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Kamis, 04 Agustus 2016

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i greet you in the love and the light of theinfinite creator. cobra, ascension conference notes part1, 2and 3 � glarus, switzerland � april 16-17, 2016. by, nova biscotti. disclaimer:the following conference notes are an interpretation of the person who wrote these notes. manydetails are omitted and some original meaning is lost. they are not exact words from cobraand isis. notes taken by antares during the conference,translation pippa, edited by nova biscotti and cobra. cobra on saturday, april 16thcobra welcomed us and emphasized that we all

made this ascension conference a reality.he said this was a reflection of the showing progress. the drastically changing situationallows these conferences to take place and there will be another in due time.isis thanked us for coming and talked about the fact that we all together would createa big mandala of light with our hearts � a light vortex � to accelerate the awakeningand support the planet. after the meditation that we used to get in the right mood andlet go old energies, cobra started with the first topic:the galactic alignment and the galactic superwave the purpose of the conference was to helpprovide the victory of light to leverage eventually. however, the event is only the first step;it is only the beginning of the ascension

process.not until the occupation of the earth is over, we will be able to start unfolding our realpotential. here we already want to reach beyond this goal. the new era we are talking aboutis the time after the event. currently we are being in a cleansing phase. if we focusedon the �here and now�, we would lose the perspective. therefore the primary relevanceis to pay attention to the time after the event. the actual understanding of the masterplan is of paramount importance. always the light forces have had a plan thatwas powerful from the beginning and have been adjusting it to the ever-changing situation.therefore, the more we can conceptualize the plan the better we will understand the overallsituation. if all of the 200 people in this

room carried further their understanding aboutthis, a chain reaction would arise which leading to greater global understanding and more awakening.there are numerous misunderstandings about what is right and what is wrong. we not onlyneed mental understanding of the big picture, but to get facts straight concerning the situation.our energies are the portal for transformation. participation in the conference is triggeringa first-hand transformation process, which will not last just two days, but may becomea life-altering experience. we had to unlearn what we have learned.cobra briefly elaborates on the programming we have experienced since our birth. our newalignment of the group also enables the new cycle for the earth. the first layer of theprogramming arose many thousand years (or

even million years) ago when we went intoquarantine to transform the earth from this point. we went into quarantine to both transformthe situation here on this planet as well as the cosmos. the only way to reach thispoint was to enter into a contract with the controlling forces which included implantationat the time of incarnation � also by crystals. its main effect was our separation from thesource, between human and divine, up to the distinction between personality and spirit.the first layer of the programming was and still is the identity of separation. everysubsequent program is linked to it. for each incarnation that followed, like thepresent, a new contract had to be agreed to, whereby the first consequence at birth isthe implantation. therefore the erasure of

all reminders about former lives is associatedand this is a very painful procedure, which is the reason why babies cry when they areborn. because the remembrances are cut off the pathis cleared to adopt all parental paradigms (beliefs imposed by our parents as children).ambient emotions, which can be very conflicting, are fully absorbed. this programming is becompleted firstly by kindergarten, then further indoctrination via the educational system,media, dominating trends and fashion. with this we are fully adapted to the slavery system.the whole (programming) cycle is reinforced in that way.once we start to awake, however, we will start asking questions. we will question the systemsof beliefs and thereby deconstruct them step

by step. in this context, cobra mentionedthe filmconspiracy theory which amplifies the�right and wrong� conspiracy theoriesthat we are detecting in parts already. now it will be up to all of us to discoverin what kind of energies and world we are living.the galactic alignment. the members of this conference came from 22countries (and all continents except antarctica). some maybe even from other planets, as cobraremarked with a twinkle in his eye. who knows? all the stars, and actually all of those wecan see at nighttime, are located in this small circle representing a branch of themilky way. by this example the importance becomes obviousto see things from a different perspective.

here on earth we see just a tiny fractionof reality because our eyes have the skill to only capture a small proportion of theelectromagnetic range. to express it bluntly: we see and feel �virtuallynothing�. within this small circle we see all the stars in the night sky. the milkyway as a whole only appears as a milky cloud in which, except from the small selection,no other stars are recognizable. the overwhelming vast majority of the stars, as well as allthe additional existing galaxies are invisible to us.again cobra pointed out how important it is to expand our perception concerning the physicaland non-physical horizons. cobra showed a picture which was taken duringhis flight above the veil and he claimed to

have learned a lot about the chimera groupas a result of this experience. the energies beyond the veil are very much better thanon earth. he felt like having taken a bath in tachyons which feels like being in a tachyonchamber except that the �chamber� is literally everywhere. in this place one is able to feeland experience the galactic ocean of light and love. there is much more out part of the things that happen around us is part of the galactic plan and anotherpart is caused by the controlling dark forces. we are instruments within the mission of thelight forces, we are ambassadors of light. we have been trained for innumerable lifetimesto apply our abilities, interests and certain other things now in this appropriate way.some things and activities may temporarily

