fashion nova always hot dress

Jumat, 03 Juni 2016

fashion nova always hot dress


"like a wonderful momentyou've come into my life" "wonder what worldyou come from" "you remind meof the forgotten past" "you have taken overmy very being" "are you for real?or an illusion?" "you have invadedmy very being" "l'm still the same,so is the moment" "yet, never wasthis frenzy before" "your heartbeat is fragrant"

"l'm lost in your love" john would laugh when l usedto write my diary. he'd say... the past is meant to be forgotten,not to be remembered. how can l forget the daysl spent with him? l loved him dearly... though l knewhe was a contract killer. l wish he hadn't picked up the gunfor the first time, then perhaps...! thus john was sucked intothe vicious circle of crime. l'm not the only one eyeing this500-acre land. yunus too is.

only a politician can do this job. l trusted trivedi, and... lf he doesn't agree?- well... if he doesn't,l'll spare him. why, you don't trust me?- trust you? l do. greetings, captain. mr trivedi, l'm angry with you.- why? javed is threatening my people.he got my dealers... in malaysia and hong kong bumped off.

and you are joining hands with unfair, trivedi. you are my friend, aren't you?- of course... l'm your friend, are right. good you asked me.- l know. hope you don't intend to severe ties?- oh no. well, l don't recognise you.- l'm sorry. my son. john.- strange, captain. you never told me you had a family.- who told you that? lsn't this my family?

lsn't farid family? well, l didn't call you overto introduce you to my family... but to ask you about the land deal. you see... that land is disputed. we've bought many such plots fromyou, did you encounter any problem? this time too, you won't.l'll pay the full amount right away. farid, advance!- oh no. listen to me, captain. lt's not a matter of money.please try to understand. give me some time.- ls it that yunus is vying...?

no, not yunus. javed.- l see. javed is full-bloodedlyseeking that land. forgive me, captain, butl think l won't be able to help you. shit! ls there any thing else l can do?- oh, mr trivedi... what else?you failed to deliver. do this little job for me.- tell me, l'll do it right away. l wanted some fodder for the fish.

where do you want it from? from? you have it. just a little...- what are you upto...? captain, you're insane! see, john? people havesuch strange hobbies. fishing is my hobby,being the bait is his. l dropped several hints,but he didn't agree. l guess javed tooshares his hobby. he's going to singapore tomorrow,to meet anna.

he won't. bull... here's a riddle. two gates in a zoo,one bigger than the other. a deer walks out of the small gateand gets in from the bigger one. why? the small gate is probably shutafter he leaves. no. maybe the gate's height...?- when he returns... he sees a wild animal at the gate,a lion perhaps... no.- pass. tell us john.

lt's the deer's wish.he can come and go anywhere he wants. shit!- bullshit. can't find it!- what? film ticket... gotcha. lt's a sushmita sen sushmita. which show?- first show obviously, stupid. first show? are you crazy?how will you get there? what's the big deal? enter an empty house, wait a while,boss will play golf, and soon we leave.

simple. aishwarya! l love aishwarya!what a body, what a face! so my little bulbul,why don't you profess your love? l had the idea. then l thoughtif she marries me... the film industry will be ruined.l can't bear to see others in pain. let's go. l will buy nice-nice toysand chocolates for my daughters. did you enjoy the holidays?- yes. l think she's crying, papa- diya...

she's crying. l think you should give herall the toys, papa. what will you have then?- lt's okay. wow! so handsome. hat, kaif. cannon, kaif. gun... two guns. l'll open the lift door.- no, l will. so javed is going to singapore today!- singapore called off.

he's going straight to heaven.- yunus will receive a great shock. shock? he'll die of shock. you don't look like a bull in any way.who christened you bull, and why? ask my pop after you die. okay? bulbul is an apt name boss gave you.- enough of jokes. shall l take the shot, john? will you? javed will be on target only forfive seconds. lf you miss... my aim's not that bad, okay?

diya, come on... papa. move! uncle... come on, john... we must leave. c'mon, john ! c'mon, forgive me now, kaif.what's wrong with you? l'm fine. bumped off four othersalong with javed, eh?

one-for-one-free scheme! but you'll be paid only for one. lt was written thatthe house was empty. true. the family was supposedto arrive next week... but turned up suddenly. so? which means you knew about it.- my mistake. shall l shoot...? and say l goofed? jo.. john.

