fashion nova game changer jeans

Rabu, 03 Agustus 2016

fashion nova game changer jeans


i want to start by sharing something i read recently by eric schmidt of google. he says there were five exabytes of information created between the dawn of civilization through 2003but that much information is now created every two days and the pace isincreasing. i went wow! it raised a question in my head and the question was if there's this much information out there why aren't we all millionaires, why aren't we all the most successful person we want to become? why aren't we the healthiest we want to be? there's all this information out there and the answer in my head came to me in the fact that it comes from cultivating a mindset forsuccess. now you have a lot of talks

about you've got the idea you know what you need to do and the action. but what's the difference is gonna get you from thereto do the action it's really the mindset how you cultivate that mindset and i wantto share with you something a lot of the successful entrepreneurs have but alsosomething that influences our mindset day to day i wanna illustrate this firstthrough a small game so i want you to pair up with the person next to you. if youare in a group of three pair in a group of three. you need a paper and pen for this so if you just want getting into small groups here first. ok so we're gonna play four veryquick exercises and as soon as you've done it raise you hand your group if you solved it and we'll move on to the next one there.

ok so the top we'll start with thetop right square i want you just using one line to divide it into two equal spacesin that empty space there so one line to divide that square top right into twoequal spaces. so again very quick here hands up when you've done it or you've solved it. oh no no, it's this blank space. so it's the blank space here, divide it into two equal spaces. you got it? oh no it's this square here, you got it? it's outside. so i'll show you example here so this is the answer, so you've got that you put the line in the blank space, you split the blank space into two equal parts. yeah everyone get the hang of it, everyoneknows what we're doing now? great so top left.

use two lines and divide that intothree equal spaces, yeah top left so hands up if you've done it very quick, great most of you have done, that's what is there, everyone get that one? i'm not gonna give you any lines for thisone, i'll leave it open, so for this one here we want four. so divide the blank space into four equal shapes. how many lines? it's up to you there's no there's no limit the bottom left bottom left. you got it? oh no no, the bottom left, so four equal shapes. ok pens down, no one got it? ok i'll show you this one, ok? there we go four equal shapes in the blank space there. ok the final one is gonna be very quick, seven equal shapes, ok? seven equal spaces.

i'll give you quick 8 seconds. got that one here, anyone else? yeah! so we've got one here, ok no one else got it? pens down, ok i'll show you the solution. so most of you didn't get it, and what was that, what was going on in you mind when you were doing that final square, you felt it is more complicated? you followed the pattern, what washappening is that your decision for the final squares been influenced by what i asked you in the previous square so this shows that a lot of decisions we make werebased on past experiences past information that may not be relevant forcommon decisions and also try thinking

outside the box here, because if i startedwith the first bottom right square to and i said divide it into 7 i'm sure you would havegotten it straight away. but because we went for the other way around only one person got it. and usually only one or two people get this final one. a quote by steve jobs about innovation "innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower". there's been a lot of talk so farabout leadership. one of the things i like about this is steve jobs, picasso, a lot ofthis other successful leaders have said some of the best ideas and innovations - it's stealing. they say your best ideas come from stealing.

but people misinterpret the quote.they say - ok you mean steal from the same industry. i'm stealing from my competitors. no, because that is no innovation, that copying your competitors. what they meant by stealingis steal from other industries. so does everyone though other macbooks andmacbook court as a magnet quotes if you want to trip on it right away withoutbringing the whole up onto the floor does anyone know how steve jobs came upwith a factory restore from a japanese cattle company so in japan those cutswill compete for it was a health hazard if a kid was in the quarters connectedto the cattle and young the whole appliance on the floor he saw at thisjapanese cattle company innovative by

using a magnetic cord sort of the courtwith this attached from the cut and so that's a great idea i'm gonna take thenews on the map book and so to the world of technology genius yeah because to thepeople in his industry he was innovative i got a friends who have you been tolondon but it's a nightclub in london caught on to it it's in west london sortof wealthiest part of london and they innovate order time and one of theinnovative ideas was how can we spend nothing on marketing or as little aspossible but turn all of our customers into marketing towards becauseeverything they make is pure profit so one of the ideas that came up with itsthey look at the issue of homelessness