seem to be unrelated to this plan, but talentsand abilities all of a sudden may become vitally necessary. somebody who likes driving hisor her car very fast may have the day come when the same ability is needed to navigatea spacecraft. for this, specific reflex and coordinationskills are required. the same applies to video games, for example. in the next phase afterthe first contact, demonstrating these skills are part of the divine plan; therefore weshould cultivate and use these talents now. we will use them to a fuller extent afterthe first contact. in every one of us various talents and abilities are being awakened bythe in rushing energies. currently these skills may still be latent(asleep), but they will be activated suddenly

and then we will experience an intense phaseof integration. we then will undergo a �relearning� of these talents and we will re-experiencethem. the free will, however, is the greatest problem! although numerous people have developedseveral talents they do not follow their inner guidance. in this way only slow-moving growthtakes place. if one hundred percent of the key personshad followed their inner guidance, we would have had experienced the event in 1996! thepeople in this conference room follow their guidance at least up to fifty percent or more.otherwise they would not be here. this is a good sign. the more people awaken to theirguidance and gifts, the more the process will be accelerated. may this conference contributeto it (and pass on to all the readers around

the world).the awakening of the group will be accelerated by the galactic energy. our energy consistsof a double helix. in the center is the galactic central sun, the heart of the galaxy, a stargate.the central sun is the source of light and love. at 25,000-year intervals it sends outa heart pulse. now we are exactly in the middle of this heart pulse. this is not new age mumbo-jumbo,but is founded on facts. the earth axis is currently aimed at polaris. the precessionalmovement of the earth�s axis is related to this galactic pulse. the galactic centralsun sends a pulse that synchronizes the whole galaxy. as a consequence, also the tilt ofearth�s axis will be adjusted. in doing so the solstices in summer and winter playan interesting role.

in 1975 the earth began to adjust with thegalactic equator during the winter solstice. this will continue until 2020. so at everyfirst moment of winter (approximately three days) a portal opens to the galactic equator(the galactic equator is the symmetry plane of the disk-shaped milky way). that is whythere is direct access from the galactic central sun via the suns to the earth every 25,000years � currently always on the first day of winter.this cosmic portal causes transformation. 25,000 years ago the earth happened to getin a quarantine status. in the middle of this time period, approximately 13.000 years ago,atlantis fell and disappeared. there was a mass extinction of many species on this was the end of ice age and global cataclysms

took place. this we will not experience, buta cooperative transformation of consciousness. the galactic superwave that occurs every 25.000years due to this heart pulse, energies and particlesare sent into the whole galaxy. this is why our sun is getting more active and a changein the climate is taking place. therefore we have been experiencing all the freak weatherlately. many of us have been recognizing that we feel a bit strange when we are exposedto direct sunlight. the sun now has got a different power, a different intensity. allthe weather patterns are changing and this is influencing our consciousness. everythingthat has been suppressed so far is being influenced and we experience a profound purificationprocess. the galactic superwave is very powerful

and cannot be stopped.this inevitably leads to the event. all changes we can see around us now are not simply unrelatedlocal political alterations here and there, but the entire planetary situation will bechanged totally. this will lead us into the golden age. the galactic source energy istransforming our planet. the first important energy that plays a vitalpart are tachyons. they are the first particles in our universe and are directly connectedwith the source. they are not only responsible for balance, but also for transformation.the whole galaxy is full of tachyons. however, the veil and various technologies preventthem from reaching our planet. the pleiadians have given cobra technicalinformation to build tachyon chambers. now

there exists one sort of chambers for healingand another to energize several substances. the galactic superwave is the basis for thewhole transformation process. that�s why all this is happening here and is exactlythe reason why we are here at this time. we were inspired and guided to be here. justnow it is of paramount importance for us all to connect with our spiritual guide.especially since april the power of the galactic superwave has been rising. nasa has recorded a gamma ray that came fromthe central sun. in 1977 nasa started the probe voyager 2 withintheir project. it travels through our solar system and is now located at its outermostregion. this recorded gamma ray is the result

of the galactic activities. therefore thelight forces have been very active and cobra spoke about it in his last report. cobra illustrated that two interesting thingsare happening. our sun is sending the particles in every direction and pushing them outside.they are colliding with the interstellar particles coming from the galactic central sun and fromeverywhere. as a result there is a �crash� � the termination shock. this circumstanceplays a vital role for our fate. the heliopause is located slightly outside the terminationshock. this is the area where the light forces have been positioning their mother ships forsome time past. these are regulating the flow of energies and beings in and out of the solarsystem. according to many of the predicted

catastrophes we would have earthquakes andmankind would be wiped out already. thanks to these mother ships we are here and protected.the people publishing those prophecies were/are not aware of the protective measures aroundour solar system. due to the reason mentioned the predicted catastrophes will not happen.the mother ships are our safeguards. cobra showed a picture of jupiter that wastaken on march 17, 2016. it shows a light flashing at the bottom edge which was officiallydeclared as a meteorite impact. according to cobra it was in fact a mothership that exposed shortly. these ships have diameters ranging from 500 to 1000 kilometers,are well camouflaged and are located everywhere. this is part of the disclosure process thatthese ships show themselves for some seconds