forget it, john.- let him go. never make this mistake again. before l do, get out! l'm sorry to hear about javed... enough.- captain made a mistake. he's done wrong, yunus-bhai. l can't take it anymore. lnitiallyhe asked for a share in the business. and now he demands moneyin the drug deals. though it was peanuts,we still used get a share before.

not the same anymore. when bhatiaand kapoor demanded their share... he said the consignment was seized.- lt's not in the police records. yunus-bhai, you must avengejaved's death. all of us stand to gainwith captain's death. and kapoor? what does he say? he wouldn't come hereto face verma. well, l spoke to him at the golfclub. he also wants captain dead. captain's done me a lot of favours. looks like it's time to repay...

the debt. this way, sir. okay. you see that. take everyone's statements, be warm.and seal off the area. l will. how long have you known him? god! he was a major, sir.nagesh thakur. they were away on a month's holiday,supposed to return next week...

came back early to attendsomeone's wedding. who was at home?- major nagesh... his wife and a little kid. two kids. d'you have chocolates?- no, sir. nice doll. l have a doll too, see. why don't we exchange our dolls? don't worry, my child... no problem.look...

l'll keep it here.- her name is diya. know what? l got a little daughter,just like you. d'you know her name? her name's piya.look, l got her picture. look. who's sweeter? you tell me. you? or piya? take. great job, sir!

that evening when john cameto pick me up... l knew from his eyesthat something had gone wrong. "every heart has a desire" "one just needs to realise" "every little element..." "appears to radiate" "an unknown intoxicationgrips my heart" "a fading dreamflares up again" "this feeling, this consolation..."

"is this love?" "is this love...?" "question my skipping heartbeats" "oh, for someone who'd realise" listen to me first.there were so many idiots around. did you see the baldie sitting there?over there. you saw him, didn't you?guess what he did? he fished out his visiting card,gave it to me and asked... "d'you sing at private parties?"l denied it.

he questioned me thrice,and thrice l denied it. then guess what l did?l showed him the finger. his expression was worth watching.he didn't know what to do. that's funny, john.- yeah. why aren't you smiling, dear?are you all right? l've taken leave till the 15th. why?- what do you mean why? why would l take a leave? you can't afford to stay there, didn'tl tell you? guess why l told you?

what's on the 15th?- l don't remember. you don't remember? shalini, l don't rememberanything tonight. don't you really knowwhat's on this 15th? l don't remember. sure? on the 15th of this month is the3rd anniversary of our first meeting. how could you forget that?- l'm sorry. that cute sorrydeserves to be forgiven.

nothing doing till the're not going away, neither am l. only you and me! your favourite wineis inside the refrigerator. l've sent laxmi on leave too. we'll wine, dineand have fun, what say? don't sit... l got toshow you something. come here. see this bud, john? should we water it everyday,it'll bloom...

on the 15th, on our anniversary. lsn't that romantic? where are you lost? did you have anything since morning? please don't nod like that!lt reminds me of that manager. yes or no, say it clearly. actually, the poor guywhined today... when l told him l won't singtill the 15th... and if l do sing,it'll only be for my dear hubby.

he said, "you'll get your salaryminus 15,000" can you imagine? had he saidno leave, then... please pass that rag, john. "special coverage.lndia's budget" when we'll have a houseof our own... we'll have plants on all sides.lnside as well as outside. big windows... cool breeze comingthrough, curtains flying... and the floor will be granite.l cannot handle wood and all. "breaking news"

can you imagine...? just you and me. on the beach... by the deep blue waters... huge waves... l can almost hear it. we're reporting fromchallenger building. this is the house of major thakurand his innocent family... who were brutally murdered.the police have no lead yet.

what's wrong, honey? lf not me, who else will you tell? the only survivor is a seven-year-oldinnocent child diya... who survived by hiding on topof an air-conditioner. the police are investigating whethermajor thakur had any previous enmity. lt was a simple plan. suddenly there was a noise. but l committed a mistake.a grave mistake. out of the blueshe appeared before me.

the innocent child had no ideashe was facing her death. ln just 30 seconds,the entire family...! the happy, cheerful family! an ominous knell resonatedin my ears. her hands were going cold. when l open my eyes... l see their faces. when l shut them... l hear them scream.

shalini, please understand me. will you give me a hug? please help us find them.your names, addresses... and all detailswill be kept secret. l'm sorry, shalini. l'm sorry. seeking forgivenessand forgiving... won't make any difference. had you quit the job,this wouldn't have happened.