toys shops and they're not walking inthere was a kid you walk in this are trains above you as it is like toysgadgets thing going on and he decided what i take that concept put a trainabout my nightclub and if someone is the most expensive shots and drinks andcocktails will put the drinks at the top of the train the church i'ma get aroundto that vip table and you have these people dress up in mexico market it's amexican themed bar with the maracas on them and they take the drinks on thetrain and they give it to your table no one can imagine everyone at the tabledoing as soon as that happens taking pictures

the smart phones are out instagramtwitter facebook imagine how many times that gets around the internet just inone night the funny thing is they sell out every night now they saw everysingle not because he's asking what his club we get drinks were trading was hisclub where the mexican dance a comment like rihanna video store with a bigmoscow with my cousin because all these concepts he keeps stealing from otherindustries to keep innovating the way that he always comes across as newrefreshed so you don't get the same thing with a nightclub there i guess itis actually moves into vision and wipe vision the section however before youcan cultivate a mindset for success

the first thing you have to accept its100% responsible for where you are now and then some powering about thatbecause until you accept a hundred percent responsibility where you areright now you can't you can't remove for you can't change your direction how haveyou seen a hundred twenty seven hours danny boys from anyone seen that oneperson or two people said based on a true story about a guy who lovesadventure so he goes out in the usu go to these canyons he loves climbing thiskind of wonder he decided not to tell anyone i'm doing this canyon venture sono one knows where he's gone he go to these canyons in the us- and he hascalled for senate reps half of its way

in the canyon and he can't put his armout so he stopped there in the middle of a canyon with no one around him no oneto call my mobile phone nothing i'm 427 hours he's figuring out he's realizingat that point is facing death he can pull himself out into too much graphicdetail but in essence is a true story and what it did you realized the wholething was his fault he didn't tell any one where he was going he didn't tellanyone what he was doing so no one could find him even if even if they you wantedthem to so he took responsibility here that the only way he could change waywas was that he took the action he was a hundred percent responsible way was 127power he found a blunt he thought it

looked at the blunt swiss army knife hehad his pocket and you can imagine what he started doing with his wife he gotout he walked down the sort of hearings on he wants four kilometers off thekilometers an eventual bumped into a tourist group who helped him and he toldthe story today for books for speeches that sort of thing but that's the firstthing we got to do before we can start cultivating mindset successes you totake a hundred percent responsibility for where you are so it's not the faultof the economy is not the fault of your boss it's all the fault any otherexternal factors but yourself and it starts with the vision software herecoming through his power the reason why

closed his power is a lot of us knowwhat we don't want your beginning of the new year new year's resolutions aregonna be the job forever this year quitting smoking this year you know whatyou don't want is so easy but when you ask people what is it you do when youwanna be body in the year a lot more people get stomped they haven't sort ofreally spent time to think about it was important to spend time here is becausewhen you visualize where you want to be whatever area of you like an importantone now when you visualize and immerse yourself in it it creates a magneticforces or approve it or is it something exciting to give an example i wouldn'tuse i want to quit smoking

sort of why what i want i would createvisualization of how good will it be to be at the top of my health-care benefitsof being i can actually go to the beach without having to cover up with a timecould only show of my body in the fact that people want to talk to me a lotmore now they don't smell the smoke cigarettes come in my breath and i cantover i feel more confident situation youshould focus more on the positive visualization of what that creates therichard branson is quite interesting he owned so many virgin companies obviouslydoesn't want them he understands the power outsourcing he has your ownsources other people to run for him but

we do see energy comes from the energyto conflict is on energy to come see some new businesses you energy to doanything in your life when you sort of energy come from anyone passion is our motivation setting goalsvirginia actually come from being excited energy in my sleep i get a job sleeping alone catch on my sleep butthat in people who quit nasa success by not sleeping out of them because theexcitement carry some food you get energy from being cited that's whatvisualization is so important and what i want to do now is to give you anexperience of how you can use