to not provoke exuberant reactions. during a recent stroll isis and cobra feltan impulse to look in a certain direction and they saw such an exposed ship for a shorttime. since march more and more exposures have been taken place and there are reallymother ships of the galactic confederation among them. the cintamani stone plays a vital role inthe process of disclosure. million years ago a planet in the sirius star system exploded.fragments had been catapulted through the galaxy and hit earth at a certain point. ofall the stones on earth the cintamani stone presently has the highest possible vibration.the cintamani project stones have been placed

in many key vortices around the world. recentlya japanese-us-american team succeeded in bringing a cintamani stone via south america into theantarctica. �randomly� they could get the last flight before winter season whichstarts in april, 1. cobra thanked everybody who put stones in place. questions addressed to cobra: why are the ships exposing now? � the shipsare exposing to support the increase of consciousness of the people. till when we have to ascend? � basically,there is no time frame for the ascension. however, the time frame for the begin of theprocess is determined between 1975 and 2025.

this may speed up in groups, but everybodywill have enough time to do so in their way. once the ascension will have been started,everything will take place very fast. when there are no parallel earths, what aboutparallel time lines? � fundamentally, all parallel time lines are potential futureswithin the possibilities of quanta. finally the consciousness of the group will decidewhat will be manifested. as most of the people do not practice their free will a small groupof people has to decide � as is often the case in history of the earth � what willhappen and what will be manifested. it is always the highest form of consciousness whichdecides what happens. a group exactly like this (at the conference) changes the timelines. therefore the light forces ask for

these specific group meditations because withthis the time lines can be enhanced effectively. what are these light balls on earth whichare reported about? � these occur because of various beings; etheric beings that arealso a bit physical. there are more inhabitants on earth than we can imagine. what happens when i carry the cintamani stonein my trouser pocket? � the cintamani stone creates an energy field which has a transformingeffect; it guides us. what will the animals do during the ascension?� they experience their own transformation process. especially during the last decadesthe animals have been suffering from many shocks that have to heal. however, some animalsare a few steps ahead of us in their development.

nova biscotti comment: �physicists woulddescribe plasma as ionized gas, whereas a skilled occultist would describe plasma asa hidden plane / dimension between the gaseous and the fourth etheric plane.� this quotewas taken from this post of cobra�s in october 2014.the plasma octopus in this graphic the levels of dimensions (statesof matter) are displayed. cobra responded to the basics: there is the seemingly solidphysical, the liquid and the gaseous level. if the gaseous decays (by energy input), whenthe electrons elope, so-to-speak and break away from the atom nuclei, plasma emerges.plasma is strange to us; it has consciousness which can be positive or negative.all the information about plasma has been

suppressed, however, it is a crucial partin our liberation. a lot is said about the physical and the etheric part, but nothingabout plasma. plasma is actually everywhere and once we realize how plasma works, we willknow how certain drive systems, overunity and free energy are put into operation. freeenergy will then be available for free for everyone. in the treatment knowledge aboutplasma is required as illness is a distortion of the signature of the plasma body. the controllingauthorities have techniques to influence the plasma field and keep us imprisoned. if weunderstand these dynamics we can escape from our prison.till now already methods of physical and etheric healing exist. the etheric medicine uses knowledgeabout vortexes and meridians, like in the

chinese medicine. the knowledge about energybodies is used with several other alternative healing methods. only the western conventionalmedicine integrates just the physical part. now the plasma medicine has started to developwhich is a truly new area of healing. due to plasma we can feel the emotions inour body. we can feel the etheric field of the emotional body. we are strongly in contactwith the astral plane, e.g. during a rock concert or rush hour in the city. via themental level we are in contact with thoughts and belief systems � our own as well asthe one of the planet. here we need to learn to decide what is included within the presentnatural human field, and to distinguish what leads us into artificial belief systems (likereligions) that control us by means of advanced

technologies.cobra said that the people really believe strange things without scrutinizing. as soonas one questions the belief systems one is able to pass through the clouds. thanks tothe internet which is an important tool of the light forces to liberate the planet, itis possible for us now to understand several (in)coherences. if we in connection with ourhigher self we can determine much better what is right and what is wrong.above and beyond the mental level there is the higher spiritual level, the source ofour being and our guide. stated in dimensions, the third one is the physical, the fourthone the astral or mental level beneath and the fifth one is the higher mental level.everything else lies above.

plasma is a living being, not a dead energyfield: in this picture, it looks like a huge vortex.this is an official fact and not the idea of cobra. this living being, called the octopus,had already been named by the gnostics as yaldabaoth. it was created and kept aliveby the deep occult forces. it keeps the solar system imprisoned and the included (contained?)strangelet bombs slow the progress. the light forces are removing this now with greaterspeed. here we can see that these forces on earthhave been very conscious about their actions. around 25,000 years ago the controlling forcesdecided to create the veil to establish quarantine and occupy the earth. at that time the earthwas a heavenly planet they wanted for themselves.