we just have to move on. let's go away... far away. yes. captain wants totalk to you, mr yunus. yunus, did you get the flowers? thank you very much, bro. thanks a million. l hear you after so long,l'm so unfortunate. and look at your good fortune,though for a short period...

allah gives youa new lease of life. yunus, the flowersare not for javed... it's meant for your coffin. oh, dear bro... no emperor, no king,no prince survive. lt's a misconception thatyou will stick to the throne, why? give those tough bones some's time for you to retire. yunus, l'll fix youand all those creeps... who think that the captain's shipis sinking.

and yes yunus, don't worry,you won't be lonely. l'll send over some friendsfor company. why can't we takeeverything along? l can't leave like this, shalini. l'll going to tellthe police everything. what do you think?the police will let you go? and suppose the policeeven let you off... are they going to spare you? had you been in my shoes...- but l am in your shoes, john !

round the clock! have you everconsidered what l'm going through? lf we run for it andsomething happens to you...? what if something happens to you?let's be done with it. we're getting out of here in15 minutes. 15 minutes! we can then think with a calm mind.please, john... sub-lnspector naik here.- l want to talk to acp wagh. what is it regarding?- he's the one l'll tell. who's calling?- give him the phone. he's in a meeting with thecommissioner. any message?

let's leave now.we can try later. there was an attack on the captain.he's called you over. l'll come later. he wants you over right now.l've been asked to bring you. you can talk it over with him.- hang on for a moment. l love you. on the seashore...just you and me. before they're released,his funeral will be arranged. that's okay, but l havejust one question.

will the job really be done?there should be no problem. you are talking tothe captain himself! are you okay?- yes. now look; no more compromises,meetings or discussions. only action. you're going to love it, john.we've got to bump off yunus. not right away. we've firstgot to eliminate the guys... who're showing yunus dreamsof becoming the captain. you're gonna love this job,'re going to love it. that's okay.kaif and bull will handle it.

no. you alone aregoing to do the job. kaif and bull will be around,but you'll have to pull it off. now don't tell me the idea ofkilling yunus scares you. no.- c'mon, son. as usual, let's shake hands. l'm quitting the racket. john. john! you're turning me down.correct?

and what reason...?- shalini and l... are getting out of the city.- where will you go? and do what? get into farming? graze cattle?run a poultry farm? what are you going to do?don't be a romantic fool! now look, john. had you told meabout this even two days ago... l'd have personallyseen you off. but not today. l consider you to be my son, john. and now when the father's attacked,is the son going to show his back?

no way, no. l don't want any...- sit down ! people are scared of you.because you possess a gun. they're scared because youcarry a gun, john. and people are scared of mebecause l have money, power... and you. people who have nothing,go around begging for favours. and the others,people with power... do as they please.

they do anything goddamn thingthey want to! get those silly ideasout of your mind. c'mon... come. this is the last timel'm shaking hands with you. we're not goingto meet ever again. you will come back to me, really will. because the world outside isn't asromantic as you imagine it to be. john ! good luck.

what could l do, if not turn himdown? l don't want this job anymore. you know, the captain doesn'tlike "no" for an answer. he'd better get used to it.- try and understand, john. you know what captain did to fakrufor just a little thing... what's wrong with the car?what are you upto? who's fakru? and what's with him?- lt happened before you arrived. he refused the captain too.the captain used his sword... and fakru was beheaded.that's the captain. the captain's not in the habitof taking "no" for an answer.

l know what dangers lie ahead.- lt's okay then. as soon as possible...- that's what l'll do. mind if l say something? lt's just a matter of two days.the captain will have a job done... and there won't be any dangerto you or shalini either. nobody's going to know.- me...? won't l get to know either? l got to leave withshalini right now. just a minute.l'm almost through. hello.

very lonely without shaliniaround in the house, isn't it? what's she worth anyway?you're so lucky. l thought she was all aloneand so l called her over. shalini and l are going to spendthe next two days together... and say so much to each other. where's shalini? l want to talk to this moment! shut up! captain ! where is shalini?

the poor girl doesn't even knowthat we have kidnapped her. john... is that you?hello... shalini. where are you? are you okay? the manager said therewas some danger... and you... you even leftyour cell-phone at home. where are you right now?- l'm just taking a precaution. l'm getting a friend of mineto make passports for us. l want you to remain there so youwill not be in any kind of danger.

