially if you live in europe,already more advanced country. not like maybe in africaor in some other country, that people don’t have a meansto prevent pregnancy, or something like that,then it would be more excusable.

but in europe, you have means to do that. so you have to think about whether or notyou should bring a child into the world. and okay, accidentally,maybe you forgot to plan, or you planned but it didn’t work,have a child, then must take care thatyou work enough to earn money. for the child. yeah, that’s your duty. pleasure doesn’t come cheap. few minutes of pleasureis twenty years of work.

if you live in a little bitless developed country, then okay, these things happen because you don’t knowhow to plan and it’s difficult. but if you live in paris,you should know better. both people should know,not just one person. this is not a good kind of excuse. and even if, okay, you make a mistake,then must work to pay for it. don’t make the societypay for your mistake. people work very hard to pay taxes.

they work every day,they wake up early, they stay up late, and do all kinds of jobsin all kinds of weather, all kinds of conditions,in order to bring home money. and to pay tax as well. you can’t live on that. can’t live on people’s hard-toiled labor. that’s what i say. it’s my opinion. you are not forcedto take it, but you should.

it’s a logical opinion. everybody should workif you don’t have enough money. if your parents have enough money,give you, okay, well, maybe i don’t say anything. but if don’t have,then you should go work. if you still can.if you’re still young and able, you should, must go work. okay? (yes.) everybody, yeah? (yes.) you here and those at home, everywhere.

and even refugeesand all that, must go work. don’t just rely on the adopted country’ssocial welfare system. that is not nice. the social welfare system is maybefor you temporarily when you first came, when you don’t have a job yet,you don’t know the language. later on, you have to learn the language,go to work. contribute to the countrythat has been kind to you. so that they can continueto live and maybe can accept more refugees – if – if needed.

not that you come in thereand then you stay there, and you become their citizen and thenyou just live off their social system. i would not recommend that. everybody should work when they can. if you cannot because ofyour body or anything, that’s different. but you cannot just stay like thatand eat off the society. the money doesn’t come from the sky. even germany is rich,uk (united kingdom) is rich, france is rich, but every of their citizenscontribute to it,

from their own labor, tax money. that’s why their country is rich. but if everybody comesfrom outside country, become refugees, for example,and just lives off the system, then soon that system will collapse. no more money anywherefor their own people or for new refugees. if the more needy people come, they don’t have money anymore reservedto take care of them. every country, they have money,of course, also for different funding.

but the more they have, the better, so when they have disasters,they can come and help their own citizens. when they have troubleor when more refugees come for different reasons, different countries,they can take care of them for a while, until they stand on their feet. especially the practitionersshould know that. okay? (yes.) you must repaythe kindness of society. even if you are not a refugee,you’ve also been living in that country, walked on the roads,you go to the schools.

you use the hospital. all kinds of comfortsbecause of tax-paying money. if we don’t pay taxes, we don’t work,then the system will collapse. okay. you guys, workers,have any questions? by the way? (no.) no? (no.) you’re all okay? (yes.) what’s your work before you came here? how come you can takesuch a long holiday?

(student, so i…)student. (yes, summer vacation.)it’s a vacation. (yes.) okay, what kind of rich student! long vacation. okay. and everyone else? i asked for a vacation in my company, just happened to bethe same period of this retreat. yeah? one week or one month?(two months.) two months vacation?what kind of company is that? i go work!

it’s nothing, master.there’s somebody that covered my job, for my job. (oh.) and let me go. company slowed down, too,so they let me go. i appreciate your volunteer work here. but make sure you cook well.even just soup. if i hear any complaints from anybody,i’ll fire you. i’ll voluntarily fire you. this also, can give it to them. the people who stay too long,

if they want to eat more solid food,you can cook for them. okay? told you already before.everybody, now. thank you. (thank you.) for volunteering. but i told you already, if anybody volunteersto complain, then i volunteer to fire you. ciao (“bye” in italian)!(bye.) make sure you meditate.(yes. yes, master.) thank you, thank you.(thank you, master.) i have the telephone. my phone is important for me.

in case anything happens,i can call anybody or call police. for us. because you don’t call them,you don’t have it here, but i have. you see, i have police here,you see, fireman. police, at least,emergency, hospital, whatever. because maybeyou don’t have it with you. mobile phone saves many peoplewhen their building collapses or when earthquakes,or they’re buried inside, or something like that,nobody can find them.

they can call, or people call themand they hear the ringing, and they can locate you. okay. goodnight.(thank you, master!) goodnight.

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