they brought the majority of their forcesto this place. the scalar barrier regulated who should and should not enter and escape.several (waves of) beings came to rescue the earth and they were not allowed to leave.ultimately, they were kept imprisoned via the incarnation process.the humankind was imposed with this severe programming because otherwise they simplycould have kept moving freely. above all these bases on this picture eachflight of �ufo�s� is being detected and punished. the light forces are hinderedto enter. mother ships can only expose themselves shortly as they would be detected immediately.cobra refers to diego garcia. it is a basis for the ssp�s that is located far out inthe ocean, so that activities cannot be observed

by unwanted spectators. this is also the placewhere the �disappeared� plane mh-370 was landed.currently the light forces are removing the strangelet and toplet bombs, more and moreenergy of light is getting to the planet and many light beings are arriving here. for example,arch angels are dissolving the veil as cosmic light beings. more and more light vorticesare being established and activated. wherever a cintamani stone is placed, angels are comingto clear and create the vortex. the ssp�s � the secret space programs.we have already heard several whistleblowers speaking about the ssp. cobra showed picturesand photos from those ships. the basis for the ssp�s had already beenestablished in the 19th century. at that time

germany was the country with the best technicalknowledge. the scientific and industrial field was flourishing. the plejadians decided tocontact awakened people and to inspire them in building space ships. so there were attemptsin building those ships but technically it was not possible yet. the plejadians contacted(channeling) media to broadcast information about the building of ships. in the beginning of the 20th century the attemptwas successful with maria orsic from zagreb. she received the information from the plejadiansand aldebarans who are part of the plejadian group. maria orsic gave then the informationto professor schuhman in munich. a prototype was built in 1923 in augsburg with this information.this technical group was infiltrated by forces

of a different opinion, which is known fromhistory. at the beginning of the nazi period technique developed swiftly and all those,who misused the latest developments, had access to enormous financial sources, fabrics andpeons. in 1942 already a moon base of the nazis existed.there they met beings who fought with them � the draconians. the nazis had been defeated,only few remained on the moon. when the ww2 was over in 1945, there were two factions.the more secret kammler faction that had built underground bases on the planet escaped toargentina, wherefrom the nazi�s moved to antarctica. the second group was taken overby the repeatedly quoted �operation paperclip� into the usa. the best-known representativewas wernher von braun who was head of nasa

for a long period of time. nasa was establishedas a front organization to manage the ssp�s secretly. by the time nasa started 1961 withspace flights, big ships already flew around secretly.the kammler fraction had already been on moon in the years 1944/1945 via antarctica. afterthe ww2 they expanded in the whole solar system. they met the draconians and made a pact aboutthe first ssp and have been ruling the whole solar system and beyond since then. this co-operationlasted for a long time. the statements corey goode made in this issue are real. this involvesthe so-called �dark fleet� up there. this is no science fiction, but actual knowledge.from the other faction thousands of the german nazi�s had been brought to the usa � scientists,technicians, people from the economic field.

the official space programs were controlledby nasa under the leadership of wernher von braun. according to cobra there were differenttendencies among the nasa employees, of which one created a positive space program. thecontrollers, however, tried to suppress everything. the official moon landing with neil armstrongwas pushed through by the positive nasa-members. therefore the official moon landing was avisible success and an effort of the light forces on the surface of the earth. but wernhervon braun and his subordinates carried out several acts of sabotage that caused incidentsand disaster. another big success of the positive peoplewithin this area was the sending of voyager 1 & 2 into the solar system. in the meantimethese probes have made recordings of all planets

in the solar system, except from pluto. injanuary 1986, objects that were obviously �artificial�, had been photographed onmoons of uranus and these photos had been published in the mass media. again, it wasnot what the saboteurs wanted and that led to the explosion of the space shuttle challengertwo days later which took the attention of the masses away repeatedly. the photos andtheir importance fell into oblivion. even when much is spoken badly about nasa,there are really good people who publish a lot.positive forces within the us military. in the early 1950s was already a positivegroup in the us navy. the controlling forces suppressed the antigravity drive with alltheir power although it was the main drive

for most of the unknown flying objects onearth. this positive group recognized that something went wrong and established a taskforce by which they secretly built their own ships. they had connections to people in thecompanies like douglas, boeing, etc. that usually built planes. from there they branched off components sothat in the beginning in planes and space ships were the same seats, for example. withthese similar components they built space ships and brought them into the earth orbit.they were the founders of the solar warden ssp. solar warden grew and was expanded asa protection against negative aliens. it then was an official program and became too bigand international.

the dracos infiltrated companies like lockheedand boeing with their own people to change the focus on the top level of the program.then they needed a lot of staff, in other words soldiers, who have been told to be therefor the safety of the earth. with this the dracos indeed created the possibility to invade.the group became stronger and their sources of capital were solely the black budgets.the first source was all the gold the nazi�s robbed in asia during ww2. building of theunderground bases and the construction of the space ships were financed with thousandsand thousands of tons of gold. as they became even more powerful they created their own(secret space) programs, as reported correctly by corey. in this corporate conglomerate programseveral business ventures had been established

as part of solar warden, to mine resourceson the asteroids, found mars bases and to use large-scale slave this context cobra showed pictures, photos as well as artistic presentations, which areclose to reality. he showed a nasa photo with a solar warden ship and a photo that captureda solar warden ship during the start on the moon. officially, the ships have to fly camouflagedbut on this picture� the pilot was probably a bit lazy and pressed the button (for cloaking)too late. cobra showed another photo that showed a fleet deliberately flying uncloakedin order to be filmed (which was also confirmed by corey) � in the kepler crater where abase of solar warden is located/was located. now about the second source: collectivelywe all pay taxes, but how much is that together?