are you telling me the truth?- trust me, shalini. l do. where can l find you then?- don't worry about me. how am l not to worry? you ought tohave told me that l had to come here. listen... will you do me a favour? can you go home?- what for? l think l forgot to switch offthe geyser. okay and listen... if you're going home... please water my'll die if you don't water it.

lt will be taken care take care of yourself. where's my kiss...? ls everything all right? l somehow don't like it. don't worry. nothing will happen to you. l love you.- l love you, too. bye, love.- bye. l give you my wordbring those five guys here...

and take your sweetheart away. when you bump off one of them... you'll get to talk to yoursweetheart again. deal? lf something happensto my sweetheart... l will kill you. when, whom and's all explained in this. take my advise, bro.don't... your girl... l mean,it's too risky, bro. anything new?

l still say, let's do as captain says..- speak up. where's shalini? tell me, quick!- you're going to kill me...? shalini's also going to die then. hello, captain, you've won the bet. this crazy guy's really cometo save shalini. watch it, john. save this anger and obsessionto kill those five guys. and don't waste any more time.

before shalini's turned intofodder for the fish... go away, my boy. just go. try and remember've looked into his eyes. what were his eyes like? we got no time to lose.we must pull it off at the earliest. there's no way we can refuse...- you needn't say that, bull. lt's not an easy job, bro. any reckless step can increasethe danger to sis-in-law. let's go through the plan.

yunus lsmail. holed up in a roomon the top-floor of his hotel. his guards, posing as staff,keeping vigil. the hotel's being watchedround the clock. patil. the bloody cop.- go on. lnder kapoor. national lndustries.- surrounded by guards... shuttles between his factory andhouse in a bullet-proof car. goes out to play golf occasionally. verma. has taken a bullet earlier.but eventually escaped.

has his office right at home.remains hidden like a rat. always surrounded by guards.always. bhatia. leads a life of luxury. has his work-outs with the ministerin his secure gym. guards, there too. goes jogging every morning.has an office at nariman point. with tight security.seems impossible. l got to make it possible.where will be bhatia be right now? nariman point.

hurry up.- john, he'll get away. hurry. the kid?- kid...? where's the kid, john?there's no kid there. john, he's getting away! what the hell are you doing, john? that was the last chance! we can now find bhatia only at hisnew babe's nightclub tonight. security is said to be tight there.but l'm sure we'll manage it, john. l don't know how,but we'll do it.

looks like orders from higher ups.acp wagh is personally protecting him. and if john doesn't kill bhatia,captain's going to be offended. a little inconvenience for mewould cause agony to john. that's something not just l knew.captain knew it, too. yes, captain?- kaif? ok. ask your friend just how many moresins he's going to make me commit. well, never mind. tell himthat there's no time to lose. you get that?- yes.

good evening, sir. how are you?- l'm fine, thank you officer, there's no need forthe police in there. we have enough security, please. no suspicious character would evendream of getting in there. don't worry, sir.- but l can't take chances. "to love, you dance!" "every sorrow,it turns into a song..." "the heartstrings,it plays on..." "hide as l try to..."

"love makes me dance" "a high, it's a high !" "a wave of colours unknown" "lt's a venom thethe heart loathes"** "every sorrow..." "l dance, l dance..." "it's love that makes mego into a frenzy" "love it is that makes mework up the frenzy" the sketch is ready, sir.l've also called the witness over.

the captain wants youto talk to shalini. shalini, l... l'm very happy here.l have no problems whatsoever. you're sorry that theycut off my finger? honestly... l felt no pain at all. l did scream, l admit... but it wasn't out of the fearof my finger being cut off, john. as you know... we've never hidden anythingfrom each other.

but l was hollering awaylike a toddler, john. had l known it... l'd have quietly borneall the pain. why didn't you tell me, john? what would you have said,had you been in my shoes? tell me the truth at least now, john. and don't feed me storiesabout passports. lf you tell me another story... it'll be the last timeyou'll be telling me a story.

l've got to kill 5 people. so you're going back to that? so much l can promise you...l will not lie anymore. l won't let you come to any harm. the captain has threatened tokill me and guys of my group! sir... here you are. so this is the aceup captain's sleeve? who is he?- wagh's making enquiries. we'll get to know as soon ashe finds out.