visualization yourself and the best timeto use visualization is an evening's in the mornings and the reason this isbecause you have a subconscious and conscious brain and the subconsciouswill focus on what you tell it to focus on your mind so if you were looking forthat's a red cock guess was released on there is a direct cause of uninsured butit's not about cost only appeared in the street you're just more conscious of acard around you so what happens is that if you were to learn more yoursubconscious with a conscious so the opportunity seem to attract themselvestowards you pointed to a meeting people that can help you know what i want to dois give you experience were

visualization someone to sort of to feelthe ground i was just sort of sit up straight first of all want to sort ofgoing to that position which ones who got to stand aside if you want but youcan sit down if that's easier so just sit there we could feel the floor set upfor it and just focus on your breathing firstso i'll just get used to sort of the full breathing pattern first so forbreathing in breathing out ok and i want all of you to close your eyes as yousaid when the sort of briefing given syria i shot just focus on breathing inbreathing out and is your breathing in breathing out iwent to fill that sort of deep sense of

relaxation starting at the top of yourskull and slowly working his way gently down your body for your school or youreyelids your shoulders your arms your fingers your legs and your feet as youcontinue to get into this deep sense of relaxation on way to bring to mybriefings that you're grateful for in the last 24 hours however smallbeautiful weather we're having someone who makes you connect with however smallbring free things to mind of what you're grateful and once you've reflected on those freakthings are you grateful for last 24 hours i want you now to bring to mind

time in your life going back when youare you most confident almost unstoppable the most confident versionof you that felt now with this feeling knowing that youhave these gifts these talents disabilities are when you now tovisualize your perfect life you're perfect business you're perfect healthand i want you to begin by noticing where you are when is perfect for you sowell you at this moment notice where said in the college inmaking a private school in immerse yourself in it who is with you know whatare they saying 29 you've achieved what

you've achieved her self where you areright now the feelings that come to you how doesit feel having accomplished order yet there you got it living it you're immersed in it now the feelings to come and where they'recoming from like a blanket little washer view soit's coming down for your head for you showed us just drop all around you buteven that's what a feeling of how that is in this visualization and askyourself why you're experiencing this feeling if you're ready to take thesteps required to get there and listen

to the voice inside what does it say i'mgonna count slowly 25 and at the end of 5 you open your eyes feeling morerelaxed more focused and ready to take your life in the direction you wanted to123 finding common al and slowly open your eyes what i want todo now is just for you to share with the person next to you by speaking in thepresent tense what that vision was for you know what i mean by the presenttense is assuming that visualization you just experience has already happened init now so you'll be seeing things so i am i do i have to adjust to the personactually very quickly just say that the present tense and it was sort of comeback here again so you just shared with

the person they were just gonna bring itback down again so i was a few any sort of comments are you guys feeling afterthat excited that we're germinated fantastic so clear minded and this is the purpose ofvisualization good when you do this regularly what's happened is a combiningthe sort of conscious and subconscious mind you getting excited regular yourmind that you feeding on line with the images of where you want to get to knowmore importantly over time you get to this the power of why because the visiondoesn't mean anything unless there's a reason why you wanted so if i were tosay could you make 10,000 pounds in one

month 10,000 pounds in one month a couple ofnow to the rest of you who haven't put your hands up if i now say can you make10,000 pounds in one month or your family would disappear your loved onesagain prison potential being tortured in other words things if you don't buy10,000 pounds within 30 days now how many of you could make ten thousandpounds 14 oz so all the difference the differencesyou now have a reason why you wanted why you want to get it and it's whereorganizations have to stop so you can visualize her by listener why you wantthat was important for you to get where

you want to get you whatever area thelucky folks in right now when you truly understand why that's when the two-yearconnected because there's a guy called simon sinek anyone yet and he exploresthe concept of why now in business very rarely do people buy what you do rally people bought what you do what youdo and it's a good example you walk into an electronics company you wanna go byso you will continue to company go ok themselves guy comes up to you and hegoes ok this is a black laptop is 15 inches fell 1.8 gigahertz processor butthis memories this company and if you buy today will give you $200 off becauseyou could pretty much have therefore any

machine let's take an example to come to thehouse y se apple now you go and speak to an apple representative an apple toyssomeone who's really well known on the stands of products they won't tell you asales pitch in the same line they'll start with the wire they'll say webelieve in making things simple we believe in helping people used ourproducts in the most efficient way possible by making it simple ofinstruction booklet is to spend a whole weekend to eat you can pick up and usewithin 30 seconds we just happen to design beautiful beautiful products doyou want to buy one