the usa alone collects enough tax revenueto buy ten million houses per year. do they build them? no! where did all the money go?it went into the ssp�s, to build underground bases. cobra showed an image of the pine gapbase in australia with several subterranean levels.the elevator moves down several miles which of course was expensive to build. after theresistant movement has been clearing this base it had been shut down. cobra showed pictures� what is mined on the asteroids? diamonds. many of the asteroids are full of huge diamonds,as large as the conference room and there is gold to just collect.cobra showed another photo taken by nasa which showed the asteroid mining, a building andthe mine shaft.

since march the light forces have been cleaningthe outer solar system where the dark fleet used to reside. the chimera barrier is a hugefleet of space ships with strangelet bombs. this fleet prevents the energies coming fromthe galactic center to enter the solar system. the light forces are now removing it. the light forces are clearing everything layerby layer because it had been built in layers over the last 25,000 years. the light forcesnow deconstruct this huge fleet; the ones from the kuiper belt have already been removed!all these ships were disguised (and therefore invisible for physical instruments).questions addressed to cobra: to what extent is russia involved in the secretspace program? � russia has its own space

program (designated by corey as uno-like)that is connected in positive co-operation with many countries and even with the ashtarcommand. the dark forces tried to overtake it in 1954, but the pleiadians negotiatedthe permission to build a base on bora bora that is part of the galactic program. how much slave labor is still there on thebases? � almost everything has been adjusted. how old is ashtar in earth years? � ashtaris an ascended being that ascended 25.000 years ago. he has no age in earth years. what happens with the chimera ships duringthe clearing? � the light forces enter the ship, the beings on it are sent to the centralsun. then the ship will be deconstructed.

what is your opinion on the european spaceflight (program)? � they are not infiltrated. they are not very successful but have goodintentions. the light forces in the solar system.we just talked about the ssp ships. how do these ships disguise/uncover?all ships have got a thin tachyon membrane on their surface. this ensures that all particlesthat come from the ship and come up against the ship make it virtually invisible � namelyto the eye, all forms of technology and the radar. even the energy signature of the shipcannot be detected, e.g. by techniques of remote viewing; hence the ship is there andyet not there. cobra explained that in the inner ring upto the earth-moon and around the fleet of

the ashtar command is stationed. its purposeis the liberation of the earth. as already explained, the ashtar command has contactedthe human population as early as 1953/1954. a ship landed in the edward-air-force-basein california and a meeting took place with president eisenhower, the jesuits and otherhigh-level persons. the delegation of the ashtar command offeredadvanced techniques and spiritual progress for mankind �provided that, however, allnuclear weapons will be destroyed. consequently the military freaked out and cancelled themeeting. officially eisenhower had a dental appointment that day. the delegation of theashtar command left the base they expressed that others would come who were not �thatfriendly and positive�. these were the dracos

who have been infiltrated the whole politicalsystem � �therefore all the politicians look funny today.� today great-granddaughterlaura eisenhower plays an important role in the disclosure the last conference cobra pointed out that just in these past days in march 2015 putinwas missing for a while [according to the press]. cobra explained that putin have hada meeting with the pleiadians on one of their bases in siberia. within the co-operationwith the pleiadians the russian military receives progressive (defensive) technologies that,among others, were used in the syria war. the pleiadians advise for interventions andalso for strategic questions. so therefore behind the �good strategist�putin, as he is also called, there is the

pleiadian mastermind.putin once had a deep spiritual experience with the pleiadians. because soros was thrownout of russia he tried to take vengeance. as an approach to knock off putin the �panamapapers� were published. the russian media is allowed to openly speak about the roleof the rothschild�s and about soros. and the panama papers backfired on them.furthermore cobra talked about the ashtar command which in the 1950�s tried to getin contact with developed beings on the planet. unfortunately this wowed the contacted personslike a �messiah complex� � in the sense of �jesus will save the planet�.the reality, however, is that only we as a whole will save the planet. not just you orme, but we all together. after these attempts

the ashtar command had to change its strategy� namely so much so that nobody could act the part of a guru, or an individual couldmake himself out to be something special. therefore they used channeling and in thetimeframe between about 1980 and 1996 a lot of channelings with well-justified contentstook place. but� when the new age movement has become popular �everybody channelledashtar�. as a reaction to this and especially aftertheir invasion in the year 1996, the archons had developed the �voice of god� is an electromagnetically impulse that directly aims at synapses in the brain andis being aimed at certain people. as a consequence a significant distortionand a lot of disinformation arose within the