you're absolutely right, mr lalwani. the police suspect thatthere is a hit-list. so l wish you wouldrestrict your movements. l want you to inform us about whateverschedule you've drawn up for the day. mr patil, it's time you enjoyedthe green bucks in your bank account. why don't you squeeze in a few ofour guys' names into the list? or are you capable of only forcingyourself on the lady...? two policemen in plain clotheswill always be with you. lf you sense anything wrong,anytime... please phone me.

yes?- kapoor's here already. before time, kaif! hurry up!- what?! stay there. we're coming over.john, kapoor got there before time. c'mon ! let's go! john, acp wagh suddenly showed upthere and whisked kapoor away! there's acp wagh here and out therethere are yunus's guys... shalini's in captain's custody. there are four more guys to go.and who do l have ? don't worry, john.we still have time...

time is what l don't have! time, l just don't have! verma and kapoor will have tobe killed together. all right, john, but how...? l mean, verma and kapoor hateeach other so much... for them to come seems just impossible. they will. they will come together.what's the common link between them? their bank. and their banker. captain, shalini iscreating problems.

l'll kill you... l'll kill you !- what are you doing, shalini? what madness is this...?- l'm sick of this... let me go! shalini, your attempts at escapingwill go in vain, my child. you will leave this place only when johnhas completed the job l've given him. relax. know what? that's no wayto talk to your elders. l consider john to be my treat this as your own house. lt's just a matter of another day.then it'll all be finished. over. do you have a problem with that?do you...?

you don't? good girl. one moment. l'll get youto talk to john. operator, connect me to john. hello, john? shalini's beentrying to escape... she's creating a nuisance over here. so don't blame me if shecomes to any harm. at this rate, l can of courseguarantee my own behaviour... but not farid's and the restof the guards, can l? so make her see reason.okay...? one minute.

here you to john. and behave yourself. please. farid...- yes, captain? shalini must come to no harmuntil my job is accomplished. should something happento her, you will... why're you acting like this?- l thought... that if l managed to escape... l could prevent you fromcommitting any more murders. l haven't done anything wrong,have l?

l have something to say. ln the house we build... let's have a wooden floor. a concrete floor is very cold.also terribly hard. and let's have onlylight-coloured curtains. so that there's always light. does that ring a bell? what? happy anniversary, love.

l can't hug you,l can't kiss you... this is hardly the anniversarywe had imagined for ourselves. tell me something. the plant must be dead by now,isn't it? lt's still alive. has the bud on it blossomed yet?- yes. you didn't remember ouranniversary, john? to be honest, l don'tremember any thing at all. you don't even rememberthe sound of my voice then.

your voice...?lt's always with me. very soon, we're goingto be together again. on the seashore,by the deep blue waters... only you and l. and your liltingvoice, in the air... "just that wee bit..." "lit up..." "like every heartwith its desires" "lf only people could realise it" everything will be okay, john.

i promise. just tell me once that you love me. l love you, shalini. l love you, too. lt was for my sake that johnhad taken to the gun again. l could see only one wayof stopping him. "take it all away.all l have is my breath..." "take it away too" "my heartbeat... vacuous"

"take it away too" "that which l wished to be,isn't to be..." that which l didn't ever want,is in abundance" "the peace l foundin my desires..." "is sacrificed at the altarof my desires itself" captain, bad news.shalini has slit her wrist. no.. she's alive. "all l have is my breath..." "the path of lovenow stands deserted..."

"you may take away whatlittle breath l have" "no smiles..." "nor is there any light" "neither is there a smile on theface, nor is there any brightness" "lost in the abyss of tearsis every joy" "not on land..." "not in mid-air..." "it's a vacuuml find myself in" "all my pain,every moment l spent..."

"every feelingl have experienced..." "now assumes a new meaning" "take it away...a little breath is all l have" "my heart-beat... vacuous...take it all away" "take it all away..." lrani here. make sure you meet meat 3 this afternoon. the case might take a month or amonth and a half to be settled. are you willing to take the risk?okay. no...? the other directorswill start suspecting something.

okay? see you exactly at 3 then. varma, lrani here. go to the bank and withdrawall your money immediately. the bank's going to be sealed.the central bank's taking over. don't telephone me. lt might makethe other directors suspicious. sharp at 3.that's where l will meet you. okay? l'm taking mr kapoor to powai, sir. what's up? why's there achange in his schedule?