yea certainly a very different dimensionprices haven't mentioned technicals but now the boring into the story and it'sthe same way of saying you go to a networking event and you ask people whattheir job is to say accountant how would you feel inside the reporting to continue the conversationyou probably spend a little time then you will see your excuses and you tomove on however they started differently andsaid i started to businesses a couple of years ago and i realized it was freefundamental mistakes that were losing money every single mom when i saw you onmy tax returns a sort of my

administration papers i have now beeninspired to design a program that soldiers d three main issues ofbusinesses face primarily small businesses for less than the price of acup of coffee per day it's a very different way of approaching it i justsimply when you place your life their next section on a talk by here istracking and the compound effects of your everyday habits now time it's theone common denominator we all have no matter what your background is working afull-time job where you wanna business times the one thing we all have incommon with a lot of people say i work in a full-time job icon full of mypassions i can't do this type of always

wanted to do because if you take thefact that one days 24 hours and let's say we split into three sections so letssay work was sleeping 48 hours you still go eight hours which is in your controlthat's a lot of time still even if you working on average and a tie with a joband so you could be really tracking a time because if you don't check the timetime to sort of goes and you thinking well when you look back and think it'salready six months question like to ask the audiences on ajourney lot of people come said the other things on the cheap by the end of2015 the things i want to do this year how many of you have college foreverything you said you wanted to do

this year so far so not the wholerunners are you sure you want to follow through with but even this statement isfree for months ago now has a lot of people here have some of the things isaid they wanted to do it because time we don't know how much time were losingand living on purpose is one once you have one common denominator who knowswhat one the famous common denominator between steve jobs and mark zuckerbergand i want to drop houses one something physical so if you were to look at theclosing their clothing is the one common denominator is what they've done isthey've on the same when you live on purpose they know that every day weclose our mind we have unprotected

decisions what are we going to have fordinner tonight what i'm gonna wear tomorrow morning what have i forgot thati forgot that all of these things which you can actually soul and spend moretime on your creative thinking and on areas of a lot the modem or so stevejobs mr soccer berg see jobs had the same turtleneck black jumper the samegenes mark zuckerberg at the same gray t-shirt blue jeans all in his water soevery morning i get up guess what they don't have to worryabout what they go to where it's sort it's adam the day before they knowexactly what it going what the plan is they know their routine straight away sowhat happens is none of the mind it

closed with these basic triggerdecisions they can focus on creative thinking that spare capacity in thebrain can be more useful and more productive the compound affects anyoneheard of the term the compound the fact couple here now compound effect is verypowerful in a sense the hair shows a lot of choice we may see me we made thedecision on january 1st most of the time let's say i wanna get healthy and we'regoing to the gym and will join the gym in some ways in some warning i'm notmuch change until on average about twenty seven months but most people giveup after free for months and say i don't see any results are being such a lot buti still look the way other and this is a

company that because it's what you your regular decisions onmatters what you'd do with a clean up what you do once the wall that's goingto determine the result of monetary virginal tissot explains the compoundeffects it's this so many options so one can give you a million pounds in cashnow or i'm gonna give you 100 million euros in cash now or $0.01 now every dayfor 30 days who would take the million pound cashnow a couple of you how many of you take the one sent to the given up weverything ok no one wants because not you get to sort of day 22 23 off about88,000 something i 2000 euros is not

going to get today 28 29 and you hit theefforts you've actually made five point four million euros and doesn't monetaryversion of the compound effect in action is the state's more daily decisions youtake that compound over a month early years to what the results are is afamous statement i heard i think it's something you get rewarded in public forwhat you spend years doing in private and i think this sums it up creating thediagram there and this is just something to someone so you make your choices downyour choices make you every decision no matter how small or alters thetrajectory of your life because i company that you can fully diverting youjust you just got back meters off where