channeling community which led to the familiarand visible effects. then the ashtar command had to change its strategy again. cobra saidthat he could not talk about the current strategy but it would amaze 99.9% of the population,it will be a huge surprise. the ashtar command still hides within theinner ring � with ships in the size of 500 kilometers and more.the second fleet is stationed in the orbit of jupiter. the intention of the jupiter commandis to balance the energy of the solar system, to allow the energy of love and grace to infuseeverything. the bases of the jupiter command are on the jupiter moons, on callisto, europaand ganymede but not on io that is volcanic� on ganymede there also is this huge centerwherefrom the dark forces are sent into the

central sun. also the jupiter command hasan enormous string of vessels with sizes between 1,000 and 2,000 kilometers. ships of the galactic confederation, who originatefrom various races of the galaxy and the galactic center, are stationed in the third ring. thesevery advanced races from near the galactic central sun have huge mother ships of thesize about 5,000 to 10,000 kilometers. they are not mother ships in the proper meaningof the word, but biospheres, artificial ships of light which are also portals that transformthe light from the galactic central sun. the beings of the central race are those who coreyis talking about as sphere beings. cobra showed a picture with ashtar and consideredit as the best illustration he could find.

he shows a picture of ganymede and emphasizesthe galileo area (the darker oval-shaped region in the top of the picture) where the strongestlight portal in the solar system is located. this points at the sirius system and the otheris pointed at the galactic central sun. this ganymede region is the only place in the solarsystem which had never been conquered by the dark forces � it has always maintained thelight. cobra mentioned mt. shasta where the ashtarcommand has a very powerful presence. he showed a cloud ship (picture above). waterof a physical cloud encases the ship whereas the ship is not exposed. it allows the cloudto wrap around. in some of these clouds specific structures of ships can be located, a kindof domes.

the ascended masters are actually beings thatwent through incarnations on earth and achieved ascendency. they assisted with the planetaryevolution. we all know them or know about them � buddha, st. germaine, etc.surely it is a good thing to connect with them but thereby an uncommon phenomenon occurs.they all ascended before 1996. afterwards the situation on earth has changed drasticallyand now they need our experiences to learn how it is here.only then they are actually able to guide us � if they can (through our experiences)take the other situation into account that is new for them.different opportunities are known out of history; that the ascended beings have interfered successfullyin pivotal moments of history. so they have

manifested during the time of the templarsto be their guide, st. germaine was present while forming the usa whereas the foundationcharter is one of the most enlightening documents on the planet. the energies of the ascended beings are sopowerful that they have to dim them down or dilute them if they get in contact with us.nobody in this room would survive their direct attendance.cobra and isis had a meeting with ashtar at mt. shasta while he was about 5 kilometersaway and his presence was still very strong, hardly bearable. their temples are on theetheric level, for example in the himalayas at altitudes of 5,000 meters and above.

then cobra showed a well known picture whichnow he described as a photo that he got from the dragon forces. in december 2014 the goddessdou mu came on earth with a physical body (is:is portal activation) and lives now onthe surface of the planet to support the balancing of goddess powers. the pleiadians are our sister race. if wewould meet them on the street, we can hardly recognize any difference from our approach.they help us as much as they can. they supported certain people, such as tesla. their shipsare generally rather small, up to 10 kilometers. (cobra showed a photo.) one of their mainbases is located on the moon and its purpose is to send positive energies to the earth.cobra displayed a photo of the apollo mission

of nasa and the same photo of last month,where the base is visible. cobra showed another photo which he took duringhis flight above the stratosphere, at about a height of 14 kilometers, with a ship ofthe pleiadians (at greater distance). the pleiadians have bases on bora bora on earth(like mentioned above) and in the himalayas � in the border region between india andchina at the konkala mountain pass. years ago there were numerous pilgrims in this areawhich took photos again and again. the chinese military closed off this region because itgot too popular. the indian media published outrightly monthly reports at that time.the sirians bring energy of joy to planet earth. before the quarantine the sirians incarnatedas whales and dolphins on earth to stabilize

the light grid in the oceans. they are reallyvery intelligent and use telepathic contact. cobra showed a picture of a sirian mothership which is greater than 500 kilometers� a standard size as he said. then he showedthat such a ship has the same energy structure (as a torus), yet it is not made from steel,iron or bricks. instead it is an energy field that creates matter � in the same shapeas light beings have got one. the dying of the whales is being provokedby the dark forces; they use scalar technology to interfere their tracking and to kill themin this way. cobra showed a picture of sirians. the humanoid form is the most common in ourgalaxy and is applicable to about 70% of the races. about 20% are reptilians; the restof 10% is spread on all further races.

cobra showed a picture of a reconnaissanceship of the andromedans. he had seen just such a ship in a hangar of the rm. later hefound this picture on the internet with the same caption. somebody who was aware of thismust have been published this! he showed another picture of a �hokkaidoship� of the andromedans of a ssp of the japanese. cobra once again talked about planet x. theorbit can be seen as red in the picture and is located on another level than the restof the planets in the solar system. planet x is hard to find for this very reason becauseit is been sought mostly in the level of the ecliptic, the �level� where the otherplanets have their orbit.