he has important business at the l'm accompanying him to powai, sir. okay. out. amazing, isn't it? he cares morefor his business than his life. business is his very life, sir.- hello... shukla here, sir. mr mirchandani has cancelledall his programmes, sir. we're now taking him to hisrest house at alibaug. have you informed the police in alibaug?- yes, sir. one moment, shah. good afternoon, sir.

l'm sorry, it's tough to provide policeprotection to such a large area, sir. what are our instructions, sir? all stations stand by. yes, sir. lt's just for a few days.please cooperate, sir. thank you so much, sir. the varma escort-squad reporting, sir.- come in. we're taking mr varma to powaithrough the aarey milk colony, sir. for a film shoot?- no film shoot, sir.

he has urgent business at the bank.over and out, sir. contact the powai police andhave a police squad ready. they ought to be in plain clothes.make it quick. litsen, shinde. c'mon ! lt'll be taken care of...what? yes, yes. i know. l'll fix that too. okay bye!

sir, please!l have already warned you. your lives are in danger. you aren't making things easier for mecoming here... please, come with me. move. kaif?- let's go. he was a friend of mine. please take her away today.- why? do you have a problem? the police are keeping a watch on her.they keep dropping in all the time. that's exactly why l ask you to giveher a tranquiliser and keep her out.

that's it.- but l can't give her calmpose. but what's the problem with that?- she's pregnant. lf l give her any more sedatives, itcould badly affect her and her baby. l'm sorry, ma'am. diya... how are you, my child? have you found a relativeof hers yet? poor baby! what if you don'tfind a relative? she'll go to an orphanage.what else? how can anyone send such a sweetgirl to an orphanage?

such people...- someone's here to meet you, sir. hi, diya! look how manychocolates l've got for you. want me to unwrap this one?want to eat it? how're you keeping now? yes, salim?- we got the dope on him. his name is john. good work!where does he live? bandra. or thereabouts. who's there in his family?- only a wife.

she's a singer at the butterfly lounge.- butterfly lounge...? may l sleep in your lap?- of course. come on. you will get john's wifeto tell you about him. so you've made a mistake, eh?- yes. for just a moment... just a moment...? you fool!you know what can happen in a moment? you could looseyour life in a moment! don't shoot me... please! lf shalini meets up with john beforewe can get to her, who's going to die? l'll do anything you say.

really? bow then. a bit more. what news? two killings together.- fantastic! very good! how about the rest of them?- that comes later. l need to talk to shalini first.- aha! have faith, my son. after every killing, you keeppestering shalini like a dog! where's shalini?l need to talk to her. "l want to talk to this moment..."

okay. one moment shalini... shalini! my car's not's raining, let me go... l need your help, please...- let go of the phone! l'm not a thief! l'm not! l want tomake just one call. just one call! please.- okay, give me your number 98200 42420 must be asleep.- asleep? yes. we had to give hera tranquiliser.

don't worry. l'll get her to talkto you as soon as she wakes up. l don't care a damn !lt's a deal! of course, it's a deal!l know it's a deal. the phone's busy.- just one more try... please. lt's still busy.- l won't ask you again... please try once more.just once again ! there's very little time.- that's what l'm telling you, dammit! there's very little time.act fast! you're the one l'm talkingabout, captain.

lf l don't have a word with shalini,you're going to be in deep trouble. dammit! lt's ringing! john...- shalini!? l don't know where theywere keeping me... but l've just run awayfrom the hospital! where are you right now?- excuse me... give me the phone! l'm... l'm outside a bank.- which bank? lndian bank.- lndian bank?

l have something to tell you, john.- what is it, shalini? l have to go...please give me the phone! come soon, l'll tell you then. don't worry, shalini. l'll be therein just about 20 or 25 minutes. l'll be there.- yes... hurry up. l'm on my way! for christ's sake! there arejust two guys left! finish him.- don't worry, sir the two of them will be fixed.- do l take his word for true?

the captain will have a job done,if we heed the captain's advise... where are you right now? john, there's somethingl forgot to tell you. you're going to be a father. smart boy. l know why you won't kill me.shalini's in my custody. "my deeds..." "they moved with me,they stopped with me..." "my deeds forevershadowed me"

"my destiny you have writ..." "it's your mercyman depends on" "you are kind" "you say nothing..." "in an idol of stone,you dwell..." "to the human,you have given a heart" "lt always moved with me,stopped with me..." "you have granted us heaven,you have given us sorrow" hello.- acp wagh.