you were going on that trajectory so here is the montana magic ofaccountability and in the magic of accountability groups as anyone apart ofmosman in mosman groups one of two people here although the bid amount ofpower so you you know a little bit better and you may want to join oneafter the session so going back to this quote about the mindset one the biggestbarriers to my supposition is our beliefs so i just want you to sharethoughts and beliefs that have guided your life so far so it could be believedthat i got to work hard but now i gotta have a family but the age of 30 whateveris what sort of police have dominated

your life so far police now but whatever believes you have historyinteresting thing pretty much every belief you have is made up except fortwo days to the one on the left is a laws of gravity i mean straight what ifi want to push the glass the gulf of four and sort of break of some sort ofhard florida and the second one on the right is a rule of law you want to commit a crime you put intojail that that's that's what happens but everything else is pretty much made upand up to ask the question as police and whether those beliefs are applicableuseful to where we want to go okay so

here we got believe it's a cat assadfoes for your mental physical powers the texas sort of come up with a basic theleft pocket talk about potential so we all start with this potential of thepotential to chief whatever is in the areas of life that you want to focus onthe second is the belief part which i talked about earlier so the famoussaying the same whether you think you can or you can't you probably what andthat plays back into the fact that is so invisible world the quince visible sowon the previous lecture said what comes first thinking or feeling the fact isthinking always comes first because moment to moment all we are ever duringits feeling of thinking some momentum

and whatever you think in your feelingand that creation reality that's why some people see a bad situation as achallenge and some serious d is the end that i can continue and then you got theaction if only for what you said you gonna do and a massive action becausebig without but you can only ever take massive action if you got the belief inplace the mindset and the visualization wetalked about earlier talk a little bit about muslim groups isonly copy the heard of it but to interest story so in london couple yearsago i met who met sonia venture became one of my mentors and he asked me do iwant to go to moscow agree but never

heard of one of my small group also forok i'll go along next thing it tells me it's make sure you dress nice we'regoing to the ritz so hit me thinking that sounds a bit possible for mostmigrant just south of you people meeting up and chat about what they're doing soi turned up at the words we got a table and i'm sitting and about sort ofterrible from the table and he says okay i want you should your first introducedwhat you do and so everyone is a bit about you three starts novi and thefirst people of whitewater this couple on the top while you watch nationalgeographic the couple's cool contemplate rate patrick left this job at goldmansachs for five years ago they met while

shooting a pot on a hand how come onyoutube and italy are four years ago their program when columnist patrick isnow in 76 countries of the quit their jobs and i now have four companiesbetween them one being hella fresh which is one of the uk's fastest growingstartups some opportunity owner of this night iwas talking about and it's done the bottom you got alex speaker for thosewho watched it talks which ones infrastructure development in africa asyou can imagine what these people started saying who they were and his meand i will not start anything else come with a one exploded into my business andand all these people said their

credentials and i'm keeping my fingerscrossed it doesn't count america's border vital to say so it comes aroundand fortunately it stopped one person before me and that's what i'm gonna meetnext section in the fremont as part of this moslemgroup the impact has a new is incredible they say the average of the five peopleyou spend the most time with and that's completely true so when you hang aroundpeople on the winning bidder on a weekly basis and they're saying to you i justlaunched its new product in italy i've got my new lines can be launching afashion we continue its time for one year some time working on the lines ofcomical couple designers workroom a

sudden you stop thinking wow if he orshe can do that was possible for me to hang around with these are the peoplewho are exactly where you want to be on the same journey as you you can't helpbut take somebody infusing the energy into a you know what i want to do notjust as a self-reflection our way to jot down on the bed of people who are yourfriends or five people you spend much time with down here 25 people spend muchtime with at this moment yes if you would have five people you spend most ofyour time with or if you have no paper just think about who despite people relation to where you want to get toyour vision for murder

visualization exercise i want to finishwith a greater briefly quote here and it's only people i've met sort of talkedsort of sort of coaching want want want to press looking to star i know you iknow what to do willing to do that show me what to dobut actually it just breaks into this very knowing is not enough you have toapply willing is not enough we must do that i wanted to try to combine theaccountability and combine the action is justin you were in your group alwaysship based on what you talked about earlier your vision in the present whatare you gonna do in the next week or two to move it up just one step forward forweapon now the question i can take

outside thank you very much

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