a young brazilian scientist had done a scientificthesis in japan about planet x. this was suppressed by the mass media, as well as other availablepictures. on hawaii there is a huge telescope and on maui is being situated an immense uscommand center via which the chimera monitors the telescopes. in this huge computer centerevery picture is being controlled and censored what to publish. this concerns also picturesof planet x, ssp ships, and so on. the dark forces want to twist the disclosure in theirfavor. so there had been published completely wrong data as �planet 9� about planetx. a base of the light forces is located herein the mersenius moon crater. in a report from september 15, cobra mentioned that itnow can be found on google moon. a mexican

once found it when he discovered this tower.scientists now provide strange explanations for the shadow of this tower.the resistance movement (rm) is a civilization that lives like the agartha in their own worldbelow the surface of the earth. the population above the earth is not aware of this.a. kirchner, a jesuit, was one of the first people writing about the underground his book he published a map (of the 16th century?) which shows an astonishing accuracy.what he wrote is more comprehensive than science know nowadays. for example, there is a seawhich is located in switzerland deep down under the alps and supports whole europe withdrinking water. cobra showed a picture of the areas in theunderground. he said that they have got even

seas, buildings and crystals in their environment.then he showed another picture of a typical rm command center near the surface. an elevatoras a gateway leads about 30 meters down. it serves as a lock (like in a surgery) whereafterthey scan for nanites, microbes and so on which are removed to not introduce germs.he showed two further pictures of underground cities in (the vicinity of) asia. ascension conference notes part 3, � glarus,switzerland. isis on saturday, 16th april.isis led us through the following subjects. i have tried to write down as many of herwords and formulations as i could to bring the energy of the experience as much as possibleto you. indeed, i hope that this wonderful

energy that we all have experienced shallreach you. the energy work during the conferences keeps a major role for the whole process ofour transformation. meditation and mantras in such a big group radiate a deep powerfulenergy. i did not mention all of them in my text. antares.the chalice of light. isis astara:if i open the door for the light, i am the chalice of light; with my body, soul and spirit.our physical body limits us to the realm of space and time. the truth is we are multidimensionalbeings of divine light. the more consciousness we have, the more light is flowing throughour bodies, so we grow and grow until we are the temple of recognize our bodies as temples of light

first we let go of attributes that limit usin doing so. while we learn to let go of such, we begin to see our bodies with new eyes.many terms we used in duality served as a tool to orientate ourselves, as for example�masculine� and �feminine�. to experience us in our bodies we realized ourselves asfeminine/masculine. our bodies were created for our soul to enterinto the physical world. we are divine sparks of light and this light fills every of ourcells. with our expanded view we now can recalibrate our attitude towards our bodies.the chalice symbolizes the divine feminine, our body here on earth being a portal betweendimensions. we have been created as women/men and we now can both be a chalice of the divinefeminine through our feminine qualities.

the birth of life occurs through this chalice. new life as we know it begins in the wombas a spiral. the feminine body indeed is able to channel through itself life from anotherdimension to come here into the physical. within the sacred geometry we see this processas the vesica [image above]. this, for very good reasons, is considered and indicatedas the miracle of life. it is an indispensable important task for women to learn to givethemselves acknowledgement for this, as they are a channel to give life. for men it isessential too, equally, to dive into what that really means; to understand, appreciateand to truly support women. especially now in the time of the return ofthe goddess it is crucial to bring the divine

feminine energy into appropriate cosmic flowalso in the masculine body. it must be there allowance for the feminine consciousness � insideof the feminine and masculine bodies. the energy wants to go through it, we both arethe �mothers� that gave birth to the new golden age by channeling the divine feminineenergy. let us just start by honoring and respectingthe divine feminine energy in everyone of us. as soon as this happens, the divine feminineand the divine masculine begin to move and old outdated patterns of both are being healed.strong divine masculine energy needs strong divine feminine energy and the other way around.we learn to know how and why we need each other to come into balance.the divine masculine energies such as strength,

courage, power, giving protection, action,etc. help the man to find himself and also the woman. this is due to the fact that whena man is in his divine masculine strength, he then is capable of supporting the womanin bringing her divine feminine energy to flourish. we can transfer this new understandingalso into our own personal processes � to the hidden aspects of both of these energiesinside of us. the divine feminine energy is strongly connected with the physical body,within the senses and the emotions. when we are in balance, we allow ourselves to speakthe truth, to be consciously awake, instead of being in the old pattern of fighting throughour lives, to go into victimhood and to see everything as very difficult.may the participation at the ascension conference

do its part, to help us understand how toexit the role of victimhood. in many of our relationships � with ourselves as well aswith others � we were stuck in various conditions: experiencing depression, lack of strengthand feeling stagnancy in personal progress. all of this is encoded into our being up tothe present time. now it is time to exit that old role. the new energies, especially ofthe last few months, do not allow any of those games any longer. the energies are liftingus out of the drama. to be the chalice for the divine feminineand for the divine masculine means to be a master of our energy field. thus we get toknow the game. for leaving the state of victimhood in relationships it is essential to masterthe �now� moment. the past is unimportant,

the future has not yet come. so the only thingwe can do is to master the present moment, no matter what the situation. there is nomore reason for drama, no need to be aggressive or dominant!!!why is this? after the end of the maya-calendar the linear time has come to an end. sincethe shift to the alignment with the galactic heart we perceive time differently, like spiralenergy. it is getting important for us to understand we must stop seeing our bodiesas feminine or masculine only. as chalice of love, that we are, we give self-respectto our own beings and we change our perspective onto our bodies away from the materialisticview into the divine view. we are all parts of the same energy field, the same matrix.