john here.- john. go on. can l meet you?- what for? to discuss something important.- do l figure in your hit-list too? must you ask everything overthe phone? don't you want to meet me? where? rashid here, sir.we know where the girl is, sir. l see.- she's in captain's custody. where did you follow them from?- from the captain's bungalow at madh. they've taken her to a millat the mldc, sir.

how many guys did captain have?- about a dozen of them, sir. all of them heavily armed, sir.- all right. make sure they don't suspectwe've got to know. - right. what's up, john?any problems? you could've come to the policestation to lodge a complaint. why did you call me here? so...? what is it? no business. lt's need. l need you. you need me.

why would l need you?try something else. and make it quick. l'm likelyto catch a cold in the rain. shalini.- she's in captain's custody. you have nothing to offer me. please, sir...shalini's pregnant. your wife is pregnant. there's no saying what might happenof you... and your wife's pregnant. l want to save shalini'sand the baby's life, sir. tell me something, john...

why shouldn't l be arresting you,right here and now? you can't arrest me. you need hands touse a gun, mr acp. l'll give you all the evidenceagainst captain. please save shalini.- all right, john. l'll save shalini andyour baby's life. ln exchange, you will return to meevery member of diya's family. l'd have done that,if l really could. when you have no authorityto grant someone life...

who gave you the right totake people's lives? shalini means the world to you.but she means nothing to me. just as major thakur, his littlechild, and his wife... meant nothing to you !so let shalini die, if she has to! l could run away, but l didn't! because l knew that l couldn'trun away from myself. all l could realise is that thepath l had chosen was a wrong one. my only hope was that ofstarting life afresh. guess why l came here, john.

l wanted to look into the joker's eyes,the eyes that didn't let me sleep... after the murder at the club. lf you want me to help you, comewith me to the police station. what have you to say? what happened, sir?- l let him escape. he'll come back to us. when all ways of saving meappeared to be closed... john decided to stake his own life. the captain's ace!

patil must've told you everything.- sure. well, handsome? were youout of your mind...? or didn't you want to live anymore?or have you come here to die... to try out a new formula the baldiehas suggested to you? l'm here to kill, not die. the captain has drawn up a hit-list. apart from those who arealready killed... it contains the names ofthe two of you too. so you want me to summon a referee toblow the whistle and start the match?

why don't you shoot?- let's talk business. what are you here for?- l've come to save your lives. and l can take captain's life too. you're standing in the jaws of death,and you talk of saving and taking lives? you take us for clowns, do you? your son leaves to play tennisin a government-owned car... at four every day. am l right?- so...? what are we to do? there's a life to be saved.- why don't you do it on your own?

you're a professional anyway.- only a police officer... can do it right now. and incidentally,you happen to be a police officer. lf you intend to con us, you'regoing to die a miserable death. and until patil returns,you're going to stay with me. ln this very room. with me. don't get closer!l'll shoot! whom will you shoot?her...? or me? you're going to shoot me?so go ahead. shoot!

shoot, l say! come on! just get her out of here! hey... where's wagh?- he's in there, sir. what are you doing here?go and help him! - sir. sorry... just you go,it's an order! sir...?- you just go! come... john has sent me.l'll take you there.

we'll go to john. okay? sir, that dcp.. where's shalini?- dcp patil took her away, sir no one ever double-crosses one! yunus, l don't know howwagh got there. lt's all become too risky for me. no tension, patil.the captain's days are over. l've kept my part of the's your turn now. until you bring captain herein a bier...

your wife will remain herewith us in safety. what say, handsome...?- no, let me go... come... take care of her hey.. come on. are you okay? stupid boy! you're worthy ofonly starting a poultry farm! "every hearthas its desires" "lf only..."

"people realised it" john ! please...say something to me, please! we'll go someplace far away...start a new life, john. control room?send an ambulance l'm carrying your baby... l'm sorry.- no, l... l badly need you, john ! look at me.please, john... look at me... wake up!john !

john ! wake up! look, the police have left! we'll go away, john.far away. no one can separate us. remember...? on the seashore,by the deep blue waters... and you and me... remember?wake up, please. we'll get over all this. we'll build a house of our own.and have a wooden floor. please wake up...wake up, please!

john believed that heaven and hellare here on earth. lt's here that we have toaccount for our deeds. he has gone away,leaving behind his memories... a few unrealised dreams,a few unkept promises.

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