all our cells contain the divine spark, asall nature does. in the outer world more than ever before everything each of us radiatesmanifests into reality. now is the time for women to decide to trulyrespect the divine masculine energy, for men to decide to fully inhabit the sacred masculineand also to truly respect the divine feminine in women. it really is a decision. men dono longer need to be afraid of women, of their power � through which they are in positionto birth life. the feminine body already is a divine chalice being able to birth life.bringing life from another dimension down here is a huge act, sometimes this elementalforce can appear a bit threatening. until now, on the one side men were afraid of thatenergy and they reacted with control and dominance

and on the other side, for women it is ofthe utmost importance to immediately stop to castrate men, to keep them weak by criticizingthem to do or not do this or that. men react to criticism by providing little support,which leads to more criticism. the chakras in our bodies have colors of therainbow. the white light is a rainbow. both bodies are sacred and they are portals forlight. i am sacred=the light is sacred. it is the soon as we leave state of judgment and stop ignoring divine truth we identify creationas the true essence. isis notifies that we already know everything she is telling us.the new energies require us to leave the battle and the system in order to reconnect withour true nature.

the law of choice, the i know i have the power of choice i am able to bring back my power to create my life.our lives are based upon our decisions. the law of choice needs our deeds more than words,more our activities and to actively use the law of free will. if we want to be mastersof the ascension process we have to become masters of free will. our free will of coursehas been dramatically suppressed in the past, so we escaped either into victimhood or dominance.previously we did not feel ourselves as creators, we just said �yes� to things that broughtus �somewhere�. now is the time of learning to say �no!�. thus we are capable to leaveevery situation. say no if you do not feel okay, do not endure something or accept somethingthat does not feel helpful for your true nature

to, the question is, what is the �right� choice? as we are a chalice of light withour i am presence we are masters of our energy field, firmly anchored with our heart withinourselves. we must learn to connect with our �innerdirector� � our inner leader. by our free will and our inner director we step into light,love and abundance, our intuition guiding us. if we trulyunderstand the law of free will, we have the chance to become true masters.for instance if we do not know what to do, we have to learn to be very honest with ourselvesand deciding from that place, setting borders. please do all exercises saying truthfully�yes� and �no�.

mighty i am presence.we can read many many books about i am presence. during the ascension process earlier or laterwe will go together with our mother gaia through the process of experiencing i am. ascendedmasters have introduced knowledge about i am that i am. we are all light of creatorand confirm the fact being a divine spark by saying �i am that i am�.numerous pieces of knowledge about the i am presence have been given by the ascended masterst. germaine who appeared to a wonderful man at mount shasta. godfrey ray king has writtenbooks about it and was enlightened later on. we are conscious sovereign beings of light.our rights are enshrined within our chakras. free will is strongly connected with our ascensionprocess. by strengthening our free will we

draw closer to ascension. free will is anchoredwithin our solar plexus. as we are each a chalice of light and connected with our innerdirector and as we choose with our free will, then we are co-creators. this decision isbeing made with absolute honesty to ourselves. freedom requires obedience, not to dogmasbut to our inner guidance! then we are free. when we listen to our heart-connected innerguidance we have no more fears of our decisions. we will manifest peace. for those decisionswe dive into awareness in choosing paths, focus and the decision, focus and visualization � connected with i am we create miracles. every chakrahas its element and by the mantra its own sound. the sound of i am is �so ham�.so ham originates from sanskrit and the meaning

is i am. (together we chanted that mantraand isis said it is useful to repeat the mantras 3, 9, 27, times or more.) st. germaine through a book teaches us thatfirst we must give attention and awareness to our own i am presence and connect ourselveswith our own i am that i am before we connect with the ascended masters. this describesa way of approaching ascension. there are many groups exercising �i am� togetherand this is not something mechanical, but indeed something very energetic. do your iam presence invocations with feeling. if you wish to begin an invocation for help, startwith �beloved mighty power of i am�, choose a command through the inner director to removenegative energy and end with �so be it�.

the most important message we may take withus from the ascension conference, is this: conscious application of our free will. thelight respects free will and does not allow interference. as we realize that we have beenmanipulated and cut off from ourselves, we can enter into zone of free will again byre-connecting with our own power. by our free will decision to consciously invoke forcesof light we receive support from them, as soon as we ask for it. when we are connectedwith our free will and invite them, they are allowed to help us. please think about itwhat we can do as a group to bring forth the liberation of the planet. already during theconference we brought down the new energy and information and spread it with our powerfulunited field.

at various occasions we meditated during theconference and at this point we chanted an atlantean mantra. it strengthens our i ampresence. isis invited us to feel the mantra deeply and connect with our free choice andfree will.

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